Rebirth in Against the Gods with The Ultimate System

Chapter 160: Just A Normal Tuesday (I)

Chapter 160: Just A Normal Tuesday (I)

The day concluded with a breathtaking spectacle, leaving the Xiao Sect utterly defeated. Yun Che, now back to his authentic self, perched on a rooftop, silently observing the unfolding events between the Chu sisters and Xiao Wuqing. The unexpected turn of events had left him contemplating the power shift as the Chu sisters decisively dismantled the once-potent Xiao Sect.

The public had been oblivious to the preceding battle, but the colossal display of power—manifested in a massive Getsuga Tenshou—brought the reality to the forefront.

Sighing, Yun Che removes the Mihawk persona, settling into a contemplative stance on the rooftop. He decided to address the cascade of notifications that awaited him, pressing each one with anticipation.


[Ding… Congratulations, Host, for defeating 'Xiao Wuyi'—The Grand Elder of the Xiao Sect.]

[XP: 500,000 | SP: 100,000]

[Ding… Congratulations for achieving the achievement 'Xiao Sect? More like Meow Sect.' Defeat the heads of the Xiao Sect.]

[XP: 250,000 | SP: 50,000]

[Ding… Host has unlocked plans to build the 'Heaven Decimating Orbs' and 'Heaven Decimating Bombs.']


Yun Che's smirk conveyed his satisfaction. The unlocked plans presented an opportunity for him to enhance these formidable weapons. To achieve this, he needed intact samples, and the orb from Xiao Wuyi and the bomb from Xiao Wuqing would serve as perfect specimens for his improvements. The prospect of refining and mastering these powerful tools ignited a spark of excitement within him.


[Ding… Congratulations, Host, for achieving the 'Keep 'em Comin'' Achievement. Obtain your second Evolved Shinigami.

[XP: 250,000 | SP: 50,000]

[Ding… Special Reward unlocked.]


"Hoho… what kind of reward do you have for me?"


[Ding… Host now has access to the System's Training Room.]


"Training Room?"


[The Training Room is an infinite void where the host can hone Kido moves, attack skills, Zanpakuto abilities, and even Bankai without worrying about collateral damage. The host can conjure previous enemies or hollows, setting their levels or AI difficulty for proper training. Dummy targets can be adjusted to mortal or immortal based on preferences. The training room can also be used to farm daily missions. Only the host, the soul reapers, and the residents of the inner world can utilize the training room. Keep in mind that no XP or SP will be gained from the training room dummies.]

[Access can be gained by tapping the golden bubble underneath your Spirit Tree.]


Yun Che smiled internally, excited about the endless possibilities the Training Room offered. He envisioned testing his moves and equipment without wreaking havoc on the world. Since most of his targets were hollows, the expansive space provided by the training room perfectly suited his needs. It was a valuable addition to his arsenal, allowing him to refine his skills and strategies efficiently.


[Ding…. New Daily Missions updated.]

1) Spend at least one hour within the Training Room. (6000 SP)

2) Conjure a Too Easy difficulty enemy. (5000 SP)

3) Conjure an Easy difficulty enemy. (5000 SP)

4) Conjure a Normal difficulty enemy. (5000 SP)

5) Conjure a Hard difficulty enemy. (5000 SP)

6) Conjure a Very Hard difficulty enemy. (5000 SP)

7) Conjure a Suicidal difficulty enemy. (5000 SP)

8) Conjure a You Must Die difficulty enemy. (5000 SP)

9) Conjure a 'No, Really, You Have Die' difficulty enemy. (5000 SP)

10) Conjure a Gods Like You Must Die difficulty enemy. (5000 SP)

11) Conjure a Please, Just Die difficulty enemy. (5000 SP)

[Ding… Hollow Hunting Missions Updated.]

1) Hunt 1000 hollows (100000 SP)

2) Hunt 100 Menos (100000 SP)


Yun Che sweatdropped upon seeing the presented difficulty but nodded, ready to explore the wonders of the Training Room later. For now, he needed to find a suitable place to release Mio, Retsu, and Nemu.


The news of Dracule Mihawk's involvement spread throughout the city, creating a sensation in the Imperial City. The arrival of the Strongest Swordsman of the Blue Wind Empire was met with intrigue and excitement. Many citizens wished they could meet the legendary swordsman themselves.

However, the information about his presence was tightly controlled, known only within the palace. By the emperor's decree, Mihawk's involvement in the palace affairs was kept a secret from the public. This decision aimed to prevent the three sects from facing humiliation before the upcoming Blue Wind Ranking Tournament. In exchange for their silence, the three sects pledged unwavering support to the Blue Wind Imperial Family, driven by fear of the princess's master rather than loyalty to the family itself.

