God of Fishing

The Most Humiliating Moments of Han Fei's Life

The Most Humiliating Moments of Han Fei's Life


In terms of strength, the current Han Fei was no longer someone ordinary junior law enforcers could resist. Therefore, after only a hundred blows, the ape was sent flying by Han Fei.     


"The king must have taught this guy the Three Thousand Demon Rods in advance."     

"The King is too tricky! He wants to teach us a lesson through this human boy."     

"This kid is too strong. He's stronger than a junior law enforcer."     

"Get out of the way. Let me fight him."     

"No, let's gang up on him."     

Seeing Han Fei win so easily, the monkeys who were watching the fun just now couldn't hold themselves back.     

As the beast king was smiling, he saw a group of law enforcer-level monkeys pouncing at Han Fei. The shadows of rods were everywhere.     

Seeing this, Han Fei immediately activated Devil Change and the rod in his hand danced like a phantom.     

Clang! Clang! Clang!     

God knew how many attacks Han Fei blocked at that moment.     

Han Fei had already fully carried out his footwork, but in an instant, he was hit countless times.     

An ape shouted, "This human's physique is so strong! Use more strength!"     

Hearing this, Han Fei immediately swallowed hard. As energy from all directions gathered, the War Body was activated, and a layer of red light appeared on his body.     

It was said that a large area would be swept by a stick! However, under such circumstances, it was impossible.     

If it were an ordinary person, he might have been knocked out after only one second. Han Fei didn't have the time to sweep the stick at all but could only make his attack speed faster and faster. When it was almost at the end, Han Fei just instinctively blocked the attacks.     

After several minutes, Han Fei's War Body was broken. His head was full of bumps and his body was aching all over.     

At this moment, the group of monkeys finally stopped. A big ape shouted, "Human, do you see it? This is the power of the Three Thousand Demon Rods of the Beast King Valley."     

Han Fei cast two Divine Healing Techniques on himself and didn't get up until several minutes later. He was a little angry. "You have more people."     

A little monkey laughed in the tree and fell from the tree.     

A big ape roared, "This is how the fights in the Beast King Valley are. Who told you to fight alone? Anyway, you lost."     

A monkey shouted, "You've lost, you've lost…"     

For these apes in the Beast King Valley, there was no such thing as a one-on-one fight. If they fought one-on-one every day, there were countless beasts in the Grand Myriad Mountains who could beat them.     

The Monkey King's Three Thousand Rods was powerful, but it was only a technique. If there were creatures like the Thunder Leopards and the Six-Tailed White Fox, they might not even be able to hit them with their rods before being attacked.     

Han Fei was silly, so he was more frustrated than angry. Therefore, when he recovered a little, he picked up his rod. "Come again."     

A hundred seconds later, Han Fei lay down again.     

It repeated…     

The Beast King didn't care. He didn't expect these monkeys to fight Han Fei one-on-one. The reason why they fought him one-on-one the first time was that they were afraid that Han Fei would be killed.     

But then he realized that Han Fei's physique was strong, his strength was fierce, and his attacks were ruthless. What was there to be afraid of?     

The beast king couldn't help shaking his head. You are really stupid! I asked you to leave the Beast King Valley, not to fight the monkeys!     

Seven days passed.     

Han Fei could finally hold out for two hundred seconds under the attacks of the monkeys. However, his silly head was enlightened too. He seemed to find that even if he fully carried out his strength, he couldn't hold out in the hands of so many apes.     

Even some Explorer-level apes would sneak up and attack him.     

These monkeys were not fighting at all but simply playing.     

As it happened, Han Fei was too stubborn to run away. If the monkeys didn't play with him, who would they play with?     

It was also on this day that Han Fei began to run. However, the reason he ran was that he had to learn the Hundred Beast Soul Subduing Roar first before coming back to fight these monkeys.     

Therefore, a strange scene often happened in the Beast King Valley.     

Whether it was the big monkey or the little monkey, thousands of them were chasing Han Fei, not one or two at all, but the damn entire army.     

Every day, the big apes were happiest when they dragged Han Fei back.     

In order to compete for the right to drag Han Fei, these b*stard apes would fight internally.     

At this moment.     

