The Nine Cauldrons

Pulling the willow

Pulling the willow

Chapter 213: Pulling the Willow     

Thorns and weeds, as well as a variety types of plants and trees, thrived on the Great Yan Mountain.     

However, because the 30000 soldiers of Qing Hu Island had stationed several Li around the Bottomless Pit, the trees and plants in that area were rooted out. The numerous tents set up were like decorations on the Great Yan Mountain.     

Of course, there were too many trees within a distance of several Li, so some trees that weren't obstructing the way were preserved.     

The heavy armored soldiers all scattered in the army camp. There were also many Silver Dragon Soldiers patrolling the area.     

"Make way!"     

As the scolding sounded, the Silver Dragon Soldiers hastily moved out of the way. Accompanied by the twelve Innate Experts, a group of several individuals advanced southeast.     

"Who are those people? Why are they walking beside the Law Enforcing Elders and the Island Lord?"     

"I don't know. However, they should all be Innate Experts. My Second Brother's Longspear unit will be the first troop to encounter the enemies. I am guessing that it is to deal with this group of people. Damn it. If I could be this arrogant one day, I would die with no regrets."     

"Did you say that this group of people are all Innate Experts?"     

Some soldiers moved to the side, making way for the group of people. They couldn't help but discuss among themselves as they watch the group of people gradually distancing.     

"There are almost fifty Innate Experts. On the entire Land of the Nine Prefectures, there are not many Innate Experts. However, so many came to the Great Yan Mountain… Tsk, tsk. No wonder the Island Lord and the other higher-ranked individuals have been so acting so cautiously." Compared to the commoners, the Silver Dragon Soldiers were obviously considered superior. However, compared to the Innate Experts, the Silver Dragon Soldiers were obviously at a totally different level.     

Indeed, this group of Innate Experts could slaughter all of them!     

After all, at least two-thirds of the Innate Experts on the Land of the Nine Prefectures had gathered here! Over ten of the thirty-six individuals listed on the "Heavenly Ranking"were in the Great Yan Mountain today! In fact, even the expert ranked number one on the "Heavenly Ranking"was here.     

From the location of the celebration feast, Teng Qingshan and his group of men had walked a distance of two Li.     

"Brother Qin Lang, do you know where the entrance is?" Liu Xiu, who was beside him, asked.     

"Just wait and see." Teng Qingshan said with a smile.     

Teng Qingshan walked very steadily on the crooked road and continued heading southeast.     

"Brother Qin Lang." Gu Yong, who was following behind, finally spoke, "You can search start searching inside the tent or the in the Great Yan Mountain. Why are you closing your eyes and heading southeast? Aren't you wasting everyone's time?"     

"There is no rush." The King of Beasts Wu Hou grinned and said.     

"Island Lord Gu Yong, if you are tired after walking a distance of two-to-three Li, you can rest at the side." Wu Ma, the bulky dude from Hong Tian City teased and chortled.     

How could a Golden Dan Innate Expert feel any fatigue after only walking a distance of two-to-three Li? Indeed, the contempt in Wu Ma's words was obvious.     

"Gu Yong, are you afraid that Brother Qin Lang will find the entrance?" A cold-sounding voice rang. The one who spoke was Ying Jianghao from the Ying Family. He was accompanied by nine golden-masked and black-cloaked Law Enforcing Elders. He also followed closely behind Teng Qingshan, maintaining at the same speed.     

Gu Yong smiled and replied, "What is there to be afraid of? I don't even know if Emperor Yu's treasure is hidden in the Great Yan Mountain. If the treasure does exist and Brother Qin Lang is able to find it, then it would be a good deed. This will give Qing Hu Island the chance to witness the Emperor Yu's Palace."     

Hearing this, Teng Qingshan was amazed at how shameless Gu Yong was…     

The group continued advancing.     

"Island Lord." At this point, Zhao Danchen was slightly anxious as he quickly glanced towards Gu Yong.     

Gu Yong shook his head slightly and remained silent.     