The Xiao Sect, in particular, bore the brunt of the consequences. With the loss of Xiao Wuyi and Xiao Wuqing, their power significantly dwindled. The Burning Heaven Clan and Heavenly Sword Villa observed the battle, further undermining the Xiao Sect's standing. As for the Chu sisters' involvement, the details were shrouded in mystery, occurring farther away from Mihawk's battle.

In the aftermath, Xiao Juetian found himself at the helm of a weakened Xiao Sect. The deaths of the Grand Sect Master and Grand Elder dealt a severe blow, making it impossible for the sect to seek revenge against Mihawk. Despite their grievances, Xiao Juetian realized the futility of challenging the Dracule Mihawk, a force capable of obliterating their entire sect. With the upcoming Blue Wind Ranking Tournament, he aimed to salvage what remained of the Xiao Sect's prestige.

Resolute not to provoke the swordsman and the princess any further, Xiao Juetian hoped that the Xiao Sect wouldn't lose any more high elders, fearing it would lead to their complete downfall.


"Greetings, Cang Yue-sama. I am Unohana Nemuri. Nemu for short. I am not as strong or perfect as my elder sister yet, but please take care of me." Nemu bowed gracefully before Cang Yue, standing beside Retsu after reappearing from the inner world, where Yun Che had dealt with the pressing matters. Yun Che, returning to Cang Yue's courtyard, did his best to maintain a facade of normalcy.

Cang Yue couldn't help but be surprised by Nemu's appearance. The girl seemed slender and youthful, looking around 15 or 16 years old. Her well-endowed figure and beautiful green eyes gave her an enchanting allure. With waist-long black hair pulled into twin braids and adorned with red ball-like hair ties, along with slightly parted bangs, Nemu's porcelain face, delicate nose, and red lips formed a picture of captivating beauty. Despite her youthful appearance, Nemu's stoic expression added an air of mystery, making her a captivating sight.

Originally, Yun Che had planned for Nemu to wear a normal Shinigami uniform, a short black kimono extending to mid-thigh with a white nagajuban underneath, a wide white obi, and other traditional accessories. However, Retsu decided to dress her in a Miko priestess outfit this time. Nemu, adorned in a Miko outfit alongside a black choker, emanated a captivating blend of elegance and spiritual grace. Her red vibrant hakama, beautifully patterned plain white kimono-style top, and a red nagajuban, all tied together with an intricately red obi belt featuring symbolic emblems, presented a picturesque image. White tabi socks and zori sandals completed her ensemble, emphasizing the traditional nature of her attire.

Cang Yue found the outfit both strange and beautiful, wondering aloud, "This girl is your little sister?"

"Yes, Isn't she a beauty?" Retsu spoke with evident pride as she hugged Nemu, rubbing her cheeks onto the girl's own, displaying a sense of affection akin to a pet owner doting on her beloved pet. Nemu, though blushing, managed to keep her expressionless face, showcasing an amusing contrast.

"She… she looks just like you. Only younger…" Cang Yue remarked, captivated by the beauty of this young girl who, if revealed, could potentially cause a stir throughout the empire.

"Muuu… I am not that old. Only by three years." Retsu pouted playfully.

"Or a thousand years." Mio teased, earning a pouting look from Retsu.

"What…?" Cang Yue inquired, puzzled by the exchange.

"Nothing…" Mio grinned mischievously, maintaining the teasing atmosphere.

Brushing off the banter, Cang Yue bowed her head towards Nemu and expressed, "Pleased to meet you, Nemu-chan. I am Cang Yue, Blue Moon Princess of the Blue Wind Empire. Just call me Cang Yue or Sister Yue, whichever you prefer. We're like sisters from now on."

"Then, I shall call you Yue-sama. Please take good care of me," Nemu responded with a respectful bow.

"As for me, Nemu-chan, consider me an older sister too, as I am roughly the same age as Yun Che and Retsu. Mio-chan is a bit younger than me," Cang Yue replied with a warm smile.

"Ehee…" Mio playfully held her face, radiating a cute aura.

"Isn't Mio-sama almost millio…." Nemu started to say, but Mio swiftly leaped and covered her mouth. "Nemu-chan, that's a secret no one must know."

"You girls are right. She really is cute," Cang Yue agreed.

"Right?" Mio and Retsu chimed simultaneously.

"Yup, Nemu in a Miko outfit is indeed beautiful," Yun Che added. Upon hearing this, Nemu blushed and formed a small smile.

