Rebirth in Against the Gods with The Ultimate System

Chapter 156: Prevailed Truth

Chapter 156: Prevailed Truth

The following day unfolded with the relentless repetition of the Apple of Eden's revelations, enlightening the city about the treachery that had tainted the empire. Those who succumbed to the Haoshoku outburst woke up as if emerging from a mysterious slumber. The traitors who hadn't fled the city found themselves pursued by the resurgent soldiers, determined to bring them to justice for their betrayal.

With the restoration of the emperor's power, Cang Wanhe swiftly issued orders for the imprisonment of Cang Lin and his co-conspirators. The imperial guards who had sided with Cang Lin knelt in front of the palace, each bound by Yun Che and Retsu's Binding #1-Restraint spell. Utilizing an area bind, Yun Che and Retsu efficiently controlled almost the entire Imperial Army that had supported Cang Lin.

Despite the pressing matters at hand, the heavenly beauties, Retsu and Mio, once again veiled themselves to avoid the distracting awe they attracted. Even the emperor, Cang Wanhe, momentarily forgot his own illness as he beheld their presence, much to Yun Che's amusement.

Eagle Vision proved invaluable, allowing them to identify the red intents of traitors and release the loyal individuals marked in blue. Almost half of the imperial army had supported Cang Lin, either willingly or under orders, but the Eagle Vision methodically uncovered the truth. Mio, with Kon's assistance, targeted Cang Lin's supporters among the unconscious people, compelling them to kneel in the Imperial courtyard.

Despite the emperor's reinstatement, hundreds of soldiers and citizens still bore red intents, revealing the depth of Cang Lin's influence. Now, awaiting the emperor's decree, they knelt in the Imperial courtyard, uncertain of their fate—imprisonment, release, or banishment.

Recognizing the impossibility of individually addressing every offender in the imperial city, Mio and Kon strategically focused on the leaders, effectively narrowing down the suspects from hundreds to a mere handful since Eagle Vision can identify targets with gold intents. These individuals, mere pawns in Cang Lin's grand scheme, awaited the emperor's judgment to determine their future.


In the aftermath of the intense skirmish, Yun Che recognized the need for Cang Yue's complete recovery and contemplated giving her the "Fully Rested" perk. However, fearing potential misunderstandings with Xiu Ling, he decided against it.

The morning after the chaotic events, Xiu Ling discovered Cang Yue in Yun Che's room, having somehow found her way there in the middle of the night. Sleeping beside him, hugging his torso, it took some convincing to assure Xiu Ling that no inappropriate actions had transpired. Despite the awkwardness, Cang Yue seemed to have made a significant recovery after a day of rest, aided by the "Fully Rested" perk.

Setting aside the morning shenanigans, Yun Che turned his attention to treating Emperor Cang Wanhe's illness—an insidious, slow attempt at assassination. With the emperor's power restored, his first decree barred everyone from entering the palace except for Cang Yue, her friends, and Xiu Ling. The pleas and cries of Cang Wanhe's sons, desperate to see him, fell on deaf ears, and the emperor ordered them imprisoned. Cang Lin, healed by Yun Che's potions, faced an unknown duration of incarceration. His protests, curses, and threats echoed within the cell until Emperor Cang Wanhe decided to silence him by sealing his mouth shut.

In this alternate version of the story, Cang Lin's fate took a different turn as he found himself imprisoned instead of facing immediate execution. Cang Wanhe, aware of Cang Yue's sentiments, refrained from a public execution, at least for the time being. Yun Che understood that the emperor wouldn't want to subject his daughter to such a grim spectacle.

The intricate plot revealed a hidden truth about Cang Wanhe's prolonged illness. Contrary to the main story, where Cang Wanhe was mysteriously ill, Yun Che unraveled a sinister plot: a Soul Devouring Life Binding Parasite had been intentionally introduced to the emperor. Originally meant to cure him from a simple fever and cold, but the parasite had rendered him incapable of governing the Blue Wind Empire effectively for years. This ailment led to power struggles between his sons, Cang Lin and Cang Shuo, with Cang Lin resorting to desperate measures like framing his father for treason.

In the main storyline, Yun Che had to delve into the secrets of the Miracle of Life to perform a miraculous surgery and remove the parasite. However, in this alternative tale, Yun Che had an alternate method up his sleeve, presenting a unique twist to the narrative. The path to uncovering the truth and saving Cang Wanhe took an unexpected turn, adding layers of complexity to the unfolding story. The method somehow saved him a few years earlier than the original story's timeline.


