Rebirth in Against the Gods with The Ultimate System

Chapter 158: Overwhelming Pressure

Chapter 158: Overwhelming Pressure

The day before…

Seven hundred kilometers away from the Imperial City, the imposing structure of the Xiao Main Sect loomed over the enchanted lands, surrounded by an ancient forest. Dwarfing the already significant Floating Cloud City, the vastness of the sect was a testament to its power.

Inside the prime Xiao Sect main hall, three figures held a crucial discussion. The esteemed Xiao Wuqing, Grand Sect Master with the formidable Fourth Level Emperor Profound Realm cultivation, sat on the Xiao Sect throne. To his right was his brother, Xiao Wuyi, the Grand Elder of the Xiao Clan, and to his left, the sect master, Xiao Juetian.

Haunted by the past humiliation during the raid on the Moon Empress's tomb, where they failed to capture the Great Swordsman Dracule Mihawk, the Xiao Sect now sought an opportunity for redemption. 

The Xiao Sect bore the heavy weight of humiliation from the disastrous Moon Empress raid. Despite successfully uncovering the teleportation formation leading to the tomb, they failed miserably in securing its treasures. Two esteemed elders were lost, the precious treasure eluded their grasp, and worst of all, the Great Swordsman Dracule Mihawk escaped their clutches.

Mihawk's prowess became the stuff of legend as he not only bested numerous high-level Emperor Profound Realm cultivators but also rendered all sect masters unconscious with an unparalleled display of power. The Xiao Sect, in particular, suffered a severe blow to their pride.

Fuelled by their wounded honor, Xiao Wuqing and Xiao Wuyi made a solemn vow to track down and confront this enigmatic Great Swordsman of the Blue Wind Empire. Despite Mihawk's status as a mere Peak Sky Profound Realm cultivator in their eyes, their confidence stemmed from the ancient weapon they possessed, which they believed could triumph over high-level Emperor Profound Realm cultivators.

Now, as they convened once again, news of the princess exhibiting a power reminiscent of Dracule Mihawk's sent a surge of excitement through the Xiao Sect. It was an opportunity to redeem their tarnished reputation and perhaps unlock the secret to the elusive technique that had eluded them in the Moon Empress's tomb raid. Greed flickered in their eyes as they envisioned obtaining this mysterious technique for themselves.

"Is it true, then?" Xiao Wuqing inquired, his tone laced with a hint of greed, eager to harness the power Cang Yue seemed to possess.

"Yes, elder. It seems that Princess Cang Yue possesses the same ability as that swordsman," Xiao Juetian confirmed, having witnessed Cang Yue's display of power during the execution.

"Bring her to the sect at all costs. If she can't be our disciple, then tie her through marriage. We can use the extraction technique to learn more about that execution technique," Xiao Wuyi declared, unable to resist the temptation of obtaining the mysterious power.

"The Blue Wind Empire is still reorganizing. If we threaten them, we can easily suppress the emperor into submission," Xiao Juetian added, envisioning the potential dominance they could achieve.

Xiao Wuqing sighed, recognizing the delicacy of the situation. A calculated approach was required to obtain Cang Yue legally, without arousing suspicion from the Imperial Palace.

"The other two sect masters are willing to participate in this as long as the secrets of the technique are shared among us," Xiao Wuqing revealed, hinting at a collaborative effort with the other sects.

"Good. Use our army tomorrow to intimidate her into submission. I am sure those bastards had the same idea as well," Xiao Wuqing spoke, referring to the other two sects that were likely eyeing the princess and her mysterious power. The stage was set for a complex and potentially dangerous move.


That morning, the dawn sky witnessed the descent of three medium-sized flying arks over the Imperial Palace. In this iteration of the Profound Sky Continent, flying arks had become a technological marvel for massive sects, offering not only swift transportation but also the ability to deploy troops efficiently. The ingenious concept of flying arks harnessed the power of profound cores, using them as an energy source to enable hovering—eliminating the need for traditional physics-based propulsion systems like rotor blades or engines. Essentially, the inhabitants of this world had mastered the art of generating hovering power through profound stones alone.

As the arks gracefully touched down in the expansive courtyard of the palace, the armies of the three sects descended, led by three formidable Peak Sky Profound Realm elders. Their arrival sent ripples of alertness throughout the palace, with everyone on high alert as the disciplined troops marched towards the heart of the Imperial Palace. A total of six hundred men formed an imposing formation in front of the courtyard, lined up with military precision, while the three elders confidently led a contingent of disciples through the main doors of the palace.

Seated on the throne, Cang Wanhe observed their arrival, recognizing the insignias of the four great sects. While the entrance of such distinguished guests would typically be a cause for respect and hospitality, a faint sense of tension lingered in the air.

The grand palace hall fell silent as three revered elders entered with commanding presence. Leading the group was Ling Mu from the Heavenly Sword Villa, followed by Xiao Heng from the Main Xiao Sect and Fen Moli from the Burning Heaven Clan. The trio, accompanied by skilled disciples with Earth Profound Realm cultivation, moved with a dignified grace. The air buzzed with anticipation as their arrival hinted at a pivotal moment in the martial realms, where alliances and conflicts were poised to unfold.

"Fen Moli of the Burning Heaven Clan, pays his respects to the emperor," declared the elder in a vibrant red-orange robe, a man who appeared to have witnessed over a century of life. His commanding presence exuded arrogance and self-righteousness, his white hair and beard reflecting the weight of the years etched upon his face and slightly cloudy eyes.

"Xiao Heng from the Xiao Sect, humbly greets the emperor," followed another elder in a dignified black and red outfit, exuding an air of authority. His aged face, adorned with pure white hair and beard, suggested the wisdom accumulated over time.

"Ling Mu of the Heavenly Sword Villa, extends greetings to the emperor," announced the wise-looking elder in a white and grey ensemble, his face a canvas of the centuries. Each elder brought with them a distinct personality, a mix of commanding presence and the marks of time etched upon them.

Behind these venerable figures, nine high-ranking disciples stood tall, flanked by dozens of lower-ranked disciples and elders. Together, they formed a formidable display of dominance within the Blue Wind Imperial Palace, setting the stage for a dynamic interplay of power and allegiance in the imperial court. 

"Emperor Cang Wanhe, it looks like you recovered from your illness. This old man is pleased to see you recovered." Ling Mu spoke with courtesy.

