Lady to Queen



She was not a wicked person by nature, and even when she was born, she could not become a wicked person. She was quiet, calm, and gentle like a flower.     

Perhaps if she hadn't entered the Imperial Palace and sat in the seat of the Empress, she might have lived in full bloom until the end. However, Patrizia had already decided to walk on the prickly path towards becoming the Empress on behalf of her sister.     

Patrizia nevertheless tried to remain as a flower until the end, but as always, the surroundings did not help. On the thorny field road, rain continued to shake her roots, and the wind continued to blow and tear off her petals. In this situation, it was neither pure nor beautiful to remain as a flower to the end. It was ugly and cruel.     

So she had to be a weed. Noble orchids and beautiful roses were not suitable in this situation. Moreover, if it was the same situation as it was now, without the Emperor's favor. Unless it was Rosemond.     

Nevertheless, she was disgusted with the change she had no choice in. She wanted to remain a flower forever. Noble and noble again, she wanted to comfortably stay in the Imperial Palace without suffering any difficulties, without worrying about anything. Right until she had entered the Imperial Palace she had those feelings, but as always, living in the world was not as green or comfortable as one thought. Sadly, that path that Patrizia had taken was even more so.     

"When I entered the Imperial Palace, I did not want to get involved in politics. I just wanted to stay in the corner of the backroom like the Empress, to have a child who would succeed the Emperor, and seem to be there, and not there again."     

However, at the time she had that dream, she probably already knew. That the things she dreamed about were just fantasy. As long as she decided to become the Empress, and decided to take the place of Queen, those thoughts were futile and even selfish.     

If she wanted to live forever as a flower, someone would have had to block the rainstorm that would pummel her.     

"Now I know for sure. That way, it would not only be me, but all my precious people will be harmed."     

She did not cry wailing. She didn't even shed tears. Just a drop of tears was carefully dropped onto her cheek. It was as if that was the best consolation she could provide herself. Petronilla felt bad for her sister and was also sorry.     

"… Sorry."     

If she had become Empress in the first place, would it have been different? Why had she been so foolish in the past? Why couldn't she say she was going to be the Empress, and fling away her sister's goodwill? She was the one that was selfish.     

"Let us stop, Nil. There is no end to these kinds of regrets."     

Patrizia looked like she was at peace, and smiled. No, maybe it was resignation. Anyways, what was important was that she was no longer the same. Of course, she was still nice, gentle, and beautiful, but now that was only the remaining essence, and the external cover surrounding it had changed completely.     

Petronilla thought that her sister's change was for the better. The feeling of sadness that bloomed in her heart because of that was a separate matter. Petronilla nodded quietly and agreed with her words.     

"You're right. With these kinds of regrets, there is no end. Let's stop."     

"Sure. Let us stick to the present, Nil. Regret is ... something to do after winning. The regret after a victory is a glorious wound from the past, but the regret after a defeat is a pathetic excuse for the loser, nothing more, and nothing less."     

"I hope that in the future when we talk about this again, it will not be as an excuse, but as a story."     

"To do that, I'll help you, Lizzy."     

As Petronilla said that, her voice had both softness and toughness. It was strong like a reed. Soft but not demanding, slight but unbreakable. Patrizia felt it. Not only herself but her sister was definitely changing. She didn't know if her sister was aware of her own change, but it was certainly a good change for anyone to see. Unlike herself. She made a sad smile to herself internally and spoke.     

"Thank you for saying even the words."     

"Evidence fabrication is one of those things that is easy to talk about, but difficult to enact. There is no guarantee that it will lead to success, and if you get caught up in it, you will not only be disgraced but also damage your dignity and authority. Well… Will you be able to do it?"     

"Even if it cannot be done well, it must be done, Nil. I have no choice. At least at this moment."     

"You will do well because you are not alone. Do you believe in the Duke of Witherford?"     

"I want to believe in him, but I plan not to."     

"… Got it."     

Petronilla nodded quietly at the end of Patrizia's words. Believing in or not, was that even important? If she believed, would something change? If she didn't believe, would something else change? Anyways, their relationship with each other was just a strategic means of a relationship. The important thing was not such a beautiful idea. It was about fulfilling each other's expectations to the fullest.     

"I don't have a smart mind like you, so it would be difficult to expect a decent solution from me. I'm sorry."     

At that, Patrizia just gave a small smile. Did Petronilla really think she wouldn't be able to help her? She denied her words as if that wasn't even close to the truth.     

"Even if it is not like that, you are enough to help me. You know that."     

"Still. Anyways, I also want to be helpful in this area. I just can't help it because I don't have the ability..."     

"It is fine. By the way, this dacquoise is really delicious. It would be nice to share it with the maids."     

"Actually, everyone had a taste of it. If you like it, I will tell them to bake it again."     

After finishing what she had to say, Petronilla stood up with the empty plate. When she was heading to the doorway, she heard Patrizia's voice from behind.     

"Thank you, Older Sister."     


Petronilla seemed to not be able to breathe at the moment. No, Lizzy. Don't say that to me. I don't deserve to hear that from you. I'm the one who made you like this.     

Petronilla did not hide her sad eyes and dropped a tear. It was a relief that the tear just dropped onto her. If her sister saw this, she would have run forward with a worried face. Her younger sister had said she had changed, but in the end, the essence had not changed. She struggled to part her lips and as she only uttered the words, "Not at all."     

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