Omega Summoner

Into The Wilde

Into The Wilde

[You have succeeded in sealing the Elemental Cat (Lightning Variant – Juvenile)]     

[Do you wish to give it a name?]     

Adrian is thinking of a name for his new soulbound when a burst of energies of life and death came from the meeting location. He immediately returned to see what is going on and saw Levin Cloud's Ascension. He is then pulled in by autopilot or the game's AI to turn his territory into a floating island.     

Adrian finally had time to name his sixth soulbound after all that happened. He remembered a monster told in folklore of a mythical beast that brings with it lightning and storms. He wants his elemental cat to be able to do the same in the future.     

"I shall name it Kimat." Adrian stated.     

[Do you wish to name your Elemental Cat (Lightning Variant -Juvenile), Kimat?]     

"Yes." Adrian replied.     

[You have named your new soulbound Kimat. It has changed its view about you from Wary to Neutral.]     

Adrian is shocked upon learning that his soulbound is actually in a neutral stand against him. He remembered that he tried very hard to gain Sirius' loyalty. It seems that he has to do the same thing with Kimat.      

"They did say that cats are very difficult to tame due to them being picky with their owners. Nevertheless, they will shower you with love once you gained their total affection." Adrian thought as he looked at the skills available for Kimat.     


Skill: Spark Clone     

Tier: Rare     

Type: Body Double Active     

Effect: Able to create clones that look identical to the user that is made of the lightning element. Able to switch positions with a Spark Clone. A Spark Clone has a tenth of the total health of the user and it damages the attacker if it gets destroyed.     

Spark Clones cannot deal damage from their attacks but deal 50% of the user's magical power in the area upon being destroyed. Clones have infinite duration and could only disappear upon being destroyed.     

Cooldown: 1 minute     

Mana Cost: 5% of total Mana per Spark Clone     

Cast Time: Instant     


Skill: Elemental Overdrive (Lightning Variant)     

Tier: Epic     

Type: Buff and Debuff     

Effect: Burns every bit of elemental energy in the body to increase stats by 100%. All stats will go down and the user will turn into a weakened state after the duration of the skill. The user of the skill needs to rest in order to regain the lost stats.     

Duration: 1 minute     

Rest Time: Three hours     

Cooldown: 24 hours     

Mana Cost: All of the user's remaining mana.     

Cast Time: 1 second     


Skill: Elemental Superiority (Lightning Variant)     

Tier: Racial     

Type: Passive     

Effect: All skills with the user's corresponding element will have no mana cost and the cooldown is reduced by 50%. The user also has a 30% chance to deal double damage if the user uses skills and spells tat is the same as its innate element.     

Cooldown: None     

Mana Cost: None     

Cast Time: None     


"No wonder Elemental Cats are very famous. They have an innate skill that can nullify mana costs. This must be the reason why Kimat can use five clones at the same time even with the large mana cost." Adrian thought as he admired the skills that Kimat possessed.     

Adrian then remembered that Kimat still had the Juvenile tag beside it. Adrian has yet to see what its full size is, and he cannot access its evolution requirements if it is still at the Juvenile stage. He summoned Kimat so that his other soulbounds could greet the elemental cat.     

"Greater Summon: Kimat!" Adrian chanted.     

A magi circle with the face of a cat with sparks covering it suddenly appeared in mid-air. Kimat appeared in the outside world and even stretched. Adrian looked at it and thought that the elemental cat is pretty relaxed even for the Neutral standing it has for Adrian.     

"Hello, Kimat. I am you master, Equinox." Adrian stated as he moved in to pat Kimat's head. The elemental cat did not answer, and Adrian thought that Kimat might not be able to speak yet. So, he just smiled and pat the elemental cat's head. Kimat seemed to enjoyed the warm touch a little.     

Kimat just looked at Adrian with a neutral expression and let the demon pat his head. The other soulbounds then suddenly rushed towards Adrian to be patted as well. It seems that they became rather jealous of one of them being prioritized.     

Kimat is startled because he felt the aura of powerful monsters rushing in towards his new master. If Kimat did not use Elemental Overdrive, then he might not have been easily captured but then he would still be captured in the end as Adrian was very determined.     

Once the other soulbounds had enough of the pampering, they rushed in to introduce themselves to Kimat. Also, they are now establishing the hierarchy so that no fights will break out in the future. Adrian just smiled at the interaction of his soulbounds.     

He did not try and show deep affection to Kimat from the get-go as he wants their relationship to develop naturally. If he tried hastening it then it might just bite him in the butt. Kimat might become hostile with him if he did not give it some space.     

"Is that your new soulbound?" Levin Cloud asked as he is now free from the interrogation of the elders of the Church of the Twin Gods.      

"Yeah. I managed to catch it. It is the monster that managed to escape being attacked by my other soulbounds. It is an Elemental Cat with a lightning attribute." Adrian explained.     

"That is an elemental cat! You are pretty lucky as it is even an advance attribute. But is it not too small to be an elemental cat? The elemental cats posted in the forum are the size of lions in real life." Levin Cloud stated.     

"It is still in its juvenile period which is why it is still small. I need to raise it into adulthood first for it to grow that big." Adrian replied.     

"What is your next plan? I need to stay here as the elders seems to not want to get separated from the tree of life and death." Levin Cloud asked.     

"It is time for Sirius to evolve which is why I will search for the World Boss: Fenris." Adrian answered.     

"Do you know where that world boss is currently located? Do you need our help?" Levin Cloud asked as he is raring to test his new abilities.     

"I need to go to the world where the beastkins are currently calling their home. I need to go to The Wilde." Adrian stated as he contacted Kabrakan for directions.      

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