My Cold and Elegant CEO Wife

Congratulations from Thousands of Dynasties

Congratulations from Thousands of Dynasties

The Lingyun Emperor welcomed Qingfeng Li into the palace and allowed Qingfeng Li to sit on the Golden Dragon Chair while he sat next to it.     


This Dragon Chair was a symbol of the emperor and only the emperor could sit on it on normal occasions.     


But the situation was special now, Qingfeng Li was the planet ruler of the Crimson Fire Continent, and the strongest man of the continent.     

After all, it was just a place for the emperor to sit. Even if Qingfeng Li wanted the whole kingdom, the Lingyun Emperor would not hesitate to give it to him.     


The Lingyun Emperor thought nothing of Qingfeng Li but to admire him and worship him.     


When he was in contact with Qingfeng Li before, Qingfeng Li was weaker than him. However, in less than one year, Qingfeng Li improved his strength greatly and reached the saint realm. He even killed the planet-ruler and became the "first man" of the Crimson Fire Continent. He also killed the self-cultivation avatar of the young saint messenger easily. He was unbeatable.     


Qingfeng Li sat on the Dragon Chair with Xue Lin on his left, Ruyan and Mengyao Xu on his right, and Black Puppy and Sky-Devouring Snake beside his feet. The officers and the generals all kneeled on the ground.     


They felt very honored right now because they were able to meet the planet ruler. Normally, ordinary people could never meet the planet ruler. Even the kings from top tier dynasties would not be able to see the planet ruler even if they spent their entire lives on it.     


Qingfeng Li glanced at the Lingyun Emperor and said, "I am going to unify the Crimson Fire Continent, and I need you to help me control the entire continent."     


The Lingyun Emperor shook his head and said, "My ruler, I am weak and my strength is limited. I am only the king of a low tier kingdom. I don't think anyone would accept me."     


Qingfeng Li smiled and said, "I am appointing you to control the Crimson Fire Continent, don't worry about anything else. If anyone dares to oppose you, I will kill him."     


Qingfeng Li continued, "Follow my order and issue a monarch edict right now. I want every kingdom, sect, clan, and trading company to visit the Country of Lingyun and kneel in front of me. If anyone dares to not come, then I will kill them."     


The Lingyun Emperor nodded and said respectably, "Yes, my ruler. I will issue a monarch edict right now.     


The Lingyun Emperor wrote a draft copy of the monarch edict himself. He then used the sound exchange technique and made the news travel all around the world instantly.     


At this time, the whole continent started chatting, and everyone was dumbfounded.     


"Qingfeng Li is going to unify the Crimson Fire Continent, every force needs to visit him."     


"Qingfeng Li is strong, and he is also the planet ruler, so I accept his order. But what kind of crap is the Country of Lingyun? It is only a low tier kingdom. Do they expect us, a super tier dynasty to give them gifts?"     


"Even if you don't want to do it, you have to, unless you want to die. Qingfeng Li already made things clear, he will kill whoever doesn't come."     


All of the self-cultivators from the continent chatted among themselves. Even though many people admired and feared Qingfeng Li's strength, they were not satisfied with having to go to a small kingdom like the Country of Lingyun.     


Most of the sects, kingdoms, trading companies, clans, and forces all went to the Country of Lingyun to visit the Lingyun Emperor and Qingfeng Li, but a few hidden clans that existed for more than a thousand years did not go.     


The Country of Lingyun suddenly became very busy, and there were many people and many carriages.     


The self-cultivators from the supreme forces of the Crimson Fire Continent were everywhere, and every single one of them had a strong background.     


The self-cultivators inside the Country of Lingyun had never seen this many strong self-cultivators before, and they became dumbfounded at the scene.     


"Look! It's the sect master of the Fire Monarch Sect. He is a master of the ninth level of the monarch level, but he came to this gathering on his own."     


"The woman on the right, I know her! She is the sect master of the Hundred-Flower Monarch Palace, and she is also at the ninth level of monarch level."     


