Rebirth in Against the Gods with The Ultimate System

Chapter 162: Just A Normal Tuesday (III)

Chapter 162: Just A Normal Tuesday (III)

The trio strolled through the majestic inner palace court's central plaza, a bustling hub where disputes among palace disciples were settled, and challenges for resources, rankings, or even bets were a common occurrence. Cang Yue, leading the way, shared insights into the intricacies of the place.

"I used to come here for battles quite often. With my cultivation, no one dared to challenge me," Yuanba bragged, his confidence momentarily overshadowed by a hint of uncertainty. Witnessing Yun Che's prowess during the events in New Moon City had left him questioning his own standing beside his brother-in-law. Despite his desire to assert dominance, he couldn't shake off the feeling of being overshadowed.

"So, anyone can be challenged?" Yun Che inquired, intrigued by the dynamics of power within the inner palace. If challenges were the norm, it meant inner disciples could exploit the weaker outer disciples for resources. Yuanba, being a direct disciple of Qin Wushang, enjoyed a certain immunity, but challenging others could lead to unfavorable consequences as the strongest can be seen as a bully should they challenge anyone.

Cang Yue explained, "It's not a fair system. Ranks aren't permanent, and anyone can be challenged. The inner palace is a delicate balance – too strong, and no one bothers you; too weak, and you become an easy target."

As they navigated the central plaza, unsettling news reached their senses through Yun Che and Cang Yue's extended haki. The Blue Wind Profound Palace, despite its affiliation with the royal family, stood weaker compared to formidable sects. More disturbingly, some members of these sects displayed open disrespect for Emperor Cang Wanhe, even wishing for his demise. The echoes of rebellion lingered, with some boasting about their support for the insurrection.

Yun Che keenly observed Cang Yue's expressions growing sour with every revelation. Despite her regal stature, there was little she could do to quell the disdainful sentiments aimed at her father. The complex power dynamics within the inner palace now unfolded before them, entwining their fates with a political tapestry that seemed impossible to unravel.

A sudden voice pierced through the air, drawing Yun Che's attention. "So, you're the Mr. Prince who beats up my cousin," the voice declared. Yun Che's curiosity piqued; he had only shared the alias "Mr. Prince" with one person. His eyes shifted to the source, revealing a young man with a domineering presence, armed with a spear. The ponytailed figure, not older than twenty, approached with an air of arrogance that suggested trouble.

"Murong Yi," Cang Yue muttered with a low tone, recognizing the troublemaker. Murong Yi was infamous for his legal but relentless bullying, especially directed at outer disciples. Feng Baiyi had warned Cang Yue about him before.

"Dude, I'm just a guest here!" Yun Che protested as Murong Yi closed in. However, the inner palace's rule of challenges applied to everyone, even guests like him.

Yuanba stepped forward, defending Yun Che. "You! He was the one who started it first."

Murong Yi countered, "Xia Yuanba, this is my matter with Mr. Prince right here. You have no right to interfere!"

As the tension escalated, Murong Yi voiced his grievance, "Do you think you can simply beat up my cousin and be done with it?!" Digging into the database, Yun Che recalled Murong Ye challenging him in the main story for the same reason. In this parallel universe, Murong Yi seemed to have taken up the mantle of causing trouble, using legal means to torment others. Now that they did something to his cousin, he used the same method to bother guests like him.

Yun Che sighed, a hint of annoyance in his voice, "I'm not even a disciple of this place. I just came to visit." The clash of personalities and motives set the stage for a confrontation that would unfold within the inner palace's central plaza.

As the accusations flew, Cang Yue attempted to defend Yun Che, ready to shoulder the blame as she was the one who flicked Murong Ye. However, Yun Che gently tapped her shoulder, signaling her to step aside. With a nod, she acquiesced, allowing him to take charge.

"Let me handle this," Yun Che reassured before gracefully leaping onto the elevated stage. The central plaza was now surrounded by onlookers, creating an impromptu arena. Feng Baiyi, wearing a sly grin in the crowd, seemed to relish the unfolding drama. "Mr. Prince, take this as your punishment for refusing to join me. Even if you beg, I won't accept it anymore," he declared with a tone of finality.

Sighing, Yun Che accepted the challenge, realizing that defending himself was futile at this point. "You know, let me make things interesting. Call out all of your gang and let's settle this like men. I am standing on the stage. Come up here one by one or all of you come out at the same time. I am fine either way."


Within the crowd, laughter erupted as Yun Che fearlessly challenged Murong Yi, making the latter seem like a joke. A boisterous disciple in the crowd shouted, "That kid is mad! Challenging an inner disciple? Looks like we might get a one-sided show here."

"Hahaha... to think someone is crazy enough to challenge Murong Yi!" echoed another bystander, amused by the audacity of Yun Che.

"What's his cultivation?"

"He didn't have any. Oh heavens, this is going to be easy with Murong Yi, I am envious of him!"

"All right, I am placing bets!! Who wants to bet against the kid?" A group nearby Cang Yue suddenly erupted in excitement.

"I am placing my bets with Murong Yi!" declared a confident disciple, pooling his resources towards the collector, convinced he was on the winning side. Soon, more disciples followed suit, placing their bets overwhelmingly against Yun Che.

However, there was one exception. "I am placing my bets on him," a peach-headed boy with outer disciple robes, named Yun Xiaofan, spoke up referring to his bet on Yun Che.

"Yun Xiaofan!! You're crazy, right? Ready to lose all your resources?" his fellow sect mates teased, mocking his seemingly ill-fated decision.

"It's all I have anyway," Yun Xiaofan replied with a dejected expression. Reluctant to bet against Murong Yi due to past losses, he still chose to support Yun Che in a gamble that seemed stacked against him.

"Your loss," the collector sneered, eager to extract resources from the seemingly naive outer disciple. Meanwhile, the fifteen-year-old Yun Xiaofan stood near Xia Yuanba, looking at Yun Che with a hopeful expression.

"You bet on my brother in... I mean, boss?" Yuanba asked with surprise.

"Yes, I wasn't hoping to win anyway..." Yun Xiaofan replied, still wearing a dejected expression.

"We could be friends. What's your name?" Yuanba inquired with a cheerful demeanor.

"Yun Xiaofan," the outer disciple replied, introducing himself and revealing his status as a fifteen-year-old in the outer circle.

