Lady to Queen

CHAPTER 74 (1) - Just give me one Prince, Your Majesty

CHAPTER 74 (1) - Just give me one Prince, Your Majesty

Rosemond put her makeup on, a more determined expression on her face than ever before. Her fate would be determined today, this night. Thanks to that, her servants felt like they were dying, but they did not dare complain, because they knew the importance of this evening very well.     

After three hours of preparation, Rosemond had a satisfied expression on her face. Everything was perfect. She asked Glara, "Where are the wines and medicine?"     

At Rosemond's inquiry, Glara shook the bottle of wine and medicine in front of her, as if she had been waiting to be asked. Rosemond nodded, and soon another maid wrapped her in a black shawl that covered her whole body.     

"You are sure His Majesty is in the Central Palace right now?" Rosemond inquired once again. If she went like this, and he wasn't there, there would be no other failure like this.     

Glara nodded, "I confirmed it, Marchioness. You do not have to worry."     

"Good!" Rosemond took a deep breath, trying to let go of the tension she was feeling. She headed out of the Vain Palace, wearing bright red heels designed to kill. The current time was around 10 PM. Fortunately, their surroundings were dark, so her flamboyant dress was not particularly noticeable.     


"Your Majesty, the Marchioness of Ethyller, has arrived."     

Lucio was focusing on political affairs as he always did, but at the servant's sudden announcement, his face twisted into a frown. He had never met Rosemond again after the incident on the terrace. He was about to turn her away, but Rosemond was officially the Emperor's Concubine, so he had no choice but to let her in.     

Rosemond entered the room with a shawl wrapped around her. "I greet you, Your Majesty. Glory to the Marvinus Empire."     

"What is the reason for the visit?" he asked her coldly. However, Rosemond was not fazed in the slightest, and without any hesitation, calmly went to the table and put down a bottle of wine. Her lips were painted bright red, and moved as Rosemond laughed in a fascinating manner, "I was wondering if you could have a glass of wine."     

"… I am very busy right now. Just go back now."     

"So cold," Rosemond muttered as if he was being too much, but Lucio remained cold. Rosemond, who felt a bit disappointed at his reaction, took out her last card.     

"Think of it as the last favor for your past lover, and please let us drink together."     



" Haaa..."     

Eventually, he sighed and sat down at the table. Rosemond smiled with satisfaction, and took out the wine glasses from the tea cupboard. Rosemond turned her back to him so he couldn't see, and quickly threw the aphrodisiac into Lucio's glass before pouring the wine. Rosemond turned around elegantly and walked back to the table with the two glasses of wine in her hands. Rosemond handed the cup of wine with the aphrodisiac to Lucio, and with an elegant voice said to him, "Shall we make a toast?"     


"Your Majesty, I received news that Rosemond went to the Central Palace."     

Patrizia had been reading a book, and was puzzled when she heard the news. "Rosemond did?"     

From what she knew, the relationship between the two of them had already gone awry. But then why... ? Patrizia cocked her head, not comprehending what was going on. "What is she scheming, again?"     

"She might be trying to seduce His Majesty."     

"… That may be so."     

"It does not bother you? I am a bit irked," Raphaela asked in disgust. "So suddenly, what is she up to? Does she suddenly need a child or something?"     

"… I guess so. She has to have a child to become the Empress, as it will be a lot easier."     

"Why are you so easygoing about this?"     

"Rafaella." Patrizia chided the angry Rafaella with a quiet smile. "There is a reason for everything. What I need to watch out for the most tonight, above anything else, is his favor returning to Rosemond."     


"Do not worry. I have no intention of being crushed so easily anymore."     

Raphael and Mirya were all confused by her strange confidence, but they both shut their mouths, as the atmosphere did not allow them to ask anymore.     

Patrizia looked relaxed as she stood up from her seat, and said, "Shall we go for a walk? The moonlight is so nice."     


"I do not know what you are up to," he asked coolly. "What kind of ulterior motive would make you suddenly act like this?"     

"Ulterior motive, Your Majesty. I am also a human, so hearing words like that hurts my heart."     

"Ha." Lucio burst into empty laughter, but Rosemond sipped her wine as if it didn't matter either way. Following her, Lucio also drank the wine reflexively. A smile reached Rosemond's mouth.     

"It is a little hot."     

Rosemond took off the shawl that she was wearing without missing a beat, revealing her white, feminine body of Rosemond. However, Lucio had no reaction, and was only focused on drinking the wine. Rosemond spoke to him in a voice full of regret, "Oh dear, Your Majesty. I have tried to this extent, and yet you will not even look at me."     

"It is pathetic to do this when our relationship is already over. To me, as well as to you."     

"Yes, Your Majesty. Your Majesty is noble, after all."     

Rosemond, who was only wearing a slip, stood up from her seat with a bewitching smile. She approached Lucio's side and pressed her body to his, and tried to seduce him with a low voice, "But even a great Emperor can take a prostitute."     

"To drag yourself to an extent like that."     

"To be able to spend even one night with Your Majesty, the ladies of the Capital willing to become prostitutes should be many in number."     

Rosemond didn't deny it, as she blew into his ear. But Lucio sighed and pushed her away.     

"It would be better for you to go back now. I drank the wine, so I no longer..."     


Translated by Haeli     

Edited by RED     

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