The Nine Cauldrons

Fight! Let's Fight!

Fight! Let's Fight!

Chapter 192: Fight! Let's Fight!     

The voice of Qing Hu Island's Island Lord, Gu Yong, was still reverberating throughout the sky. Teng Qingshan stood on top of the city wall, watching from afar. All he saw was an ant-sized figure speedily breaking away from Qing Hu Island's camp. This figure dashed very quickly until a distance of roughly 80 Zhang before the city wall.      

He was currently using both his hands to carry a tube-shaped object with a height of over one Zhang.     

"A waterclock?" Teng Qingshan furrowed his brows and thought to himself.     

On the Land of the Nine Prefectures, there were a variety of tools to measure time: sundials; hourglasses; waterclock; and so on. The principle of the waterclock's workings was that there was a small hole at the bottom part of the waterclock. Then the water inside the waterclock would flow out incessantly at a constant speed. As it flowed, the engraved measuring needle on the surface of the water would slowly drop down.     

When the water was emptied out, the tip of the engraved measuring needle would be exactly level with the top of the waterclock.     

One load of water can generally continue flowing slowly for 24 hours.     

"Zhuge Yuanhong!" That massive voice once again sounded. "You've seen this waterclock as well. Six hours! You only have six hours!"     

Standing on the city wall with his white robes fluttering in the wind, Zhuge Yuanhong opened his mouth to speak for the first time. His clear and sonorous voice also broke through the skies over to the other side. "Gu Yong, my Gui Yuan Sect has been established in Jiangning County for over 1000 years already. You want to turn my Gui Yuan Sect into a piece of scorched earth… This won't be an easy thing to do. To refrain from harming our friendly relationship, it would be better if we don't use weapons."     

"Haha…" Gu Yong's answer was merely a chain of loud laughter.     

The two great and unique experts, who were ranked 6 and 7 on the "Heavenly Ranking", were three Li away from each other as they finished their simplistic dialogue.     


Before the camp of Qing Hu Island's army, 13 innate experts were currently gathered together.     

General Lan, who was wearing body armor and a helmet, said with a laugh, "It's already at this stage, yet Zhuge Yuanhong is surprisingly still relaxed and calm, even saying 'To refrain from harming our friendly relationship, it would be better if we don't use weapons.' It's truly hilarious! Wait till we've wiped out his Gui Yuan Sect, then we'll see if he gets anxious!" The other innate experts also began to laugh, with confidence filling their laughter.     

"Elders, you absolutely must not underestimate Zhuge Yuanhong," Gu Yong said while smiling. "Go according to what we planned beforehand. Firstly, work together to kill Zhuge Yuanhong. Secondly, capture that youth named Teng Qingshan alive.     

"Relax, Island Lord."     

Those innate experts smiled while nodding. They were confident, but they weren't arrogant.     

"Everyone, return to the large tent and rest. We will prepare to attack in six hours," Gu Yong instructed. Actually, the reason for the delay of six hours was because of two reasons. Firstly, the Silver Dragon Army had a bumpy journey rushing over here and were fairly fatigued. So, they had to rest for six hours to allow for their physical strength to return to peak condition. Secondly, it was to let the Gui Yuan Sect's soldiers and disciples spend these six hours in fear.     

Those words that Gu Yong had just said were enough for fear to sprout in the hearts of many people among the Gui Yuan Sect.     

For them to spend six hours in fear, their morale would surely drop to the lowest point.     

On the city wall, there were several tens of thousands of people gathered, numerous and close together.     

A cold wind blew, lifting up Zhuge Yuanhong's long hair that was draped loosely over his shoulders.     

"Junior Martial Brother Pang," Zhuge Yuanhong instructed, "Go to the inner city and handle the deployment of the troops there." A part of the Gui Yuan Sect's troops was on top of Jiangning County-City's wall, and another part of the troops was in the inner city.     

"Yes, Sovereign." Pang Shan bowed.     

"Sovereign, if anyone fled in fear, what should be done?" He then asked.     

Zhuge Yuanhong said apathetically, "The lower-ranking disciples who fled before the battle will be thrown into the dungeons! If they rebel, they will all be executed! If the Commander, Law Protector, or anyone ranked higher than the aforementioned positions in Gui yuan Sect tried to escape, their Dantian will be destroyed and they will be thrown into dungeons! The rebels will be executed as well.     

"Yes, Sovereign," Pang Shan responded.     

The higher a position one had in the sect, the more severe their punishment would be.     