"So, I was infected with a Soul Devouring Life Binding Parasite. That explained my illness," Cang Wanhe remarked, absorbing the shocking revelation from Yun Che. The idea that someone had intentionally planted this parasite in him as a slow method of assassination was beyond belief. A sinister plot unfolded – someone close to him wanted to orchestrate his death gradually, making it a painful and prolonged demise. Determined to unveil the conspirator behind this malicious act, Cang Wanhe's eyes glinted with resolve.

Yun Che, wearing a sly grin, offered a solution, "Yeah, someone close to you infected you with it."

"Someone close to me? Could it be Cang Lin? Or Cang Shuo or my other sons?" Cang Wanhe speculated, trying to identify the traitor within his own kin.

"No, someone much closer to you. Cang Lin and Cang Shuo might be the masterminds, but someone else decided to deliver the poison. Luckily, I can remove it with the help of Retsu," Yun Che revealed, pointing to the capable figure standing beside him.

Cang Wanhe, trusting Yun Che's judgment, expressed his consent, "Yun Che, you have saved my daughter and me. I trusted you more despite just meeting you. Do what you will."

"I will honor it, old man," Yun Che replied with a confident grin. Cang Wanhe, pleased with the unexpected camaraderie, smiled appreciatively. This interaction marked a departure from the typical reverence he received, making Yun Che stand out as a unique individual, not just another well-mannered acquaintance.

"System, locate the parasite," Yun Che commanded internally, initiating the next step in their quest to unravel the conspiracy and restore Cang Wanhe to full health.


[Ding… Scanning…..]

[Parasite located.]


Yun Che activated his Sharingan, using its keen perception to pinpoint the exact location of the Soul Devouring Life Binding Parasite within Cang Wanhe's body. The system provided detailed information, revealing that the insidious creature clung to Cang Wanhe's heart, entwined with the source of his life veins.

Both Yun Che and Retsu, attuned to Haki and Reaitsu, detected the presence of the parasite. To them, it was as apparent as spotting an earthworm in the soil. Normal cultivators might remain oblivious to its existence, but for those with heightened senses, the parasite's location was crystal clear.

Turning to Retsu, Yun Che sought her assistance, "Retsu, I need your help."

"What do you need, Yuu-kun?" Retsu smiled, eager to contribute in any way she could.

"I need you to use your Haki to extract the parasite while I disconnect the life veins from it. I would use my Haki or spirit force to destroy it, but I want to keep it intact for a specific purpose – to get back at someone for planting this thing," Yun Che explained, his determination evident.

"Ara, I see. Then, let's extract it," Retsu agreed with a smile. Utilizing her Eagle Vision, she pinpointed the parasite's location before manifesting her Haki inside Cang Wanhe. As Yun Che temporarily loosened the parasite's grip using his energy, Retsu's Haki seized it, swiftly pulling it out after cutting a small incision in Cang Wanhe's chest with her Haki blade.

Without wasting a moment, Yun Che administered a health potion to Cang Wanhe. The potion worked wonders, instantly healing the wound, while a mana potion restored his energy to full power. In just a single day, Cang Wanhe felt like a rejuvenated man, free from the illness that had plagued him for so long.


[Ding…. Parasite removed.]

[Soul Devouring Life Binding Parasite obtained]

[Description: The Soul Devouring Life Binding Parasite, a sinister red worm-type organism, is implanted within the host's body, relying on the blood from the heart to reach maturity. Once matured, it positions itself near the heart's veins, sustaining its existence by devouring the host's vitality. Though minuscule in size, it demands an insatiable amount of vitality to grow, consuming nearly half of the host's life force.]

[This insidious parasite is incredibly challenging to detect once inside the body. The victim experiences rapid weakening and deterioration, destined to succumb within five years. Upon the host's demise, the Soul Devouring Life Binding Parasite also perishes, transforming into a pool of watery blood within the host's body, leaving no trace of its malevolent existence.]

[The system now has the ability to replicate this parasite should the host wish to employ it for any purpose in the future. Additionally, a kill switch has been installed within the parasite, allowing the host to disarm it once its intended purpose has been fulfilled.]


Yun Che smirked, contemplating the possibilities for the Soul Devouring Life Binding Parasite in the future. He had a few names in mind for potential recipients, but for now, he had different plans. The system's ability to replicate the parasite and install a kill switch intrigued him. He decided to keep this potent tool close, reserving it for a specific target at the right moment.