"We're the same age. I am Xia Yuanba!" Yuanba introduced himself, shaking Yun Xiaofan's hands.

"You... aren't you Vice Palace Master's direct disciple?" Yun Xiaofan asked in obvious shock.

"Yes, I am, but I can't make any friends at all. You'll be my first friend in this palace," Yuanba replied sincerely.

"Why do you bother being friends with me? I am just a nobody," Yun Xiaofan said, his tone reflecting his dejection.

"You have the same surname as my boss. Hehe..." Yuanba grinned, extending a warm hand of friendship.

"Same surname?" Yun Xiaofan wondered, surprised that sharing a surname could earn him the companionship of a top disciple. He nodded and smiled, "Please treat me well, brother Xia!" The peach-headed boy, Yun Xiaofan, expressed gratitude, finding an unexpected connection in this eventful moment.


Looking back at the battle, Xia Yuanba remained silent, trusting Yun Che's combat prowess, while Cang Yue, having witnessed his capabilities, decided to enjoy the show rather than worry.

"Brazen! You think you can do whatever you want in this palace just because you're a guest?" Murong Yi protested, visibly angered.

"I didn't. Everyone just keeps picking fights with me. Plus, he kept bothering my fiancée," Yun Che retorted, his tone tinged with boredom.

"Consider her lucky to gain his attention. You should concede when he took an interest in her," Murong Yi sneered, his eyes undressing Cang Yue as he licked his lips, an unsettling gaze that made her uncomfortable.

"So, I should suck it up and let him take her? Not a chance, dude," Yun Che shot back. Murong Yi's anger escalated, his intentions shifting from defeating Yun Che to outright hostility.

"Murong Yi!"

However, a sudden voice intervened, and a figure descended onto the arena, placing himself between Yun Che and Murong Yi. A 20-year-old man with long brown hair, clad in inner disciple robes, bore an uncanny resemblance to someone Yun Che had encountered back in New Moon City. With an air of calmness, he questioned Murong Yi's actions.

"Murong Yi! Why in the world do you keep on attacking newcomers?" The newcomer's voice cut through the tension, prompting Yun Che to wonder about his true intentions and the connection between this man and events from his past.

"He attacked my cousin. Are you backing him up, Sikong Du?" Murong Yi questioned, directing his frustration at the newcomer. Yun Che swiftly accessed his mental database, recognizing the name as Sikong Du, the son of Sikong Han from the New Moon Profound Palace. A grin played on Yun Che's lips momentarily, appreciating Sikong Du's instinct to stand up for justice, much like his father.

"You challenged anyone you desire and took their resources. Bullying in the name of a challenge. I am putting a stop to this," Sikong Du declared, determined to curb Murong Yi's unjust actions.

"Sikong? You're Sikong Han's son?" Yun Che mused, and his words reached Sikong Du's ears.

"Yes, you are?" Sikong Du inquired, unfamiliar with Yun Che but intrigued by his connection to his father.

"You could say I know your father quite well. He's a nice man. He kind of helped me out before. I owe him," Yun Che explained, offering a respectful gesture.

"You're a friend to my father?" Sikong Du asked, and Yun Che nodded. Pleased by the association, Sikong Du reciprocated the gesture. "Anyone who is a friend to my father is a friend of mine."

"Stop ignoring me!" Murong Yi angrily shouted, prompting Sikong Du to intervene, warning the former to back off.

Yun Che tapped Sikong Du's shoulder, expressing gratitude for his concern. "Sigh... just let me handle this. I appreciate your concern. If you dealt with him here, he might come after me later. I'll settle this here right now."

Sikong Du pondered for a moment before nodding. He couldn't protect the newcomer indefinitely, realizing Yun Che's determination. "But... If you insist..." With that, Sikong Du leaped to the arena's edge, leaving the resolution in Yun Che's hands.

Witnessing this, Murong Yi brandished his spear, pointing it at Yun Che. "Why are you just standing there? Draw your weapon!"

"I did... Let's get this over with," Yun Che replied, his tone bored as he casually put his hands in his pockets. His nonchalant demeanor irked Murong Yi, who was eager for a confrontation. The dispute had attracted a growing crowd of disciples, with inner and outer disciples alike gathering to witness the impending clash.

"Huarrhhgghh…" Murong Yi, driven by frustration, unleashed a barrage of attacks on Yun Che, who effortlessly dodged each strike as if they were predictable dance moves. Murong Yi's attacks, initially barely controlled, devolved into a chaotic flurry that Yun Che easily anticipated. Even his haki skillfully patterned the attacks like readable boss attack patterns in a video game.

"Stop dodging…" Murong Yi shouted in exasperation, launching attack after attack, only to find Yun Che effortlessly sidestepping and evading. Yun Che didn't even bother taking his hands out of his pockets, at times using Murong Yi's own spear as a stepping stone.

"Flicker Spear!!!!" Murong Yi roared, hurling spear attacks in all directions, but Yun Che exploited the blind spots and gracefully jumped to safety. The onlookers were left speechless as Yun Che stood unruffled, not a single random attack finding its mark. His mastery of Kenbunshoku No Haki allowed him to see attack trajectories, range, blind spots, and safe zones, making him practically untouchable.

"How… how did you avoid my spears?!!" Murong Yi shouted, growing fatigued while Yun Che remained unfazed.

"Guess you're a lousy shot," Yun Che taunted, looking at Murong Yi with disdain.

Concentrating his power into his spear, Murong Yi unleashed a powerful attack, shouting, "Drive Spear!!!" in a desperate attempt to break through Yun Che's defenses.

"This is a waste of time…." Yun Che mused, effortlessly leaping to avoid the attack.

"Brochette… (Skewer)," Yun Che murmured as he vaulted over the top of Murong Yi's attack range. He spun his legs in place, aiming one directly downward, then descended like a drill, striking his extended leg at Murong Yi. Instead of a face hit, Yun Che directed the blow onto his spine, shattering it and leaving him permanently crippled in physical and cultivation.

Yun Che, foreseeing potential future conflicts, opted for a debilitating strike. Leaving Murong Yi alive could lead to him conspiring with others like Feng Baiyi and Xue Lang. The crowd's reactions ranged from gaping shock to forced awakeness, witnessing Yun Che's prowess in both combat and strategy.