At this moment, Teng Qingshan was very close to the location of the Bottomless Pit. He was only fifty Zhang away from it. The Innate Experts of Qing Hu Island were nervous as Teng Qingshan and the others were able to come all the way from the location of the celebration banquet to this place.     

"Everyone, the entrance to the underground palace is ahead!"     

A clear-sounding voice broke the silence in the army camp.     

"Sh*t!" Gu Yong's heart pounded. Yet, his facial expression remained the same.     

Many of the powerful experts from Ying Family, Mani Temple, and Shooting Sun God Mountain actually turned to look at the twelve Innate Experts of Qing Hu Island… Besides Gu Yong, Zhao Danchen, and a few other Innate Experts, all the other Innate Experts of Qing Hu Island wore a ghastly expression.     

"Haha…" Wu Hou, whose hair draped over his shoulder, laughed out loud and said, "Brother Qin Lang, find the entrance and show it to the stubborn group of people from Qing Hu Island.     

"Big Brother Wu Hou, rest assured."     

Thirty Zhang ahead of Teng Qingshan were five tents. There were about a hundred Silver Dragon Soldiers resting around the tent.     

As Teng Qingshan glanced at the wavy mountain range, he immediately knew. One should that Teng Qingshan had been the leader of the Hunting Squadron in Teng Jia Village for some time over six years. During these six years, he had gotten to know the Great Yan Mountain inside out. "The trees in the surrounding have been cut down, but the shape of the mountain range have not changed at all."     

Teng Qingshan could easily determine the location of the Bottomless Pit.     

"There are five tents in front." Teng Qingshan said loudly, "The entrance to the Bottomless Pit is in one of the big tents."     

This time, Gu Yong's facial expression changed!     

"Brother Qin Lang, it all depends on you now." The skinny armored dude from the Shooting Sun God Mountain roared. Whether it be experts from the Mani Temple, experts from the Ying Family, or the other Innate Experts, every one of them started at Teng Qingshan and waited.     

"Who is this?" Many Silver Dragon Soldiers at the side stared at Teng Qingshan in surprise.     

Teng Qingshan strode to the thick willow tree at the side and placed his arms around the tree. "Rise!" Teng Qingshan roared and exerted effort with both his arms. Immediately, the thick willow tree was pulled out from the ground, along with the roots that went deep down the earth. As the tree was pulled out, the earth shook.     

Walla~~ The soil tumbled and fell.     

"Innate Expert." The Silver Dragon Soldiers were astonished. The thick and strong Willow Tree had been in the forest for many years and weighed at least over ten thousand Jin. Without the strength of an Innate Expert, it would be impossible to pull out this willow tree this easily.     

"Island Lord Gu, watch!"     

Teng Qingshan shouted and shook the thick and strong willow tree.     


"Lie down!" Many Silver Dragon Soldiers laid prostrate in fright as the huge willow tree swung past them and smashed one of the tents. The metal that supported the tent collapsed and broke, tearing the tent and revealing the carpets, chairs, tables, and other living appliances in the tent.     

Teng Qingshan then hurled the willow tree to the side.     

"Boom~~" The earth shook and a hole was left on the ground.     

"Qin Lang." Gu Yong's face darkened as he scolded, "You are searching for the entrance to the Bottomless Pit; why did you destroy the tent that belongs to Qing Hu Island?     

"Island Lord, just a tent is making you mad? Or maybe you are scared?" The Innate Experts from the different sects all stared at Gu Yong. The leader of the Ying Family said coldly, "When Brother Qin Lang finds that entrance, we will want the Island Lord Gu Yong to give us an explanation!"     

"Hmph." Gu Yong just stared at Teng Qingshan.     

"I have destroyed this tent so that everyone can see clearly." Teng Qingshan smiled and said as he walked to the ruined tent. He then stoopped down and pulled the mattress!     


The carpet flew to the air.     

All twelve Innate Experts of the Qing Hu Island as well as Gu Yong watched this in silence. Many of them were looking at Teng Qingshan with an expression that displayed their great urge to eat Teng Qingshan up.     