Within the protective bubble of Retsu's Reaitsu, the Soul Devouring Life Binding Parasite lingered, its malevolence still very much alive. The system, having scanned it through Retsu, noted the potential value and decided to add it to its inventory. Retsu, ever the researcher, observed the parasite with a sense of fascination. This tiny creature had held the great emperor hostage, masquerading as an incurable disease, and its potential applications intrigued her scientific mind.

As the door to the emperor's room swung open, revealing Cang Yue escorted by Xiu Ling, a wave of relief and joy filled the air. Cang Yue, having woken up, immediately sought out her father. The events of the night before seemed to guide her footsteps subconsciously toward him, and now, with Cang Yue back in control, she rushed towards her father. With tears streaming down her face, she embraced him tightly, finding solace in his newfound health. Xiu Ling, having lost the power to restrain the princess, stood nearby, witnessing the heartwarming reunion.

Xiu Ling, standing nearby, watched the emotional reunion. Her duty to restrain the princess was no longer needed; instead, she bore witness to the genuine love and connection between a father and his daughter. The room was filled with the warmth of family, a stark contrast to the turmoil that had gripped the empire just a day ago. 

The restored emperor and his daughter held each other, a poignant moment of triumph after the storm. The events that unfolded had not only revealed the treachery within the empire but had also strengthened the bonds between Cang Wanhe and Cang Yue. 

"Yue'er…." Cang Wanhe continued hugging his only daughter, who was still shedding tears. He spoke softly, comforting her, "You're back, and all is well."

The rest of her friends smiled, witnessing a rare vulnerable side of Cang Yue. She continued to cry, and her father wiped away her tears as he continued sharing his thoughts, "Don't cry…. You looked just like your mother when we first met. She wouldn't stop crying either."

"Father… Please…" Cang Yue protested, but he persisted, sharing the truth about her mother, "Yue'er, I didn't favor your mother like your brothers or stepmothers claimed. I favored her because she was the only woman who loved me. She was the love of my life. Despite the fairness that I showed to your other stepmothers, it wasn't enough for them. They sought riches and glory, while your mother only wished for happiness. She endured their bullying to show her loyalty to me. She didn't desire wealth and glory. Her final words to me were to take good care of you and never let those things corrupt you."

As their ears absorbed Yun Che's declaration, both Retsu and Mio silently pledged to become steadfast sisters to Cang Yue. The bond they shared with her transcended mere titles and positions, and they were determined to offer unwavering support and companionship. In their hearts, the commitment to being dutiful sisters to Cang Yue took root.

Yun Che, too, made a silent vow. He promised himself to treat Cang Yue and his other wives with fairness and equality. Refusing to succumb to the conventional norms where men favored younger wives or concubines, leaving others unattended, Yun Che aimed for a harmonious family in the future. 

"You are strong and willful just like her. Beautiful, strong, and kind. A pure girl like she wanted you to be. Despite growing up without a mother, you've become the person she wished you to be," Cang Wanhe continued to speak, his words a balm to Cang Yue's grieving heart.

"Mother…." Cang Yue shed more tears, moved by the memories of her late mother. Though she didn't know her well, she felt a deep sense of gratitude for being born into this family despite its challenges.

"You are indeed my daughter. Choosing you as my successor was indeed my greatest choice. You might not yet be ready, but your aura clearly shows that you possess the grace and might of a ruler," Cang Wanhe smiled, a hint of pride in his eyes as he held his daughter's chin. It was the first time she saw Cang Yue as a future empress, her destiny woven into her very aura.

Cang Wanhe turned towards Yun Che, bowing in gratitude. "Yun Che…. Lady Retsu and Lady Mio. My eternal gratitude again for saving this old man. I could only hope to live with the life that you gave me."

"I only did it because it was Little Yue's wish for you to be healthy once more," Yun Che spoke, hiding the grim truth about Cang Wanhe's alternate fate.

"Ehee… Yue'er is indeed our little sister," Mio chimed in, followed by a nod from Retsu.

"She's a friend to Kon-sama." Kon chimed in.

Noticing the nicknames and the women's familiarity with his daughter, Cang Wanhe smirked. He then asked, "Little Yue? All of you seemed to have a good relationship with my daughter to call her that." Cang Yue, however, blushed healthily as she realized this might be the right time to introduce Yun Che to her father.