Then, easing the situation, Yun Che suggested, "Why don't you ladies get to know each other while I work on compiling something?" Cang Yue's curiosity was piqued, earning the attention of the others.

"Compile?" she asked, raising an eyebrow.

"Yes, I've developed a compilation of suitable mortal techniques for you, Little Yue. However, you can't master all of them in a week, so you'll need to choose which ones to bring to the tournament," Yun Che explained, finishing his scanning of the skills needed for Cang Yue but requiring some time to compile them.

"We have less than a week," Cang Yue remarked, realizing that the Blue Wind Ranking Tournament was just around the corner.

"As for Nemu, we can begin her training alongside yours. Be kind to her, as she hasn't started cultivating yet and is not even an Elementary cultivator. I plan that by tomorrow, she can at least break through into the Nascent Profound Realm," Yun Che revealed his plans for Nemu.

"But, isn't that impossible…" Cang Yue expressed doubt.

"We're Spirit Cultivators, Little Yue. We're different in terms of cultivation," Retsu explained.

"If I wanted to, I could break her through into the Earth Profound Realm by tomorrow," Yun Che added.

"Muuu… I really wish I could cultivate just like you," Cang Yue sighed, expressing her envy for her small family.

"Hahaha… fast doesn't mean effective. Nemu needs battle experience, so I will just help her break through into the Elementary stage, and she can level up by herself. Nemu's a formidable fighter, after all," Yun Che reassured.

"Don't worry, Yue'er. I am going to help Nemu in training her Haki," Mio playfully spoke as she waved her fan.

"Onee-chan will train her with her Kido," Retsu raised her hand.

"Please guide me well, Nee-sama," Nemu nodded her head.

"Mouu, it's Nee-chan!" Retsu cutely corrected her.

"Just don't overwhelm the girl just yet. We have years with her," Yun Che advised before leaving Nemu with Cang Yue, Mio, and Retsu. He secluded himself for a moment to access the system's interface. Since the morning, he had asked the system to scan his memories to retrieve a set of techniques that might be suitable for Cang Yue. These techniques weren't suitable for Shinigamis like them but were ideal for Cang Yue as she was indeed an evolved human. It might also be applicable for Little Fairy and her sisters, and even Xia Qingyue.

So, he might need a day to finish the compilation. During that time, he planned to stay in the courtyard and let his girls explore the palace. However, he needed to visit a place tomorrow with Cang Yue to obtain a 'familiar thing'.

One thing he discovered was that Nemu was basically the same as Retsu. Both of them were big gluttons when it came to food. With Mio added to the mix, it would be a chef's nightmare. With Nemu in his flock, he might need to purchase more cooking materials from the system, as he now had four mouths to feed.


As dawn heralded the arrival of a new day, emissaries from the three sects made their way once again to the Blue Wind Imperial Palace. This time, they bore not only goodwill but an array of gifts—medicines, weapons, and even a contingent of skilled individuals, all presented as offerings to the Blue Wind Imperial Family. The sheer magnitude of this peace offering prompted Cang Wanhe to rise early and personally handle the diplomatic proceedings.

Meanwhile, in the serene confines of Yun Che's quarters, the morning unfolded with an unexpected tableau. As the first light touched the room, Yun Che awoke to find himself beneath the tender weight of Cang Yue, nestled on his torso. To his left, Mio adorned a pink nightgown, while Retsu graced his right side. The surprising addition of Nemu, clad in a matching nightgown, lay huddled against Retsu, as if seeking warmth and solace.

In the midst of this cozy yet somewhat cramped arrangement, it became apparent that a larger bed might be a necessity in the near future—an unintended consequence of the growing bonds and affections within this eclectic group.


"Brother, is it true the swordsman is as strong as they say?" Ling Jie's voice echoed through the air as he spoke to another figure beside him. He appeared to be fifteen or sixteen years old, his expression carrying a trace of childhood innocence. Both were dressed in white robes with yellow lining and black inner wear. Ling Jie's hair, as white as snow, flowed as he walked with both hands behind his head.

"Ling Jie, you have to be mindful of what you do. Father specifically asked us not to offend Princess Cang Yue," replied the older brother with calm composure. He looked to be around twenty years old, clad in pristine white without a speck of dust, and possessed an elegant expression. His face was crystal clear, devoid of any filth.

"She really is the swan of the Blue Wind Empire. I want to marry her. I really wanted to marry her," Ling Jie exclaimed with enthusiasm.

The older brother sighed, knowing they were tasked with escorting gifts as a peace offering to the Blue Wind Empire. Truthfully, he too wanted to see the great swordsman Mihawk. If he could gain him as a master, just like the princess, it could elevate the Heavenly Sword Villa to its peak. However, it seemed impossible now, considering the great elders had offended Princess Cang Yue.