"The father and daughter over there, aren't they the president of the number one trading company on the continent, Tianxing Yun and his daughter Ya Yun?"     


"That elder is strong too. He is the sect master of the Stick Monarch Sect. Apparently, he has already lived two thousand years, and his sect also existed for more than two thousand years. I definitely did not expect him to be here."     


"Qingfeng Li is friends with our Emperor, and we are proud of him! He made so many people visit us."     


All of the self-cultivators from the Country of Lingyun were excited. They did not feel scared toward these big shots that arrived, but raised their heads proudly with confidence and excitement on their faces.     


The self-cultivators knew that the influential people from the Crimson Fire Continent were doing a big favor to their king by coming here. More accurately, they were doing Qingfeng Li a favor. As the self-cultivators from the Country of Lingyun, they felt very honored to have influential people here.     


These supreme kingdoms, big sects, and big clans did not come empty-handed. They brought lots of gifts for Qingfeng Li, which were mostly half-step saint elixirs, half-step saint dharma treasures, and some lost pieces of half-step saint techniques.     


Some forces that offended Qingfeng Li before kneeled on the ground and presented their gifts. They then begged for Qingfeng Li's forgiveness.     


Qingfeng Li sat on the monarch palace's Dragon Chair without standing up.     


Qingfeng Li looked at all the self-cultivators and said calmly, "I am very glad you guys are here today. Now I will announce something important: I appoint the Lingyun Emperor as my deputy, and from now on, he will have the authority to control the entire continent. Any objections?"     


The sect master of the Fire Monarch Sect was a middle-aged man. His face was bloody red, his body was very muscular, and he gave off a violent vibe.     


He took a step forward and said, "My ruler, if you are to control the entire continent, then I have no objections to make, but not if the Lingyun Emperor were to control it."     


Qingfeng Li looked at the sect master of the Fire Monarch Sect coldly, and a black ray shot out from his eyes. That black ray was indeed the Light of Yin-Yang he learned after practicing the Yin-Yang Saint Technique.     


The Light of Yin-Yang was very flash, with a "phu" sound, it shot onto the sect master of the Fire Monarch Sect's head and left a big hole on it. His physical body and soul were then completely destroyed.     


With a thud, the sect master of the Fire Monarch Sect, who was a master of the ninth level of the monarch level, fell to the ground and died.     


The faces of the self-cultivators from the rest of the big sects, clans, supreme dynasties, and top tier dynasties all changed after seeing this scene, and fear filled their eyes. Some people even fell to the ground and peed themselves.     


Qingfeng Li looked at the people below him and said, "I did not plan to negotiate this matter by gathering all of you guys today, I am giving out a command: The Lingyun Emperor is my deputy, defying him is the same as defying my authority, and the punishment is the same as what happened to the sect master of the Fire Monarch Sect."      








This was what everyone thought about Qingfeng Li.     


Tianxing Yun's face changed. He was right beside the sect master of the Fire Monarch Sect and had a good look at the sect master of the Fire Monarch Sect's death, which made him feel very scared.     


Qingfeng Li looked at Tianxing Yun and said with a smile on his face, "Uncle, do not be scared. I am friends with Ms. Ya Yun, so why don't you come over here and sit beside me?"     


Upon hearing Qingfeng Li's words, a flash of rapture appeared in his eyes. He then went to sit beside Qingfeng Li with Ya Yun.     


Everyone in the monarch palace looked at Tianxing Yun and Ya Yun enviously. They knew that Qingfeng Li told them to go over because he thought of them as his friends.     


A flash of redness appeared on Ya Yun's rosy face, and she then said, "Thank you."     


Qingfeng Li smiled, "You are welcome. We are friends and don't forget that I am a customer of your Crimson Fire Continent Trading Company. I will make sure to take good care of your trading company in the future."     

Ya Yun looked at Qingfeng Li intently with her beautiful eyes, and she felt very touched inside.     

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