Placing his hand behind his head, Yun Che sheepishly smiled. "Well, I intended to meet you formally to discuss it. I wish to take her as one of my wives just like Retsu and Mio. Not because she is a princess, but because I love her as a woman and for who she is."

"I see… Wives, you say?" Cang Wanhe had a hint of doubt, not wanting his daughter to face the same fate as her mother. The atmosphere shifted as the conversation took an unexpected turn.

"Before you jump to conclusions, understand that the women I intend to marry see each other as dependable sisters. My current fiancées are already close to her, treating her like a sworn sister. To them, her status is meaningless, and they only see her as a girl who desires a family of her own. They will protect her, even if it means risking their lives," Yun Che explained. His approach to relationships was far from the traditional harem structure; he refused concubines, and his commitment to his code of ethics and loyalty, as well as the preferences of Retsu and Mio, shaped his choices.

"Indeed, Your Highness. Mio and I have embraced Cang Yue as a sister, bound by the shared love we hold for him. While we anticipate potential rivalries in terms of his affection in the future, our commitment remains steadfast to help Cang Yue blossom into the sister she aspires to be," Retsu affirmed, her words carrying a depth of sincerity that touched Cang Yue profoundly. 

Xiu Ling, attentive to the conversation, recognized the nuances within the relationships forming in the group. Despite their closeness, Cang Yue and Yun Che had yet to solidify the bond through marriage. As a guardian, Xiu Ling understood the delicate balance she needed to maintain, ready to intervene should any line be crossed, prepared to defend her charge if necessary.

Cang Wanhe, after a moment of doubt, chose to trust his daughter's judgment. If she cared for Yun Che, then he had no qualms about their relationship. "Then, this old man hopes that you will protect Yue'er as I have protected her. I will leave her in your capable hands."

Cang Yue blushed with a mix of embarrassment and secret delight, knowing that her father had tacitly acknowledged Yun Che as a potential marriage candidate. The prospect of being recognized as one of his fiancées filled her with both excitement and a hint of shyness. With Yun Che's confident smile and a playful wink directed at her, Cang Yue's blush deepened, but she couldn't hide the happiness sparkling in her eyes. Cang Wanhe sighed, torn between a father's reluctance to let go and the undeniable joy he saw in his daughter's face. Nevertheless, he understood that her happiness came first, and he resolved to support her choice.

"Count on it, old man," Yun Che declared with unwavering confidence, sealing the unspoken agreement with a playful gesture towards Cang Yue. While Cang Wanhe hesitated to let his daughter go, he knew he had more pressing matters to attend to. With a nod, he refocused on the affairs of the empire, leaving the intimate moment behind to confront the challenges ahead.

"You mentioned someone close to me attempted my assassination. Who could that person be?" Cang Wanhe inquired, eager to unravel the mystery behind his near demise.

"Let's just say it's someone who knows you too well. Now, let's expose the truth behind your attempted assassination," Yun Che declared, setting the stage for the revelation of one of the most powerful figures in the Blue Wind Empire. The room brimmed with anticipation as they prepared to confront the hidden enemy and unveil the conspiracy that had plagued the empire.


In the dimly lit bedchamber of Cang Wanhe, the atmosphere was heavy with anticipation as five distinguished figures assembled under the summons of the ailing emperor. At the forefront stood Gu Qiuhong, the venerable Medical Saint, a man whose reputation as the foremost genius doctor in the Blue Wind Empire preceded him. Despite the flickering candlelight casting shadows on his wrinkled face, his long eyebrows and beard framed features that exuded wisdom, giving him an almost sage-like appearance. Clad in the traditional garb of a physician, Gu Qiuhong bore the marks of countless years dedicated to the healing arts.

In tow were the four disciples of Gu Qiuhong, each handpicked for their exceptional skills and knowledge, standing with an air of confidence befitting their esteemed mentor.

As instructed and planned, Cang Wanhe lay on his bed, his eyes fixed on the doorway, awaiting Yun Che's deduction to unravel the mystery of the attempted assassination. A pivotal question lingered in the air—was the culprit among these five individuals?

According to the system's extensive database, Gu Qiuhong held the esteemed title of "Medical Saint," a name whispered with awe throughout the Blue Wind Empire as the best doctor in the empire. Publicly acclaimed as the unrivaled genius doctor, he stood as an undisputed authority in the medical realm. His prowess extended beyond mere healing; he also wielded mastery over profound entrances, a skill that elevated his status even higher. Such proficiency not only garnered admiration but also secured him the prestigious position of personal doctor to Cang Wanhe, the ruler of the empire.

