My Cold and Elegant CEO Wife



Joy filled Qingfeng's eyes, as he looked at the black whirlpool the Yin-yang Saint Sword had formed. He knew that his third sword technique, Whirlpool Sword, has been acquired.      


Qingfeng stopped his steps, as he looked at the Three-eyed Ghost Saint before him, and said with a cold face, "Your death date will come next."     


He channeled his internal vital essence and transferred all of it into the Yin-yang Saint Sword. With the shake of his wrist, he slashed heavily forward, as his Yin-yang Saint Sword drew a curve in the void, and a pointed cone shaped whirlpool was formed.      


The whirlpool swelled nonstop, from the top to the bottom, and from left to right, as it rolled nonstop from the front to back. Finally, a massive black whirlpool formed, as it charged forward, and cracked all the air that it passed by along the way.      


This black whirlpool was formed by sword light, as countless sword light contrasted this whirlpool, and it was unstoppable. It immediately arrived before the Three-eyed Ghost Saint.     


The Three-eyed Ghost Saint's face changed dramatically, as he waved his Yin-Ghost Blade in a hurry, and formed a massive blade light before him, in attempts to block the sword energy whirlpool.      


Unfortunately, his blade light wasn't able to block it at all. As soon as it touched the sword light whirlpool, it was shattered into shreds. Then the sword energy whirlpool continued forward, and heavily shot onto the top of the Yin-Ghost Blade.     


Snap, snap, snap…     


The powerful Yin-Ghost Blade shattered before everyone's eyes, and shortly afterwards, it turned into countless pieces and disappeared.      


The Three-eyed Ghost Saint hurriedly stepped back, but even if he dodged the Whirlpool Sword's attack, his face changed dramatically, as anger appeared in his eyes.      


"Damn human, you've managed to learn the third sword technique of the Yin-yang Sword. It is too powerful and has even destroyed my Yin-Ghost Blade." The Three-eyed Ghost Saint's eyes filled with anger and heartache.      


The Three-eyed Ghost Saint had already taken out several dharma treasures, and each had a great background, having accompanied him for a hundred thousand years. Plus, it was very difficult for these dharma treasures to reach saint grade ghost device, but now Qingfeng destroyed it all.      


The Three-eyed Ghost Saint hated Qingfeng more than anything, and he wanted to kill Qingfeng immediately.      


Qingfeng's eyes filled with joy when he saw how powerful his Whirlpool Sword was.      


He forcefully stomped onto the ground, and his body soared up into the air as a ray of sharp arrow that charged heavily towards the Three-eyed Ghost Saint. He immediately arrived before the Three-eyed Ghost Saint.     


Qingfeng waved his Yin-yang Saint Sword again, as his wrist flipped nonstop, and tore through the void to form a Whirlpool Sword light. The Whirlpool Sword light was very big, like a massive black hole that wrapped around the Three-eyed Ghost Saint's body.      


The Three-eyed Ghost Saint hurriedly waved his fist to form a vital essence ghost fist that clashed onto the sword light.      


However, his vital essence ghost fist was shattered into pieces by the sword light in the next moment. Now the Whirlpool Sword was truly invincible, such that not even the middle-tier Ghost Saint was its opponent.      


The Three-eyed Ghost Saint's eyes grew pale, as it had hints of shock at the same time.      


He knew that he wasn't able to kill this Qingfeng before him with only his physical and spirit energy. He had to use his most powerful technique.      


The Three-eyed Ghost Saint said full of murderous rage, "Qingfeng, I didn't want to use my strongest attack, but you've forced me into it, and now I'll kill you."     


"Ghost Eye Super Power, Petrify," shouted the Three-eyed Ghost Saint, as he directly opened the third ghost eye on his forehead.      


Once the third ghost eye opened, the entire world fell silent, as the space around was frozen. Even the entire Abyss World froze as well, as if it turned into almost like a painting.      


The Ghost Eye Super Power was extremely wicked and powerful, but it was immensely wasteful of spirit energy. The Three-eyed Ghost Saint rarely used it under normal circumstances, because once used, it would bring upon unavoidable harmful to his physical energy and ghost qi.      


However, he had to use it this time to kill Qingfeng.      

Qingfeng's face changed dramatically, because he knew that this attack was extremely powerful as soon as the Ghost Eye Super Power was unleashed.      


Qingfeng wanted to dodge it, but it wasn't possible at all, as his body froze there immediately.      




A ray of black light shot from the Three-eyed Ghost Saint's third ghost eye, and the black light immediately shot onto Qingfeng's body.     


With a naked eye, Qingfeng's foot started turning into a rock.      


Just then, the rock-turning state followed along his foot, ankle, lower leg, upper leg, stomach, chest, neck, head, and then finally his whole body turned into a black rock.      


Even though Qingfeng wanted to fight back, struggle, dodge, or even escape, the opponent's Ghost Eye Super Power was far too powerful.      


It was formed by the third eye of Hell, and even with Qingfeng's ability, it was unstoppable, as even someone at Qingfeng's turned turned into rock.      


Black Puppy, Sky-Devouring Snake, and Treasure-Hunting Mouse's faces filled with shock, as worry filled their eyes. They were ancient demonic beasts, and they naturally knew of the powers of the Ghost Eye Super Power.      


However, they also didn't have any solution to this, because Qingfeng was now already a rock. The only one who could save Qingfeng was Qingfeng himself.      


The Three-eyed Ghost Saint raised his head in a loud laughter when he saw that Qingfeng had become a rock. Cold brutality filled his eyes, as he said, "You damn human, now you've turned into a rock. This is what you get for going against me."     


Qingfeng's body was turned into a rock, but his soul wasn't confined yet, as he was still able to talk mentally through his soul.     


Qingfeng used his soul to speak to the Dark Night Emperor, "Predecessor, I was turned into a rock by the Ghost Eye Super Power, what should I do?"     


Worry appeared in Dark Night Emperor's eyes, as he said, "Don't worry little guy. Don't make any mistake at such a crucial moment, as you must maintain your true nature. Don't let your soul turn into a rock, or else, you'll be truly doomed."     


Qingfeng was shocked, as he asked, "Senior, do you mean that the soul could be turned into a rock as well?"     


Dark Night Emperor nodded and said, "Yes. This Ghost Eye Super Power is especially powerful. It comes from Hell and was a superpower of an ancient Hell immortal. Legend has it not only could it turn bodies into rocks, but it could also turn the soul into a rock."     


Of course, just as the Dark Night Emperor's voice ended, the rock talisman script turned into one Hell talisman script after another, as it followed into Qingfeng's body. It wanted to enter his mind and turn his soul into rock.      


Qingfeng's spirit energy fought with all its power against the black rock talisman script, but it realized that it wasn't able to stop it at all.      


At the crucial point, the Black-and-White Millstone flew out from the depth of Qingfeng's mind. It would never let anything happen to Qingfeng, or else once he died, it would also be heavily wounded.      

After the Black-white Millstone appeared, it directly shot out a ray of black and white light. This black and white light moved at an incredible speed, while it contained the Power of Chaos. It blurred the space between heaven and ground, as it immediately engulfed the Hell rock talisman script.     

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