The Nine Cauldrons

New Lieutenant

New Lieutenant

Chapter 109: New Lieutenant     

The five centurions gathered under the canopy of a short but extremely thick tree.     

"Brother Qingshan, Commander gave you a time limit of ten days to conduct the investigation, while you used less than half the time he gave to find the truth. Commander probably won't be able to find any faults in you." Wan Fanxiang smiled and said. Du Hong, who was at the side, whispered, "Brother Wan, be quiet. If Commander hears this, you are screwed."     

Wan Fanxiang immediately looked around and said with a smile, "What's there to be afraid of? No matter how strong the Commander, he is just an expert at the pinnacle of the Postliminary Realm. He won't be able to hear us if we are far enough. By the way, now that Bai Qi is disabled, who will be the new lieutenant of our battalion?"     

"The new lieutenant?" Hearing this, the centurions all looked at each other.     

Hearing this, Teng Qingshan felt his heart pounding.     

"The new Lieutenant should be chosen among us!" Tian Dan said, "In terms of power, Teng Qingshan is ranked first! In terms of seniority, Du Hong is ranked first. However, the selection of Lieutenant is decided by the sect! The sect will elect the person who is loyal and can make them feel most assured."     

The others nodded.     

"Will they transfer a Centurion from another battalion to our battalion as the lieutenant?" Liu He asked softly.     

"Bulls*it!" Wan Fanxiang cursed, "The new lieutenant must be someone in our battalion. If someone from another battalion was promoted, I would be the first to protest!"     

"I would be against that too!" Tian Dan said.     

Teng Qingshan said with a smile, "Don't worry, I am sure the sect won't act so recklessly. They would need to convince us as well.     

"We five only joined the Black Armored Army after the examination." Du Hong said coldly, "In the sect, the core disciples are usually favored and the positions of lieutenant and commander are usually reserved for them! However, it was always a centurion in the battalion elected! I hope the sect won't treat us unfairly!"     

Teng Qingshan noticed that there were some conflicts within the Black Armored Army.     

The people that joined through the examination naturally formed a group and were slightly against the core disciples of the sect. As for the core disciples, they viewed themselves as superior and looked down on the outsiders. After all, there had been opposing sects planting spies in Black Armored Army.     

If they chose one of us as the lieutenant, then that's fine. But if they did assign an inexperienced core disciple as the lieutenant… I will forget about it if that core disciple is truly capable, but I will secretly bully him to death if he isn't capable." Wan Fanxiang sneered and said.     

"Don't say such things out loud." Liu He lowered his voice and sneered coldly.     

As individuals who were able to become centurions, they naturally had their schemes and tricks.     

Tian Dan glanced afar and suddenly whispered in shock, "The Commander is coming!"     

Teng Qingshan looked into the distance and saw that Commander Ji Hong was striding towards them. Immediately, the five centurions became quiet.     

"Commander!" The five bowed.     

Ji Hong threw a glance at the five centurions and a rare smile appeared on his face. "Great! Teng Qingshan did very well this time. He found a few loopholes in the management and security system of the purple gold mining site! Since the matter is now settled, it is time for me to leave. However, before I leave, there is a decision I should make."     

Teng Qingshan and the other centurions could feel their hearts pounding.     

"Bai Qi has lost his hand and leg, so he will definitely leave the Black Armored Army! Therefore, a new lieutenant must be selected for your battalion!" Ji Hong said.     

Teng Qingshan and the other give felt extremely excited.     

There were a total of twelve lieutenants in the entire Black Armored Army. One should know that the positions of the four commanders were extremely competitive. For example, whether it was the First Commander Ji Hong, the Second Commander Pang Shan, or the other Commanders, all four commanders were the core disciples of Gui Yuan Sect.     

Of the four, Ji Hong was the Sovereign's second senior martial brother. He had extremely high seniority and had been the first commander for several dozen years.     

As for Pang Shan, he was Zhuge Yuanhong's junior martial brother. He had also been a commander for several dozen years.     

As for the Third Commander 'Zang Feng' and the Fourth Commander 'Guan Lu,' they were both Zhuge Yuanhong's disciples.     

It was extremely difficult to get the position of commander!     

However, there was still a small possibility of getting the position of lieutenant.     

