Lady to Queen



"The bruises are severe, Your Majesty. Your body has not yet fully recovered from the last incident, so please be sure to stay safe."     

"I will. It was my mistake, so stop now."     

"Yes, Your Majesty. You must surely take medicine."     

As Lucio nodded to show he knew, only then did the Imperial physician withdraw his face from the Central Palace with a relieved expression. Rosemond was entering the room when she came across the physician and made a puzzled expression.     

"Your Majesty?"     

"Ah, Rose. You arrived."     

"Yes. But suddenly why is the physician…?"     

Rosemond asked in a voice full of worry.     

"You're not sick, are you, Your Majesty?"     

"No, Rose. I am fine."     

He quickly switched topics.     

"What do you mean fine? It should be a serious condition if you call the physician..."     

"I am really fine. Have you been to Baron's?"     

"… Yes."     

Rosemond smiled with a bitter expression and told him the result.     

"The Baron agreed to the waiver of parental rights. This is the proof."     

Rosemond said this and presented him with a signed contract of the waiver. Lucio nodded his head when he received it.     

"Perhaps the Duke of Efreni will officially announce that I will be brought in as an adopted daughter soon. Then I will no longer be a daughter of a mere Baron, but a noble Duke's daughter."     

"… You seem to be obsessed with status."     

"Is it not natural, Lucio? Only then can I love you to my heart's content without any restrictions."     

Rosemond said that and left a small kiss on Lucio's forehead. Lucio's expression of accepting it wasn't as sweet as it used to be, but since Rosemond closed her eyes and kissed him, she couldn't notice that much.     

"When I become the daughter of the Duke, it will be easier to enter the Empress Palace."     


Lucio said nothing, but Rosemond accepted it as positive silence. She soon began to whine like a child, as if she had not been talking seriously just moments before.     

"Right, by the way, Your Majesty."     

"Yes, Rose."     

"The Empress is really too much."     

As she acted like a baby by inflating her cheeks and expressing dissatisfaction, Lucio asked, showing interest.     

"What is going on?"     

"Well, she has cut the budget for the Vain Palace."     

Half of it too. Wasn't it really too much? At Rosemond's words, Lucio thought about something for a moment and soon spoke in a nonchalant voice.     

"The expenses for the Vain Palace has been quite high. It is not an excessive cut? Even if it was cut in half, you and the maids should not be lacking in funds."     

"… Yes?"     

It was then Rosemond finally noticed something strange. For the first time now, Lucio defended Patrizia in front of her. "Not her!" Rosemond asked him with a shocked face.     

"Lucio… Are you serious?"     

"I do not want to be frugal, but overspending on luxury is not good. Moreover, the finances these days..."     

"Your Majesty!"     

Rosemond shouted with a shocked expression. Discussing finances in front of her. He was an Emperor who had never done that, even once. Rosemond asked with a trembling voice.     

"Suddenly… Why are you suddenly like this, Your Majesty?"     

"What do you mean suddenly, Rose. Your expenditures have been excessive since long before."     

He spoke in a serious tone.     

"But it was just not officially pointed out. In any case, the mistress is an informal position related to the Emperor, and excessive spending on luxury is not good. What is more, your status is not even a Baroness now."     


Rosemond looked at Lucio with a resentful expression on her face and soon left the Central Palace. Anyone who looked at her would know she was angry as she rolled her feet out and disappeared from where he was, and when he finally left alone, Lucio muttered to himself while letting out a long sigh.     

"Nevertheless, this should be the correct way."     

"How can he do that to me?!"     

Rosemond returned to Vain Palace and shouted in anger. This was really ridiculous. How could Lucio betray her in this way? She steamed over this and threw the items that were on the table. With a clinking sound, the pieces of glass bounced everywhere. Glara, who was watching her by her side, closed her eyes tightly.     

"Lady, please be composed."     

"Composed? Do I look like I can be composed? I'm pretty sure anyone can see and confirm that His Majesty's favor is not the same as before!"     

She threw the glass once again with a shout. The glass bottle she threw barely managed to not hit Glara. She vomited out her breaths and put her hand on her chest. Perhaps there was no job as extreme as being Rosemond's maid.     

"It is clear that His Majesty has stuck to that brat's side while I was away!"     

Rosemond, who expressed anger even while using slang, soon transformed into a cool expression. At this sudden change of expression, Glara was confused about what to do to adjust to Rosemond. Rosemond said in a sharp voice.     

"Glara, put in some communication to the Duke of Efreni right away."     

"For what reason..."     

"There is only one reason! Ask them to finish the adoption process as soon as possible. Hurry up!"     

"Yes, yes. Lady, I will do that, so please calm down."     

Glara asked her to calm her, but Rosemond still seemed angry. Glara quickly hurried out of the Vain Palace to prevent further fires.     

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