My Cold and Elegant CEO Wife

Silkworm Elder

Silkworm Elder

Xue Lin lifted her head up, her delicate face now laced with anger. The Three-headed Demonic Worm's release of demonic energies was way out of line.     

The demonic energies contained a green poisonous gas, killing many of the palace servants, some of whom had even brought water to Xue Lin in the past.     

Channeling the Phoenix Immortal Chant, Xue Lin's entire body began to exude powers of the Phoenix.     

It was as if she had a Phoenix roaring from inside her body. She suddenly opened her eyes, shooting out two rays of white light - the Light of the Phoenix.     

The Light of the Phoenix zoomed across the air, arriving before the green smoke instantly, shattering it with a loud blow. With the green smoke vanished, the ray of light continued dashing toward the Three-headed Demonic Worm, fast as could be.     

At the sight of the light ray, the Three-Headed Worm's face flushed pale. It sensed danger from the ray of white light.     

With a loud roar, the Three-headed Demonic Worm took out a shield. The shield was made of a turtle shell, a mixture of green and black, covered with demonic beast talisman scripts, intricate and complex.     

When it first appeared, it was just the size of a palm. After the Three-headed Demonic Worm recited its chant, however, the turtle shell transformed into one that was a few meters wide. It formed into a gigantic black armor, blocking the white ray of light.     

Xue Lin's Light of the Phoenix reached the shield and left in it two deep dents, just shy from penetration.     

Xue Lin furrowed her brows at the sight. She was fully aware of the ridiculous powers her Eye of the Phoenix held. It's able to kill a ninth stage Monarch level master. This shield was no ordinary shield.     

It was definitely a powerful Dharma treasure of at least a near-saint level, with the possibility of reaching the saint level.     

The Three-headed Demonic Worm shivered from fear. Luckily, his father had granted him with a saint item before he left for the Crimson Fire Continent, afraid that he'd run into trouble. His father had given him the Mythical Turtle Shield, a saint item crafted by a mythical turtle.     

However, in the next second, the Three-headed Demonic Worm had a change of expression as well. He could see the two dents imprinted in the Mythical Turtle Shield. Xue Lin's attack was truly powerful.     

She could already unleash powers like this without reaching saint status. How powerful would she be if she was a saint? Her Eye of the Phoenix would've definitely shattered the Mythical Turtle Shield.     

A look of disappointment colored Xue Lin's eyes. She knew that she had limited vital essence, which in turn meant she had limited super powers. Otherwise, her previous strike would've injured the Three-headed Demonic Worm without a doubt.     

The Three-headed Demonic Worm opened its mouth and spewed out a green liquid, this time directly towards Xue Lin.     

Mengyao Xu suddenly stepped forward, quickly waving out her (Fairy Sword?), forming a ray of immortal light.     

Carrying with its sword energy, the immortal light traveled across dimensions, smashing atop the green liquid ruthlessly, splitting it in half, extinguishing it completely.     

The Three-headed Demonic Worm's eyes lit up. Looking at Mengyao Xu, it said, "I didn't expect this. You've practiced immortal level martial techniques? All of you women are very powerful. I've decided to take you all with me."     

"Silkworm Elder, come out and help." The Three-headed Demonic Worm yelled out toward the back.     

An elderly man appeared. This elderly man was more than 5000 years old, his body covered with snowy white hair, looking as ancient as ever.     

He walked out shakily, a staff in his hand.     

At the sight of the elderly man, Xue Lin, Mengyao Xu, Ruyan Liu and the others all had a change of expression.     

They could sense from the elderly man an immense amount of saint energy. They couldn't believe that a saint had arrived at the Crimson Fire Continent.     

They had sensed this type of energy from the Crimson Fire Monarch back at the Fire Monarch Mountain and they were very familiar with it.     

Emotionless, Silkworm Elder extended his staff, pointing it downwards. "Silk of the Saint Silkworm."     

Suddenly, a massive amount of white silk appeared in the sky. The white silk contained a powerful energy, cutting through space, trapping everything, glistening with saint level seal scriptures.     

The white silk instantly transformed into a massive cage, trapping in Xue Lin, Mengyao Xu, Ruyan Liu, the Lingyun Emperor and Empress into a whiteout.     

Mengyao Xu waved out her Fairy Sword, forming a ray of sword light in an attempt to cut through the silk, but to no avail.     

Ruyan Liu, Xue Lin, the Lingyun Emperor and some others also tried to cut through the white silk, all failing to break through.     

The white silk was made from saint level materials and was impenetrable for them. They were only wasting their time and energy.     

Silkworm Elder laughed lightly and said, "Little girls, stop wasting your energy. I am a saint and this is my saint mandate. Unless you can reach the saint level, you cannot get rid of the white silk. Come with me!"     

Silkworm Elder waved out his palm, transforming it into an enormous claw of a couple thousand feet, grabbing them all, lifting them to mid-air.     

Just then, Qingfeng Li, Black Puppy, Sky-Devouring Snake and Wutian Mo arrived at the Country of Lingyun on their spaceship. At the sight, they sprung into action.     

Qingfeng Li's body transformed into an arrow, dashing into mid-air instantly, arriving above the palace, glaring at Silkworm Elder.     

Channeling his clairvoyance ability, Qingfeng Li realized that the elder was actually an evolved white silkworm. It had practiced for more than 5000 years and was now at the saint level.     

However, for Qingfeng Li, a mere low-grade saint was nothing of worry. After all, he had just killed a middle-grade demonic saint.     

Qingfeng Li was enraged. He couldn't believe that someone had tried to take advantage of his absence from the Lingyun palace. How dare they try to attack his home and his family while he was away killing the demonic saint?!     

At the sudden appearance of a young man, Silkworm Elder furrowed his brows. The young man had appeared out of thin air, soundless and shapeless; this young man possessed incredible powers.     

Silkworm Elder looked at the young man standing in front and said, "Kid, who are you? How dare you stand in my way? Do you know who I am? I am the Elder of the Forbidden Grounds of Nine-headed Demonic Dao."     

Qingfeng Li sneered, revealing his snow-white teeth, chilling as could be.     

"The Forbidden Grounds of Nine-headed Demonic Dao; how insignificant. Since you're here, I won't let you leave," Qingfeng Li said, his voice deadly.     

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