Lady to Queen



"I have to meet Duke Efreni. Right away."     

"Rosemond, ma'am, why this time…?"     

"We meet when I say we meet, what are you so talkative about? He will never refuse me unless Duke Efreni wants to end his political life. So don't be fooled and send a letter. That I want to meet right now, so he should come to Vain Palace as soon as possible."     

"Yes… Okay."     

My goodness, did people know that the Emperor's mistress was dominating one of the three Prime Ministers? Common sense said this wasn't understandable at all, but Glara, who knew everything, didn't dare to say that.     

Indeed, if the Duke of Efreni rubbed Rosemond the wrong way even a little, it would be at that moment that his political life ended.     

Of course, it wasn't limited to the Duke of Efreni. However, Rosemond had not yet fully revealed her hand. Glara admired the cunning of her master and moved aside to write a letter to the Duke of Efreni.     

The Duke of Efreni arrived at Vain Palace really quickly. Glara felt the power of Rosemond and dropped off two cups of rosemary tea on a table where the two people sat.     

The tea she was drinking was almost always the same—rosemary, but it was really awful for the Duke of Efreni, who had been forced to visit Vain Palace.     

Of course, even finding Vain Palace had been a tedious job for him. He tried to hide his nervous mind and asked her.     

"Lady Rosemond, what is the reason you called for me?"     

From his point of view, her situation was miserable due to having lost the title of Baroness, but Rosemond did not express this herself and sipped her tea. When she remained silent while drinking her tea, the Duke of Efreni finally revealed his inner thoughts and complained to her.     

"Am I not doing everything that Lady Rosemond wants? I saved you from being accused of treason, and the only punishment you received was to return the Baroness title. If not for me, who do you think could have done this for you?"     

"I know, Duke. That is why I am so grateful to the Duke too."     

A mere daughter of a Baron spoke as if she was the Empress. It was even more offensive than the tone Patrizia had used before going through these events.     

Duke Efreni, who felt deeply offended, wanted to kick out of his seat and leave, but he sat still because he wasn't confident of what was going to follow.     

Finally, Rosemond lifted her lips off of the teacup and calmly brought out the story.     

"I went through these events and received a great enlightenment, Duke."     

"What is it?"     

"The most powerful thing in the world is a title."     


Duke Efreni disagreed. If Rosemond's words were true, he had no reason to be sitting here. But in the world, there was something above the title, so he was now humiliated. It was miserable and lamentable. However, he did not argue against her. As said before, he was not in a position to oppose her.     

"So, I thought of a plan."     

"What is it?"     

"Duke, you only have sons, right?"     

Duke of Efreni nodded casually to Rosemond's question. He had one son from his official wife and one son from his mistress. Rosemond spoke with an expression full of pity.     

"Oh, it must be sad. You do not have even one daughter."     

"Lady Rosemond, what is it that you want to say?"     

"Do you want to become the Emperor's father-in-law?"     

With those words, the Duke of Efreni finally realized why Rosemond had called for him. So now she…     

"Please make me an adopted daughter of the Duke."     

She was telling him to adopt her. The Duke of Efreni couldn't hide his absurd expression and showed it plainly. Then Rosemond made a poisonous look and asked him.     

"Why? You accept a brat from a mere baron as your daughter, is this it?"     

"Ah… not at all."     

Although he denied this with a flustered expression, she had penetrated the inside of his mind, and Rosemond was already smiling as if she had caught on, while not showing what she was thinking. Indeed, her smile was grotesque. The Duke of Efreni coughed twice, then made an excuse, that was not truly an excuse.     

"But I have to ask my wife's thoughts…"     

"Duke, I don't think you grasp the situation."     

Rosemond reminded him of reality with a voice full of laughter.     

"Will I go to His Majesty right now? All of the things you have done in the past?"     


"Oh, that must be worth it to watch. You should know too, Duke? How hard it was for His Majesty to deal with at that time... Isn't that why a 'lowly Baron's daughter' was able to stand next to the Emperor in the first place?"     


All of those words were correct, and what Rosemond had mentioned was a devastating blow to the Duke of Efreni, but he had no choice but to listen to her. Rosemond, who also knew the truth, laughed and told him.     

"When would be the best time to register? I think the sooner it is, the better. Don't you want to greet a beautiful daughter as soon as possible?"     

"… I will move forward with that. But Lady Rosemond..."     

The Duke of Efreni had replied quietly and then asked her.     

"Have you finished this discussion with Baron Darrow?"     


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