"The new lieutenant of your battalion was appointed by the Sovereign himself. I am here to give the order." Ji Hong said in an indifferent tone. Teng Qingshan and the other four centurions were filled with anticipation. Who did Sovereign Zhuge Yuanhong appoint? Who did he appoint?     

"From today onwards, the lieutenant of the third battalion in the first troop of the Black Armored Army will be…"     

Ji Hong scanned the five before he said loudly, "Teng Qingshan!"     

Teng Qingshan's eyes brightened. The others felt their hearts had sunk and they felt slightly helpless and bitter, but these feelings were soon replaced with relief and acceptance. According to the rules of the promotion in Gui Yuan Sect, if all candidates had the same level of power and strength, the youngest ones must be promoted. Take the Third commander Zang Feng and the Fourth commander Guan Lu as an example.     

After all, younger people had greater potentials.     

Teng Qingshan passed the examination and joined Gui Yuan Sect the same way they did. They have also developed a good relationship after several months of interaction. Moreover, Teng Qingshan's ability was undoubtedly powerful. As the other centurions thought about this, they accepted the decision made.     

Teng Qingshan." Ji Hong looked towards Teng Qingshan.     

"Lord." Teng Qingshan bowed.     

"From today onwards, you will be the new lieutenant!" Ji Hong stared at Teng Qingshan as he said, "The Sovereign was the one that appointed you. Although I don't understand why Sovereign would appoint you, someone who has only joined the Black Armored Army for half-a-year, as the lieutenant, I will not disobey the Sovereign's command! You did a good job investigating the theft of the purple gold. I am satisfied… But do not disappoint me. I will still remove you if I discovered that you are unsuitable for this position.     

"Qingshan will keep that in mind." Teng Qingshan bowed.     

Ji Hong was known to be cold and fierce in the Black Armored Army. Even the third commander and the fourth commander had been scolded by Ji Hong, not to mention Teng Qingshan.     

"Mm." Ji Hong nodded and said, "I will give you the warhorses and heavy armor for the lieutenant when you are back in the sect! Alright, continue guarding here and go back when the time of three months is up. I will be taking Bai Qi back to Jiangning County City first. There is no need to escort me out with the all the men in your battalion."     

Normally, it was required that all men of the battalion be present to escort the commander out.     

However, this time, Teng Qingshan and the other centurions only led a few numbers of Black Armored Soldiers and escorted the commanders to the bottom of the mountain. They watched Commander Ji Hong gradually going farther and farther away with Bai Qi and the dozen elites.     

After some time, Teng Qingshan and the others could no longer see Commander Ji Hong and his men, but could only see the dust flying up on the official road.     

"Although Bai Qi is now disabled, he still has inner strength. Otherwise, how can he sit firmly on that galloping horse!" Wan Fanxiang smiled and said.     

Bai Qi lost a leg, In order to help him cope with the speed of the galloping horse, his body was tied onto the saddle. As Bai Qi was an expert at the peak of the Postliminary Realm, he could sit still on a warhorse.     

"Alright, let's head up the mountain." Teng Qingshan said.     

"We never congratulated Teng Qingshan." Tian Dan said. The moment he said that—     

"This subordinate pays his respect to our Lord, the Lieutenant!" Liu He suddenly bowed towards Teng Qingshan.     

Tian Dan also bowed and said with a smile, "This subordinate pays his respect to our Lord, the Lieutenant." The other two centurions also did the same.     

"You guys.." Teng Qingshan burst into laughter, "There is no one but us here. Just call me Qingshan. Let's not follow those sick rules." Teng Qingshan knew the rules. During any formal occasions, his subordinates had to call him by the title of his position.     

"We are brothers, but we still have to call you Lieutenant. We can't break this rule." Du Hong, at the side, laughed and said, "Brother Qingshan, you are able to reach the eighth stage of the <> at such a young age. Your spear art is unique and spectacular. Your future prospect in the Black Armored Army is boundless!"     

Tian Dan nodded and said, "Teng Qingshan might even become the commander in a few years!"     

"That's even better! Currently, the four commanders are all core disciples. It is time to change that." Wan Fanxiang said as though he wished for chaos to occur in the sect.     

"Qingshan, since you are the lieutenant, who should be the centurion of your group? How do you plan to choose? The commander said you are the one to choose." Tian Dan said, "Why don't we give the position to your cousin Teng Qinghu?"     