As the three venerable elders concluded their greetings, Cang Wanhe, the emperor of the Blue Wind Empire, maintained a stoic facade that betrayed no hint of weakness. Despite the formality of his ill health, he stood with a regal posture, meeting the gaze of the seasoned elders with unwavering composure. His cultivation might be considered mid-tier within the Earth Profound Realm, noticeably lower than these formidable figures, but his authority as the empire's sovereign held its own weight.

Though physically ailing, Cang Wanhe's eyes mirrored the sharpness of a ruler who understood the intricate dance of power and politics. The elders, bound by tradition, extended the courtesy due to an emperor, but beneath the surface, a current of strategic intent ran deep. It was evident that this alliance held a purpose beyond the formalities of protocol.

"It seems that the rebellion has been quelled. It's about time," Fen Moli spoke with an air of arrogance, glancing around at the restored order within the palace grounds.

"Indeed. The political power struggles in this nation have always been a nuisance. It's high time for a thorough cleansing," arrogantly declared Xiao Heng, a dismissive tone coloring his words.

Cang Wanhe, privy to Yun Che's information, remained silent. Though he knew of the Burning Heaven Clan and the Xiao Clan's involvement in the rebellion, their hands appeared clean for now. Accusing them without concrete evidence would likely incur their wrath. At present, they were supplying the Imperial Family with men, weapons, and their own protectors, who hailed from the three sects.

"Well, I managed to recover swiftly thanks to my daughter. Now, esteemed elders, why have you come here with your men, as if ready for war? This could lead to a major misunderstanding on my part," Cang Wanhe spoke, noting the increased tension outside the palace, putting the entire place on high alert.

"Ah, do not worry about them. They are here for formality," Ling Mu spoke with a sarcastic smile, his words laced with an undercurrent of mockery.

"Let's get straight to the point. Is your daughter, Princess Cang Yue, around?" Ling Mu asked directly, a query that puzzled Cang Wanhe. They weren't here for formalities or to inquire about his health. Instead, they sought his daughter.

"Yes, of course. I shall dispatch my servants to fetch her immediately." With that, he signaled for one of his imperial protectors to retrieve Cang Yue. The princess herself, sensing the tension outside, approached the situation calmly. Yun Che's warning about the revelation of haki had prepared her for potential greed among high-level cultivators. 

Cang Yue had a plan, courtesy of Yun Che, though she hadn't expected to implement it so soon. As for Yun Che's absence from his room, alongside Mio and Retsu, during her sleepover, she decided to give him space for the day. Their absence, however, had left her with an oddly sleepless night. Cang Yue sighed, realizing she could really use the Fully Rested Perk that Yun Che provided.

Now, faced with this issue, she needed to tread lightly, lacking the strength to settle it alone. Yun Che had already given her a plan, and it seemed she might need his assistance sooner than expected.

Cang Yue's entrance into the main hall stirred a hushed reverence among the onlookers. At nearly nineteen, her beauty was truly enchanting, with waist-length fuchsia hair elegantly framing her face and vibrant orange eyes. Draped in an imperial princess robe that accentuated her slender figure, Cang Yue's regal presence captivated all who beheld her.

Her allure transcended aesthetics, embodying top-tier elegance, and the disciples in the hall gazed upon her as if she were a celestial being. Enchanted by her ethereal charm, they couldn't help but reflect awe and admiration. Adding to the spectacle, Cang Yue was escorted by another beauty – her Imperial Protector, Xue Ling. Possessing ebony waist-length hair, a natural porcelain face, and an aura befitting a powerful martial beauty, Xue Ling had an hourglass figure and a modest bust, clad in the attire of an Imperial Protector. Together, the two women created a scene of imperial grace and martial prowess as they graced the main hall with their presence. 

Cang Yue entered the hall, expertly masking her cultivation with haki. To the elders, she appeared as an ordinary mortal, a facade that prompted them to reveal their goals, unknowingly lowering their guard. Bowing her head respectfully, she spoke, "Cang Yue greets the esteemed elders."

Activating her Eagle Vision, Cang Yue widened her eyes in shock. The red intents emanating from these men were a clear indication of their ulterior motives. Yun Che had taught her about Eagle Vision, emphasizing its ability to sense lies by observing the pulsing intent. Her orange eyes now glowed with a blueish hue, a mix with her natural eye color, but none of the elders noticed they were under scrutiny.

"Princess Cang Yue, it seems you've grown well during your absence from the city," Xiao Heng remarked, his words mere formality. Cang Yue nodded, but she wasn't in the mood for pleasantries.

Maintaining a calm composure, she addressed them directly, "This Cang Yue has returned to right the wrongs thrown against my father. Now that the matter is settled, may I ask the esteemed elders why you have called for me?"

"Ah, straight to the point. Then, let us be frank as well," Xiao Heng replied before getting to the heart of the matter, "Are you at a marriageable age?" At the audacity of the question, Cang Yue's eyes darkened, and her father shook with a mix of anger and concern. These shameless elders had come to force his only daughter into marriage, knowing that her husband would be the ruler of the empire after he passed on. With his sons considered traitors, she was the sole heir to the throne.

Cang Yue widened her eyes, realizing that Yun Che's predictions were spot-on. Keeping her courtesy, she replied, "I am indeed nineteen years old. Marriage is not on my mind at the moment." 

"Princess, think of the possibilities you can attain. We are here to propose an alliance between the Imperial Family and the three great sects," Ling Mu suggested. While the people of the palace saw this as a massive advantage, Cang Yue knew the risks of such a marriage. If she married into the sect, they would gain ownership over her, and her father wouldn't be able to do anything about it. Seeing this development, she had a clear idea of why they were making this proposal in the first place. Moreover, the spouse she chose would be crowned emperor in the future, essentially becoming a puppet emperor manipulated by the ruling sect.

They wanted everything, and she would be reduced to a puppet queen married to someone she didn't even love. Additionally, they would likely try to exploit her Haoshoku No Haki for their own gain.

Without waiting for her response, the nine good-looking disciples, the suitors meant to be introduced to Cang Yue, began introducing themselves. While their appearances were decent, none of them held a candle to Yun Che. To her, he was a one-of-a-kind man who truly loved his women, unlike these seemingly worthless suitors. Powerful cultivation and good looks meant nothing if they couldn't treat their women right. 

After the supposed introductions, Cang Yue shook her head as she explained her intention. "Then, this matter concerns my future, so I have to ask. Why did you propose marriage to me? Since the earlier years of the empire, starting from Huan Xuyi, there have been no marriages among esteemed sects. Is there anything about me that you find appealing, aside from my status as a princess?"

"We carry no ill intentions, Princess. We are simply looking for an alliance through marriage," Ling Mu calmly spoke, their plans to coax the princess failing. To Cang Yue, their lies were blatantly obvious.