"Guess you can join your cousin," Yun Che remarked coolly as Murong Yi lay unconscious on the ground, his spine shattered. Aware of the animosity against Murong Yi from his exploits in the system's database, Yun Che foresaw a bleak future for the defeated inner disciple. Rather than killing him outright, which could tarnish Yun Che's image, it seemed likely that others seeking vengeance would do the job for him.

"What the… am I seeing things?"

"Isn't this a dream right… tell me this is a dream!"

"Murong Yi defeated?! That kid is cheating! He must be!"

Even Yun Xiaofang, who had hoped for the best for Yun Che, widened his eyes in disbelief. He hadn't anticipated a victory, let alone such a decisive one.

The crowd fell silent as Murong Yi, once an arrogant figure, now lay defeated and crippled with a single strike. The collector, who had taken bets just moments ago, stood with his mouth agape, realizing the severity of his miscalculation. Sensing imminent danger from disgruntled bettors, he attempted to make a run for it, only to find Xia Yuanba blocking his path.

"Xia Yuanba!" The collector shouted, prompting the crowd to distance themselves from him.

"I think you owe my brother here his bet," Yuanba asserted, his domineering presence sending shivers down the collector's spine. Swiftly, he handed Yuanba a spatial bag filled with resources contributed by outer and inner disciples alike, then made a hasty escape. Yuanba, aware that many disciples were likely after the collector now, grinned and turned to Yun Xiaofang.

"Congratulations, brother... you won!" Yuanba said, handing the spatial bag filled with untold resources to Yun Xiaofang.

"This..." Yun Xiaofang couldn't believe his eyes. He now possessed enough resources to cultivate beyond his wildest dreams. Overnight, he had transitioned from the poorest to the richest, all because he had bet on a person he didn't expect to win. The newfound wealth could propel him into the True Profound Realm, fulfilling his dream of becoming an inner disciple.

"What is your boss's name? Please. I must know," Yun Xiaofang pleaded eagerly.

"He is called Yun Che," Yuanba replied casually.

"Yun Che… he has the same surname as me." Yun Xiaofang would forever remember this moment – not only for becoming rich in an instant but also for gaining a brother in a direct disciple. He realized he owed this stroke of luck for the rest of his life.


"You…. You!!!" Feng Baiyi charged onto the stage, standing beside the crippled Murong Yi. Having paid Murong Yi to cripple Yun Che, he found himself dumbfounded as his hired thug suffered the same fate. Yun Che maintained a bored expression, seemingly unfazed.

Seething with frustration, Feng Baiyi launched a sneak attack towards Yun Che, attempting to catch him off guard. However, Yun Che anticipated the move, his bored expression morphing into one of mild annoyance. With a seemingly casual motion, he raised his leg to deliver a kick.

Feng Baiyi, quick on his feet, swiftly deployed layers of barriers to shield himself. He expected his defensive measures to halt the impending attack, but to his disbelief, Yun Che's kick shattered each barrier, layer after layer. The force of the impact landed squarely on Feng Baiyi's stomach, sending him hurtling across the arena.

Feng Baiyi refused to accept the reality unfolding before him. Those barriers were designed to withstand attacks even from a Spirit Profound Realm warrior, yet Yun Che obliterated them with a single kick. The crowd gasped in awe, recognizing that Yun Che's strength surpassed their expectations.

A single kick! It was all he needed to shatter Feng Baiyi's barrier. The man himself, frustrated and angered, turned towards the crowd, shouting, "What are you all doing?! Why the hell am I paying you all for?! He is not a guest; he is a criminal!"

Without warning, Yun Che swiftly appeared next to Feng Baiyi and delivered a powerful kick directly to his face, sending him flying across the arena again.

"Get him!" Dozens of Feng Baiyi's followers drew their weapons, attempting to overwhelm Yun Che. Sikong Du, shocked by Yun Che's actions, tried to intervene, but he found himself stunned by what Yun Che chose to do next.

"Why is it always like this?" Yun Che muttered with a bored expression before leaping into the midst of his opponents. His arms on the arena, he spun his legs with precision, delivering swift and calculated kicks to all his adversaries. Yun Che didn't spin directly like a top; instead, he halted his motion and spun in the opposite direction, hitting more opponents. With the skill of a wild top, he effortlessly sent all of his adversaries flying out of the arena, leaving the crowd gaping in astonishment. Remarkably, Yun Che achieved this feat using only his legs, never once using his arms!

Lifting himself up with his arms, Yun Che landed gracefully on the arena. His bored expression unchanged, he addressed himself, "I thought coming together was a good plan. The 'Attack Him Altogether' strategy. Guess shit didn't work as intended."

"Arrgghhh…" Feng Baiyi grunted, holding his face. Yun Che approached him with an apologetic tone. "Sorry about your Uncle Fang; I guess a streak of light took him out…"

Feng Baiyi, deep in thought for a moment, widened his eyes in realization. Killing this kid was supposed to be easy, but when Uncle Fang didn't return after a few hours, Feng Baiyi assumed the worst. "Prince!!! You killed Uncle Fang!!"

"I didn't… someone else did," Yun Che flatly denied as he sensed a sword light about to strike. Swiftly shifting his body aside, two streaks of light passed him and landed on the arena. "Hold it!! You're not getting past us!"

This time, two disciples clad in inner robes drew their swords, ready to engage Yun Che. Spotting them, Feng Baiyi grinned, having spent a thousand purple profound coins to challenge Yun Che after expecting him to be weakened by Murong Yi. His plan to strike where it hurt was thwarted by unforeseen circumstances.

"Huh, Twins…" Yun Che mused. Without warning, the twins initiated their attack, and Yun Che deftly evaded their strikes.

"Chee…" Yun Che cursed under his breath as the twins proved relentless in their assault. Yet, it didn't mean he remained on the defensive. Seizing an opportunity, the twins synchronized a thrust attack, which played right into Yun Che's strategy. Shifting his body downward, he used his arms to cushion the landing.

"Collier (Neck)," Yun Che employed a swift thrust with his hands towards the twins' chins. Caught off guard, the twins staggered from the impact. "Frit! (Fry)," before they could react, Yun Che harnessed the remaining force of his legs to propel the twins further upward. Their figures collided with the wall above, before gracefully descending to the ground, unconscious and defeated.

The crowd watched in stunned silence, realizing that Yun Che's combat prowess was not to be underestimated.

"He… Even the Wang twins unable to beat him?"

"Who is this kid?"