As soon as Tian Dan said this, the other three frowned.     

"We can't break the rules!" Teng Qingshan commanded, "Starting from tomorrow, the fifty sergeants will start competing and the winner will be the centurion!"     

Make cousin the centurion?     

Teng Qingshan had the right to do that, but one should know that the Black Armored Army recruit new members every six months and the weak centurions would be eliminated and demoted to the position of sergeant. Therefore, it's useless to help his cousin now. Cousin himself has to work hard!     

"Considering cousin's strength, he should be very close to becoming a First Rated Warrior." Teng Qingshan thought to himself.     


And so, the competition between the fifty sergeants began in the mining site on Tielian Mountain outside Huafeng City.     

This was truly a competition of strength and power. Whether you win or lose, it all depended on one match. There was no second chance.     

Teng Qinghu displayed an extraordinary splendor in the competition. After all, Teng Qinghu already did very well when he was going through the examination to join the sect. He had practiced Large Foundation Spear and could sense the approaching power and forces very easily. Moreover, his spear art was powerful! Since he joined the Black Armored Army, he cultivated the <>. One should know that Teng Qinghu had practiced his tiger fist for many years.     

The tiger fist was the Tiger Form of the twelve forms of the Xing Yi Martial Art.     

Teng Qinghu had practiced the Tiger Fist for six-to-seven years and had cleared up two of his eight extraordinary meridians. Teng Qinghu had completed the third stage of the <> and had started cultivating the fourth stage. Over the course of several months, Teng Qingshan had cleared up three meridians channels and had even begun clearing up the fourth meridian channel!     

His cultivation of the nine stages would reach culmination when he had cleared up all eight extraordinary meridians.     

Since Teng Qinghu had opened and cleared up three meridian channels, he had completed the cultivation of the fourth stage. And now, he had begun cultivating the fifth stage.     

Teng Qingshan was well aware as he thought to himself, "Cousin is now cultivating the fifth stage. The total amount of instant explosive inner strength and the physical strength he possessed is about ten thousand Jin! However, the other meridians in his body contain impurities. If he continues to cultivate hastily and eagerly, the other meridians in his body will be pushed and suppressed, meaning that it will become more and more difficult to achieve a breakthrough!"     

However, Teng Qingshan couldn't do anything.     

If he had stopped his cousin from cultivating the <>, Teng Qinghu wouldn't be able to reach the Grandmaster Realm even if he spent a time of twenty years. After all, the attainment of the Grandmaster Realm was too difficult.     

Since there was nothing he could do, Teng Qingshan didn't stop cousin from cultivating the <>.     


During the competition, Teng Qinghu displayed an explosive power that was comparable to a First Rated Warrior. In addition, he had a fierce spear art that looked simple! And so, he made it to the last match. His opponent during the last match was a First Rated Warrior. As he had meticulous control of his muscles and other parts of the body and a fierce spear art, Teng Qinghu defeated the last opponent.     

Eventually, Teng Qinghu became the new lieutenant!     

"Under my guidance, Qinghu was able to display a great power with his simple-looking spear arts and method of sensing force. I am not surprised that he became the Centurion, but... the next recruitment is happening soon." Teng Qingshan thought to himself, "With cousin's ability, he might become one of the eight weakest centurions. If he was challenged again, he might be eliminated and become a sergeant again! Hmm… Starting tomorrow, I will teach him the <>!"     

Teng Qingshan created the Five Techniques of the Ardent Flame by fusing techniques from the Ardent Flame Spear Art.     

These five moves were even more powerful than Bai Qi's Nine Spears facing the Morning Sun.     

Especially the strongest move, Legacy of the Ultimate Flame, its power was astonishing.     

Once his cousin Teng Qinghu studied two or three techniques from Five Techniques of the Ardent Flame, it would be enough for him to keep the centurion position. If he managed to learn all five moves, his strength wouldn't be weaker than Bai Qi!     

The <> was the five techniques created after the fusion of the <>.     

The five techniques were much more powerful than Bai Qi's <>.     

Of the five techniques, the strongest technique was the <> and this technique displayed an even more astonishing power.     

If Teng Qinghu could learn even 20-30% of the <>, he would be able to keep his position as the centurion. If he could complete the cultivation of the <> and learn all five techniques, he would become stronger than Bai Qi!     

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