"Then, can I give my answer at a later date?" Cang Yue presented her options, hoping to settle this without resorting to Yun Che's help.

"The sooner we complete the marriage, the better. The Imperial Family can enjoy the full might of the three sects," Xiao Heng boasted, but it sounded like a blatant lie.

"In return for?" Cang Yue shot back.

"Your happiness, of course." Ling Mu's answer caused Cang Yue to sigh, as that was the best lie they could come up with.

Cang Yue sighed as the men's aura, in her Eagle Vision, pulsed with lies, and their intents were red all the time. Instead, she decided to be frank without any sense of respect. "I don't buy it. What is it that you're after? Perhaps, is it the mysterious technique during my father's execution? The Empire's throne? As now, I am the only successor to my father." As she said that in a soft tone, the men flinched, and their auras pulsated, indicating she asked the right question. 

"Princess… what on earth do you mean?" Ling Mu still kept his calm, somehow wondering how the princess was able to sniff out their intentions so easily. They had clearly underestimated her, thinking of her as a meek and weak person.

"Then, I refuse your proposals. I have already someone in mind to spend my life with," Cang Yue spoke with confidence.

"Who is this person you're referring to?" The elders tried to pry. Should they know about this person, they might force him to break things off with the princess.

"It is not common knowledge, so I refuse to divulge it," Cang Yue shook her head, determined not to reveal anything about Yun Che.

"What do you say, Princess Cang Yue?" Fen Moli asked, expecting her to accept their proposal.

"I formally reject all the suitors you introduced," Cang Yue answered. As she gave her answer, all pretenses were off, and her suitors shot her with looks of disbelief. The princess might be pretty, but her status was beneath the four great sects. To them, the imperial family was nothing more than a powerful family borrowing resources from them. They believed they could take it all back and reduce the family to mere weaklings.

"Princess, do you know the implications of this? Your rejection will result in the withdrawal of all Imperial Protectors, the army entirely from the Xiao Clan, and the suppliers from the Burning Heaven Clan," Fen Moli smirked. Xue Ling, standing behind Cang Yue, gritted her teeth. If the princess rejected their offer, the three sects would withdraw their borrowed power from the Imperial Family. This meant she would lose her status as an Imperial Protector, leaving Cang Yue defenseless. She was about to retort, but Cang Yue's squeeze on her hand told her otherwise.

Cang Wanhe gritted his teeth, ready to shout at the esteemed elders, but a determined look from his daughter immediately halted his intention. Cang Yue exuded confidence in handling this matter, and he decided to trust his daughter. She had successfully resolved the rebellion issue, and now he chose to let her judgment prevail.

Cang Yue calmed herself before she spoke, "I am a former disciple of the Blue Wind Profound Palace, but I now have a master. I wish to consult him before I accept your offers, as forcing my answer will surely offend him as well."

This time it was Cang Yue to execute her plans.

Now that their true intentions were revealed, Cang Yue recalled Yun Che's teachings on dealing with various types of people. He had instructed her to play them in the palm of her hand, utilizing the cards she had to her advantage. The key to becoming a true ruler, he said, was to make enemies believe they were dancing on her palms while she manipulated the strings behind the scenes.

"Your master, what kind of man is he? Just a significant ant beneath the three great sects, isn't he?" Xiao Heng sneered, attempting to belittle Cang Yue's supposed master.

"He is not someone you should be willing to offend," Cang Yue replied calmly. However, her words were met with laughter and mockery from the elders and disciples present.

"Bwahahaha... call him then. I'm sure he'll be more than willing to relinquish you to us," Fen Moli arrogantly declared, convinced that Cang Yue's master was a nobody.

"Very well. Please give me a moment," Cang Yue bowed politely before excusing herself to another room, leaving the guests with her father. As she walked away, a smirk played on her lips. She knew she could seek Yun Che's help for this; he surely had something prepared, anticipating this moment from the instant her Haki was revealed to the world.

"Take all the time you need, Princess," the elders spoke, thinking they had successfully ensnared her. Little did they know, they were the ones dancing to her tune.


A moment passed before Cang Yue returned with an air of confidence, bowing once again. She had just communicated with Yun Che through her Tenteikura link, and he was on his way, picking up Retsu's sister. Although eager to meet her sister, Cang Yue had to deal with these stuck-up elders first. "You're in luck. He is coming today to visit my recently recovered father. You can ask him your questions there."

"And here I thought you were going to run again," Fen Moli spoke with a hint of sarcasm, alluding to her previous avoidance of Fen Juecheng. This time, she wouldn't back away; if he came again, a punch to the face would be her response.

"Then, allow this elder to ask. What kind of man is your master?" Fen Moli inquired, trying to glean more information about Cang Yue's mysterious master.

Sensing his intention, Cang Yue decided to provoke the elders. "I am not going to disclose that. All I can say is, he is not a man you wish to offend. Are you ready to have your sect destroyed by him?"

The disciples from the three sects laughed at her threat, some bursting out in uncontrollable laughter. "Hahahaha… did she just threaten the three great sects? Has she lost her mind?"

"Wow… I came here to be married to the princess, but never expected this," one of her so-called suitors laughed.

Cang Wanhe clenched his fist; these people were indeed insulting his daughter and him. To them, the Imperial Family meant nothing. It seemed like they had brought these people to boast and intimidate him, knowing the Imperial Family was now defenseless after the coup by Cang Lin. The men outside were likely waiting for a command to seize the Imperial Palace.

Fen Moli laughed out loud. "Looks like the princess can now talk big? Offended? Your master is just someone unknown to us, and you dare threaten to destroy our sect? Do you wish to go to war with the might of the three sects?"

Cang Yue smirked, pleased that her plans had worked. She countered, "You are the one who offended me, trying to force me to be a disciple of the three sects by coercing me into marriage. Doing this will offend him as well. You can say I am hiding behind him because I know his limits and his anger. He will not take this insult lightly."

"Then, call him. We will call your bluff and dismiss your master. An ant trying to make the three sects bow before it? What a joke," Fen Moli said, attempting to hide his irritation behind a smile.

Cang Wanhe and Xue Ling looked at her dumbfoundedly. They didn't know whether Cang Yue was delaying or had a plan to counter this proposal, and they had never even heard of this master. She managed to offend the elders while still keeping her calm. "Already did, he was coming by anyway," Cang Yue smirked.


A figure materialized on top of the Imperial Palace, gracefully stabilizing itself. Cloaked in an air of mystery, it observed the gathering alliance in the palace courtyard and a wry smile graced its features.