"He even uses his legs against their swords."

"Can anyone else beat him?!"

Sikong Du widened his eyes, struggling to comprehend what he was witnessing. He had initially underestimated Yun Che, taking him for a normal cultivator without any discernible aura. However, Yun Che's movements betrayed the notion that he was just an ordinary human or cultivator. Despite his lack of visible power, there was an undeniable strength in his actions. Satisfied with the results, Yun Che prepared to deal with Feng Baiyi, refusing to tolerate those who sought his life.

"Halt!!" Another voice resonated through the arena, and Yun Che couldn't help but sweatdrop. Another challenger, another confrontation. He sighed audibly and muttered, "Oh, come on, man!"

A new figure emerged on the stage – a 20-year-old male disciple wielding a sword and a shield. Cloaked in inner disciple robes, his haughty demeanor filled the air as he confronted Yun Che. "Rank 7, I am Xue Lang. I am here to put a stop to this disrespectful rampage."

The crowd buzzed with whispers and comments, anticipating a clash between Yun Che and another top-ranked disciple. To them, single-digit or top-ten disciples were considered the pinnacle of power within the inner palace, challenging them was audacious.

"They started it," Yun Che pointed towards the fallen disciples, defending his actions.

"Insulting our inner palace, beating up our disciples, and crippling them? Don't think you can leave this place alive," Xue Lang warned, deploying his shield before Feng Baiyi, who seemed to be complicit in this confrontation. Feng Baiyi nodded, directing his anger towards Yun Che.

From a distance, Yun Che overheard their conversation and interjected, "Let me guess? He hired you to kill me, just for refusing his offer to become his lackey."

"What in blasphemy are you talking about?" Xue Lang widened his eyes, attempting to deflect Yun Che's accusation. However, Yun Che's Sharingan discerned the lie, exposing the truth that he had indeed been offered a hefty sum to end Yun Che. According to the system's database, Xue Lang was a top disciple, manipulated by Feng Baiyi and Murong Yi to conspire against Yun Che, only to meet their own demise.

Looks like it might be in this timeline as well.

"Let me guess, 800 purple profound coins?" Yun Che pressed the matter, prompting Xue Lang to swiftly change the subject. Yun Che wasn't about to let it slide; he continued to taunt Xue Lang, eager to conclude this confrontation.

"Prepare to die!" Xue Lang roared, launching an attack with his sword. Yun Che skillfully avoided it, countering with a kick aimed at Xue Lang's shield. The shield blocked the attack, but to Xue Lang's shock, a noticeable dent appeared on it. Inside Yun Che's mind, he speculated that the shield was likely a Spirit Profound Realm artifact to withstand his normal kick. Yet, he wasn't there to admire the shield; a slight but more powerful attack was all he needed to break through. The stage was set for a clash between Yun Che and the top-ten disciple Xue Lang.

Yun Che positioned his hand on the ground, a different technique this time, spinning only with a single hand to gather speed and power. Swiftly, he brought the heel of his foot down at high speed, executing a kick aimed at Xue Lang's side. "Concassé (Crush)," he uttered as the force of the attack shattered Xue Lang's shield. The kick landed on Xue Lang's ribs, traveling to his spine and shattering his dantian in the process. Despite their recent acquaintance in this version of the timeline, Yun Che showed no mercy, especially given Xue Lang's role in the attempt on his life.

The impact of Yun Che's powerful kick sent Xue Lang hurtling from the stage, crashing through walls one after another. The onlookers, including Yuanba and Cang Yue, were left in awe by the sheer force of Yun Che's attack. Both Murong Yi and Xue Lang were incapacitated, their plans to harm Yun Che utterly thwarted.

Feng Baiyi, having regained his footing, found himself lifted by Yun Che. Attempting to invoke fear, Feng Baiyi threatened, "You! The Western Plains Great General won't let you go if you harm me!" Yun Che, however, remained unfazed, responding with a dismissive, "See if I care…" before tossing Feng Baiyi into the air.

As Feng Baiyi soared, Yun Che prepared for a final attack. "Armee De L'air.. Hana Shoot! (Air Force, Nose Shoot)," he declared, launching a powerful kick that sent Feng Baiyi soaring higher into the air, ultimately embedding him into the highest tower, his torso protruding from its wall. The crowd watched in disbelief as they had never witnessed such a spectacular display of force.

Yun Che, now back on the arena, addressed the silent onlookers. "Good luck getting down from there. Anyone else?" he challenged, but the crowd remained speechless. However, a voice of authority interrupted the tense atmosphere. Yun Che turned to see none other than Vice Palace Master Qin Wushang descending onto the arena. The surrounding disciples stood and greeted their respected authority.

Cang Yue and Yuanba, recognizing the need to clear up any misunderstandings, descended to the arena as well. However, Qin Wushang's gaze fell upon Yun Che, who had left a trail of chaos in his wake. Instead of delivering a stern lecture, Qin Wushang sighed and turned towards Yun Che. "Yun Che, I told you to stick your nose out of trouble."

"I tried… they just had to drag me." Yun Che shrugged, expressing his reluctance for trouble. His visit had been about fulfilling an objective and nothing more, unrelated to the system's quests. He simply wanted to retrieve something and be on his way. Qin Wushang, rather than scolding him further, turned around and ushered them, "Come, the Grand Palace Master is waiting…"

"That's it?…. Vice Palace Master… He is.." one of the crowd members started to speak, attempting to shift blame onto Yun Che for the chaotic events. However, Qin Wushang's expression turned annoyed, and he raised his voice to address the crowd, shutting down any attempts to lay responsibility on Yun Che.

"All of you are the ones who challenged him, and now he's brazen just because he responded back?" Qin Wushang's air of authority silenced the disciples in the central plaza. He then walked away, with Yun Che, Cang Yue, and Yuanba following. The arena remained quiet, bearing the aftermath of the intense battle, and the cleanup was expected to be time-consuming.

Word of Mr. Prince's exploits had spread throughout the palace. The man who defeated inner disciples and left them crippled had become a legend, gaining admiration from some and fangirls from others. Cang Yue couldn't help but pout in jealousy, seeing the attention Yun Che was receiving.

Yun Che silently acknowledged Sikong Du for his support, realizing that the database had accurately portrayed him as a kind individual. As for Yun Xiaofang, envy surrounded him due to his newfound connection with Yuanba. However, he remained humble, recognizing his debt to both Yun Che and Yuanba for transforming his life in the palace. Yuanba even extended an invitation to train together, deterring anyone from messing with him.