"This is the first time I've been out of the villa. The city really is huge. The palace is huge. Everything is huge," Ling Jie marveled, and the elder brother nodded in agreement. As they entered the palace, they saw the emperor seated on the throne, engaging in conversations with guests who were leaving their peace offerings. It wasn't just them; representatives from the Xiao Sect and Burning Heaven Clan were also present. The brothers approached the emperor and bowed with absolute courtesy.

"Ling Yun and Ling Jie of the Heavenly Sword Villa pay their respects to the emperor," Ling Yun spoke as he and his brother lowered their heads in respect. Their bows were not out of fear but out of genuine respect for him.

Cang Wanhe graciously accepted the courtesy, recalling that the Heavenly Sword Villa had not taken part in the rebellion despite their disrespect towards him and Cang Yue the day before. "Ah, the famous sons of Ling Yuefeng. I assume your father is well."

"He is... tending to sect matters," Ling Yun replied, aware that his father had chosen to stay back, perhaps out of some apprehension towards the swordsman.

"I see," Cang Wanhe nodded, accepting the gifts offered to him. The Heavenly Sword Villa had indeed relinquished their Imperial Protectors to the Imperial Family, with Xue Ling now leading them. Other protectors sought to curry favor with her, hoping to become Cang Yue's protector and gain assistance from the swordsman. However, the Emperor insisted that she be the sole protector for his daughter.

Bold as ever, Ling Jie suddenly shouted, "Father Emperor, is it possible to see Princess Cang Yue?"

"Ling Jie," Ling Yun whispered, his tone hushed, as he bowed again to the emperor. "Forgive my brother... he can be quite obnoxious."

Rather than taking offense, Cang Wanhe burst into laughter before responding, "You can't see her right now. She is currently preparing to visit the Blue Wind Profound Palace to convey my gratitude to the palace masters for quelling the rebellion."

Ling Jie's expression instantly turned disappointed, while Ling Yun nodded in understanding. Ling Jie then spoke, determination in his voice, "I wish to meet her."


Cang Yue found herself in a line alongside Retsu, Mio, and their newest addition, Nemu, each sitting on a chair after their invigorating morning bath. The usual routine followed their morning training—a ritual where Yun Che used his Kido manipulation to weave wonders into their hair. Under his care, Cang Yue's locks never failed to look anything less than perfect, and the others, equally enchanted by his miraculous touch, dedicated their beauty to him.

In the midst of this daily ceremony, Retsu and Mio decided to initiate Nemu's Kido training in the inner world's training room. Nemu, having never learned the art of Kido in her previous life as a Gikon, now found herself infused with proper Reaitsu flows, ready to explore the realms of training. Yun Che generously provided her with monster cores and XP pills obtained from the spoils of his recent battle. These gifts aimed to boost Nemu's level beyond the Beginner's Profound Realm, enhancing both her strength and Reaitsu Pool.

After Yun Che familiarized them with the Training Room's functions and abilities, the trio eagerly departed for the inner world, where they planned to confront conjured enemies and hone their combat skills. Nemu, despite her instant mastery granted by the system, sought proper guidance and practical combat experience to solidify her newfound skills.

Meanwhile, honoring the agreement with Cang Wanhe, Yun Che accompanied Cang Yue to the Blue Wind Profound Palace. Their purpose: to express gratitude and deliver thank-you gifts to the Palace Masters. This excursion also served as a test for Cang Yue, who adamantly refused to engage with sycophants attempting to curry favor due to her association with her 'master.'


Ling Jie's eyes widened in awe as Princess Cang Yue emerged from Yun Che's rebonding session, donned in her resplendent princess attire. The ethereal beauty of her fuchsia-colored locks cascaded behind her like a vibrant waterfall, unveiling its entire magnificence to the world. Each strand seemed to flow like liquid silk, an embodiment of beauty as captivating as flowing water.

Her orange eyes sparkled with a radiant warmth, akin to the glow of the evening sun. The slender grace of her figure, accentuated by the elegant princess attire, and her generous bust allured attention, creating a vision of regal enchantment. Even Ling Yun, typically composed, found himself momentarily stunned by the sheer radiance emanating from the princess.

Cang Wanhe, witnessing this transformation, felt a surge of emotions within him. In the vision of Princess Cang Yue, he swore he caught a glimpse of his late wife, a haunting echo of her grace and beauty. Ling Jie, captivated by the princess's presence, could only marvel at the divine spectacle before him, appreciating the extraordinary transformation Yun Che had unveiled.