"Showtime," the figure spoke with a voice that carried a hint of familiarity, setting the stage for an unfolding drama.


"Looks like the coup made it easier for us to take the Imperial Palace," the disguised soldiers spoke to each other.

"The three sects are really taking the chance to invade the Blue Wind Empire. No resistance. With no Imperial Army inspections," one remarked. The Blue Wind Empire faced challenges, and the three sects seized the opportunity to infiltrate the imperial palace, disguising themselves as reinforcements only to reveal their true intentions of intimidation.

"To think that the heavens provided us with this chance. Sneak in as reinforcements for the Blue Wind Empire, only to take it by force. The Imperial Army is a joke," one of the men commented.

As the men laughed, the air around them suddenly thickened, causing their laughter to instantly die down. Their insults turned to dread as the sudden sound of footsteps filled the air. It was so quiet that even the fall of a pin could be heard.

The men, initially full of bravado, now wore fear in their eyes, but they remained rooted on the spot, their fear being overpowered by an even greater terror.






The sound of those footsteps echoed through the air as the combined army widened their eyes and mouths. Each step caused them to flinch in fear as the figure walked past them. The soldiers who were lining up opened up a path, as if the person were a king or emperor, slowly moving through. Even the palace's soldiers widened their eyes in fear as they saw him.

Suddenly, one of them felt tired before slowly passing out. It wasn't just him; one by one, men from the three alliances of the three great sects fell to the ground as their eyes turned white. Even the men who were insulting the kingdom also collapsed.

The commander tried to call out, but the moment he saw the figure, his eyes widened in fear as well. Then, slowly, the disguised soldiers from the three sects fell to the ground mysteriously, as if a sudden wind had blown away their consciousness.

Lastly, he too fell to the ground. A silhouette of a shadow walked by as more and more men fell before they could register what was happening.

Inside the palace, Cang Yue, still protected by Xue Ling extended her own haki, detected more and more men outside passing out. She sensed a familiar aura approaching the palace front door and she smirked.

"Well, where is this master of yours? Just give in, Princess Cang Yue. Accept our marriage proposal or we will cease our support for the empire." Fen Moli spoke or more like threatened her.

"Yue'er… I am sorry," Cang Wanhe apologized, as the three sects were indeed the core of the Imperial Palace. Armies, protectors, and weapons were all from them. Cang Yue's refusal would plunge the palace into chaos and thus the entire empire, as their Imperial army was currently under cleansing after Cang Lin's coup.

Xue Ling had made her stand, refusing to betray Cang Yue. She was willing to betray her sect to continue to be with Cang Yue.

Unintimidated, Cang Yue turned toward the sect masters. "Sigh… then deal with him. He's here anyway."

"Oh? Where is this weakling of a master of hers? I can beat him with one punch behind my back. Even our strongest disciples can beat him," Fen Moli spoke with arrogance, confident that this master would be nothing more than a Sky Profound Realm cultivator, probably lower than he was.

Standing in front of Xue Ling, much to the latter's dismay, Cang Yue smiled softly. "Then, can I suggest the weak ones back off? You can't handle him."

"Hahahaha… Weak ones… what do you mean? He's so strong that we couldn't handle him?" One of her suitors spoke.

"Sigh… like I said, just…" Cang Yue sighed as one of the suitors fell unconscious.

"What the …" The others reacted slowly, and now, more and more started to fall face first to the ground as they lost consciousness.

"What happened? Princess! Explain yourself!?" The Heavenly Sword Villa's master, Ling Mu, shouted as more and more of his escorts fell unconscious, as if a plague had invaded their ranks. He tried to check the air for poison, but there was none. 

"Yue'er, what on earth is happening? Is this your doing?" Her father, Cang Wanhe, asked, bewildered by the unprecedented situation.

"Princess, are you releasing that aura of yours again?" Xue Ling inquired, expecting a negative response, only to receive a shake of the head from Cang Yue.

"Hmmm… looks like it has begun," Cang Yue spoke, her cryptic words adding to the confusion of her father and Xue Ling.

"Oi! What is happening? All of you…" Xiao Heng interjected, bewildered as the rest of his men fell unconscious.

"Just calm down. His aura is the same as mine from before—only stronger and better. You said that you can withstand his aura. Your strongest disciples can beat him? So?" Cang Yue seized the opportunity to throw their own words back at them. Her words triggered a sudden realization for the three sect masters.

Same aura as hers.

That means….

"This aura…." Fen Moli spoke, fear now etched across his face.

"It's....." Xiao Heng's face turned pale, and his entire body began to shake.

"Her master is him?!?" Ling Mu's mind finally clicked.

The three elders knew this aura quite well; they were there during the Moon Empress's tomb raid. They were the ones who passed out early, the individual before them forcing all high-ranking elders to succumb before targeting the sect masters.

The person they would never dare to offend at any cost.

The man who turned Emperor Profound Realm cultivators into mere jokes.

The one who dared to defy sacred grounds.

The individual even the empire itself feared.

And now, they had the audacity to threaten his disciple? Unknowingly, they had signed their own death warrants. 

"Magnanimous princess, please forgive us!! Please….please…" Ling Mu from the Heavenly Sword Villa immediately prostrated before Cang Yue, causing confusion for Cang Wanhe and Xue Ling. The elder who had boasted loudly before and even threatened to take all the Imperial Protectors and have Xue Ling punished was now begging for forgiveness.

"Please… please… you can take them back. The Villa will formally transfer all Imperial Protectors to the Imperial Family. We promise to protect the imperial family for as long as the sect lives. We can even provide armaments for the Imperial Family. We won't even bother you anymore. Please… Please.." Ling Mu continued to prostrate before her until his head was bloodied from continuous banging on the floor.

"Please forgive me as well, princess. We won't force you anymore. The Xiao Sect will even provide you with armaments in the future. Any support you need, any at all. We will provide you. Please…" Xiao Heng also prostrated, despite his former arrogance. The fact that someone of his stature was begging before them was indeed shocking.

"The Burning Heaven Clan is even willing to transfer our army to your control. Please, we, the Burning Heaven Clan, won't bother you anymore. Please… Please…" Fen Moli, too, prostrated himself.

Cang Wanhe and Xue Ling were left in shock as the three esteemed elders from the three great sects prostrated before Cang Yue. The princess, seated on the upper step of the throne, sighed deeply. "It's already too late. You said that the might of the three sects can handle him… A word of advice, even if you're prepared, you can't hold a candle to his aura."

