The Princess Consort Has A Lethal Destiny

Contentment Is Bliss

Contentment Is Bliss

Master Qiu usually had to teach, so he did not have much free time to do good deeds in person.     

The Taoist temple would raise money for charity every month, and they would often get off the mountain to help people. It would be convenient for him to go to the Taoist temple to pay the incense money.     

Moreover, he could also ask for the blessings from the gods.     

"It can be done. It doesn't matter how many things you give, it only matters how sincere you are," Xie Qiao added.     

With that, Xie Qiao took out a dharma instrument. She had just picked it out from the bamboo basket. It was a jade pendant, which was convenient for Zhou Kaiyun to wear.     

The quality of the jade was especially good.     

Jade had spiritual energy, and a good jade was great for spirits.     

"This is it. Do you think this is okay? I have a few other styles here, and the patterns are all different. If you're not satisfied with this, I have more," Xie Qiao put the item in front of Master Qiu.     

Master Qiu did not expect to be able to pick such an item.     

He took a look at the jade.     

He was a little surprised.     

The jade was carved into the shape of a cabbage, and above it... there was a small spider, which looked very lifelike.     

"I also have a good luck gourd, but I'm afraid the child shouldn't wear it. He should wear something more humble, so I'm suggesting this cabbage. The spider on it... implies contentment is bliss. It's perfect for him," Xie Qiao added.     

Children's facial features would change, so Xie Qiao did not perform divination on Zhou Kaiyun's fortune.     

"Thank you, Master," Master Qiu was very satisfied with the jade.     

He also hoped that his grandson would know contentment was bliss from now on.     

"Since you're satisfied, I'll do a ritual," Xie Qiao said simply.     

Finally, she released the soul from the porcelain bottle.     

"Father!" The ghoul said to Master Qiu as soon as it came out.     

Unfortunately, Master Qiu could not hear it. He just felt a little uncomfortable and could not help but feel sad.     

Seeing that Master Qiu could not see her, the ghoul remembered that she was already dead and shed two more tears. At that moment, Xie Qiao stuck a talisman on the jade and then chanted a spell at Ms. Qiu.      

Ms. Qiu felt her world spinning.     

She knew that she was going to be sealed in a dharma instrument.     

She glanced at her father, felt guilty, and then disappeared without a trace.     

The jade…     

Master Qiu suddenly felt that this jade seemed to be a little fuller, and it was somewhat different from before.     

When he looked at the jade earlier, he only thought it was carved well and was somewhat stunning. However, at that moment, he felt like he had seen this thing somewhere and wanted to bring it home.     

"My daughter... is already inside?" Master Qiu asked.     

"That's right. The soul has entered the dharma instrument, so I'm afraid that she won't be able to hear what you guys are saying since she has a muddle-head now. Therefore, treat this thing as ordinary jewelry," Xie Qiao placed the item back into Master Qiu's hand, "The auras of relatives are connected. Zhou Kaiyun can wear it, and so can the two elders."      

Master Qiu forced a smile.     

He naturally would not fight with his grandson over this thing.     

Master Qiu stood up, "Thank you, Master."      

"It's my pleasure. That'll be 5,000 taels of silver." Xie Qiao's standard smile appeared.     

Master Qiu was stunned, which he then snapped back to his senses.     

This jade quality did not look bad. It could be sold for at least two to three thousand taels of silver. This master had even used a talisman, so she naturally had to charge more.     

"I was in a hurry when I came out, so... I didn't bring any money. Can I deliver it tomorrow?" Master Qiu was a little embarrassed.     

Xie Qiao smiled and said, "Of course. Just give it to Shopkeeper Chang of the Fortune Pavilion on the Eastern Street."      

Master Qiu heaved a sigh of relief and then left in a sorry state.     

Once the old master left, Xie Pinggang stared at her face a few more times and said, "Master can communicate with both worlds too? You can see ghouls? Can one buy this ability with money?"     

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