An old ape dragged Han Fei, whose face was swollen and black. And the ape looked very happy.     

While dragging, he shouted, "Female monkeys, don't you think I'm awesome? With me here, he can't escape."     

Many female apes roared.     

Some threw fruits at the old ape, and he accepted them all, thinking, tonight I can pick a female monkey to sleep with me.     

The apes who failed to grab the right to drag Han Fei bared their teeth in jealousy, determined to drag Han Fei back tomorrow.     

As the person in question, Han Fei had become the standard for apes to pursue their spouses. It had almost become their habit.     

Han Fei, who was being dragged, scratched his head occasionally, thinking that it must be because he was not fast enough that he failed to run away. Tomorrow, he would definitely be able to run away.     


It was the 52nd day after he came to the Beast King Valley.     

On this night, under the moonlight, Han Fei suddenly opened his eyes that were obviously brighter.     

This was the 18th time he had run away in the night, and the effect was obvious.     

On the first day, he almost ran out of the Beast King Valley. This time, Han Fei cleverly judged the best escape route based on the sleeping positions of the apes.     

The quick-witted Han Fei stayed where he was and left an afterimage with the Phantom Glass Wings. Then, he put on a stealth array, a Soundproof Array, and a Breath Concealing Array…     

After everything was done, Han Fei left quietly.     

Han Fei thought nobody had noticed it.     

Little did he know that a few Explorer-level old apes had already discovered him. However, these old apes didn't make a sound and continued to sleep lazily.     

After all, they were already Explorers. The little monkeys had had enough fun. They knew that it was time for Han Fei to explore the territory of other ferocious beasts. Therefore, they didn't make a sound.     

It wasn't until Han Fei ran more than 500 kilometers that a Law Enforcer-level ape discovered that Han Fei was gone.     

Roar! Roar!     

"The human boy ran away."     

"Not good. That fool has become smart."     

"When did he run away?"     

"Chase him!"     



Two thousand kilometers away, Han Fei looked around warily, thinking, I've finally run out.     

It was quiet around him.     

Han Fei scratched his head. He didn't realize that this was the closest place to the Beast King Valley, so this could only be the territory of the strong.     

For some reason, Han Fei had a feeling that he was being watched by something. However, when he scanned around with his perception, he found nothing.     

Even Han Fei, an idiot, found that something was wrong. It was a premonition of danger.     

Sure enough, the void trembled, and a huge palm slapped over.     

Han Fei quickly flashed out.     

However, the claw mark behind him slapped at him again. Sensing that the claw mark was not strong, Han Fei turned around and counterattacked, and in the blink of an eye, his rod danced like waves.     

After breaking a claw mark, Han Fei found that this was only the power of a junior peak-level law enforcer.     

But at the next moment, the claw mark in the air equaled the power of an intermediate peak-level law enforcer and was shattered by Han Fei again.     

Then, Han Fei couldn't resist it anymore. He already knew who it was.     

After being patted seven or eight times in a row, a huge brightly-colored tiger walked out of the darkness.     

The Tiger King roared, "Human, your realm is not high, but your physique and strength are not bad. It took you two months to run out of the Beast King Valley. It seems that you are not as simple-minded as the Beast King said. Since you've come here, follow me."     

More than an hour later, the Tiger King took Han Fei to an unfamiliar territory.     

Protected by the Tiger King with the Breath Concealing Technique, Han Fei heard the Tiger King say, "I'm a half Venerable. Today, I'll teach you how to hunt… Night and Breath Concealing Technique are the best disguises in the world. Learn the Breath Concealing Technique from me later."     

Han Fei scratched his head only to see the Tiger King glared at him. "Don't scratch your head. Don't do anything unnecessary during the hunt."     

Therefore, the man and the tiger quietly sneaked into a corner of the mountain, only to see a giant bear leaning against a big tree, sleeping soundly.     

The Tiger King said telepathically, Remember not to talk to other people during the hunt. The strong masters can perceive that.     

A moment later.     



At that moment, the mountains and forests trembled.     

The Tiger King was running wildly, shouting, "Fool, run!"     

If it were the old Han Fei, he would have cursed. Why don't you f*cking take me with you?! You've already held me in your hands. Where can I run to?     