"I never knew you're the one knack for trouble," Qin Wushang mused, directing his words at Yun Che.

"I tried to enjoy my tour with Cang Yue and Yuanba, but someone just had to pick a fight. Someone even tried to kill us. Someone was hired to kill us. Someone hired to cripple me in the arena. Some tour this has turned out to be," Yun Che replied with a sigh.

"Normally I would try to stop you, but I am quite sure I can't defeat a man of your caliber," Qin Wushang admitted, sighing. If Yun Che was indeed as powerful as described by the emperor and his brother, then Qin Wushang's strength seemed like a mere joke in comparison.

"Don't worry, I won't pick fights with anyone who treats me well. I was hoping for just a normal day," Yun Che sighed once again.

"I apologize for the hospitality the Blue Wind Profound Palace has shown you and the princess. I am sure we can compensate. Please meet me at the main profound palace entrance. The palace master is ready to see you. I am sure you can get there without any more trouble, right?" Qin Wushang spoke with a hint of jest before ushering Yun Che, Cang Yue, and Yuanba to his side. With a firm grip on their shoulders, he took flight, leaving behind the shocked expressions in the plaza.

"At least it wasn't a boring trip," Yun Che nodded. The unexpected events added some excitement to his visit.

"Muu, can't we have a normal day for once?" Cang Yue voiced her desire for a peaceful day, while Yuanba grinned, considering the day eventful. Since his arrival, his routine had been centered around training, and this change was a welcome break. Fate seemed to take a different turn when his brother-in-law arrived, creating chaos and drawing everyone's attention.

"That was a good job, mate!" A voice sounded as a streak of light landed into Yun Che's robes, refusing to reveal its identity to Qin Wushang.

"Where the hell have you been?" Yun Che inquired, directing his question to Kon through their mental link.

"Korra! I was watching from the roof over there. Yare.. yare.. To think that the people of this palace pick fights in broad daylight," Kon mused before entering Yun Che's coat.

"All I want is a normal day for a change. Maybe we should stay in the forest," Yun Che suggested as they flew away. In the distance, a silhouette of snow and ice observed them with a smile before flying away, leaving a trail of warm icy magic in its wake.


The main palace of the Blue Wind Profound Palace is a grand symbol of authority. Located at the center of the complex within the inner palace, it boasts impressive architecture with towering spires and intricate carvings. The entrance gates, adorned with significant symbols, lead to expansive courtyards featuring gardens and reflective ponds. Vigilant guards watch over the halls, where disciples and officials move through majestic corridors. Inside, important meetings and martial teachings take place in lavish chambers, while the palace master's room represents the highest authority, where decisions shaping the martial domain are made. Overall, the main palace is a powerful and historic hub within the Blue Wind Profound Palace.

Cang Yue stepped into the palace, a place she had occasionally visited with her father. The prospect of returning to this location held a sentimental touch for her. After dismissing the guardian disciples, Qin Wushang led them into the inner chamber of the Administration Palace. Inside, they saw an old man lying still on the bed, surrounded by various medicines. His charred face bore witness to the brutality he had endured for the past few weeks. Restless eyes conveyed the pain he had endured while battling the invading poison. While Cang Yue and Yun Che maintained their composure, Xia Yuanba seemed visibly nervous, encountering the Palace Master for the first time.

Observing the scene, Yun Che performed a scan on the Palace Master and was genuinely shocked by what he discovered. While Yun Che was immune to the poison, the same couldn't be said for Dongfang Xiu. The effects were devastating, preventing cell regeneration, hindering the healing process, and making him reliant on medicine to slow the poison's corruption. It was indeed a slow and agonizing way to face mortality.

Breaking the silence, Qin Wushang addressed the Palace Master, "Palace Master."

Dongfang Xiu opened his eyes and turned to his friend, his movements restrained by pain. Despite the agony, he greeted them, "Wushang... have you brought them?" Cang Yue was the first to move, bowing her head.

"Cang Yue greets Palace Master Dongfang Xiu," she spoke respectfully.

"Yun Che greets the Palace Master," Yun Che followed suit.

"Xia Yuanba greets the Palace Master as well," Xia Yuanba introduced nervously.

Despite the pain, Dongfang Xiu attempted to raise his head. "Princess, please... you don't have to."

"I insist. As the person who protects my father from the shadows, you have my gratitude," Cang Yue replied with a sincere smile.

Dongfang Xiu closed his eyes and sighed, "But I may not be able to match your master though. You gained the Strongest Swordsman in the Blue Wind Empire as a master. Someone would kill just to be in your shoes. He even defeated the Xiao Sect higher-ups. I don't think anyone could afford to offend him."

"It was my fortuitous encounter. I owe him my life," Cang Yue replied, casting a glance at Yun Che.

"I see Qin Wushang has told you," the Palace Master observed, referring to his role in protecting her father. Cang Yue nodded in confirmation.

"You must be Yun Che, you caused quite a trouble in my palace," Dongfang Xiu spoke, acknowledging the reports of chaos in his palace caused by someone on their way to see him.

"I didn't. They had to pick a fight with me. I just came here as a guest," Yun Che shrugged his shoulders nonchalantly.

"Finally, someone showed these disciples what it means to be a Profound cultivator," Dongfang Xiu agreed with Yun Che, expressing his frustration with the arrogant disciples who disrespected him and the emperor.

"Couldn't agree more," Yun Che concurred, sharing the sentiment.

Turning his attention to Xia Yuanba, the Palace Master said, "This must be Xia Yuanba. You are surely a talented one."

"I am here because of my brother in… I mean, boss! I owe him my life as well," Xia Yuanba declared nervously.

"I see…I am Dongfang Xiu, the palace master of the Blue Wind Profound Palace. Forgive me for revealing my current state; it was meant to be kept a secret so that other sect elders wouldn't attempt to assume power upon learning of my condition. That aside… What brings you to my humble abode?" Dongfang Xiu inquired, getting straight to the point.

Cang Yue presented a spatial ring to Qin Wushang, a gift from her father for the Palace Master. "My father sends his regards and wishes to give you this. A sign of gratitude for your role during the rebellion."