A shadowy silhouette slowly ascended the stairs, dragging something behind him. The palace officials, maids, servants, and soldiers froze in fear, recognizing the infamous figure known throughout the Blue Wind Empire.

The man Cang Yue had mentioned walked deliberately, dragging a large gourd behind him as if it weighed nothing. His presence caused the strong ones to be rooted in place, while the weak ones simply passed out. Some were so overwhelmed with fear that they soiled themselves. The three sect elders remained rooted, unable to escape, continuing to prostrate in an attempt to placate Cang Yue's anger.

"Mouu, you really have an impressive aura, master," Cang Yue spoke towards the approaching figure. Cang Wanhe and Xue Ling widened their eyes, now getting a good look at the approaching shadow. Cang Yue swore she saw a crack on the pillars of the throne room as the shadow slowly made its way to them.

The sect elders were still tied to their spots, struggling to stay awake. This aura was familiar—too familiar. They begged for his forgiveness before, and now they dared to threaten his disciple? Perhaps today truly was their last day on this star.

As the shadow approached, it revealed a middle-aged man with a long-sleeved white shirt with a wavy collar, a sword coat draped over him, and a towering black sword behind his back. He also wore a hat with thick feathers, black pants, and boots.

"Apologies, Yue'er. A precaution since a lot of unknown people are gathering in front of the palace," the middle-aged man explained, raising his hat to reveal intimidating yellow eyes. Everyone who laid eyes on the towering black sword with a gold handle, the yellow-eyed figure, and his signature hat instantly knew who he was—the man who caused trouble during the Moon Empress's tomb raid, defeated several Emperor Profound Realm disciples, and even offended the Sacred Ground Heavenly Mighty Sword Region.

"You… You are the one people all over the empire describe. You are Yue'ers master?" Cang Wanhe spoke in a shocked tone. Xue Ling had heard about this man but had never actually seen him up close like this.

"Indeed," the man replied, tipping his hat to Cang Wanhe.

"Dracule 'Hawk Eyes' Mihawk," Cang Wanhe said, his voice filled with astonishment. The name matched the man's description, but this time, instead of wearing his signature Spanish-style clothes, he sported a long-sleeved white shirt with curly collars, exposing his chest and body. His small dagger hung around his neck, and he was covered only with his black cloak, his signature hat, and sword. The outfit resembled Mihawk's casual attire during his training arc with Zoro. 

"Master!" Cang Yue descended from the throne, approaching Yun Che and bowing her head. The swordsman smiled, patting her head affectionately. The moment the word "master" left Cang Yue's mouth, the remaining conscious men flinched. They had just offended the Strongest Swordsman in the Empire, and probably the entire continent, considering he was willing to challenge a sacred ground.

It had been a while since he went missing, and during that time, his strength had likely increased beyond their wildest dreams, perhaps even surpassing the Emperor Profound Realm.

In his Mihawk persona, Yun Che simply spoke, "I came due to Yue'er's request. This gourd holds the special healing liquid I concocted. I am here to wish you good health and also to visit Yue'er."

"Please… you don't have to," Cang Wanhe tried his best to show courtesy. Xue Ling, spared from the prostration, felt herself wetting due to his overwhelming pressure. To think that this perfect man was Cang Yue's master made her blush uncontrollably. It was the first time she had ever gazed upon a man capable of subduing her with willpower alone.

"I insist. A courtesy to visit the Emperor of the Blue Wind Empire and a great father to Cang Yue. It is nice to meet you, Emperor Cang Wanhe. She has told me a lot about you," Yun Che spoke in his Mihawk persona, and Cang Wanhe bowed slightly, despite being the emperor. He wasn't willing to offend the Strongest Swordsman in the Blue Wind Empire.

"I see you have guests," Yun Che's yellow eyes slightly turned towards the conscious men, causing all of them to flinch.

Seizing the opportunity, Cang Yue exacted her revenge on the men who had insulted her earlier. "Kind of. They were trying to kidnap me into their sects. Something about learning that mysterious technique of mine."

"Ohh~~~" Yun Che turned towards the elders, his eyes bearing the unmistakable weight of Mihawk's intimidating aura. The elders attempted to plead for forgiveness, stammering apologies, only to be cut off by Yun Che speaking in a tone that sent shivers down their spines.

"Who are you people again?" Yun Che surveyed them, a feigned look of confusion on his face, before a system notification interrupted their desperate attempts. These were the same individuals who had tried to oppose him earlier, only to crumble under the weight of his overwhelming haki. Witnessing their repeated downfall was nothing short of amusing. 

"Wait, you croaking frogs again?" Yun Che's Mihawk persona spoke, causing them to flinch. They had hoped he wouldn't recognize them, but the situation had taken an unexpected turn. Fear began to overwhelm them once more.

"So, you are here to take my disciple from me?" Yun Che feigned anger, his eyes narrowing with a menacing glare. The elders, now resembling dejected toads, continued to beg for mercy.

"Please… Please… we don't know…" they pleaded, but Yun Che contemplated another option. "Should I consider killing all of you right now? Maybe sparing you back then was a mistake."

Ling Mu banged his head on the floor, desperate for Yun Che's Mihawk persona to reconsider. "Please…please…spare our lowly lives. We won't disturb her anymore. The three sects will leave her alone. We will leave her alone.... We promise on our lives that she won't be bothered anymore and support the Blue Wind Imperial Family with all we had. Please…."

"Then, you should know one thing…" Yun Che spoke as his embodying his Mihawk's persona, holding Cang Yue by her shoulder, evoking a cute blush from her. With a serious expression, he asserted, "Cang Yue is my disciple. She's basically mine. If you want to take her from me, then you better come here preparing to die."

Releasing his own version of Haoshoku No Haki, Yun Che's overwhelming power immediately forced the other elders and disciples to collapse, regardless of their cultivation. Xue Ling, who stood nearby, felt the force of his overbearing power but was somehow spared from passing out due to Yun Che's mercy. The palace quivered as Cang Wanhe held onto the throne alongside Xue Ling.

After finishing his display of Haki, Yun Che warned, "Now, take your men and get out of my sight. Unless you want me to change my mind."

"But, they're all passed out," Xiao Heng, Ling Mu, and Fen Moli spoke with fear in their voices, realizing their attempt to intimidate the Blue Wind Palace had backfired when Yun Che incapacitated their six hundred men.

"Did I stutter?"

Yun Che turned around, shooting them a look that compelled them to slam their heads on the palace floor. "We'll comply! We'll comply!" 