The giant wild bear opened its mouth and roared at Han Fei, "Boy, not only is that stupid tiger stupid, but I also didn't expect you to be so stupid as to launch a sneak attack on me. Why don't you sleep at midnight? Are you out of your mind?"     


Han Fei drew a shooting star in the sky, looking stunned. He couldn't even open the Phantom Glass Wings and seemed to be imprisoned until he hit the ground with a bang.     

Han Fei, who was dizzy from the fall, opened his eyes and saw an enormous tiger head staring at him.     

The Tiger King said leisurely, "Maybe the target this time is a bit too strong for you, but it doesn't matter. I'll take you to hunt white sheeps. This time, we'll be safe."     

Han Fei nodded. "OK!"     

After a while, Han Fei was chased by the phantoms of a hundred giant sheep. He was hung on the horns, and his lungs were almost pushed out.     

As for the brightly-colored tiger, heh, he was long gone.     

The next morning, the tiger appeared and looked at Han Fei. "I just want you to see the different characteristics of different creatures first. Okay, let's start formal training today."     

Han Fei scratched his head. "Okay!"     

"Don't scratch your head. That's what cats do. You have too many unnecessary movements. Remember, we are tigers. Now lie down…"     

Han Fei: "???"     

"On all fours."     

Han Fei did the same, but he was a little puzzled. Do I have to learn it like this?     

"Come on, roar with me… Roar…"     

"Roar ~"     


Han Fei was slapped to the ground.     

The Tiger King yelled, "Haven't you eaten? What's that sound? Gather energy and spiritual energy in your chest and lungs. Breathe as hard as you can. Come again."     

Han Fei lay down again solemnly. "Roar ~"     


The Hundred Beast Soul Subduing Roar was all about roaring.     

Different creatures had different roars.     

However, when ten thousand beasts charged out at the same time, their roars shook the sky and could condense a soul killing technique.     

Once this technique was mastered, no matter what method Han Fei used, he could just kill the enemy's soul with a single roar.     

During the day, everyone saw the two idiots roaring over there.     

From time to time, the Tiger King would slap Han Fei into flying and shout,     

"Aura, mainly aura. Although you're not a king, you should have the aura of a king."     

"Idiot, your eyes must be sharp. Otherwise, why would others be afraid of you?"     

Although Han Fei didn't know what the sharp gaze had to do with the roar, he would just learn whatever the Tiger King taught him.     

At night, the tiger king took Han Fei to launch a sneak attack. Gosh, the surrounding Explorer-level creatures were all disturbed by the sneak attack of this man and the tiger.     

However, every time, Han Fei was the only one who suffered. The most miserable time, Han Fei was pushed into flying by a Rhyhorn. The scene was extremely bloody.     

However, the effect was remarkable.     

At least, Han Fei looked ferocious at this moment. He roared like a tiger in the forest, and the trees rustled.     

Many times, Han Fei felt that he was a ferocious tiger. He already knew the habits of a tiger, its daily routine, its way of feeding, and so on.     

And the first simulation of the Beast King Technique, which could also be called transformation, began.     

When Han Fei transformed, the beasts watched him.     

The giant wild bear said, "This kid learns fast! But why does he feel so much like the stupid tiger?"     

The white sheep snorted. "How can two idiots not look alike?"     

The Six-Tailed White Fox narrowed its eyes. "Can he transform into a male fox?"     

All the beasts: "???"     

Han Fei's body suddenly expanded, his limbs turned into tiger claws, his body turned into a tiger body, and his head turned into a tiger head.     

Although his body had changed, in fact, it was not the nature of his body that had changed. Han Fei was still the same Han Fei except that he had put on a tiger skin.     


Han Fei roared like a real tiger.     

The Tiger King roared, "Haha, did you see that? That's what I taught him…"     




The Tiger King didn't care. Instead, he roared at Han Fei, "Come on, you know the Beast King Technique, right? I know it too. Let me suppress my level and have a fight with you."     

Han Fei hummed. "Okay."     

As soon as Han Fei said so, he saw a big claw slapping at him.     


Han Fei was slapped flying, and the Tiger King said, "Don't use secret methods. You can use the Beast King Technique."     