Dongfang Xiu sighed and spoke, "We didn't do much, Princess. We are no match for Cang Lin's imperial protectors. Without my strength, I couldn't even defend your father anymore. Imagine my feelings if you and Yun Che here didn't interfere during the rebellion. I might be the one who shrouds in regret forever. Now, I heard your master blessed Xue Ling with a strength comparable to mine. How lucky she is."

With Xue Ling now leading the Imperial Protectors, it seemed like his role might have become dispensable. The formidable Imperial Protectors, under Xue Ling's command, ensured the safety of the Imperial Family. An old cripple like him may no longer be necessary, especially considering Cang Yue's master's hidden role in protecting her.

Cang Yue smiled, "Well, that doesn't mean you outlive your usefulness to him. You are still his friend and protector. He was sending more than just treasures. After exploiting the three sects because of my master, he sent valuable medicine that might be able to cure you."

"How kind… but this poison came from the Heavenly Decimation Orb. I can't dispel it with any medicine," the Palace Master explained, expressing his hopeless situation. The poison was infamous as the emperor's killing poison, and there was no known antidote.

"But I can," Yun Che spoke confidently, sparking curiosity in Dongfang Xiu's eyes.

"Yun Che? How do you know how to dispel it?" Dongfang Xiu asked again, hopeful but skeptical.

"Well, Cang Yue's master did leave one of the orbs with her and gave her methods to dispel it. I just learned it from him," Yun Che explained as he revealed a glowing green vial and a bottle of the Ancient Potion. "This vial might contain the cure you need, and a bottle of this potion should restore your powers back to their zenith."

Dongfang Xiu hesitated, his doubts apparent, but the prospect of a possible solution made him willing to take the gamble. After countless failed attempts with various antidotes, one more attempt seemed worth the risk.

"You can trust us; if Cang Yue trusts you, then I should too." With those words, the palace master consumed the antidote for the poison with the help of Qin Wushang, followed by a vial of the Ancient Potion. A vivid green glow enveloped his body, signaling the antidote's swift action in purging the poison's effects. In an instant, the power of the Ancient Potion worked its magic, healing charred wounds and restoring Profound Strength and Stamina to their peak. Dongfang Xiu, bedridden for weeks, could hardly believe the miraculous transformation he experienced. Even Qin Wushang and Yuanba stood in awe at this unexpected turn of events.

Cang Yue, though accustomed to the potency of Yun Che's potions, maintained her composure, acknowledging the remarkable power of the concoctions.

Dongfang Xiu burst into laughter as he stood up. "This… haha… My powers… my powers are returning! This is indeed a heavenly medicine!" Overwhelmed with gratitude, he bowed on his knees before Cang Yue and Yun Che.

"Thank you… thank you… thank you for returning this old man to his prime once again. You don't know how grateful I am to you two." Tears of happiness welled up in Dongfang Xiu's eyes as he expressed his profound appreciation for their role in his recovery.

"You don't have to mention it. As long as you continue to protect father in the future. Consider this a debt of gratitude," Cang Yue responded, helping the palace master to his feet.

Holding her hands, Dongfang Xiu bows again, "I am glad I waited until this moment. To see myself on my feet again."

"Yun Che and Cang Yue, for your services to New Moon City and the Imperial City, as well as saving this old man's life, the emperor and quelling the rebellion. The Blue Wind Profound Palace will satisfy any of your requests. Any request at all. Please just ask anything. Anything at all," Dongfang Xiu offered, deeply indebted to them.

"Palace Master Dongfang, we appreciate your concern, but I have no request at all. I am doing this out of goodwill for protecting my father," Cang Yue declined any gifts or favors from the palace. Retsu and Mio's words echoed in her mind, reinforcing the idea that they had everything they needed from Yun Che.

"Then, please convey our gratitude to your master. It means a lot to us," Dongfang Xiu said, bowing respectfully before Cang Yue.

Cang Yue turned her eyes towards Yun Che, and he merely shrugged his shoulders. With a nonchalant expression, she spoke, "I am sure he knows, but his talk is the same he gives to my father. He is a wandering cultivator. I am sure you know what I meant."

"I see," the palace master nodded. Though Yun Che might not become a close master, having him as an ally through Cang Yue was a significant gain for the palace.

Dongfang Xiu turned towards Yun Che and said, "What about you, Yun Che? Is there anything you need from the palace? Asking you to join the palace might be a fool's dream." Dongfang Xiu, impressed by Yun Che's exploits and deeds, entertained the idea of recruiting him. However, considering Yun Che's strength, he understood that joining the palace might not be in his plans. Perhaps he preferred the life of a wandering cultivator.

"Hmmm… nothing, I guess," Yun Che casually shrugged. The response left both Dongfang Xiu and Qin Wushang wide-eyed. Nothing they could offer interested him? Were his needs beyond what the palace could satisfy?

"Really? Cultivation arts, resources, treasures… Just name it, kid," Qin Wushang urged, attempting to win Yun Che over.

After a moment of contemplation, Yun Che suddenly remembered the primary reason for escorting Cang Yue to the palace. "Maybe I do need something from the Sky Weapon Pavilion."

Dongfang Xiu nodded and presented Yun Che with an authority badge, granting access to any place within the palace. "Consider it yours. Qin Wushang will bring you there, and please, if there's anything you need. Just name it."

"Will do." Both Yun Che and Cang Yue nodded before following Qin Wushang out. Dongfang Xiu couldn't contain his excitement. He never expected this day would mark his return to full strength, allowing him to resume his duty of protecting his friend from the shadows. With the new lead on the Imperial Protectors, he might not need to extend his protection to his daughter, after all.


[Ding… Side Quest Completed]

[Ding… Cure Dongfang Xiu from the incurable poison from the Heavenly Decimation Orb.]

[Description: Dongfang Xiu has been infected by Xiao Wuyi's Heavenly Decimation Orb as an attempted assassination to ensure the success of the rebellion by Cang Lin.

[XP: 350000 SP: 25000]


"If you don't mind me asking, what do you wish to take from the Sky Weapon Pavilion?" Qin Wushang inquired, his curiosity evident in his gaze as they strolled out of the administration palace.

"A sword… Something with sentimental value," Yun Che replied cryptically, hinting at the hidden significance behind his choice.

As they strolled towards the Sky Weapon Pavilion, Yun Che couldn't help but notice several female disciples casting glances in his direction. The moniker "Mr. Prince" had already spread throughout the palace, turning him into a subject of admiration. Some female disciples were fangirling over him, while others attempted flirty gazes in the hopes of catching his attention.