Yun Che, flanked by the veiled figures of Retsu and Mio, stood near the bed. Kon, in his plushy mode, rested on Yun Che's shoulder, while Cang Yue and Xiu Ling observed the proceedings. Yun Che, a perceptive observer, couldn't help but notice the façade of virtue that Gu Qiuhong maintained. 

Despite his public image as a Medical Saint, rumors of his less-than-scrupulous character circulated among those in the know, including Emperor Cang Wanhe. However, the undeniable truth remained—Gu Qiuhong's medical expertise was unparalleled, earning him the unwavering respect even from those aware of his darker side. In the realm of medical knowledge, he was equivalent to possessing a master's degree among graduates. 

But Yun Che wasn't here to learn from Gu Qiuhong; he was here to expose him for who he really was. The stage was set for Yun Che's deductive prowess to unveil the truth.

"Your Majesty, this one is happy for your innocence. I always believed you are innocent to the core," Gu Qiuhong spoke as he played with his beard. However, Yun Che knew it was just common courtesy, a facade to maintain appearances, especially now that Cang Lin and Cang Shuo were out of the picture.

"Yes, thanks to a few individuals. I am indeed innocent, but this one is disappointed that not even my trusted individuals stood up for me. Even my personal attendants," Cang Wanhe spoke with sarcasm.

"What do you mean, Your Majesty? I have always believed that justice will prevail," Gu Qiuhong flinched as the emperor eyed him suspiciously.

"Ah, yes, and all," Yun Che suddenly spoke, capturing the attention of everyone in the room.

"Who are you, and what are you doing standing in His Majesty's room? Do you even realize where..." Gu Qiuhong tried to assert his arrogance, only for Yun Che to cut him off.

"Ladida... ladida... Look, stop with the pretense already, Doctor Gu. Did you know attempted assassination of the emperor is punishable by death?" Yun Che immediately accused him.

"What absurd accusation. Your Majesty, this man is quite rude. You should have him killed for..." Gu Qiuhong spoke, but Cang Wanhe silenced him with a stern gaze. Then, the emperor asked, "Yun Che... what do you mean?"

"Do you know, Your Majesty? There was one person who treated you all this time. If I read your timeline correctly, you were diagnosed with a common cold but somehow getting worse as the years grew by?"

Cang Wanhe's eyes widened in surprise, realization dawning upon him. "How do you...?" he began to ask, bewildered that someone else knew about his illness, a closely guarded secret. 

"Little Yue once told me about your illness, so I can deduce what happened back then," Yun Che spoke, revealing the source of his information. It meant that, aside from Cang Yue and her brothers, the personal doctor should have been aware of this critical information.

"You… knowing explicit information…" Gu Qiuhong attempted to manipulate the narrative, but Yun Che shut him down.

"Shut the hell up; today is about you, not me," Yun Che spoke, silencing the medical doctor. He continued, "So, how come the best doctor, known for his expertise, was unable to diagnose the emperor's illness? It only worsened as the years passed."

"You… it was a rare illness. An incurable…" Gu Qiuhong tried to lie his way through, expecting Yun Che wouldn't know more than him.

"All right… then tell me what this incurable illness is," Yun Che challenged, testing the medical knowledge of the so-called Medical Saint.

"He… he had Death Wind Fever. This fever will…" Gu Qiuhong tried to speak, only for Yun Che to chuckle, followed by a giggle from Retsu. These two were considered Miracle Divine Doctors compared to this man, and he just spoke a name that didn't even exist in their books.

"Oh, we are now making things up? There's no such thing as Death Wind Fever. Cang Yue has told me all his symptoms, and all he had was a heavy common cold, which can be easily treated," Yun Che revealed.

Gu Qiuhong fell entirely silent.

"How do you treat a common cold, O' Medical Saint?" Yun Che asked again.

Gu Qiuhong tried to come up with lies before he spoke, "He… he has to take the Azure Pill I concoct and he has to drink the medicine brew…"

"All right, I've heard enough… I never knew the Medical Saint is actually a quack," Yun Che spoke, directly insulting Gu Qiuhong's knowledge. Retsu nodded in agreement.

