Lady to Queen



At that moment, a thunderstorm rang out from behind, followed by the sound of pouring rain. After Patrizia got up from a startled state, she walked out of the cave where it rained and released the rope that tied Sally to bring her inside the cave. Sally shook her body a little as if a little rain had gotten on her, and a small amount of water splashed on Patrizia.     

Patrizia roughly brushed the water off with her hands, and then tied Sally back. Meanwhile, the rain continued to fall, and she lifted her head and looked at the numerous streams pouring from the sky. Raining could be a good thing or a bad thing for her. Once it rained, it would be impossible to search for them.     

If the people were the assassins, it would be a pleasant thing to celebrate over, but it would be an utter failure like no other if it were the royal nobles. Moreover, if it rained, the water level would rise, so it was also disadvantageous to try to cross a river.     

She reached out of the cave subconsciously and got a raindrop that fell in her palm. The rain was very cold, and Patrizia thought it wasn't a bad idea to cool him with rain for a moment.     

But soon she changed his mind. Sending him into the rain, in the name of cooling him down in this weather, was impossible work. She seemed to have seen somewhere in a book she had read before that a sudden drop in body temperature could lead to poor results.     

It was written in the back of the book, saying that if someone had gotten a fever when there was no medicine, another healthy person had to cool oneself and hug the other.     

Patrizia blushed when the thought suddenly came to mind, but as before, this wasn't the right situation to be thinking this way. In the moment of death or survival, there was no fool in this situation that would be considering that.     

Patrizia walked into the rain without hesitation, as if she had already decided. Sally made a ruckus with neighing sounds from behind her, as if asking what was going on, but it did not matter.     

If she didn't make a decision right now, that horse, that guy, and she would all die.     

Patrizia stood there, facing the cold stream of rain. The cold rain poured down her face, hair, chest, and stomach.     

The cold sensation and the lowering of her body temperature caused her to continue to groan and tremble in suffering, but she withstood and endured with her mind.     

Anyways, because she ate the sculler earlier, she won't die easily. Patrizia muttered this bitingly and pledged.     

She will never let him die. Damn it.     

Who would die? They would all return to the Imperial Palace in good health. He, she, and the horse would remain unharmed. Patrizia struggled with closing her chattering teeth and accepted the rain all over her body.     

When she was hit with the rain for about 20 minutes, Patrizia was almost out of her mind. She stumbled into the cave as if she thought it would be a catastrophe if she was hit with any more rain.     

Sally neighed continuously as if worried about her and moved up a fuss. Patrizia smiled lifelessly at her to show she was fine, and then went up to the spot on the rock where Lucio was while swaying. It seemed that her dizzy mind was going to go into space sometime soon.     


She made a noise of exhaustion and hugged him as much as possible. Because his whole body was like a fireball, she felt a great warmth momentarily when she hugged him.     

Patrizia closed her eyes with a tired expression and empowered her hands that held him. She muttered constantly, hugging his hot body.     

"I will never let you die. Never."     

At this moment, at least his life was the same as her life. The only one who could send her to the Imperial Palace with an innocent position. Patrizia fell asleep after three or four more repeated trips in the rain and consequent hugs.     

A bitter taste that he had never felt before, and a cold sensation that was being transmitted into his body. Lucio began to awaken, little by little, by the strange feeling of the coexistence of both cold and warmth. For someone who was already overtaken by poison like Lucio, it would be about two or three hours before the sculler's effectiveness took place.     

Lucio seemed to be having a nightmare, or simply struggling with pain, because his complexion didn't look good, and he was releasing cold sweat on his forehead. Given that his body had already fallen back to a normal body temperature, weighing in on the former was more credible.     

His nightmares had always been the same. He had overwhelming reasons to have nightmares, but none of it was comparable to that day.     

All the other things were things that could be sustained by the power of his mentality, but that day had been different. It wasn't just his mentality, but it was something no human could stand, even if the grandfather of mentality came.     

Thus, his nightmares were always the same, and he could never be free from the repeated pain, and he probably was going to be like forever. It was an infinite punishment for him. It was like how Prometheus' punishment was never-ending. And Lucio always wanted to escape from the punishment that had been put on him, but on the other hand, he thought he deserved it. He thought he should pay the price for it.     

But reasons and emotions were always different, and ideality and reality were always in contrast. He reasoned that it was always right to have his nightmares, but his feelings complained about his deathly suffering from the punishment. He ideally wanted to remember the day's events through the nightmares until he died, but in reality, he was a terrified little child who trembled with the nightmares and sought refuge.     

His nightmares had no rules. They found him when he was happy, and they found him when he was unhappy. When he was neither happy nor unhappy, they found him. The nightmares were part of his daily life. It could never be removed, and should never be removed.     

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