"Also…" Yun Che's Mihawk Persona turned towards Xiao Heng and threw a Profound Imagery Stone. "That Profound Imagery Stone has a message for Xiao Wuyi and Xiao Wuqing of yours. Since they wanted to come after Cang Yue, then I'll be waiting for them on that mountain by noon," Yun Che spoke, pointing to the mountain outside the city. Slowly descending from the higher platform, he looked at Xiao Heng as if he were an ant viewed from above. "If they don't come, I'll go to your sect and drag them out if I have to."

While in the original story, Yun Che didn't engage in a duel with Xiao Wuqing, he decided it was time to settle the score. He knew Xiao Wuyi would seek vengeance, and this version Yun Che wasn't one to shy away from a confrontation. Besides, he had a wonderful surprise in store. The anticipation of the pending duel added a thrilling undercurrent to the situation.

The conscious sect grand elders had to manually load all their men onto the small flying ark they used to come here. Yun Che made it clear they couldn't seek assistance from the Blue Wind Empire's men. The empire might have overlooked the incident, but Yun Che didn't. Now, they understood one thing—Dracule Mihawk was Princess Cang Yue's master, and the palace was under his protection as long as Cang Yue remained.

Turning his attention to the quaking and kneeling woman, Yun Che asked, "You are?" despite already being acquainted with her. 

"I… I…. I… I am …Xue Ling. I am... her protector," the woman replied, still fearing the man before her. She had heard about him before, but having him stand before her struck fear into her heart. 

Or was it fear?

"You're Xue Ling? Cang Yue has told me about you as well. She sees you as an older sister. My gratitude for protecting her," Yun Che said, extending his cupped hands toward the kneeling Xue Ling.

"It was an …honor, Lord …...Mihawk. I ….promised her ….late mother," Xue Ling spoke as she stuttered, doing her best to hide her radiating blush. His aura was intimidating, and she struggled not to succumb to the unusual desires it stirred within her. Being in the presence of Cang Yue's master made her body tremble as she kept rubbing her legs, and she tried to maintain her composure.

"I see…" Yun Che slowly approached her, handing her one of the system's Mark II XP pills.

"Lord Mihawk, this is?" Xue Ling widened her eyes at the sight of the glowing red pill in his hand.

"A gift for protecting Cang Yue. It should boost your Fifth Level Sky Profound Realm directly to the peak. At least you're strong enough to protect her, even from these bums," Yun Che explained. He wanted to help Cang Yue's protector grow stronger, and the system's information indicated her loyalty and trustworthiness. Thus, he didn't mind extending this favor to her.

Trusting the swordsman as her mistress's master, Xue Ling pushed the glowing pill into her mouth. In an instant, her aura surged to the Peak of Sky Profound Realm, surpassing the other Imperial Protectors by a significant margin. Her comrades could hardly believe their eyes, looking at her with envy.

"This… thank you, Lord Mihawk! Thank you very much," Xue Ling bowed her head, not daring to stand up. Unbeknownst to Yun Che, his outburst just now had left her in a state of distress about her undergarments. 

"Yue'er… Are you well?" Yun Che inquired, expressing his concern for Cang Yue's well-being.

"Yes… Thank you for stopping by, Master. I was sure you would not come if it wasn't important," Cang Yue replied, simultaneously scolding him for not inviting her to accompany him in fetching Retsu's sister.

"My Yue'er is in trouble. Of course, I'll come, but don't expect me to solve all your problems in the future," Yun Che stated firmly.

"I understand. Thank you for coming, Master," Cang Yue nodded, acknowledging Yun Che's point. She realized she couldn't rely on him indefinitely and needed to become stronger to handle such matters on her own. Like Lin Xin and Xueli, she couldn't expect him to be there all the time. Until she could stand on her own, she vowed to improve and grow stronger, eventually becoming someone he could rely on.

"Is there any place we can talk? I wish to speak with your father," Yun Che requested earning Cang Wanhe's attention.

"Can Xue Ling join us?" Cang Yue pointed towards Xue Ling. The latter blushed, hesitant about joining Mihawk later due to the overwhelming aura he exuded.

"If you trust her....." Yun Che responded with an oblivious tone.


"To think that I am sitting in front of the Strongest Swordsman of the Blue Wind Empire. It is an honor." Cang Wanhe spoke as he and Cang Yue directed Yun Che's Mihawk persona into the Imperial Garden. All over the palace, eyes were gazing at the swordsman himself as protectors, guardians, attendants, and servants had never laid eyes on him before. They had heard about him, but now he stood there with a powerful presence. The other protectors were envious of Xue Ling, as she not only received a gift from him but also had the opportunity to sit at the same table as him and the emperor. Perks for being Cang Yue's loyal protector.

Moreover, she wouldn't dare to treat Mihawk with disrespect despite having the same strength as him. She knew he could take out Emperor Profound Realm cultivators with ease. In his eyes, she was just a cultivator.

One of the servants brought some refreshments for the emperor, Cang Yue, Xue Ling, and him. Yun Che noticed that the female servant was quaking so much that Xue Ling had to pour the refreshment and dismiss the servant. He had only activated a portion of the Haoshoku No Haki as a method to establish a presence suitable for his persona, but it somehow affected the servants around him.

"I am just an ordinary swordsman," Yun Che's persona replied as he stored his black sword back into his inner world.

"But your reputation precedes you, Dracule Mihawk." Cang Wanhe spoke with courtesy. As ordinary as this man might be, the title of the strongest wasn't easily challengeable.

"Just Mihawk, no formalities. You are the emperor, after all, and Yue'er's father." Yun Che's persona bowed his head.

"What interests you in taking my daughter as a disciple? For you to come and visit this old man?" Cang Wanhe wondered. Xue Ling was also curious, as the swordsman seemed genuinely interested in the princess.

"Cang Yue has told me lots about you. All I can say is you are a good father to her. It is a shame your sons didn't share your good traits. To me, her status as a princess is meaningless, but Cang Yue has the most potential out of all of them." Yun Che stated his point of view, causing Cang Yue to blush.

"Indeed. It's all thanks to her friends." Cang Wanhe spoke, and Yun Che smirked internally. Then, Cang Wanhe asked, "If you don't mind this old man asking. Have you got any children of your own?"

"Just a daughter. Yue'er knows her pretty well." Cang Yue widened her eyes as he mentioned a daughter but instantly knew who he was referring to. By doing this, Cang Yue could use her smaller form with ease in the palace in the future. She could easily explain her new form as the daughter of Mihawk himself. To give her Nezuko form a father figure, Yun Che wasn't going to shoulder it to avoid misunderstanding. But, she somehow spotted Xue Ling in the corner with a disappointed expression as soon as he heard the sentence.

