Lady to Queen



Meanwhile, Petronilla visited the Efreni estate after a long time had passed. This was because the Duke's butler had reached out to her. Petronilla entered the Duchy in a plain, light yellow dress with only one ribbon tied on her waist. The butler welcomed her politely.     

"You have arrived, Lady Petronila. Come this way."     

"Hello, butler."     

Petronilla, who responded with the same courtesy in her greeting, gracefully entered the household. It didn't seem to have changed much from her last visit. The butler led her to the reception room. She sat down and asked a question after taking a sip of peppermint tea that one of the maids had brought to her.     

"What has happened?"     

"It is not a big deal, but it is not a problem that can be handled by myself. I apologize for the inconvenience."     

"No, butler. Originally, I was asked by the Duchess to take over. Since there was also the Duchess' word, it would be right to do this. What is the matter?"     

"It is because of Madam January's luxury spending, Miss."     

The butler coughed and refined his voice. Soon, he began to explain the matter in a clear voice.     

"For the first half of the budget, the amount of the expenditure was too large, but it is difficult for me to lower the budget with my authority."     

Oh, dear. Petronilla dropped a bit of surprise. It was a complicated problem.     

"I want to hear what the Duke's situation is on this."     

"The Duke… He is always like this, but he is generous in that regard."     


She had asked pointlessly. Petronilla nodded with such an expression on her face. It was only natural. Originally, the nobility were human beings who would do anything to their wives for the sake of their mistresses. Like the Emperor now. Petronilla barely concealed her contempt and asked the butler.     

"Then what would you like me to do…?"     

"Oh my, Lady Petronilla."     

At that moment an extremely high voice interrupted the two of them, and while Petronilla had only heard this voice once, she figured out who the owner of the voice was like a ghost. She forced a smile and greeted January.     

"Hello, Madam. It has been a while."     

"Yes, my Lady. It's been a long time."     

She asked, slightly smiling, "But what's going on here…?"     

"I requested her presence."     

At the end of the butler's words, the expression of January slightly chilled. Nevertheless, the smile remained the same.     

"Ah, you did. For what reason…?"     

"I have no reason to explain up to that point. Is that not right, Madam?"     


She seemed offended, but the butler looked on stiffly, without showing any care for her reaction. Petronilla thought that the butler was quite a great person, and quickly made excuses.     

"It is nothing. It is a trivial matter."     

"… Ah, is that so."     

Didn't know. Sorry about that. January gave a thin smile, and disappeared with the words, "Then comfortably stay and depart." After she disappeared, the butler sighed. Perhaps he had confirmed that Petronilla was on his side. Petronilla spoke to him.     

"The most important thing is the position of the Duchess."     


"Now butler. Tell me. What is the Duchess' position on this matter?"     

"You ask when you already know everything, Lady."     

Petronilla smiled brightly at the butler's words.     

"I am not sure. I do not know why you have determined that I already know about this."     

"Is it not a matter of common sense?"     

"Sometimes there are houses where common sense does not apply. If so, the Duchess would not want it, if my thoughts are right. Is that correct?"     

"It is correct, Lady. The Duchess is constantly wary of Madam January. She hates her spending so much, more than anyone else."     

"Then the decision is already made, is it not?"     

"It is not that simple. Because of this, the Duke and the Duchess fight a lot."     

Alas, that was possible. Petronilla nodded her head.     

"It is very likely."     

"Yes. I have to find a compromise, but that is not easy. It is a difficult issue."     

"I see that."     

Petronilla nodded her head and then asked a question, "Mr. Butler, do I have to give an answer right now on this matter?"     

"That is not necessary. I just hope you will give an answer quickly."     

Madam January's behavior was too much. Petronilla nodded as if she understood the butler's words.     

"Do not worry. I can give you an answer in three days."     

After Petronilla said that, she stood up from her seat slowly.     

"I will see you again in three days. Hopefully, I will come up with a satisfying answer for everyone."     

"Thank you very much, Lady."     

"You are welcome."     

Petronilla smiled lightly and left the reception room.     

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