"It's all because of Qin Lang!!!" Gu Yong was extremely furious.     

"Lord, that is our mattress!" Gu Shiyou shouted, "Why did you move our mattress?"     

"Young fellow, shut up." Teng Qingshan turned and glanced at him as he scolded, "This is no place for you to talk!" Many Innate Experts of the Ying Family, Mani Temple, and the other sects all looked towards Gu Shiyou. At this moment, the people who had been talking were all Innate Experts. In fact, many of them were True Dan Innate Experts or even Golden Dan Innate Experts.     

How dare a Postliminary Realm Expert interrupt!     

"Shiyou, step back!" Gu Yong roared.     

Gu Shiyou gritted his teeth and stepped back grudgingly. He was well aware that on the Land of the Nine Prefectures, one's ability was regarded as the most important! Although he was the Young Island Lord, the position of Island Lord in Qing Hu Island was not hereditary. Similar to Gui Yuan Sect and many other sects, the position of sect leader was given to the strongest person in the sect.     

In the eyes of the Innate Expert, a Postliminary Expert as indeed nothing     

"Island Lord Gu…" Teng Qingshan smiled With the wave of his right hand, a fiery red Innate True Origin smashed the ground.     


The stones and rocks around blasted and dirt with the thickness of one Chi exploded.     

The Innate Experts of the few great sects and the members of Qing Hu Island stared at the flying dust. Only when the dust cleared could they then see Teng Qingshan.     

"Island Lord Gu, you have sealed this entrance very safely." Teng Qingshan smiled and said as he stepped on the ground.     

Clang! Clang! Clang!     

Iron clangs sounded. At this moment, thick iron bars could be seen beneath Teng Qingshan's feet.     

The twelve Innate Experts of Qing Hu Island wore extremely bad expression.     

The stronger an expert, the more they value their reputation! The twelve Innate Experts of Qing Hu Island were high-ranked individuals. Therefore, they value their reputation even more. They had lied for the Emperor Yu's treasure! Moreover...someone had found the entrance! This was equivalent to being slapped on the face!     

"Brother Qin Lang, well done." The white cloaked young man Liu Xiu exclaimed.     

Through this, many Innate Experts had a good impression of Teng Qingshan as well.     

Teng Qingshan smiled. He stooped and grabbed the iron bars.     

Puchi! The iron bars in Teng Qingshan's grip were like tofu.     

"Walla~~" Teng Qingshan hurled the iron bars to the side. The wrecked iron bars flew to the sky and fell heavily on the ground, sinking deep into the soil.     

As the iron bars were removed, a bottomless pit was revealed!     

"Good job." The King of Beasts was the first to dash before the deep pit. As he looked into the bottomless pit, he gasped and commented, "What a deep pit… Brother Qin Lang, it's all thanks to you. Otherwise, we would all be tricked by that young fellow Gu Yong."     

"Gu Yong? Young fellow?" Teng Qingshan laughed inwardly.     

With his age and ability, the King of Beasts Wu Hou had the right to call Gu Yong "young fellow." After all, Wu Hou was over one hundred years old and Gu Yong was only fifty years old.     

A big group of Innate Experts surrounded the Bottomless Pit with surprised and happy expressions.     

The twelve Innate Experts of Qing Hu Island looked very unhappy.     

"Where did this Qin Lang come from! I have never heard of this Innate Expert in the world." Zhao Danchen gritted his teeth as he grumbled.     

"Who knows." Gu Yong was very mad as well.     

"Island Lord Gu." Qin Lang, whom they hated the most, spoke again, "Don't say you don't know anything about Emperor Yu's Treasure! You all must be very familiar with the Emperor Yu's Treasure so lead the way." As Teng Qingshan said this, the other Innate Experts turned and looked towards the members of Qing Hu Island.     

Since the Bottomless Pit was pitch-black, they obviously needed the members of Qing Hu Island to lead the way.     

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