"Your wife must be a beautiful person." Cang Wanhe praised. 

"I don't have a wife," Yun Che spoke truthfully, but Xue Ling's expression suddenly perked up.

"She… I am sorry for asking such questions." Cang Wanhe assumed the worst, and Yun Che just nodded his head, making it entirely convincing to him. Then, he looked at his daughter and him before he spoke. "I see why you took an interest in Yue'er. She reminds you of your daughter. She too suffers from the same fate. It is hard to raise a daughter without a mother, but I am glad she turns out just like her mother. Beautiful, kind, and willful."

Cang Wanhe spoke with a tone of sadness. At the same time, Yun Che cooked up a story similar to Cang Yue's, as Cang Wanhe was unaware of Cang Yue's Yin Lunar Body. This way, should Cang Yue wish to use her Nezuko form in the palace, it won't be a problem, but somehow this story cooks up pretty well.

"Yes, Nezuko is such a wonderful girl," Cang Yue played along.

"Nezuko?" Cang Wanhe and Xue Ling wondered.

"She is my daughter's name. Yue'er takes good care of her like an older sister." Yun Che replied informally introducing Nezuko to them.

"Maybe it's about time she had a mother figure?" Cang Yue teased. Yun Che widened his persona's eyes as Cang Yue knew how to pick on him. Xue Ling had a light blush as soon as she heard it.

"Maybe…" Yun Che calmly shot her suggestion down. "You won't mind if I leave my daughter here sometimes while I take Cang Yue out for training?"

"I won't mind. Xue Ling here can look after the girl. She can treat the palace as her home." Cang Wanhe happily agreed, and Xue Ling might take this moment to get to know this daughter of the great swordsman himself.

"My gratitude." Yun Che handed over the giant gourd he had been pulling. "This gourd contains special healing wine that I concocted. This should be sufficient in healing your body." The gourd was indeed filled with wine but mixed with his own healing potions, thus creating the healing wine. 

"This is too much," Cang Wanhe tried to decline, only for Cang Yue to urge him to accept it. "Master is a great alchemist, father. It is not nice to reject such gifts."

"I see, my gratitude as well," Cang Wanhe accepted it wholeheartedly. Yun Che had a small bottle containing such wine before he poured four cups. Cang Yue noticed that the wine gave off a powerful healing smell.

Linking the Tenteikura link to Yun Che, she asked, "Yun Che? Did you make this wine?"

"Nahhh… I just mixed the wine I bought from the city with a few bottles of Ancient Potion," Yun Che shrugged his shoulders as he replied through the link.

"Ancient Potion?" Cang Yue wondered.

"Ohh, it's a new concoction that I made by mixing Health, Mana, and Stamina Potion and used my kido to harmonize it. It restores life, stamina, and your profound energy to its highest point," Yun Che spoke in their link, but he had another secret ingredient. It was the Divine Water from the system lake in his inner world. By mixing those potions and the Divine Water, he was able to harmonize the concoction through his Kido and thus create a healing and restoration potion. Without wanting to create a complex name, he named it Ancient Potion. This excited him as it was equivalent to creating an all-around Senzu Bean like in the Dragon Ball anime.


[Ancient Potion]

[1000 SP]

[A potion mixed from Health, Mana, Stamina, and the Divine Water. Using Kido as its prime mixture, the potion was able to harmonize well without causing any side effects. Restores Health, Profound Strength, Stamina, and Mental Prowess to its zenith. Unable to restore crippled profound strength and generate lost limbs but it can even remove the Paralyzed debuff.]


"This wine…" Xue Ling quietly spoke. It was indeed a healing wine. To be able to taste this is her greatest honor. Her reaction was indeed similar to Cang Wanhe, who tasted it quite well, but it was missing in terms of intoxication. Yun Che didn't tell them that the potion removed any intoxication effect when he poured those potions into the gourd. Well, at least the effect remained at 100%. He turned towards Xue Ling before giving her a bottle of Ancient Potion Wine. The giant gourd is for the emperor, but he won't mind giving a small token for Cang Yue's loyal protector.

"This…" Xue Ling widened his eyes as Yun Che's Mihawk persona handed her a bottle of the Ancient Wine.

"Something for you as a thank you for being by Yue'er's side." Yun Che smiled as he pushed the bottle of ancient wine towards her.

"Lord Mihawk, I am just her protector, but thank you…" Xue Ling spoke with a heavy blush. Her cultivation wasn't only improved; she was even given a bottle of precious wine.

"Master sure is nice." Cang Yue rolled her eyes in jealousy as Yun Che was indeed nice to every woman. Her protector included, but she knew he was doing it in gratitude for saving her life a few days ago despite the same protector having him under a sword point because she slept with him for the Fully Rested Perk. Yun Che reassured Cang Yue by squeezing her hand, earning a blush from the princess herself.

Cang Wanhe widened his eyes as his health was gradually improving, as if he regained his lost years from sickness. To think that this wine was concocted by the swordsman. It was such a heavenly drink.

Cang Wanhe thought about it for a moment before he decided to ask him since he was here. "Dracule Mihawk, will it interest you…" Cang Wanhe was about to ask, but Yun Che just raised his persona's hand, indicating his answer. "No, I formally decline."

Cang Wanhe sighed as he anticipated the answer but still asked, "May I know the reason?"

"I am a wandering cultivator, and my cultivation won't be restricted by joining sects or empires," Yun Che replied, causing the emperor to nod in understanding. Xue Ling showed disappointment as this might be a while before she could see him again. Then, Yun Che spoke again. "However, I am going to visit Yue'er from time to time and leave my daughter in her care."

Looking at the time on his display HUD, Yun Che smirked. "Well, now, I must be off."

"Do you have to be somewhere?" Xue Ling asked suddenly.

"I have an appointment with the Xiao Sect Grand Elders. I say they owe me compensation for trying to take Yue'er from me." Yun Che Mihawk's persona smirked. This widened Cang Yue's eyes as Yun Che might be going to pick a fight with the Xiao Sect.

"Are you going to take the Xiao Sect out?" Cang Wanhe spoke cautiously as he remembered that Mihawk was basically calling those elders out to settle things on the nearby mountain. If these grand elders are trying to take Cang Yue, it means they offended him. Cang Wanhe is somehow curious about what might happen later.