"Boss, looks like you've got some fans around you. Big sister might be jealous," Yuanba teased, grinning as they maneuvered through a crowd of female disciples who couldn't help but look at them.

"Mr. Prince, huh?" Cang Yue playfully puffed her cheeks, claiming her territory by holding Yun Che's arm and hand, much to the dismay of other female disciples.

"Hey, it's a good name," Yun Che sheepishly smiled, the hold growing stronger as they moved through the curious crowd.

"Sure… Mr. Prince sure has a lot of fans," Cang Yue mockingly spoke, puffing her cheeks even more, amplifying her cuteness.

"Looks like my Little Yue is jealous." Yun Che teased, a mischievous glint in his eyes, and Cang Yue puffed her cheeks even harder, gripping his hand tighter.

"Eeep… Sorry… sorry… I can't help it. You know I won't…" Yun Che stammered but he smiles as her playful frustration giving way to a shy admission of her possessiveness.

"I know… you won't pursue any girls other than your fiancées, but it's still annoying seeing everyone looking at you like a piece of meat," Cang Yue sighed.

"You know me that well," Yun Che smiled, and Cang Yue dropped her puffs.

"Young ones…" Qin Wushang sighed at the closeness of the couple. After walking for a moment, they finally arrived at the Sky Weapon Pavilion. Inside the Inner Palace, the pavilion housed the highest-leveled weapons, ranging from True Profound to Earth Profound Rank. It was one of the three great weapon pavilions located in the Blue Wind Imperial Palace, with the Common Weapon Pavilion inside the Outer Palace and Earth Weapon Pavilion in the Middle Palace.

Turning towards them, Qin Wushang suggested they find what they were looking for while he took Yuanba to search for suitable weapons. "Eh? I want to follow my boss," Yuanba reluctantly spoke. Yun Che tapped his shoulder and said, "Just follow your master, Yuanba. You might learn a thing or two."

"Okay…" Yuanba reluctantly agreed, and Qin Wushang was impressed at how easily Yun Che convinced Xia Yuanba. He made a mental note to seek tips from Yun Che on influencing Xia Yuanba in the future.

"I swear that Yuanba…" Yun Che sighed, watching as Yuanba continued to stubbornly refuse to follow his master even in his presence. With a shake of his head, Yun Che and Cang Yue made their way to the highest floor of the Weapon's Pavilion where the Earth Profound Realm weapons are stored.

As they ascended, present disciples began to mock them, ridiculing their chances of passing through the pressurized zone that even inner disciples struggled to endure. It was customary for disciples aspiring to reach the highest floor to withstand the intense pressurized aura. However, to the surprise of the onlookers, Yun Che didn't seem affected in the slightest, and Cang Yue merely coated her body with Haki. They breezed through the pressurized zone effortlessly, leaving the mocking disciples shocked and disbelieving, some of whom attempted to follow suit only to faint at the very first step.

Stepping into the Weapon's Pavilion, a vast array of weapons unfolded before them, ranging from those usable by anyone to profound cultivators. In Yun Che's mind, this collection seemed to pale in comparison to Huan Xuyi's treasure vault. Despite all the weapons being of Earth Profound Realm quality, only one caught his discerning eye.

"See anything you like?" Yun Che nudged Cang Yue, noticing the admiration in her eyes as she took in the Weapon's Pavilion—a place she had dreamt of visiting when she was a middle palace disciple.

Cang Yue puffed her cheeks and replied, "My 'master' gave me three swords of beauty. I only like those swords."

"Point taken…" Yun Che nodded understandingly.

"But, let me look around. I've never been to this place before." With that, Cang Yue ventured off to explore the Weapon's Pavilion. As a middle disciple, she could only dream of entering here and wielding one of the powerful weapons. However, after becoming Huan Xuyi's successor and receiving Yun Che's specially upgraded versions of her swords, all the other weapons in the pavilion seemed like mere trash in comparison.

While Cang Yue explored, Yun Che continued his own stroll through the pavilion. Although the collection here wasn't as impressive as Huan Xuyi's, it still showcased a wide variety of weapons. His gaze eventually fixed upon a group of swords stationed on a platform, with one particular sword standing out. It was a great sword, anchored to the ground with chains, collecting dust despite its Earth Profound Realm status. The double-edged sword had a hole in the middle and was as massive as Yun Che himself.

"So, this is it," Yun Che mused, tapping the notification on the sword.


[Overlord Colossal Sword]

[Level: Earth Profound Realm Sword]

[Weight: 1950 Kg]

[Description: This genuine greatsword, with a width of around thirty centimeters, lacks fancy decorations; it doesn't even exude an imposing external aura, appearing like a chunk of ordinary iron. Wielded thousands of years ago by someone from the Blue Wind Empire known as the 'Overlord,' this sword slaughtered countless enemies and achieved impressively outstanding military exploits. After his death, the weapon was sent to Sky Weapon Pavilion, silently laying there for many years. Unfortunately, as an Earth Profound weapon, it is a heavy sword, making it unattractive to most profound practitioners.]


The original Yun Che's first Great Sword, or essentially his inaugural sword. With the Great Way of the Buddha, only he can lift this sword.

"What do you want with this sword? It's weaker than Yoru by a large margin, much weaker than Retsu's Kitetsu and Mio's Murakumogiri, and not to mention weaker than Cang Yue's three main swords. You could create a better sword than this one." Jasmine suddenly appeared next to him in a doll-sized soul form.

"Wow, that hurts," Yun Che commented, finding Jasmine's critique amusing, considering this was the original's sword. "Sigh… I wanted it as a primary source of material. I plan to dismantle it so I can learn to infuse consciousness into normal swords."

"Are you trying to create a Zanpakuto?" Jasmine inquired.

"Nope, sort of… It's like creating a sword with a consciousness. By dismantling this baby here, I can learn how to merge consciousness into a sword, thus creating a weapon not meant as a mere tool. Owners might learn to appreciate their weapons more," Yun Che explained.

"I see. Merging consciousness into a sword. Not a bad concept; it's like creating a Pseudo Zanpakuto," Jasmine mused, understanding his intention. Yun Che slowly approached the sword, but the moment he touched it, a notification popped up again.


[Ding… Memory Link Activated.]


