My Cold and Elegant CEO Wife

The Suppression of Half-immortals

The Suppression of Half-immortals

Qingfeng Li stood up as saint level talisman scripts and the Laws of Greater Dao flashed and surrounded his body.     

He walked to the gate of the immortal palace and when he was about to open the door, a sense of oppression surfaced outside the Fallen Immortal Arena.     

That sense of oppression made the sky and ground tremble, and the space inside the Fallen Immortal Arena became unstable as well. The arena then started shaking, and it looked like it was going to collapse at any moment. All kinds of squeaky noise sounded from the sky.     

Qingfeng Li, the Blood Immortal, the Blood Sea Saint, the Linglong Saintess, the Clear-wood Saintess, and Black Puppy all felt this intense pressure which made them feel defenseless.     

Thump, thump…     

The Linglong Saintess, the Blood Sea Saint, and the Clear-wood Saintess were relatively weak compared to the others, and they fell to the ground right away. Every single one of them looked like noodles that had been squeezed flat.     

Black Puppy and the others did not have a good time either. They were also forced to creep on the ground because they could not hold out against the suppression from the sky.     

Qingfeng Li also channeled the vital essence stored inside his body with great difficulty and tried to resist against the oppression from the sky frantically, as the sky was trying to force him to kneel down.     

However, Qingfeng Li was not going to surrender easily, and another person who also successfully held out against the oppression was the Blood Immortal.     

Even though the Blood Immortal was only a perfect Saint, her spirit energy was at the half-immortal level. Therefore, she was able to resist the mysterious oppression.     

The Blood Immortal's face was a little pale, apparently holding up to the oppression had spent a lot of her energy, and she almost could not bear it.     

The Blood Immortal muttered, "Master, this is bad, I just felt a source of immortal energy. The half-immortal masters from those saint sects probably arrived."     

Qingfeng Li was shocked, and fear crossed his eyes. He then said, "These half-immortal masters are too fast! They were billions of kilometers away from here, how did they arrive within an hour? We have not entered the Thunder Immortal Palace yet, so I think we are in danger."     

Fear also appeared in the Blood Immortal's eyes, because she clearly felt how scary the aura in the air seemed. It was the same aura as hers when she was still a half-immortal from a million years ago.     

The Blood Immortal muttered, "Master, hurry up and go in first, and I will try to delay them for you. This energy definitely came from a half immortal master. You are the only one who can open the gate of the Thunder Immortal Palace. We can only live if you can enter the palace!"     

Qingfeng Li nodded and knew how urgent this matter was. He let the Blood Immortal release her vast amount of energy and try to contend with the oppression from the sky, while he marched forward to the gate of the Thunder Immortal Palace with great difficulty.     

If Qingfeng Li was in his best form, then he could reach the gate with one step. However, he could only make small steps now.     

Qingfeng Li hobbled toward the gate because the oppression from the half immortals in the sky was too strong. It was not something that he could endure.     

Qingfeng Li was able to move because there was a five-colored defensive light veil outside the Fallen Immortal Arena, which was built by the Thunder Immortal from a million years ago.     

Even though the Thunder Immortal had been dead for a million years, the defensive veil still contained some immortal energy, and it took over a part of the pressure.     

The space outside the Fallen Immortal Arena was an empty universe. Inside the universe, Tianxing Ming, the Sky Rock Elder, and the sect masters and elders from other saint sects all stood there.     

They all stared down at the five-colored defensive light veil without speaking.     

They knew that this region belonged to the Thunder Immortal. Even though the Thunder Immortal was dead now, he was the nightmare of every self-cultivator a million years ago.     

The Sky Rock Elder looked at Tianxing Ming and said, "Sect Master Ming, we are only spreading out our half-immortal vital essence right now, but this is not enough. If we want to enter the Fallen Immortal Arena, then we must work together and break this defensive light veil."     

Tianxing Ming did not respond to the Sky Rock Elder but continued to observe the self-cultivators inside the Fallen Immortal Arena.     

With his eyes, Tianxing Ming could see the planets turning, the sun and moon rising and falling, the ground breaking, and the heaven and earth collapsing. Everything became unimportant while he was observing the self-cultivators.     

Upon seeing that Tianxing Ming did not respond to his words, a resentful look appeared in the Sky Rock Elder's eyes.     

Even though the Sky Rock Elder was not as strong as Tianxing Ming, he was still ranked reasonably high on the Half-immortal List. How could Tianxing Ming overlook him like that?     


Tianxing Ming was suddenly surprised by something. He discovered a different sense from the Fallen Immortal Arena: a self-cultivator was still walking under his half-immortal aura!     

Tianxing Ming murmured, "Interesting, I am already a master at the half-immortal level, but someone can still walk under my oppression as if nothing is happening?"     

The Sky Rock Elder heard Tianxing Ming's words and his face changed slightly. He then said, "Could there be a half-immortal master in the Fallen Immortal Arena? But that is impossible! Everyone who entered was our saint sons and saintesses."     

Tianxing Ming shook his head and said, "That aura was very unfamiliar to me. It does not belong to one of our saint sons or saintesses. If I am guessing correctly, then it must belong to that hick, who came from another planet."     

A murderous attempt rose from the Sky Rock Elder right away, and he said gloomily, "That damned hick! He killed my disciple, Gravity Saint Son. I will definitely not let him escape from me today."     

The Sky Rock Elder was furious, and he slammed down at the Fallen Immortal Arena with his palm.     

The Sky Rock Elder was a half-immortal master, and he carried immortal energy and the Laws of Greater Dao with him. Therefore, even a Saint planet would be crushed with his slap.     

However, as soon as his hand reached the defensive veil outside the Fallen Immortal Arena, his hand was blocked by the defensive veil. The defensive veil also completely crushed the light that his hand carried.     

A flash of surprise and shock appeared in the Sky Rock Elder's eyes at the same time.     

The Sky Rock Elder muttered, "As expected from a place where Thunder Immortal used to practice back in the Desolation Era. It had been a million years, but the defense is still so powerful that I can't even break it."     

Tianxing Ming glanced at the Sky Rock Elder and said calmly, "Of course you can't break it. You are only a half-immortal master right now, so you have only learned the Laws of Half-immortals, but his place is ruled by the Laws of Immortal. Therefore, even though lots of time have passed, and the Laws of Immortals became weaker, the laws were still at the immortal level."     

After saying that, Tianxing Ming pointed forward slightly with his finger and pierced through the defensive light veil right away.     

But in the next moment, Tianxing Ming quickly retrieved his finger instead of completely breaking the light veil.     

The Sky Rock Elder asked, "Sect Master Ming, why don't you continue your attack and kill that peasant?"     

As soon as the Sky Rock Elder finished his sentence, a five-colored thunderbolt appeared from below. The five-colored thunderbolt was almost a million meters long. It broke out of the void right away and rushed toward Tianxing Ming.     

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