Dear Commander-in-Chief

The Little Boy's Background

The Little Boy's Background

0To be honest, Gong Jue did not let her down.     

Furthermore, she was the one who had misunderstood that the little packrat was his lover called Little Palm.     

And he had said long ago that he would show her the "Little Palm" personally.     

From the start, he had already planned to let her meet the little boy in Qingcheng City. He did not intend to keep it from her.     

It could be seen that he was a very frank man.     

However… it was impossible to say that there was no hesitation. In his past life, there was no her, but there was another woman and child. This was something that she could not think too deeply about. If she thought about it deeply, it seemed like there was a faint pain in her heart.     

Huh? If she didn't care, why did it hurt?     

Gu Qiqi lowered her eyes to hide the panic in her heart. She stammered, "We'll… we'll talk about it later. It's time for class. I have to go to class first…"     

She was about to leave.     

But Gong Jue pulled hard and pulled her onto his lap.     

He held her hips with one hand and her chin with the other. He said in a hoarse voice, "Don't go! Qiqi, listen to me. I hope that before you make your final decision, I'll let you understand everything about me. Gong Ting's mother is…"     

Gu Qiqi's heart was in her mouth!     

Ever since she met Gong Jue, she seemed to be in this state frequently. From time to time, this man would give her a little accident that made her heart race.     

Who was the little packrat's mother?     

Was it Gong Jue's childhood sweetheart or was it a love affair?     

Was that woman already no longer alive and became a red rose that Gong Jue would never forget in his heart? Or was it a white moonlight that had broken up with him?     

Countless ridiculous scenes flashed across Gu Qiqi's mind.     

However, in the very next second.     

Gong Jue continued in a deep voice. "I've never seen Gong Ting's mother before."     

Gu Qiqi was speechless. Are you kidding me!     

Gong Jue replied. "He's a test tube baby."     

Gu Qiqi was speechless. She had been guessing for a long time but could not guess what was going on.     

Gong Jue said, "You know that my body is special. It's impossible for me to get in touch with women, let alone… have sex with them."     

Except you, of course.     

At this point, Gong Jue kissed her lips gently without any desire.     

Gong Jue said, "That year, I was in charge of a research project in the Northern Frost laboratory. I met General Tiandun of S Nation. I used ten thousand robots to defeat the hundred thousand troops that they ambushed. I recovered the land that was occupied and killed 80,000 of them. However, the price was that their spies and loyalists infiltrated the laboratory and destroyed our system's main computer. It triggered a fire. In order to save the system, I was seriously injured and almost died. When I was transported back to the Empire, they all felt that I wouldn't be able to live. They even prepared a coffin for me. They even chose a day and prepared to bury me."     

Gu Qiqi's breathing tightened.     

She knew that his profession was dangerous.     

She had even experienced attacks and assassinations with him.     

However, he had never known how cruel a true life and death battle was.     

Generals died in a hundred battles, and strong men returned in ten years. How many scientists who guarded the empire went without returning? This was a cruelty that the citizens within the Peace Line could not feel.     

Her small hands caressed his chest.     

He should have many scars on his body, right?     

Gong Jue's body tightened with her touch. It was not easy for him to continue speaking in a serious tone. "After my accident, I was unconscious the entire time. My parents were heartbroken that I did not get married and have children. They asked Gong Sheng to find someone to have a surrogate child with me. Gong Sheng thought that surrogacy was not suitable, and it was easy for a dispute to arise when the other party gave birth. He might not give the child to the Gong family to raise. So, he bought a suitable egg on the black market and directly cultivated Gong Ting in the VIP laboratory of the Empire Medical University… using the latest test tube technology and artificial uterus."     

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