Lady to Queen



There would be no alternative. Duke Efreni's words were saying they should investigate everybody now. That would be crazy. It would be a huge waste of time and useless effort. Nothing was more inefficient than an investigation where there weren't clear suspects. Patrizia spoke to him as if to stop thinking about such useless things.     

"If there are other candidates, please bring them over, Duke. Then I shall investigate that person in the same way. Even if it is my relative by blood."     


"Duke WitherFord, please spur on the investigation more than now. Should the truth not be revealed before His Majesty wakes up?"     

"Yes, Your Majesty. I will do my best."     

When the issue was settled to some extent, Patrizia took a slow breath and flipped over the papers to move on to the next agenda. It was an agenda concerning the celebration of the founding of the Empire that would take place soon. It was an Inner Palace issue. Patrizia opened her mouth.     

"As you all may know, in a couple of months, the celebration for the Founding Day of the Empire will take place in the capital. It is too much for an Empress to prepare alone, and the ladies of the Inner Palace will help me as customary, but I will need the help of the nobles regarding matters related to the merchants. Is there anyone that will volunteer?"     


There was only silence for a long time as if they were weighing the matter. Patrizia waited patiently, and as she began to get tired of waiting, someone opened their mouth. It was a familiar voice.     

"Your Majesty, can I take that glorious position?"     

Patrizia called to him with a voice that seemed to be surprised.     

"Duke Efreni."     

"Our family used to run a merchant trade, so we can help Your Majesty with all our heart. I will do my best if you grant your permission."     


Patrizia was honestly a bit taken aback. It could be inferred to some extent through the meetings until now that Duke Efreni hated her. But suddenly he wanted to help her?     

Patrizia was curious about what the inside of Duke of Efreni's mind looked like, but unfortunately, there was no way to know about it. She pondered for a moment and then asked the other nobles.     

"What do the others think about this?"     

"Is Duke Efreni not a better person suited for this than anyone else, Your Majesty? Bestowing your grace onto him will also be beneficial for the Imperial Family and the Inner Palace."     

At the words of the Duke of Vashi, who was famous for maintaining a neutral attitude, Patrizia couldn't help but feel shivers. Anyway, there was no time to pick at this and that, when there were no other applicants. Patrizia spoke in a voice that showed her acquiescence.     

"In that case, with this matter, the Duke of Efreni will help me…"     

At that moment, the door opened, and Patrizia's words naturally ceased as someone came inside. It was such a sudden move that everyone there, including Patrizia, was startled.     

Patrizia stared intently at one of the young servants, who gasped roughly for breaths and then asked him in a displeased voice.     

"What is the matter?"     

"Please excuse me, Your Majesty. It's urgent, so I had no choice but to..."     

"I understand, so tell me. What is going on? Did Lady Phelps confess?"     

He shook his head as if to say that wasn't the case, and soon spit out the words that would silence the inside of the conference room.     

"His Majesty, the Emperor has awakened."     


With those words, the inside of the conference room became quiet like a rat that had died. It was not the fact that Lucio had awakened that was unpleasant. They were just surprised. The Emperor had recovered, after nearly a month of absence. The first person to regain their senses was the Duke of Vashi.     

"Your Majesty, congratulations."     


Only then did Patrizia also regain her senses. She tried to hide her flustered expression and ended the meeting.     

"It is better that we end today's meeting here. We can discuss this again later. You are all free to go back now."     

At Patrizia's words, the nobles all rose and left their seats. Everyone had left, but Patrizia remained there alone. Mirya thought this was strange, and asked her a question.     

"Your Majesty, what is the matter? His Majesty has awakened, and you must go there quickly."     

"…I should go."     

Patrizia spoke with a dazed voice, then got up from her seat slowly. After leaving the conference room, Patrizia slowly walked down the hall.     

Her eyes were like a child who didn't know what to do. Not everyone could catch on to this, but the only person that could was Mirya, who had been serving her for a long time, and she noticed and asked.     

"Your Majesty, is there something wrong?"     

Patrizia, who was walking quietly, stopped walking at the question. Then she turned her head to the side, staring at Mirya and asked her, "I, you mean?"     

"Yes, Your Majesty."     

"What does that mean?"     

"Your expression does not look that pleased."     

"…Be careful with your words."     

Patrizia quickly replied. She was saying dangerous words. It was like she was saying that she didn't want to step down from the Regent's position, and therefore not happy with the Emperor's recovery.     

"For what reason are you saying that I am not happy?"     

"…I apologize, Your Majesty."     

Only then did Mirya realize her mistake and quickly apologized, but she soon followed up with more words.     

"Just… I had said this because your complexion had become uncharacteristically dark. Please forgive me, Regent Majesty."     

"…Be careful in the future."     

Patrizia spoke shortly and began to walk again. As if she was aware of Mirya's words, her steps were noticeably faster than before. However, for a moment, her pace slowed down again as she got closer to where Lucio was residing.     

Mirya noticed this, but remembered the previous situation, and said nothing further.     

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