Han Fei had long been accustomed to the posture of a tiger. He pounced forward and kept slapping with his claws. To put it more plainly, he was just digging, and digging.     


The Tiger King didn't retreat at all. He kept attacking with his claws.     

However, at the same time, the tiger king opened his mouth and roared.     

Han Fei clearly felt that his soul paused for a moment. Then, with a bang, he was slapped away again.     

The Tiger King roared, "Do you think the Tiger Roar I taught you is for show?"     

Han Fei didn't flinch and pounced at him again. The two tigers fought, and the beasts watched with relish who would flinch first.     

Unfortunately, neither of them was a coward. The tiger king suppressed his realm, and Han Fei took the invincible path. Soon, the two tigers were locked in a fight.     


Suddenly, Han Fei activated the Beast King Technique, which made all the beasts' eyes light up. Even the beast king looked at him.     

At that moment, Han Fei's body suddenly expanded to more than 50 meters long.     

The Tiger King was disdainful and also activated the Beast King Technique.     

The old bull said, "Now, it depends on who lasts longer."     

Han Fei, who had expanded to his limit, felt that his body was full of power. The power of his claw was probably five times stronger than before.     

After a hundred seconds, a large part of the forest fell, branches and leaves flew across, and the two tigers slapped each other countless times.     

The Tiger King roared, "Did this brat use other means? Why does he endure so long?"     

At this moment, no one laughed at the tiger king. Instead, all the beasts were a little surprised. The surrounding energy and spiritual energy were crazily entering Han Fei's body?     

In the end, the white sheep confirmed, "He has a swallowing technique. More than that! His spiritual heritage is super strong, and his body can naturally restore energy and spiritual energy."     

The beast king's voice sounded, "This kid has learnt the war giant's Swallowing Technique. It's not surprising."     

The Tiger King was furious. "No wonder! I'd like to see how long he can last!"     

For the tiger king, he could keep fighting while maintaining this level of transformation because he was an Explorer and could absorb spiritual energy and energy.     

Han Fei opened his mouth, and a light wave blasted out. The tiger king shattered the light wave with three consecutive claws.     

The Tiger King sneered. "I taught you that. Do you think you can beat me?"     

Two hundred seconds later, the Tiger King finally knocked Han Fei away, turning him from a giant tiger into a tiger cub.     

The Thunder Leopard said coldly, "Stupid tiger, you've lost. When you were in his realm, you only lasted 150 seconds, but he lasted 200 seconds."     


The tiger king's body became smaller and he roared at the Thunder Leopard, "I was defeated? Are you kidding me? I didn't use my full strength back then."     

The giant wild bear said, "Let's disperse. I'm next."     

The white sheep had already turned its head away, and the Elephant had already turned around, swinging its nose.     

The Tiger King roared, "Hey! Why the look? I gave in to you back then. I…"     

The Tiger King glared at Han Fei who had turned into a human. "Do you believe me?"     

Han Fei scratched his head. "I do."     

The Tiger King glanced at Han Fei speechlessly. What an idiot! His intelligence is much worse than mine.     


In the following year, Han Fei learned to be a mad bear with the giant wild bear, a cold arrogant sheep with the white sheep, and a ghost in the night with the thunder panther. Then he almost learned the Iron-Head Technique with the Rhyhorn.     

What was horrible was that Han Fei really turned into a male fox.     

Therefore, he was whipped by the Six-Tailed White Fox every day because Han Fei was a human, not a real fox.     

Among them, Han Fei felt that the role he was most adapted to was the Elephant. It only took him less than five days to learn the Elephant form.     

Of course, this was the case when he learned from the Explorer-level strong masters, when learning from the law enforcers. Han Fei's speed was much faster. Usually, it only took him about three days.     

Because of the limited time, Han Fei didn't really learn all the beast forms, and there were definitely more than a hundred beasts in the Beast King Valley. However, Han Fei had learned the forms of all the strongest creatures.     

During this period, Han Fei had been thinking, Why isn't Ximen Linglan here yet?     

One year later.     


Han Fei roared in his human form, and like a thunderbolt, the sound waves were like surging ripples between the sky and the earth. Within a kilometer, the rocks were all fine, but the trees withered in the blink of an eye.     

