My Cold and Elegant CEO Wife

Little Apple's Change

Little Apple's Change

The Treasure-Hunting Mouse's expression changed when it heard Qingfeng's accusation. It said, "Master, please don't be angry. Even though Little Apple is in pain right now, the pain is good for her. Her bones have undergone a deep tempering; it will be her organs next."     

A flash of anger appeared in Qingfeng's eyes as he slapped the Treasure-Hunting Mouse's head. Qingfeng said, "Little Apple is only one year old. Her organs are very weak. Do you want to harm her?"     

The Treasure-Hunting Mouse shook its head and said, "No, Master, if Little Apple can persevere through the pain, her body will be reborn. She will be able to become an Immortal level fighter 100 times faster than an ordinary self-cultivator."     

Even though Qingfeng understood Treasure-Hunting Mouse's words, he did not want his daughter to undergo such a painful process. After all, every father loved their child dearly.     

Qingfeng sighed and said, "Treasure-Hunting Mouse, I know this process is very important for Little Apple. I just want to lessen her pain, how should I do it?"     

The Treasure-Hunting Mouse pondered for a moment and said, "I've heard of a method. Her pain will only be lessened if Dragon Blood is added to the Saint Marrow Fluid. But the blood must be blood from a Godly Dragon, which is extremely rare and difficult to obtain."     

Qingfeng almost suspected that Treasure-Hunting Mouse knew that he had Dragon Blood in his veins, or why would it request him to obtain Dragon's Blood?     


However, Qingfeng shook his head and refuted his idea at the next moment. The Treasure-Hunting Mouse was its pet, there was no way it could fight back against Qingfeng.     

Furthermore, the fellow clearly did not know that he had Dragon Blood. If it knew, it would have submitted to Qingfeng a long time ago. After all, Godly Dragons were the ancestors of all demonic beasts.     

Qingfeng said in a low voice, "Treasure-Hunting Mouse, are you sure that a Godly Dragon's blood will be able to lessen Little Apple's pain? I will shatter your soul if you dare to lie to me!"     

The Treasure-Hunting Mouse was startled and hurriedly said, "Don't worry, Master, I will never lie to you. Even a drop of Godly Dragon Blood will be able to calm down the wild power within the Saint Marrow Fluid and lessen Little Apple's pain. The blood will also improve her physical attributes even further."     

Qingfeng nodded and walked towards the black jar. He then slashed open his finger and placed a drop of his blood into the jar.     

The Treasure-Hunting Mouse's expression changed when it saw the sight. It said, "No, Master. Only Dragon Blood can help. Ordinary human blood will only cause her harm!"     

Black Puppy chimed in, "Little rat, don't you know that Qingfeng has dragon blood in his veins?"     

"What? Master has Dragon Blood?" The Treasure-Hunting Mouse was stunned at Black Puppy's words, it looked like it had heard the most unbelievable words on the planet.     

If anything could cause the Treasure-Hunting Mouse to be stunned, it would definitely be Dragon Blood.     

Godly Dragons were the most powerful Godly Beasts in the universe. They were the leader of all Demonic Beasts and their blood had a suppressing effect on all demonic beasts.     

The Treasure-Hunting Mouse admired Godly Dragons ever since the ancient times, its dream was to follow the Godly Dragon's steps and eventually evolve into an existence similar to the Godly Dragons.     

The Treasure-Hunting Mouse did not expect its Master to have dragon blood. It thought, "No wonder I can't see through Master's power. It is because he has Dragon Blood!"     

The Treasure-Hunting Mouse did not know that other than Dragon Blood, Qingfeng also had the powerful earth-shattering Devourer Bloodline.     

After Qingfeng placed a drop of blood into the Saint Marrow Fluid, the fluid started to bubble as the power within the blood integrated into the fluid to form a white complex power.     

The white flash of light rushed towards Little Apple's body, instantly reducing her pain and repairing her wounds.     

Little Apple basked comfortably among the white light and gurgled happily.     

She felt her powers growing continuously. Furthermore, her skin was becoming smoother, tighter and stronger, like a porcelain doll.     

Qingfeng was very happy to see that his daughter was no longer in pain. He knew that Treasure-Hunting Mouse was speaking the truth.     

"Good job, Treasure-Hunting Mouse," Qingfeng praised. His words caused the Treasure-Hunting Mouse to be really happy.     


Treasure-Hunting Mouse had finally realized that Qingfeng must be a truly powerful existence. Even if Qingfeng was not the reincarnation of Sky Emperor, he must be the reincarnation of an Immortal. It was determined to suck up and please Qingfeng.     

Furthermore, even Black Puppy and Sky-Devouring Snake stayed closely by Qingfeng's side, which further proved that Qingfeng was an extraordinary person.     

Treasure-Hunting Mouse said, "It is my honor to be able to help Master."     

Sky-Devouring Snake walked to Black Puppy's side and rubbed its tail against Black Puppy. It said, "Little Black, did you hear that? You used to be the one to suck up to Qingfeng. But that small rat is taking away your chances to flatter Qingfeng now."     

Black Puppy stretched out its claw and said, "You're no good either. As for Treasure-Hunting Mouse, I will find a chance to teach it a lesson. I will let it go for now since it helped Qingfeng."     

Boom Boom~     

A loud roaring sound appeared from Little Apple's body. One could make out a trace of dragon roar within the sound and a trace of Rules of Heavenly Dao and Scriptures of Order as well.     

She seemed to be the darling of the universe and was surrounded by colorful lights which had a noble presence.     


The black jar could no longer contain the wild power emitting from Little Apple so it exploded. The wild pieces dissipated into the surroundings and broke the surrounding space.     

Qingfeng's expression changed when he saw the sight. He immediately used his Mortal purgatory body to form a dark protective dome which surrounded the fragments.     

Qingfeng clearly saw that the jar was a high-grade saint level item. It would definitely harm Mengyao Xu, Ruyan Liu and the others if the shattered pieces struck them.     

Thankfully, Qingfeng's powers were strong and he was able to instantly stop the paths of the fragments.     

Qingfeng wiped off the cold sweat on his brow and sighed with relief.     

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