"Princess Cang Yue!" Ling Jie couldn't believe his eyes upon seeing the beautiful princess and shouted in awe. Cang Yue, in response, gave him a smile before bowing to her father.

"Yue'er…" Cang Wanhe spoke, composing himself after witnessing Cang Yue's beauty. "Father, I am ready," Cang Yue said as she bowed. Originally, she and Xue Ling were supposed to be the ones to go to the palace, but Xue Ling seemed preoccupied with her new position as the head of the Imperial Protectors, so Yun Che could go in her stead. Having witnessed Yun Che's prowess, Cang Yue trusted him with her life. What she didn't know was that the swordsman who protected her and the one she feared were the same person.

"Sorry I am late, Little Yue. Needed some time fixing my hair," Yun Che entered the hall suddenly, clad in his usual white coat and black tactical outfit. His handsome features and raven hair ignited jealousy in Ling Jie, who gritted his teeth. Ling Jie couldn't call Princess Cang Yue with a nickname, and yet here Yun Che was, doing just that. Even he didn't have the privilege to call her by any nickname.

Ling Jie grew even more furious as, instead of being offended, Cang Yue chuckled cutely before saying, "Pfff… My apologies for taking your time fixing our hairs."

"Nah… anything to make you look even more beautiful," Yun Che replied, causing her to blush. The two of them were basically flirting, and to Ling Jie's disbelief, even the emperor didn't seem to mind. Now, Ling Jie was even more furious, but he had to keep his calm for the emperor.

"Yun Che, please take good care of my daughter," Cang Wanhe spoke towards him.

"Will do, old man," Yun Che's reply caused the entire hall to be bewildered. Even the servants, advisors, guards, and his Imperial Protectors were shocked. The kid just called the emperor an 'old man'? He was the emperor of the Blue Wind Empire, and Yun Che casually called him that. Even the esteemed Imperial Protectors didn't dare to use such a term. Cang Wanhe didn't mind, though. Despite the informal address, Yun Che was the one who saved him, and his daughter had chosen him to be her destined one. The emperor was used to people using titles to gain favor, but Yun Che treating him like a person made him happy. The term 'old man' felt like a less formal version of 'father,' but he didn't mind. If his daughter liked him, then he liked him as well.

"Then, you can take these gifts while I entertain our guests. What you did yesterday has made us stronger than ever," Cang Wanhe spoke before excusing himself to greet other guests lining up to meet him.

Yun Che turned his gaze toward the Ling brothers. He had read about this particular part where the Ling brothers came to the palace to pay their respects to the emperor. However, Yun Che knew from his knowledge that Ling Jie had become captivated by Cang Yue and even challenged the original Yun Che to a fight. According to the system, Ling Jie might be obnoxious and loud, but he was a good boy at heart. His brother, however, was the calm type, showing manners not only to Princess Cang Yue but also to the original Yun Che, who was a 'nobody' at the time. Yun Che somehow sensed Ling Jie's resentment toward the original Yun Che for having Xia Qingyue as his wife.

"It is an honor to meet you… I am Ling Jie. I am always a fan of…" Ling Jie began, bowing with a big smile before attempting to take Cang Yue's hand. Yun Che immediately slapped his hand away, and Cang Yue instinctively stepped behind him. Even Ling Jie's brother was shocked by this open denial.

"You… how dare you touch me… who the hell are you?" Ling Jie shouted toward Yun Che after having his hand slapped away from Cang Yue's.

Instead of concealing it, Yun Che decided to stake his claim on Cang Yue. "I am her fiancé. I am not letting some man other than her father touch her. Especially a boy whose skin hasn't even peeled."

Ling Jie pointed his finger at him, but Yun Che could tell the insult went over his head. Moreover, he was shocked to learn that Princess Cang Yue was already engaged to someone. No one had ever told him about this. "You.. Princess Cang Yue is supposed to be my wife."

"You weren't here yesterday when they held the bidding for her. There were even suitors from the villa. I am surprised you didn't know or take part," Yun Che remarked before Ling Jie gritted his teeth in anger. He hadn't known about the rebellion or Cang Yue's powerful outburst. He had been so busy playing and cultivating that he didn't even know his princess was in trouble.

"I didn't know. If I knew, I would have fought tooth and nail for her! I even faced the swordsman himself," Ling Jie declared with confidence, but everyone heard his claim. Him facing the swordsman was like a rabbit against a cannon.

Cang Yue chuckled upon hearing the passionate declaration, but she had already chosen someone she wished to spend her life with. Seeing Cang Yue laugh at Yun Che's joke, Ling Jie grew even more agitated as Yun Che held Cang Yue's hand firmly. "Y-y-y-y-you actually dare to take my Princess Sis's hand! How are you fit for Princess Sis; you're so weak, and you're not even as good-looking as me… I want to fight you! To take back my Princess Sis."