Actually, after Teng Qingshan and the others retreated to the Gui Yuan Sect yesterday, the Gui Yuan Sect had then speedily assembled their troops. The noncombatant members among the fringed disciples were already dismissed. Most of the core disciples, the wives and children of the Black Armored Soldiers, and those whose strength was too weak had already left the Gui Yuan Sect and entered other parts of the County City.     

Everyone else had to engage in battle!     

"Commander Teng, have some lunch." A metal lunchbox was handed to Teng Qingshan. However, it was already past midday at this time.     

Once he took the lunchbox, Teng Qingshan lifted open its lid and started to eat. And soon, he had completely emptied the lunchbox.     

"It took one night for the Tie Yi Sect to be wiped out. As for Gui Yuan Sect…" When Teng Qingshan thought of how they would be fighting at close quarters with over a hundred thousand martial artists in six hours, his heart shivered slightly. However, it wasn't because he was afraid for himself. Rather, he was worried for his friends and family. "Will my cousin and Little Yu be able to stay alive in this melee?"     

In the midst of this fight at close quarters against a magnificent army with thousands of men and horses, even Teng Qingshan didn't have a 100% certainty of being able to stay alive, let alone Qingyu and Qinghu.     

As Teng Qingshan thought about this, he felt even more uneasy.     

"Teacher, I'll go to the inner city to take a look." Teng Qingshan looked toward Zhuge Yuanhong. Previously, Zhuge Yuanhong wouldn't let Teng Qingshan leave his side for more than 10 Zhang.     

Zhuge Yuanhong glanced over at Teng Qingshan. "Go. Come back in six hours."     


Teng Qingshan nodded and ran toward the south.     

The inner city and Jiangning County-City had two walls which matched up with each other. This was because the Gui Yuan Sect's inner city was positioned in the Jiangning County-City's southeastern district. So, the inner city's eastern and southern walls were part of the county city's eastern and southern walls.     

Qing Hu Island's army, inside Gu Yong's large tent:     

There was an enormous map hung on the side of the large tent. It was a detailed map of the entire Jiangning County.     

Gu Yong was currently standing in front of the map, analyzing it attentively.     

"After several thousand years, there have indeed been great changes." Gu Yong's brows knitted together as he carefully examined the map. "However, according to Emperor Yu's treasure map, this treasure should have been hidden in Jiangning County during this era… But as several thousand years have passed, the geography and land had changed it would definitely be really difficult to find." He carefully analyzed its geographical location.     

"Father," a voice suddenly came in from outside the large tent.     

Gu Yong turned around at once and said with a smile, "Shiyou, come in." However, when his gaze swept over a square table inside the large tent, his smile instantly disappeared. Gu Yong walked over to the square table with a cold expression. His gaze fell upon a sheet of paper on the table, and he picked up the paper.     

"Father." Gu Shiyou walked in and looked at his father puzzledly.     

Seeing the contents on of the paper, Gu Yong's expression turned unsightly. He then shouted loudly, "Shiyou, ask Elder Zhao, Elder Yuwen, Elder Hu, and Elder Wen to come see me."     

"Yes, Father." Gu Shiyou was greatly startled.     

Of the thirteen innate experts, five were Golden Dan Innate Experts. The five Golden Dan Innate Experts were Gu Yong and the four Elders which Gu Yong had just summoned.     

"Why is Father suddenly gathering the four Law Enforcing Elders?" Gu Shiyou didn't understand, but he sensed that…     

Something major had occurred!     


In Gui Yuan Sect's inner city, there were 3,000 soldiers of the Black Armored Army, 30,000 soldiers of the City Guard Army, 4,000 core disciples, and 20,000 fringed disciples, causing the entire inner city to be filled with people.      

Inside a watchtower, there were only two people, Zhuge Yun and Qingyu.     

"Qingyu," Zhuge Yun, who was dressed in full body armor, held Qingyu's hand and said softly, "Six hours later, the sky will already be dark. When we engage in this battle tonight, there's a chance that we might not be able to stop them. If our Gui Yuan Sect really can't stop them and our troops begin falling apart… there will definitely be many people fleeing. It will be very chaotic, but you must remember to mix in with the large quantities of people and horse, and escape at that time."     

Qingyu, who wore a suit of Red Scaled Battle Armor, said, "Leave with me."     

The moment the battle armor made from the Red Scaled Beast was brought back, the Sovereign bestowed two sets to Teng Qingshan, who then gave them to his cousin, Teng Qinghu, and his younger sister, Qingyu.     