The phantoms of a hundred beasts stomped in the air, and their ferocious roars were truly terrifying.     

The beast king's voice echoed, "You've learned the Hundred Beast Soul Subduing Roar. Come back!"     

The Beast King was very satisfied with Han Fei's performance.     

However, what he was satisfied with was not the Hundred Beast Soul Subduing Roar.     

In fact, Han Fei's roar was still lacking a lot of sound. The real Hundred Beast Soul Subduing Roar was like a huge explosion. Hundreds of beasts were roaring and walking in the air, which should be the Hundred Beast Soul Subduing Roar be really like.     

What the beast king was satisfied with was that in the past year or so, Han Fei had been staying with the hundred beasts and even regarded himself as a member of the beast race countless times.     

In such a case, deep bonds had developed between Han Fei and the beasts!     

He was certain that Han Fei and the beast race had already built a solid friendship. If the beast race was in trouble in the future, Han Fei wouldn't sit by and do nothing. After all, that would hurt his cultivation heart.     

When Han Fei returned to the Beast King Valley, the first thing he saw was that Ximen Linglan was trying to run away.     

Obviously, Ximen Linglan had never succeeded.     

Just like Han Fei in the past, she was being dragged by a big ape on the ground and became the big apes' way of showing off.     

Ximen Linglan was about to collapse. The Beast King told her that as long as she walked out of the Beast King Valley, she could go to find Han Fei.     

However, she had been trying to flee for nine months but had never escaped 500 kilometers from the Beast King Valley.     

Ximen Linglan said angrily, "You cheated! I'm outnumbered by you!"     

The big ape was smug and disdainful. "Wang Han tried to run away like this back then. It took him 52 days."     

Ximen Linglan was speechless. Every time the monkeys said this, she was speechless. But how could she compare to that idiot? That idiot was an unparalleled genius!     


Ximen Linglan heard a loud roar.     

In the next moment, Ximen Linglan saw the big ape dragging her flying. At some point, Han Fei had already picked her up.     

At this moment, Han Fei was staring at the big ape ferociously.     


Ximen Linglan quickly turned Han Fei's head over and said, "It's okay, it's okay. I'm fine. I'm just cultivating. I don't blame them."     

However, the big ape screamed, "Not good! Wang Han is back!"     

Instantly, there was a commotion in the depths of the forest. With a roar, a large group of big apes rushed over with their rods, ready to fight Han Fei.     

Ximen Linglan was about to say that they should leave quickly, when the Beast King suddenly said, "Okay, okay, boys, come back! This kid has mastered the Hundred Beast Soul Subduing Roar. If you fight him again, you will be injured."     

"Hundred Beast Soul Subduing Roar?"     

Ximen Linglan was stunned: What kind of a technique is that? So Han Fei was not around because he was busy learning that technique?     

The beast king's big hand appeared and grabbed the two of them over.     

The Beast King was sitting casually on its stone throne with his legs crossed. He thought to himself, This brat hasn't recovered his consciousness recently? It seems that my worry is unnecessary.     

The Beast King said, "Little girl, not everyone can walk out of my Beast King Valley! Walking out of here is an ability, and not everyone is qualified to practice the Hundred Beast Soul Subduing Roar. It's his chance to learn it, but you can't learn it."     

Ximen Linglan pursed her lips and cupped her hands. "Senior Beast King, Linglan is already content to learn the Three Thousand Demon Rods."     

The Beast King nodded slightly, then looked at Han Fei and said solemnly, "Wang Han, there's something you need to know. Remember it."     

Han Fei immediately stood still and looked at the beast king.     

The Beast King looked to the east and said, "The Beast Emperor went to the east to search for the traces of the gods, but I'm afraid he has already died. There may be a place of great horror in the east. In the future, you must be careful of the east."     

Ximen Linglan didn't understand. Beast Emperor? What is that?     

As for Han Fei, his soul trembled. Beast Emperor, why do I seem to have heard this name before?     

The Beast King waved his hand and looked at Han Fei. "Okay, we've done here. Go find Tianqing!"     

When the beast king said that he could leave, the shock Han Fei felt just now was immediately gone. He was excited: He didn't want to stay in this place anymore at all, although he didn't know why!     

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