Then, he continued, "A common cold is incurable? I remember many medicines exist to treat a cold, and somehow you couldn't treat it? To treat a common cold, rest and drink plenty of warm fluids. Take over-the-counter medications for fever and aches, use saline sprays for congestion, and soothe a sore throat with honey in tea. Practice good hygiene to prevent spreading the virus. Do all this and the emperor will be better at three days most. Do you even know this? Are you calling yourself a medical saint?"

Gu Qiuhong remained quiet, and his disciples were offended on his behalf. "You dare insult our master?"

Yun Che shot them a flat look before turning towards Mio. "Mio-chan…?"

"Hai~~" Mio smiled underneath her veil as she slowly moved beside him with a cheerful aura. Charming the four disciples, she suddenly showed a serious expression before speaking simple words. "Please bow down."

The four disciples suddenly had their heads slammed to the ground with an unseen pressurized aura. Xiu Ling, who was nearby, subconsciously held Cang Yue as she had never seen someone with such a powerful aura before. Could it be this woman was an expert in plain sight as well, like that Kon guy? Speaking of him, she hadn't seen that man elsewhere, and the other day she saw that his cultivation was only at the mid-Spirit Profound Realm, not the overbearing aura she witnessed before.

Gu Qiuhong widened his eyes as his Earth Profound Realm disciples were instantly suppressed, as if they were nothing.

"Your majesty… this is," Gu Qiuhong began to sound nervous as his disciples and escorts were suppressed, meaning no one could now defend him.

"Well, only one person could get close to the emperor and administer this…" Yun Che spoke as he pulled out the small vial containing the Soul Devouring Parasite from Cang Wanhe's body. Yun Che smirked, and the moment the medical saint saw the still-alive parasite in his hand, he flinched.

"Marvelous, isn't it? A method to torture someone by giving them agonizing pain until death? You really are despicable, Medical Saint, or should I not call you that anymore. You knew the emperor had a heavy common cold, but instead of treating him, you wanted to draw blood for a sample, but instead, you gave him this thing," Yun Che spoke, further provoking him.

"For years, he suffered all because you gave him a parasite that slowly kills him. You didn't come to him to treat him but to make sure the parasite was doing its job," Yun Che concluded his deduction.

"So, the truth prevailed. The true culprit is you!" Yun Che pointed a finger at the so-called Medical Saint, just like a certain detective in an anime he had watched.


[Ding… Achievement achieved – The Culprit Is You! – Exposed the truth of Cang Wanhe's attempted assassination.]

[XP: 250000 SP:50000]

[A New Frame Unlocked.]

The frame shows chibi Yun Che wearing a blue coat, a white undershirt, a bow tie and a glass pointed his finger out.


"Damn, nailed it! I always wanted to say that line," Yun Che spoke internally. Retsu and Mio smiled sheepishly as Yun Che returned to his odd self, while Cang Yue and Xiu Ling looked at him as if he were cool to begin with.

"You… You have no proof that I did it. I might be the emperor's personal doctor, but it wasn't me," Gu Qiuhong spoke. 

"Getting you to admit isn't easy. Then, why don't you tell us the truth," Yun Che spoke as he walked in front of the so-called Medical Saint and immediately activated his Sharingan. In an instant, the supposed saint and his four disciples had lifeless eyes, clearly under Yun Che's illusion. He nodded towards Mio, and she immediately released the disciples.

"Now, tell us the truth. Did you really intend to kill the emperor?" Deduction over, Yun Che decided to use a direct approach.

"Yes…" Gu Qiuhong replied with a flat expression, as he was under Yun Che's illusion control. His answer shocked Cang Wanhe, Xiu Ling, and the rest of the onlookers.

"Tell us the whole tale," Yun Che demanded.

In short, Gu Qiuhong retold the story. When Cang Wanhe fell seriously ill with a cold, Doctor Gu took advantage of an excuse to bleed cold blood from his chest and implanted the Soul Devouring Life Binding Parasite into the emperor. The exact reason was the power struggle for the throne between Crown Prince Cang Lin, supported by Xiao Sect, and Third Prince Cang Shuo, supported by the Burning Heaven Clan. When the third prince died, Cang Lin couldn't wait any longer for the parasite to kill his father and immediately executed the plan to have him executed, as Cang Shuo was no longer standing in his way.

Cang Yue closed her mouth in shock as the source of her father's misery came from his own personal doctor. Even Xiu Ling restrained herself from beheading the traitorous doctor.

