My Cold and Elegant CEO Wife

Compensation for Breach of Contract

Compensation for Breach of Contract

"Are you tired? I can give you a massage." Qingfeng Li said to Xue Lin with a smile.     

Xue Lin rubbed her forehead, the look on her face revealed her tiredness and she said, "a bit, you were right that I can't work too hard right after getting out of the hospital."     

Qingfeng Li went behind Xue Lin, reached out his arms and laid them on her shoulders before starting to massage her. He started with the cervical vertebra first, as it was the most important part of human body, which protected one's neuronal activity.     

Many people had problems with their cervical vertebrae for the reason that they spent most of their time playing on their computers and phones, watching television or working while keeping their necks low. Those scenarios would leave the cervical vertebra stiff. Blood circulation would also be slowed down, which cause pressure on vessels and eventually injury or deformation of the tissue. All of these would result in tiredness, dizziness and headache.     

Qingfeng Li took a look and found that what Xue Lin had wasn't vertebral disease, it was only because she had been working with her neck at a low position for too long. That would cause tiredness of the cervical vertebra and the entire body.     

Qingfeng Li found the Sky Pillar Point, the Well Point, and the Wind Pool Point and started massaging. Those points were all on the cervical vertebra and had great benefit for cervical vertebra pain relief and dredging the vessels and increasing blood flow.     

Xue Lin closed her eyes and took her time enjoying the massage. The pain went away very soon. She had to admit that Qingfeng Li's massage skills were very excellent. Of course, that was because he mastered eastern medicine and knew all the pressure points that could help treat pain.     

Xue Lin felt so much better after about half an hour of Qingfeng's massage and all the tiredness was gone. Therefore she asked Qingfeng Li to stop.     

Actually she wished Qingfeng Li could massage her for some more time, but he couldn't keep his hands in place and were moving around all over her body. That was why she asked him to stop.     

"Hmm, you won't even let me take advantages now." Qingfeng Li sighed. He turned around and walked out of the office. Xue Lin still had work to do, so he couldn't stay too long to interrupt her.     

As Qingfeng Li was going back to the sales department, he noticed that Yong Huang was staring at him with a relentless look. Apparently, Yong Huang found out that all his files were in the garbage bin and that made him furious.     

Qingfeng Li didn't bother talking to Yong Huang. As long as Yong Huang didn't mess with him, he wouldn't have anything to do with him. If Yong Huang did, then he would teach him a serious lesson on how to behave.     

"Brother Li, did the CEO scold you?" Xiaoyue Zhang went close to Qingfeng Li and asked in a low voice.     

Qingfeng Li got confused and asked, "why would the CEO scold me?"     

"Brother Li, you just insulted Yong Huang. He isn't some normal person, he is the grandson of one of the founders."     

"Who cares about the grandson of the corporation's founder? I'll beat him up if he offends me again."     

"That's sick, Brother Li." Xiaoyue Zhang replied to Qingfeng Li with a thumb up.     

Qingfeng Li was the only person who dared to say he would beat up Yong Huang in the entire Ice Snow Corporation, nobody else had the guts.     

Qingfeng Li sat down on his chair, and started reading the files on the desk. The files were about the fifty million dollar order made by the Ye Corporation in Eastern Sea City. The Ice Snow corporation had already finished manufacturing the pieces of jewelry and was waiting for the shipment. However, the Ye Corporation suddenly wanted to file for a return.     

It was understandable that they wanted to return the products but the point was that they refused to pay for the compensation for breaching the contract with the Ice Snow Corporation.     

There were two kinds of jewelry businesses the Ice Snow Corporation was dealing with. One was to manufacture and market all by itself, and the other was personal or corporation-wise customization. Customization, was literally for those who favored some certain styles of jewelry and asked the Ice Snow Corporation to manufacture it for them.     

The customized jewelry was based on the client's special taste, which made it hard to fit other's taste. If someone made an order but wanted to cancel it, it was fine as long as they paid a ten percent compensation for breach of contract.     

Qingfeng Li frowned. Ye Corporation made an order worth fifty million Yuan, and thus it had to pay five million as compensation for breach of contract. However, they refused to pay that amount.     

Honestly, the compensation for breach of contract wasn't a big deal for the Ice Snow Corporation. What mattered to it was the reputation. Like it said, nothing could be accomplished without norms or standards. Every industry had its own regulations.     

It didn't matter if it was the jewelry company or any other, like a furniture company, clothing company, or whatever, anyone who submitted an order and refused to accept it had to pay the compensation for breach of contract. Some rates were as high as twenty or even thirty percent. Compared to those rates, the ten percent Ice Snow Corporation charged was considered low.     

Think about it. If the Ice Snow Corporation dismissed the charge for compensation for breach of contract, then it was highly possible that other corporations or people would return their orders without paying the damages. As a result, Ice Snow Corporation would have to bear the loss itself.     

"We must get the compensation for the breach of contract." Qingfeng Li though in his mind.     

Obviously, Qingfeng Li saw the files of jewelry sale on the computer, and the person who dealt with the Ye Corporation was Wanqiu Xia, which meant she was responsible for this case.     

Qingfeng Li stood up and walked to the sales manager's office. He was planning to help Wanqiu Xia.     

Wanqiu Xia was sitting on the chair miserably when he walked in. She was depressed and her face was covered with misery.     

"Sister Xia, you are so pretty, but if you keep having a sad face, then you will become ugly." Qingfeng Li said to Wanqiu Xia.     

"Oh stop it, what brings you here to see me?" Wanqiu Xia glanced at him with a sweet look and asked.     

Qingfeng Li pulled over a chair and sat himself down, said, "sister Xia, I saw it from the sales department's files that you were working on a contract worth fifty million yuan, but the client broke the contract now. Was that bothering you?"     

Wanqiu Xia nodded. Qingfeng Li was right that she was bothered by that case. However, the Ye Corporation was a big business in the Eastern Sea City that possessed enormous amounts of asset. There was nothing she could do if they breached the contract.     

Apparently if there was a breach of contract, a loss wouldn't only occur to Ice Snow Corporation, but also to Wanqiu Xia, since it was her case. She had to take the responsibility as the manager of sales department. One month pay cut probably wouldn't be avoided, since the fifty million dollar worth contract wasn't a small amount.     

Although Qingfeng Li pointed out what was in Wanqiu Xia's mind for her, she didn't put too much of her hopes on him. What could Qingfeng Li do to the Ye Corporation? Unlike other small corporations, it was such a wealthy and influential business.     

Yes, Qingfeng Li did help Xiaoyue Zhang take back a million dollar worth compensation for breaching a contract from the Three-yuan Gang before, but they were just bullies, not a wealthy corporation like the Ye Corporation.     

"Sister Xia, don't worry. You can't take back the money by simply sitting in the office. How about going out with me?" Qingfeng Li asked with a smile on his face.     

"Go out? Where?"     

"Obviously we are going to Ye Corporation to get the money back, Sister Xia."     

"The Ye Corporation is such a big corporation, I have been there several times and they wouldn't give the money." Wanqiu Xia said in misery.     

She was annoyed talking about her experience at Ye Corporation trying to get the compensation for breach of contract. The CEO of Ye Corporation didn't give her the money, and was even staring at her lustfully, which was extremely disgusting.     

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