Dear Commander-in-Chief

Stepmother, I Miss You!

Stepmother, I Miss You!

4Master Jue was already pursuing a third party, but Young Lady Qiqi didn't notice.     

She didn't even care about Master Jue's condition today. All she cared about was the little packrat.     

Young Lady Qiqi, how could you be a stepmother? Shouldn't you be the first to grab hold of your man?     

Did she know that she treated a man's son so well?     

Special Assistant Lu thought for a while and decided to remind Gu Qiqi again. "Miss Qiqi, Master Jue has been watching the recording of the competition today."     

"What video?"     

"It's the recording of the first match of the medical competition yesterday. The match between Young Master Ye and the Shen family."     

"Oh. Got it."     

Gu Qiqi's lips curved up in a faint smile.     

She didn't expect this stupid man to be quite infatuated with her male outfit.     

What an insincere man, haha!     

Special Assistant Lu was in despair. He saw that Gu Qiqi wasn't the least bit concerned about Master Jue watching Young Master Ye's recording. Instead, she was smiling foolishly.     

He felt that she was truly hopeless!     

What was wrong with Miss Qiqi? Boohoo!     

Looks like I'll have to find a chance in the future to help you break up this ill-fated relationship between Master Jue and Young Master Ye.     

How could he break them up?     

Young Master Bai Lang?     

Yes! Wasn't Young Master Bai Lang especially infatuated with Young Master Ye?     

He would create an opportunity for Young Master Bai Lang and Young Master Ye to… confirm their relationship! What was done could not be undone!… Then, it was impossible for Lord Jue to snatch his brother's man, right?     

Special Assistant Lu instantly understood. He felt that the world had become a better place.     

Meanwhile, Gu Qiqi was still thinking about the little packrat's illness.     

Both of them had their own thoughts. Soon, they drove back to the hospital.     

Gu Qiqi disinfected her hands immediately. She put on a white coat and a mask and sprinted almost a hundred meters to the little packrat's operating theater.     

Gently, she pushed the door open.     

Gong Jue's broad back was sitting in front of the bed, worrying about how to feed him the medicine.     

Gu Qiqi walked over quietly and took the medicine from him. "Let me do it."     

Picking up the little packrat, she began to feed him the medicine with familiarity.     

Gong Jue's heart ached as he supported her arm. "Does it hurt?"     

She always carried him like this for an hour or two. Her arms were already numb from the pillow, but no matter how many times he told her, she refused to listen.     

Gu Qiqi smiled. "Just let me hug him for a while. Just take it that I'm enjoying being a stepmother. When the little packrat wakes up, he might not be willing to let me hug him anymore."     

Gong Jue couldn't help but feel a little sad.     

At this moment, he actually blamed his son a little.     

Qiqi treated the little packrat so sincerely and well, but his son refused to accept her.     

His heart ached for Qiqi.     

He silently made up his mind. When the little boy woke up this time, he would definitely educate him well and make him listen to Auntie Qiqi obediently. He was not to be willful or make her sad… Otherwise, he would… disown his stupid son! Yes, he would do that!     

Gong Jue was silently praising his methods of dealing with the little packrat and protecting Qiqi's status as a stepmother.     

Suddenly, he heard a faint voice in Gu Qiqi's arms. "Stepmother, I… miss you…"     

Gu Qiqi was also shocked!     

In a daze, the little packrat's lips moved, and he actually managed to finish his sentence.     

Was he awake?     

Gu Qiqi was overjoyed. It was not only because the medicine had taken effect and the little packrat was about to wake up, but also because the little packrat had actually said that he missed her!     

There was a part of her heart that ached, was happy, and wanted to go crazy!     

Just as Gu Qiqi and Gong Jue were holding their breaths and staring intently at the little packrat…     

In the darkness, the little packrat walked towards the faint light again.     

In the light, he could vaguely see a pair of large black grape-like eyes, a large white mask, and a white coat…     

He murmured, "Stepmother… Big Sister?… Stepmother?"     

Suddenly, he felt as if he had been struck by something.     

All of a sudden, he sobered up a little. Was he looking at his stepmother or his sister?     

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