Summoning his black sword Yoru back from his inner world. Yun Che smirks as this might his moment to cripple the Xiao Clan high powers. "Who knows…" Yun Che simply replied before disappearing, causing Xue Ling and Cang Wanhe to gasp, and Cang Yue to sigh.


In the heart of the Frozen Cloud Asgard, nestled within the Snowy Mountain Region, an icy chamber concealed the gathering of eight captivating women. Seated around a round table crafted from frozen elegance, these high-ranking members of the sect, known as the Seven Guardian Fairies of the Asgard, convened to discuss crucial matters.

The central figure, Gong Yuxian, possessed beauty so ethereal it rivaled that of a fairy, with her stunning ocean-blue hair cascading like a waterfall. The solemnity of their meeting, however, was disrupted by the abrupt entrance of two Frozen Cloud Asgard disciples, shattering the icy tranquility. Despite being instructed not to interrupt under normal circumstances, their entrance signaled an urgent matter that demanded immediate attention.

A sense of foreboding filled the room as Gong Yuxian inquired, "What kind of situation has arisen in the Imperial City?"

Bowing respectfully, the disciples reported, "High elders from the three great sects are inside the Imperial Palace. It seems related to the mysterious outburst that caused people to lose consciousness. Even our disciples were affected."

Eyes widened, including those of the Seven Guardian Fairies, at the revelation. The enigmatic disturbance had not only caused new recruits to collapse but had also affected disciples below the Earth Profound Realm. The source of the outburst remained elusive, prompting Gong Yuxian to dispatch Asgardian scouts to uncover its origin and assess its potential acquisition.

"What transpired in the city during the outburst?" Gong Yuxian pressed, seeking additional details. Chu Yuechan, also known as Little Fairy, maintained her silence, aware of the reports that hinted at the involvement of Haoshoku No Haki. However, she suspected that someone with less-than-honorable intentions had deliberately unleashed it, affecting unsuspecting individuals throughout the Imperial City. 

"Strange, aside from Rascal and Retsu, there are no other masters in that Haki. Could it be Kon or Sister Yue?" Little Fairy pondered aloud. Kon seemed like a likely candidate due to his ability to unleash a formidable lion's roar, but Yun Che had mentioned that Kon hadn't awakened Haoshoku No Haki, emphasizing the importance of strong willpower for such a feat.

"It is unknown, but our city scouts witnessed men from the three sects slowly passing out as a figure dragging a giant gourd approached them," the disciples continued their report.

"Our scouts mentioned that the man's intense aura gradually affected them. Some men survived the ordeal, but then another, even more powerful aura was released—much stronger than during the execution. However, this time, the aura seemed to target the three sects' soldiers, elders, and disciples specifically. We suspect it originated from the man with the giant gourd."

Gong Yuxian pressed for more information. "Has the scout gathered more details on this man?"

"We are currently awaiting further information from the scouts near the palace," the disciples replied. However, the revelation did not end there, as two more beautiful disciples reported additional news.

"Asgard Mistress! We have information from the palace. The man who arrived is Princess Cang Yue's master. He somehow forced the grand elders into submission."

Gong Yuxian recalled rumors from the Battle of the Moon Empress's tomb about a man capable of causing everyone around him to lose consciousness with sheer willpower. Such power could potentially make the Frozen Cloud Asgard an unstoppable force, ensuring no sect or individual dared to challenge them for a millennium.

"If it's the same man and the same aura," Gong Yuxian predicted, noticing a subtle flinch from one of the seven fairies who had joined the meeting.

"It is the same man, Asgard Mistress—the one even the Four Great Sects must never offend," one of the newly arrived female disciples affirmed, revealing the name that caused the flinching fairy to tremble.

"Dracule Mihawk, the man known as Hawk Eyes."


One of the fairies, Chu Yueli, suddenly trembled at the mere mention of Dracule Mihawk's name. For the past month, she had tirelessly employed various methods to locate him, from scouting and gathering information to exploring his last known whereabouts repeatedly. Even her sister's efforts to prevent her from jumping to conclusions and embarking on wild goose chases had only limited success. Now, with solid information placing him in the Imperial Palace within the Blue Wind Imperial City, Chu Yueli felt a mix of excitement and urgency.

"Hawk-Eyes Mihawk. He is Princess Cang Yue's master?" Gong Yuxian inquired, and Chu Yueli swiftly registered this information. If she failed to find Mihawk, perhaps she could approach Princess Cang Yue, befriend her, and gather the information she sought.

"According to what we heard," the scout disciples confirmed.

Upon hearing this, Chu Yueli's sister, Chu Yuechan, sighed. "Looks like Rascal has finally arrived at the Imperial City. Knowing him, this is probably his doing." She felt a mixture of relief and joy, having not heard from Rascal, Retsu, Kon, and Cang Yue for several months. Though concerned about Cang Yue's situation in the Imperial City, she decided to trust Rascal to handle it.

Gong Yuxian nodded in acknowledgment of the information about Dracule Mihawk, anticipating potential encounters with him in the future. "Keep an eye on him and keep us posted," she instructed the disciples as they left. The meeting continued, but Gong Yuxian couldn't help but notice Chu Yueli's visibly flushed face and shaking demeanor.

"Yueli, are you well?" Gong Yuxian inquired, concerned for her well-being. Chu Yueli's face resembled a tomato, and her entire body seemed to quiver.

Chu Yueli shot her a glance before bowing politely. "I... Mother, can I skip today's meeting? I suddenly feel really unwell." 

"Sure... there's nothing much to discuss anyway," Gong Yuxian replied, her tone indicating that the meeting held little significance. Chu Yueli immediately bowed before taking off urgently. Concerned for her sister, Chu Yuechan followed suit, not through the conventional front door but by leaping from the balcony and soaring toward their courtyard at full speed.

"Li'er! Wait…," Chu Yuechan called out, but her sister, driven by a sense of urgency, had already arrived at the secret entrance and swiftly accessed it, slipping out of the sect quietly. Chu Yuechan extended her haki, sensing her sister's movements, and followed suit. Both sisters were bound for the Imperial City, with Chu Yueli intent on reaching Dracule Mihawk or spotting her rascal in disguise.

"Really, how much love does that girl have for him?" Chu Yuechan sighed, increasing her speed to keep pace with her sister. The Imperial City was nearly 500 kilometres away from the Snowy Mountain Range, a considerable distance that would likely see them arriving close to noon.

But for a maiden in love, such distances held no significance. If she could catch a glimpse of him again.

"He's here... he's here... he's here...," Chu Yueli repeated those words, her determination evident as she pushed her Profound Strength to its limits, hastening her journey toward the Imperial City.

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