Yun Che's expression turned serious as he glared at Ling Jie and said, "Boy, watch your words carefully. She's not some object to just hand over."

Ling Jie remained oblivious to the warning. "You're the one who took her from me. I challenge you to a battle! Unless you're scared."

"Fine," Yun Che sighed before accepting the challenge. If this kid wanted a fight, he'd give him a fight.

"If I may ask, Ling Jie is at the Sixth Level of the Spirit Profound Realm. If you're intending on challenging him, what is your cultivation?" Ling Yun asked.

"True Profound Realm," Yun Che spoke outright, not intending to reveal his true power just to entertain a child. Moreover, he didn't want to spoil the surprise before the upcoming tournament. Ling Yun was somehow amused that a kid younger than him by a year had the audacity to be impudent before him. Yun Che's cultivation didn't even match Ling Jie's, and he simply accepted the challenge.

"Hahaha… Then you're no match for me. Might as well hand Princess Cang Yue over. You can't even take three of my strikes!" Ling Jie boasted, but instead of feeling intimidated, Yun Che couldn't help but sweat.

"Get a load of this guy," Yun Che said, addressing Cang Yue, who simply shrugged. Within the original story, the real Yun Che did take three of Ling Jie's strikes and emerged unscathed, even impressing Ling Yun. However, the current Yun Che decided to change things up a bit. He pulled out a small table from nearby and placed it in the middle of the throne room, resting his right elbow on top of it.

"I am not following the original this time. Let's arm wrestle instead."

Confusion clouded Ling Jie's face, and Cang Yue looked puzzled. "What's this arm wrestle?"

Shooting Ling Jie a confused look, Yun Che sighed. It seemed that in this world, people were always fighting but had never heard of arm wrestling. He mused about what would happen if the people knew about slap battles from his world; it could be a way to settle disputes between sects. Yun Che explained, "Dude, you don't have arm wrestling in this world? It's where you push the other arm until the upper hand touches the table."

"It's easy then, dude," Ling Jie tried mimicking Yun Che's slang.

"Good luck," Yun Che said before Ling Jie placed his right elbow on the table and grabbed Yun Che's hand.

"I'll tell you two when to begin," Ling Yun announced, and Cang Yue asked the people around them to back away, anticipating that things might turn ugly.

"Don't worry, Princess Sis, I'll win and take you back from him," Ling Jie spoke with a confident smile. Cang Yue offered him a sheepish smile, while Yun Che simply rolled his eyes. He wouldn't let this boy take Cang Yue away from him.

"Ready…" Ling Yun held both of their hands together. The crowd of palace officials, soldiers, attendants, and even servants gathered, eager to witness what was unfolding. Even guests from other sects were present. "Start!"

Ling Jie burst out his Spirit Profound Realm aura immediately, attempting to overpower Yun Che. Yun Che countered with his own arm strength and a burst of profound energy, creating a windstorm within the throne room. The crowd had to brace themselves against the intense force. Ling Yun widened his eyes in surprise. "This… he can match Ling Jie's strength? Isn't he at the True Profound Realm?"

The table beneath them started to crack as the profound burst intensified.

"He's strong!" Ling Jie admitted internally before increasing his power.

"Huarrggghhhh!!!!" Ling Jie shouted, but Yun Che didn't budge. Ling Jie used all his strength and managed to push Yun Che's arm little by little. Unbeknownst to him, Yun Che wasn't even using his full strength, resisting only with his arm. Seeing this, Ling Jie shouted amidst the windstorm, "Sister Princess will be mine!"

Instead of struggling, Yun Che smirked. "Back at ya..." He let go of Ling Jie's hand for a moment before returning with full force, causing Ling Jie to flip backward. The impact of his loss sent out a burst of wind around them. When the wind subsided, the crowd, including Ling Yun, widened their eyes as Ling Jie's arm had touched the broken table beneath them. Yun Che didn't break his arm or anything; he had won.

"You cheated! I demand a rematch!" Ling Jie stood up, pointing his finger at Yun Che. Ling Yun realized that Yun Che had purposely loosened his grip before surprising Ling Jie with a sudden burst of strength. The crowd's reactions were palpable as Yun Che easily defeated the young master of the Heavenly Sword Villa without breaking a sweat.

Just how strong is this man?

"You lose, man. Suck it up," Yun Che remarked before slowly pulling the defeated Ling Jie to his feet. It became apparent that the boy's arm was shaking from his defeat.