"Enough!" Zhuge Yun shouted loudly in anger.     

Qingyu was startled. Zhuge Yun was a very optimistic person; he rarely spoke in such a tone!     

"Qingyu." Zhuge Yun's eyes opened wide, appearing as round as a ball. There were even visible veins in his eyes. "I'll speak with you honestly. When I think of what will happen six hours later, I'm afraid! One night. The Tie Yi Sect was destroyed in just one night. Even if the Gui Yuan Sect can hold up by some fluke, there will definitely be many people who will die. I'm the Young Sovereign. I'm Zhuge Yuanhong's son! I can't run away! But you… Qingyu, I don't want to see you die. Do you understand?"     

Qingyu's eyes reddened as she shook her head and said, "No, if you're to die, then we die together!"     

"Qingyu, Little Yun," a voice rang out.     

The two people turned to look. There was a black figure currently at the doorway of the watchtower.     

"Brother!" Qingyu yelled.     

"Little Yun." Teng Qingshan stared at Zhuge Yun. "Tonight, many people will die. I'll be in the outer city fighting at close quarters with the people of Qing Hu Island! According to the inner sect's rules, my younger sister is allowed to leave. However, because of you, she stubbornly wants to guard the city with you. So, you must protect her well!"     

Amongst the core disciples, those who hadn't been in the sect for long and those who were weak were allowed to leave.     

Qingyu had only entered the Gui Yuan Sect for approximately half a year. That period of time was too short, so she was allowed to leave the Gui Yuan Sect. However, because of Zhuge Yun… Qingyu refused to leave.     

"Qingyu… will definitely stay alive and well. I promise you!" Zhuge Yun said while gritting his teeth.     

Teng Qingshan cast a glance at Zhuge Yun and turned to look at Qingyu soon after.     

"You're really headstrong," Teng Qingshan said with a sigh. He really didn't want his sister to be in such a dangerous place. He had even considered bringing his younger sister out by force. However, yesterday night, his younger sister's determined expression had caused him to change his plan… If it were him and Little Cat, she would probably also refuse to leave despite being at death's door.     

"Brother…" Qingyu's voice was really soft.     

Teng Qingshan reached out a hand and rubbed her head just like he had done back when they were young.     

"Remember, stay alive." Teng Qingshan's eyes turned somewhat red.     

"Brother, we'll have breakfast together tomorrow." Qingyu's tears flowed out uncontrollably.     

Teng Qingshan looked at Zhuge Yun and then at his younger sister.     

"Mm, we'll have breakfast together tomorrow." Teng Qingshan then immediately turned and left… Perhaps, this might be the last time he would see his younger sister.     

However, life was the course of events that resulted from one's choices.     

Should one choose to leave their lover and protect their own life…     

Or should they share the same fate as their lover?     

Teng Qingshan respected his younger sister's choice.     

"Fight. Let's fight!" Teng Qingshan left the inner city and returned to the outer city.     


As time passed by, the winter day darkened very early. When it reached the five-hour mark, the sky became completely dark.     

On the city wall, everyone held their weapon close at hand.     

"It'll reach six hours very soon," Teng Qingshan said while looking below at that waterclock.     

Suddenly, Teng Qingshan heard some footsteps approaching. He turned and saw Qinghu standing beside him.     

"Cousin, if I never brought you here to the Gui Yuan Sect, you could be living very happily in the Teng Family Village. I suppose you'd even have a wife and a son. Do you regret it?" Teng Qingshan said gloomily.     

However, Teng Qinghu grinned. "What's the point of saying all these? None of the men from our Teng Family Village are afraid of death! I do have some regrets. I regret never getting married. If I die, I won't be able to pass on the family name."     

"However, I, Teng Qinghu, have also been the Black Armored Army's Centurion! It's still better than being an ordinary villager. F*ck it, let's kill ruthlessly tonight…"     

Teng Qingshan patted Qinghu's shoulder without saying much.     

Then Teng Qingshan's gaze fell to the waterclock below.     

"The six hours are up!" Teng Qingshan's pupils contracted.     

"Boom! Boom! Boom!" The drum rolls that sounded like the heavy pounding of a person's heart rang out. A clamor arose in Qing Hu Island's camp three Li away from the city.     

On top of Jiangning County-City's wall, every soldier there held tightly onto the weapons in their hands.     

"F*ck." Teng Qinghu gritted his teeth as he stared into the distance.     

Teng Qingshan gripped the Reincarnation Spear and looked into the distance as well.     

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