My Cold and Elegant CEO Wife

10,000X Gravity Technique

10,000X Gravity Technique

Xue Lin's delicate brows furrowed as she gave Ruyan Liu another glare. She was very annoyed by the latter calling Qingfeng Li her husband.     

Little Apple batted her eyelashes and clapped her small hands. "Aunty, you're not pretty like my mommy."     

Little Apple's words struck Xue Lin like lightning. Actually, she preferred lightning over a little girl's innocent words. Little Apple had just called her 'aunty'. Was she that old?!     


Ruyan Liu couldn't help but laugh out loud at her daughter's words. Her laugh was as beautiful as a hundred flowers blooming. Unfortunately, Qingfeng Li wasn't there to witness the sight - he would've been mesmerized.     

Feeling attacked, Xue Lin wanted to get away from Ruyan Liu and Little Apple. The two were obviously in cahoots to upset her.     

She turned and walked away, heading in another direction.     

Ruyan Liu smiled as she extended her fingers to pinch Little Apple's cheeks. "Good job baby. The next time you see her, call her aunty. If you don't want to call her aunty, you can call her grandma too."     

Mengyao Xu was shocked speechless by Ruyan Liu's coaching. Xue Lin was as young and as beautiful as ever, how could she be called grandma? Ruyan Liu was clearly teaching Little Apple to piss her off.     

Ruyan Liu turned and glanced at Menyao Xu, saying, "I know that you have a relationship with Qingfeng Li. I support it."     

Mengyao Xu was pleasantly surprised by her words. Although Xue Lin had yet to show approval, Ruyan Liu's acknowledgment was a good start.     

Ruyan Liu said smiling, "You probably know by now that Xue Lin is quite the bossy type. She used to be an extreme individualist, unwilling to share Qingfeng Li with anyone. But I got to him before she could do anything about it."     

Mengyao Xu nodded in agreement. She knew that she was in the same boat as Ruyan Liu in the past. The only difference was that the latter had given Qingfeng Li a child.     

Ruyan Liu glanced at Xue Lin in the distance, sighing lightly.     

Truthfully, Ruyan Liu admired Xue Lin. When it came to Qingfeng Li, however, she would never back down. All women were selfish in love, even if they were both immortals in their past lives.     

Ruyan Liu looked at Mengyao Xu and asked, "Did you sense any danger through your fairy powers?     

Mengyao Xu shook her head and said, "No. Big Brother Li is very powerful. You should believe in his abilities."     

Ruyan Liu nodded and said, "Of course I trust in his abilities. He did kill the Crimson Fire Monarch after all. The Headless Demon Corpse is no match for him."     

At that very moment, Qingfeng Li was busy battling the Headless Demon Corpse and was unaware of the women's conversations.     

If he could hear, he would've definitely yelled out, "Can't you girls be quiet? Your husband is here, fighting for his life. How do you have time to fight over such petty things?"     

Qingfeng Li waved out his Yin-Yang Sky Halberd, marking the skies and transforming it into the light of yin-yang. Pointing it downwards, he churned and lifted all the blood in the Blood Pool, instantly revealing a Blood Coffin underneath.     

At the sight of the Blood Coffin, Qingfeng Li furrowed his brows in surprise. He had expected to see a complete devil and was taken aback by the Blood Coffin it was hiding in.     

Laughing arrogantly, Qingfeng Li said, "Headless Demon Corpse, I told you that you were a coward! Why are you hiding in the Blood Coffin? Are you stuck in it or something?"     

"Human, who told you I couldn't leave the Blood Coffin? I am in here because of how much power it provides me. Since you want to die early, I'm doing you a favor." The daunting voice of the Headless Demon Corpse sounded from the Blood Coffin.     

The voice was full of devilish energy, along with arrogance and intimidation; it was nothing less of blood-curdling.     

Of course, in front of Qingfeng Li, these intimidation tactics were utterly useless. Threatening him was like threatening God himself; the Killing God Law he carried contained the destructive powers of the entire planet.     

The Headless Demon Corpse's voice sounded from the Blood Coffin. "10,000X Gravity Technique!"     

Suddenly, a huge boom sounded and along with it, a powerful gravitational pull appeared beneath the Blood Pool.     

The gravitational pull was 10,000 times the amount of a normal gravitational pull on Earth. It contained an immense amount of energy; as if it was sucking the entire sky to the ground.     

Qingfeng Li's body was flying high in the sky, dashing to save Wutian Mo, but even Qingfeng Li wasn't strong enough to defend against the powerful gravitational force.     

With a loud bang, his body was sucked from mid-air and into the ground beneath the Blood Pool, his feet cemented into the earth, unmoveable.     

Qingfeng Li was shocked by the sudden force. He had practiced the gravity technique before but could only reach 5000X in force. The Headless Demon Corpse, however, could reach 10,000X in force. It really was strong as could be, worthy of a middle-grade Devilish Saint.     

Qingfeng Li channeled his Mortal Purgatory Body, unleashing an immense amount of energy and wanting to raise his right foot, only to find it stuck on the ground.     

Both his feet were firmly gripped by the ground, with his body continuously sinking.     

Qingfeng Li smiled. Although he was trapped, he felt no fear and was completely calm.     

At the sight of Qingfeng Li's smile, the Headless Demon corpse said, "Stupid man, why are you smiling? You're about to die! Don't you know that I've trapped you to the ground?! I can suck your blood anytime I want!"     

Qingfeng Li said nonchalantly, "How naive of you. You really think that you can kill me just because you have me stuck to the ground?! Really, I would like to know how you managed to learn the 10,000X Gravity Technique!"     

The Headless Demon Corpse hesitated for a moment and said, "Unfortunately, you will never find out. Die!"     

Shoo shoo shoo shoo...     

Suddenly, more than a dozen blood vines shot out from the Blood Pool.     

Atop of each were fine blood vessels, sharp as could be, directing aiming at Qingfeng Li's body.     


With more than a dozen crisp breaking sounds, the red blood vines all shattered as they reached Qingfeng Li's body, falling to the ground.     

The Headless Demon Corpse was shocked by the sight, its eyes full of disbelief. Although he was lying in the blood coffin, he could see everything that was going on outside.     

"Kid, what techniques did you practice? How could your skin be so tough that my blood vines cannot even pierce through it?!" the Headless Demon Corpse asked, dumbfounded.     

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