"Urghhh…" Ling Jie grunted before shouting, "Just wait at the Blue Wind Ranking Tournament!! I'll beat you and take Princess Sis back!!"

"Keep telling yourself that, kid," Yun Che grinned.

"Shall we…" Yun Che spoke before Cang Yue nodded. She even bowed in apology before following Yun Che from behind.

Ling Yun refused to believe his eyes as his brother, Ling Jie, was entirely defeated by some man he didn't even know. The man had just announced that he was betrothed to Cang Yue, which caused Ling Jie to attack him in jealousy. Both engaged in arm wrestling, only for Ling Jie to be easily tossed like a ragdoll by a True Profound Realm man.

Who is this man? That was the question Ling Yun had in his head before his brother's words suddenly reached him.

"He bested me," Ling Jie quietly spoke.

"What…" Ling Yun looked at him with confusion.

"Someone bested me fair and square," Ling Jie continued.

"It wasn't fair…" Ling Yun knew how his brother was defeated. He could say it wasn't even fair, as his opponent won with technique rather than strength, or something else was amiss.

"He will be my boss. He will be my brother!!" Ling Jie shouted with enthusiasm.

"What…" Ling Yun's confusion was even more apparent.

"He is now my boss!" Ling Jie declared, causing the people around him to be bewildered. "Boss! I will follow you for eternity!"


"You really don't have to defeat him like that. He's just a boy," Cang Yue remarked as they made their way to the Blue Wind Profound Palace. The palace is located within the boundaries of the Imperial Palace but the distance is quite considerable from the main palace.

"I didn't. I just let my guard down and came down instantly. A common winning technique in my world," Yun Che admitted, sweat dropping as he acknowledged going overboard with Ling Jie.

"Right…," Cang Yue doubted, but she was somehow pleased that Yun Che fought for her, especially after recently offending the three sects and defeating the Xiao Sect just for her. "Ufuu… I really appreciate your jealousy."

"Well, I just wanted to defend one of my women," Yun Che grinned, patting Cang Yue's head.

"Eheee… you just did," Cang Yue smiled beautifully, slinging her arm into his, grateful that fate had brought her and Yun Che together.


Ling Yun strolled into the Imperial Garden, a heavy sigh escaping his lips for what felt like the umpteenth time. He couldn't fathom why he had been chosen to deliver the elders' peace offering and yet missed the chance to meet the Great Swordsman himself. Ling Yun had harbored a secret hope of making the Great Swordsman his master, but given the tumultuous history with the villa, that dream seemed increasingly elusive.

As he ambled along, he suddenly found himself drawn to an ethereal fragrance, a scent of flowers so heavenly that it demanded attention. Following the captivating aroma to its source, Ling Yun's eyes widened in sheer amazement.

What lay before him shattered his preconceptions and altered his view of women forever. Ling Yun, who had devoted himself tirelessly to cultivation, remained impervious to the allure of even the most beautiful women in his villa. Princess Cang Yue's unparalleled beauty had failed to captivate him.

However, the sight that unfolded before him now was a revelation. It wasn't merely a woman; it was beyond that. She wasn't a fairy or even just a goddess. She was something transcendent—a divine enchantress.

The figure slowly emerges from the Imperial Palace, and her beauty is a spectacle that transcends mere mortal descriptions. With each step, she exudes an otherworldly gracefulness, capturing the attention of all who gaze upon her. Draped in a kimono, its canvas adorned with a mesmerizing blend of red and black flowers against pristine white fabric, she moves with a regal poise.

Her waist-length hair is a masterpiece, meticulously tied into frontal braids, adding an extra layer of allure to her porcelain face. Red lips and a cute nose accentuate her features, while her eyes, as attractive as the deep sea of stars, hold a mysterious allure. The figure's hourglass figure is an embodiment of perfection, a dream etched in the hearts of those who witness her presence.

The ensemble is completed with a vibrant red-green obi, adorned with a white strap in the middle, emphasizing her slender waist. A small but poignant detail, a red flower clip graces the left side of her head, adding a touch of elegance to her overall appearance. As she walks to the edge of the lake, Retsu carries herself with a timeless beauty that leaves an indelible mark, a living embodiment of grace and allure.

As Ling Yun's eyes beheld the figure emerging from the Imperial Palace, an indescribable whirlwind of emotions swept through him. A man who had steadfastly sworn off the allure of women suddenly found himself ensnared in a paradox of desire and admiration. It was as if an invisible force had awakened dormant feelings within him, feelings he never thought he would succumb to.

