My Cold and Elegant CEO Wife

Xue Lin's Worry

Xue Lin's Worry

Xue Lin heard the news. Someone had sensed a furious blast of energy from the Blood Sea, which seemed more powerful than what a Saint at their peak could unleash, and it vanished completely.     

Xue Lin's eyes blurred with tears. She said in a low voice," I can't sense my husband at all. His body is not on the Crimson Fire Continent."     

Ruyan Liu also panicked, with a touch of paleness showing on her charming face. She was in no mood to quarrel with Xue Lin anymore, for she couldn't sense Qingfeng Li's aura either.     

Standing beside them, Mengyao Xu shook her head. She couldn't feel Qingfeng Li's aura either, which made everyone worried.     

Xue Lin then turned stern, saying," No way. I'll go to the Blood Sea. That's where my husband disappeared, so I should wait for him there."     

Ruyan Liu and Mengyao Xu also stood up, saying, "We'll go with you."     

Xue Lin didn't turn Ruyan Liu down this time. Her conflict with Ruyan Liu was insignificant in front of Qingfeng Li's safety.     

Xue Lin got the Lingyun Emperor to prepare a giant Spirit Ship, and then went to the Blood Sea on it with everyone else.     

The Blood Sea had changed a lot at this moment. It used to be a huge ocean covering half of the Continent, with bloody waves rolling all day long.     

But it dried up completely now, with no blood beasts surviving. A repulsive bloody smell pervaded in the air, and there was a huge area of dried land.     

Xue Lin and the rest had all reached the Saint Realm. They descended from the air and landed on the bottom of the Blood Sea. It was only a bloody red land here, with nothing else left.     

They came to the Blood Sea Abyss, but it had already closed.     

Xue Lin used her Eye of the Phoenix, shooting out a white light through space right at the abyss, but it couldn't be opened at all.     

Ruyan Liu and Mengyao Xu also tried but couldn't open it either.     

Mengyao Xu said, "When I attacked it with the Fairy Sword, I found there seemed to be some immortal level energy in the deepest part of the Abyssal World. It was weak but perceptible."     

Xue Lin then asked, "Mengyao, are you saying Qingfeng Li has encountered someone at the immortal level? What will he do in this case? He is now only a low-grade saint and is definitely no opponent for an immortal."     

Mengyao Xu shook her head, saying, "Sister Xue, don't worry. Qingfeng will be blessed for his goodness."     

A touch of firmness showed up in Xue Lin's bright eyes. "I'll wait here for Qingfeng Li."     

Ruyan Liu and Mengyao Xu nodded. They also decided to wait for Qingfeng Li at the bottom of the Blood Sea.     

Qingfeng Li was inside the Fallen Immortal Arena at this moment and didn't know anything that was happening on the Crimson Fire Continent.     

Everyone on the Continent was looking for him. His wife Xue Lin and the rest were even waiting for him in the Blood Sea.     

Qingfeng Li looked at the Clear-Wood Saintess by his side and felt something familiar. He noticed that the Clear-Wood Saintess' techniques might have some connection with his.     

Qingfeng Li looked forward and found a giant mountain that had occasional lightning striking over.     

Some self-cultivators would be struck by lightning, but some wouldn't, such as the Clear-Wood Saintess.     

Qingfeng Li was a bit confused about himself being attacked by the lightning. Maybe it was because of the Thunder Pearl he was carrying?     

While Qingfeng Li was startled and confused, the Clear-Wood Saintess turned delighted for she found a tree with a fruit on the top in the front.     

Qingfeng Li looked at the direction and saw that tree as well.     

It was not tall, only about three meters high, with lightning and thunder around it exuding lots of electric arcs.     

It was a well-known tree called the Thunder Tree, with one black fruit on it. The fruit was surrounded by thunder and lightning, exuding powerful energy.     

Qingfeng Li knew it was no simple fruit at first glance. It had saint level talisman scripts on it, seeming to be the middle-grade saint-level fruit, Thunder Fruit. It was a precious treasure, and the Clear-Wood Saintess was determined to get it.     

The Clear-Wood Saintess said, "The Fallen Immortal Arena is truly impressive, it has so many treasures in it. I've just gotten a Thunder Spirit Flower, and now we find a Thunder Fruit."     

The Clear-Wood Saintess led the rest quickly walk toward the Thunder Tree and got close to it after a short while.     

When she was about to pick the Thunder Fruit, Qingfeng Li stopped her, saying, "Hold on."     

Clear-Wood Saintess frowned with confusion. "Why are you stopping me from picking the Thunder Fruit?"     

Qingfeng Li replied, "Did you forget the dozens of sneaking thunder wolves when you got the Thunder Spirit Flower? Now here is a middle-grade saint-level fruit. How could it not be guarded by thunder beasts?"     

The Clear-Wood Saintess was astonished by Qingfeng Li's words. She took a step back and left the Thunder Fruit there. Meanwhile, she looked around, checking if there were some guarding thunder beasts.     

The demonic beasts inside the Fallen Immortal Arena all had thunder and lightning around them. That was why they were called thunder beasts.     

At the next moment, the Clear-Wood Saintess found something odd. A small snake was lurking on a branch of the Thunder Tree.     

The small snake had the exact same color as the tree and would be hard to discover without a close look.     

It stayed there quietly as if merging with the tree into one. But it kept staring at the Clear-Wood Saintess with its bloodthirsty eyes, treating her as an enemy.     

"A Black Venom Thunder Snake." The Clear-Wood Saintess was shocked, for she had recognized the snake.     

The Black Venom Thunder Snake was well-known in the self-cultivation world. It not only contained thunder in its body but could also change its colors, and it was deadly venomous. Self-cultivators would never survive if bitten by it.     

The Clear-Wood Saintess also found that this Black Venom Thunder Snake had reached the middle-grade of the saint-level demon. She would definitely die if bitten by it when picking the fruit.     

The Clear-Wood Saintess looked at Qingfeng Li full of gratefulness, saying, "Thank you a lot for reminding me. Otherwise, I would be in great danger."     

Qingfeng Li smiled slightly, saying, "This Black Venom Thunder Snake is pretty powerful. Do you still want the Thunder Fruit?"     

The Clear-Wood Saintess nodded, replying, "Of course. Though I was only in the low-grade Saint Realm, my master gave me a middle-grade Dharma Treasure when I entered the Fallen Immortal Arena, which should be able to deal with the Black Venom Thunder Snake."     

The Clear-Wood Saintess then took out a bottle from the interspatial ring with her mind.     

The bottle exuded powerful saint level energy. It was only a foot tall but was carved with lots of tree-like talisman scripts.     

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