Dear Commander-in-Chief

She Was Actually Tied Up in A Gunny Sack!

She Was Actually Tied Up in A Gunny Sack!

1"Damn it! Stupid woman, change your makeup back for me! Also, take off this d*mned man's clothes!" Gong Jue ordered frantically.     

Gu Qiqi blinked. "Even if I take it off, you don't have a woman's clothes to change into here."     

Gong Jue: "…Go and buy it!"     

Buy a set on the spot! It was fine as long as it was a woman's clothes!     

He looked at Gu Qiqi's male outfit and was worried that he would turn gay by accident.     

He didn't want to be gay!     

While Gu Qiqi removed her makeup first, Gong Jue turned on his phone and prepared to instruct Special Assistant Lu to get a random set of clothes from the nearest female clothing store.     

Before he could give instructions…     

The notifications on his phone immediately drowned him.     

There were dozens of missed calls!     

Just that short while ago? What happened for him to get all these calls?     

Gong Jue looked over one by one. They were all from the Gong Residence.     

He couldn't help but frown and call back.     

It was a good call.     

The servant begged with a sobbing tone, "Master Jue, come back quickly. Old Master is going to explode…"     

Gong Qing's irritable reprimands could be heard over the phone.     

"Is he sick?" Gong Jue said coldly.     

"No… It's, it's Little Master who's sick…"     

After putting down the phone, he saw that Gu Qiqi had already removed her makeup and regained her beautiful face. He looked at those charming and adorable cherry lips. Unfortunately, even if he wanted to kiss her until the sky turned upside down at this moment, he couldn't.     

His son's illness was more important. He had to control his desires for the time being!     

"I'll go back for a while. Can you return to Mo Yuan yourself?" he said in a low voice.     

He didn't know why the boy was sick. Gong Qing was angry. He didn't want Gu Qiqi to be angry at Gong Qing. It was better to avoid it.     

Gu Qiqi nodded. "Okay."     

This stupid man actually didn't flare up. This was very unusual.     

Number One stopped by the roadside and let Gu Qiqi out. Gong Qing stepped on the accelerator and drove away!     

Gu Qiqi was looking in the direction where Gong Jue had disappeared in frustration. When the man didn't do any romantic or childish actions, that cold and handsome look of his still had a certain character. When he was serious, he was even more domineering. He was indeed the man that Gu Qiqi had her eyes on…     

Unexpectedly, a gust of cold wind quickly assaulted her from behind!     

In the very next second, a black cloth bag was put over her head!     

"Don't move, or I'll kill you! Come with us!" The man's deep voice entered her ears clearly. At least seven to eight people surrounded her in case she escaped.     

Gu Qiqi thought gloomily that she would actually be attacked with a gunny sack one day.     

It was all because of her beauty!     


At the Gong Residence.     

As soon as Gong Jue pushed open the door, he met Gong Qing's angry look.     

"Look at what kind of lousy woman you're looking for, vixen! She actually poisoned our home! This time, she used Baby Gong. It's simply unbearable! Look at how much pain Baby is in! He didn't sleep for the entire afternoon, but you didn't even answer a call? You're a useless father!"     

Gong Qing reprimanded him repeatedly.     

Gong Jue couldn't be bothered to talk to him and went straight to the point. "What poison? How is it now?"     

"Hmph! What poison? You have to ask your vixen!" Gong Qing snorted coldly. "Your son is upstairs. Go and see for yourself!"     

Gong Jue strode into the bedroom upstairs.     

On the king's bed, the boy was curled up into a small lump under the blanket. He looked pitiful.     

"Very uncomfortable?" Gong Jue sat on the edge of the bed. "Have you eaten the medicine?"     

The boy raised his small face and blinked his big black grape-like eyes. He didn't answer Gong Jue's question but asked, "Dad, will the family law hurt someone a lot?"     

Gong Jue replied. "Yes."     

"Will their legs be broken? Will they… die?"     

"If it was your grandfather, they might."     

The boy was silent for a while. Then, he suddenly asked mindlessly, "Daddy, if I did something wrong, will you forgive me?"     

Gong Jue said, "That depends on what it is."     

The boy bit his lips, "What if it's… a very bad thing? For example, accidentally causing the death of someone else?"     

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