In that poignant moment, a cascade of emotions flooded Ling Yun's senses. He stood at the precipice of a love he had never experienced before, a love that transcended the boundaries he had set for himself. This beautiful figure's beauty, grace, and the enchanting mixture of red and black flowers on her kimono had ignited a flame that burned with an intensity he had never known.

The desire to claim her as his own pulsated through him, an unfamiliar yet undeniable yearning that left him breathless. Ling Yun, once resolute in his vow to remain untouched by the enchantment of love, found himself helplessly drawn into the depths of a profound and irresistible attraction. In that moment, he realized that love, as unpredictable and chaotic as it was, had chosen him as its willing captive.

"Muuu… I forgot the lunches we prepared this morning," mused Retsu, her figure unmistakable as she returned from the inner world to bring nourishment for Mio and Nemu. Witnessing her sisters' hunger was something she couldn't bear. As she readied herself for the journey back, her beautiful eyes caught sight of the stunned Ling Yun. A sudden realization struck her, and she swiftly conjured her fan to cover the lower part of her face. "Ara… you are..?"

"Hea…. heavenly… fairy… no goddess…" Ling Yun stuttered, his calm composure crumbling in the face of her enchanting presence. Even a man like him, known for his unwavering demeanor, found himself captivated.

"Arara…." Retsu sweetly smiled, acknowledging the effect her beauty had on him. Yet, her heart belonged to someone else, and she felt no joy in the attention she was receiving.

"Huff…huff… Heavenly… Goddess… Please… what is your name…?" Ling Yun's request caught Retsu off guard. Her eyes narrowed with suspicion as she questioned his motives. "Why should I give my name up...?"

"Huff…. Huff…" Ling Yun's heavy breathing and lingering gaze made Retsu uncomfortable. She sighed, stepping away from him. The creepy stare, heavy breathing, and lustful eyes were too much to bear. "You really started to make me feel uncomfortable. Good day…"

"Be my wife," Ling Yun declared with a creepy grin, surprising even Retsu.

"Huh?" Retsu was taken aback, bewildered by the audacity of someone proposing to her despite her clear devotion to someone else.

"Please be my wife!!! I can give … anything you desire. Wealth, power, or resources. Name it and it's yours." Ling Yun's desperate plea echoed in the space between them, leaving Retsu stunned. She never expected such delusion from someone, and the situation had taken an unexpected turn.

"Ara… I never expected to meet someone so delusional," Retsu sighed. She contemplated avoiding interactions with men altogether, given the peculiar experiences she was having. Perhaps living in the inner world after marriage would be a solution to escape such encounters.

"Please… arrggghhh!!!" Ling Yun's desperate plea echoed through the air as he climaxed on all fours, releasing a surge of lustful hormones that made the atmosphere even more uncomfortable for Retsu. The figure was nauseated by the sight and internalized Yachiru's disgusted comment, adding to her own disbelief. "What in the world…"

"Why am I here of all places?" Retsu sighed, her eyes revealing her distaste. Despite witnessing countless scenes of blood and death, this encounter managed to disgust her.

Ling Yun, still catching his breath, stood up with an obvious stain on his crotch. "Heavenly Goddess… please... anything... name anything, I will give them to you as long as you agree to be my wife!"

"Such a mad man," Retsu thought internally, refusing the ludicrous proposition. "I refuse. My heart and loyalty are devoted. Now, please leave before I exert force."

"Who…" Ling Yun mumbled, jealousy surfacing within him. Determined to know who had Retsu's devotion, he wanted to claim her for himself. "Who is the one you're devoted to? Tell me!"

"Such audacity…" Retsu replied with a cold tone. "I don't take orders other than from my beloved. Especially from a monkey who can't even control his own lust."

Retsu was ready to leave, dismissing the absurdity of the situation. However, Ling Yun's next words fueled her anger. "How much… how much for you to leave him?"

"What did you say?" Retsu's eyes turned red and lifeless, angered by the audacious suggestion. "You want me to leave the man I love? For you?"

Ling Yun, losing control, rapidly nodded in desperation. Before he could say more, four skeletal figures, adorned in black hooded robes, materialized. Their bony hands gripped his head, and four scythes hovered threateningly, ready to behead him should he make any sudden moves.

"You dare suggest such audacity to me?" Retsu's killing intent permeated the air. "You will never even be a finger of a man like him."

The pressure of her killing intent overwhelmed Ling Yun, causing him to pass out with foam at his mouth. Observing this, even her skeletal companions shrug their bony shoulders before disappearing. Retsu sighed in disdain. "Disgusting…"

"Ara…. I took too long. Mio and Nemu must be starving," Retsu remarked before disappearing, leaving the unconscious Ling Yun behind.

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