Yun Che unexpectedly tapped into the sword's memory link, revealing segments that chronicled the grandeur of a war hero, an Overlord who left an indelible mark on the era he inhabited. Amidst thousands of troops and horses, a single swing of his sword unleashed a catastrophic airwave, obliterating countless foes on the battlefield. Each swing seemed capable of shaking the very heavens and earth. Despite facing vast and formidable enemy troops, not a single person could breach the thirty-meter radius around him. His heavy sword, wielded with tyrannical might, was unstoppable, except when facing one particular opponent.

There stood a woman who defied his every slash, none other than Huan Xuyi, the Moon Empress herself.

"This..." Yun Che and Jasmine widened their eyes in astonishment. Even after her ascension, Huan Xuyi retained memories of this battle.

"To think she once clashed with this Overlord," Jasmine remarked.


[Ding… Overlord's Fury detected. Do you wish to cultivate?]


"I might need it for Yoru since Getsuga Tenshou is a once-a-day skill for Yoru."


[Ding… Overlord's Fury cultivated]

[Ding… Compatibility between skills detected. Initiating Fusion.]

[Fusion Successful]

[New Unique Skill Acquired: Celestial Storm]

[Fusion between Getsuga and Overlord's Fury allows the host to mimic the power of Getsuga by infusing it with the Overlord's Fury. Think of it as a downgraded version of Getsuga Tenshou but you can use it infinitely with Yoru or any other swords that can support its power. It can even be infused with Haki to ensure greater power. The Celestial Storm is a slash skill that allows the host to execute the Overlord's power in the form of sword wave storms. A single slash can release devastating sword waves. The host can even link the storm to your sword without releasing it, making it into a twirling attack mode.]


"Holy! A twirling Moon Fang is something useful in group fights." As Yun Che prepared to store the sword in his inventory, a notification appeared before him.


[Ding… Hidden Memory Link detected. Do you wish to open it?]


Yun Che glanced towards Jasmine before clicking on the notification, revealing the hidden segment. The segment unfolded, recounting the tale of the defeated overlord, who was once a wandering cultivator taken under Huan Xuyi's wing. Gradually, he became her right-hand man and the grand general of the Blue Wind Empire. However, unbeknownst to her, the overlord harbored deep feelings for Huan Xuyi. Despite dedicating his life and powers to her cause, his love remained unrequited. As he aged and she retained her youth due to mysterious powers, the overlord's unspoken feelings grew stronger. In the end, she had to turn him down, and upon his death, his sword was entrusted to the care of the Blue Wind Profound Palace. The overlord, having dedicated all his love to her, died without any descendants.

"That's just sad," Yun Che remarked, and Jasmine nodded in agreement.

"He devoted all his love, only to be turned down," Jasmine added.

"It must have been difficult for Xuyi; she might have harbored feelings for him, but she couldn't allow him to be entangled with the Apple of Eden or face peril because of her. Perhaps, he didn't even know about the Apple of Eden's existence back then. As long as she carries it, she can never live peacefully, let alone find love and raise a family. Ares won't let her. She, too, died without a descendant," Yun Che concluded. Jasmine remained silent, pondering the fate that Huan Xuyi endured for two thousand years. Despite her eternal smile in death, the depths of her sadness and despair remained concealed.

Another revelation they uncovered was that Huan Xuyi refused to have descendants out of fear that Ares would plant his soul in all her descendants, awakening in another era. Without her to contain him, Ares would reign supreme. It was a sacrifice she had to make. It was a just cause. Should Xuyi have given in to love back then, Ares might have lived on as a soul with thousands of bodies. Even if they killed him, he could revive as another person. His soul cycle would never end.

Putting away the sword, Yun Che sought out Cang Yue once more. As they met, Cang Yue noticed his somber expression and inquired, "Are you okay? You look sad."

Yun Che smiled before replying, "Just read a wonderful story about love and loyalty."

"They have those kinds of books here?" Cang Yue asked, intrigued, but Yun Che provided a vague response.

"Not really… Come on, let's go find Yuanba and get out of here," Yun Che grinned, taking Cang Yue's hand, and they walked together. Unbeknownst to them, silhouettes of the Moon Empress and the Overlord emerged, their successors walking hand in hand. Although the original pair couldn't be together, they had paved the way for their successors to be together.


"Ling Yun lusted after you two? That's quite bizarre," Yun Che remarked, absorbing Mio and Retsu's story over dinner. Apparently, Retsu and Mio had encountered Ling Yun, and he had been subjecting them to a very uncomfortable treatment. So that's why these two were showing rage auras back then.

"Ara… Is he not supposed to?" Retsu inquired curiously, while Mio voraciously devoured plate after plate of their cooking after their training.

"Well, according to the database, he's not the type to lust after women. You can say he's immune, but not that immune. So, great job in fending him off, or else I might do something to him," Yun Che explained. He recalled that Ling Yun had lusted after Xia Qingyue once she unveiled herself during the tournament, and now, seeing Retsu and Mio, he anticipated that the guy would continue chasing them.

"Ufuuu... We're not letting some monkey lust over us. We only belong to you, Danna-sama," Mio declared, leaning her head on Yun Che's shoulder and causing him to blush. Seeing her interaction with him, Retsu and Cang Yue puffed with jealousy. Yun Che instantly fake cough and said "Yeah... Uhum... So, someone just lusted after Mio and Retsu, I beat Ling Jie's sorry ass, people trying to kill us back in the palace and had their asses handed to them. Quite a day."

"So many things happening in one day," Cang Yue mused.

"Don't forget the day before," Kon added. "And the day before."

"At least Nemu broke through into the True Profound Realm. She mastered some basic Kido," Retsu mentioned, patting Nemu's head to express her pride. Additionally, Retsu was learning how to perform the one-handed Rasengan alongside Mio. The latter still struggled with merging her darkness powers into the Rasengan but was somehow getting an idea of stabilizing it.

"Well, we can start with her Haki training tomorrow," Yun Che suggested. With the compilation complete, he could now focus on training Cang Yue in her new arts and Nemu in terms of Haki.

"Is this normal from now on?" Cang Yue wondered, indicating that there might be days where peace was elusive.

"Nahh... It's just a normal Tuesday," Yun Che replied with a grin as he ate dinner alongside his fiancées.

It went on for a moment before Cang Yue decided to ask "What is Tuesday?"

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