When the emperor heard the revelation, he was furious. The doctor continued, explaining that if the emperor were poisoned or assassinated, Heavenly Sword Villa would investigate due to being the protectors of the imperial family, but with the life-sucking parasite, it seemed like the emperor was dying of natural causes due to a damaged life vein.

His claims were supported by his four disciples, as they were assigned by him to eliminate the emperor's trusted advisors, supporters, and even soldiers to insert Cang Lin's or Cang Shuo's men into their ranks. Hearing this, Cang Wanhe wanted nothing more than to have the men killed for their grave mistakes.

Amidst the tumultuous aftermath of the shocking revelations, Cang Wanhe acted swiftly, ordering the capture of Gu Qiuhong, the disgraced Medical Saint. The once-revered healer would soon face a scheduled beheading for his extensive crimes against the empire. The disciples, instrumental in their confession, would follow suit, compelled to disclose the names inserted into the ranks by Cang Lin and Cang Shuo. Justice, long obscured, was about to be brought to light.

As Yun Che and his allies unraveled the intricate web of deceit, exposing the treachery of both Cang Lin and Cang Shuo, and revealing the sinister plot of the Medical Saint, a collective sigh of relief swept through the empire. The news of the saint's attempt to assassinate the emperor spread like wildfire, causing the once-supportive four great sects to recoil in shock.

In a span of a few intense hours, the dark phase of the rebellion concluded, leaving behind a trail of exposed truths and averted crises. Yun Che and his allies, however, chose to remain in the shadows, preferring to be known as mysterious assailants who aided Princess Cang Yue in her dire times. Their deeds, shrouded in secrecy, became the stuff of legend among the select few who understood the full extent of their involvement.

In acknowledgment of their invaluable contributions, the emperor granted Yun Che and his companions a special courtyard within the palace. This recognition, coupled with Yun Che's engagement to Cang Yue, marked a notable shift in their status, elevating them from the shadows to a recognized force within the empire.

With Cang Wanhe's authority firmly restored, he could now focus on repairing the damages inflicted by Cang Lin and Cang Shuo. Cang Yue, liberated from the shadows of rebellion, redirected her focus to training for the upcoming Blue Wind Ranking Tournament. Her determination to honor her father's empire and pave the way for a brighter future burned brighter than ever. The echoes of the rebellion were now fading, making way for a renewed sense of hope and stability in the Blue Wind Empire.


Yun Che and Cang Yue, accompanied by Xiu Ling, descended into the courtyard where the remnants of Cang Lin's and Cang Shuo's former supporters had gathered. It was a surreal moment, realizing that these individuals had once been traitors to the Blue Wind Empire. Cang Yue's Eagle Vision keenly detected lingering traces of ill intent among some, while others had shifted allegiance as Yun Che released them from the Kido's influence. However, there were still those who stubbornly clung to their misguided loyalty, refusing to acknowledge Cang Yue and her father. Their fate would be left in Cang Wanhe's hands.

In a separate area of the palace, Cang Yue's two stepmothers were confined in a courtyard, sealed off from the outside world. Their pleas for forgiveness and the release of their sons fell on deaf ears as Cang Yue, resolute in her decision, passed by without a second glance. The time for them to exploit her kindness had long passed.

Cang Yue's final destination was the royal prison, where her brothers were held captive by her father. Each sibling, surrounded by powerful profound glass, wallowed in despair, expressing regret in their own ways. As she moved past them, their pleas for mercy and humanity went unanswered. She had once sought their attention, only to be ignored and mistreated. Now, she paid them no mind, passing her second, fourth, fifth, sixth, and seventh brothers until she reached the end cell—where Cang Lin, her first brother, was confined.

Watching her role model reduced to such a state stirred conflicting emotions within Cang Yue. Recognizing her father's stern disposition, she knew that Cang Lin might face execution once her matters in the city were resolved. Despite the unforgivable actions of her brothers, a string in her compassionate heart resonated. She had forgiven them and granted mercy, the last act of kindness to her former family. Closure, she realized, was not about revenge but about moving forward.

Now, her focus turned to her new family—her father, Yun Che, Kon, Retsu, Mio, and her trusted protector, Xiu Ling. To Cang Yue, family wasn't just about blood but also those willing to protect and stand by her. This marked the final chapter of her connection with her former family, and the beginning of a new, tightly knit bond that would carry her into the future.

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