Returning from the Immortal World

Blazing Anger

Blazing Anger

The place on the southern side of the mountain in the center of Mist Source Island was a village with about 2,000 inhabitants, and it was also where the members of the Mexican Reston Mafia were stationed, led by its ruthless second in command, Zhenlei Duomo.     

Zhenlei Duomo had a mysterious origin and, other than the Godfather of the Reston Mafia, the syndicate's first powerhouse was the likes of a dragon that was very difficult to be tracked. Nobody knew Zhenlei Duomo's background and history. Ever since at the age of 12, this person wandered from place to place until eventually moving to Mexico. Rumor had it that she grew up in the most inhuman, cruel lairs and lived in the criminals' havens.     

She was said to be very formidable, powerful enough to make all members of the Reston syndicate who heard her name fear her. Even some organized crime syndicates that were stronger than the Reston dared not easily provoke this mafia not due to its mysterious Godfather, but because of the existence of Zhenlei Duomo.     

The Far East. It was the place Zhenlei Duomo had been dreaming to come back to. But she had never set her foot on any Chinese territory since two decades ago, because she remembered a woman who had supported her until she turned twelve, and also the one who imparted her a magical cultivation technique, had warned her before: Do not enter China again, for your hands are stained with blood.     

But this time, she could not help but make an exception to visit the Far East finally as she believed that Mist Source Island was not Chinese territory. On the one hand, she was instructed by the Godfather to come to this island and seize mineral resources and also seek for wealth. On the other hand, she still harbored hope of finding that woman's traces in this place. Even if she could not meet her, it was enough for her as long as she could find any leads that that woman was still alive.     

Knock! Knock!     

The door was knocked and the voice of her confidant came from outside the door, "Boss, we found traces of battle near the white fog area on the southern side of the mountain nearby. The traces are very strange, though. There are no signs of hot weapons being used. All the traces left on the battle scene are completely caused by cold weapons."     

Zhenlei Duomo flashed before the door in an instant and opened it, grabbed her confidant inside and closed the door a moment after.     

"Are you sure it was done by cold weapons?" asked Zhenlei Duomo coldly.     

Her subordinate felt a chill fill his heart. Though he had long known that Zhenlei Duomo was very powerful and had terrifying power far beyond a normal human being, he still succumbed to fear due to being grabbed inside all of a sudden. He suppressed his fear and braced himself to reply, "Yes. It's a very shocking battle scene. It's like some powerful monster beasts fought there, but from what we inferred, it was not caused by them, so it can only be human beings that did it. No, there were also some divergent races."     

"Speak carefully," said Zhenlei Duomo in a deep voice.     

"We have investigated and found traces of vampires, the likes that of in the legends. And… Elementalists as well. Jinla has checked it out and should be returning soon. She may be able to bring back a more thorough investigation result," said the subordinate.     

A cold glint burst from Zhenlei Duomo's eyes. She had once fought the Bloodkin and Elementalists. She knew that the Bloodkin and Elementalists had terrifying power. Of course, one of the reasons was that her two confidantes were Elementalist themselves, and Jinla was one of them.     

"Go outside and tell Jinla to come to see me once she comes back!"     


As night fell, Zhenlei Duomo stood by the window on the second floor with a solemn expression while looking at the northwest direction. It was the direction of the battle scene left behind at the white misty area on the southern side of the mountain that was reported by her subordinate.     

Suddenly, her face slightly moved and her figure instantly leaped out of the window, appearing in the vicinity about a few hundred meters away from the village. She then looked at the three or four figures who were desperately running away in the distance. She continued flashing forward and then appeared in front of them.     

"What's going on?" While observing her four subordinates with battered bodies, there was a blazing fire ready to burst from her eyes. But she still suppressed the anger inside and asked.     

"Enemies, Boss! Our ten men squad was patrolling nearby, but little did we expect that we'd encounter a group of people. As a result … six of our comrades were killed by them," reported one of the scarred black men.     

Zhenlei Duomo's complexion changed and she asked, "Who are they?"     

"The youth leading them claims to be the only son of Miao Hengfu, the richest man in Mist Source Island… named Miao Wenlei. He's very arrogant and rampant, but his men are very strong. We had some dispute and they attacked us at once…" said the black middle-aged man.     

Zhenlei Duomo's eyes turned cold and she said with a heavy tone, "The richest man in Mist Source Island, huh? Hmph… tell me, where are they heading to and where they should be now?"     

"They headed in reverse with our escape, to the southwest. I don't know where they are now, but the place we fought them was a few kilometers away. It's been only about ten minutes, so they shouldn't be too far from here."     

"All of you go back."     

With that order, Zhenlei Duomo rushed to the southwest direction. She did not display her ghost-like movements in front of her subordinates, but after leaving their sight, she immediately streaked midair and used the tip of her toe to tap on tree branches and move in midair.     

In the southwest of the village, where the terrain had high altitude and had an excellent field of vision, six terrible to look at dead bodies were lying near a towering old tree. Two of them were of holes caused by bullets.     


Zhenlei Duomo's eyelids twitched a few times. She heavily stamped the ground as the soil suddenly cracked and spread out like a spider web. She had a lot of subordinates, and them dying was nothing to speak of. But nearly all the men she brought to Mist Source Island were her trusted subordinates, and training them had never been an easy task.     

But now, six of them suddenly died, whereas the four others were seriously injured. This loss left her somewhat aggrieved and distressed.     

She clenched her fist. Just as she was about to use the communication equipment to contact her men in the base, her eyes suddenly focused on something. She accidentally found a line of profane words engraved on the forehead of one of her subordinate's dead body: MORONS, THIS UNCLE FUCKED YOU UP!     


Zhenlei Duomo turned around and hit the big tree next to her with a heavy punch. The tree trunk that couldn't be embraced by two men was instantly blown off, flying upward and then crashing to the ground and scattering dust.     


Oftentimes, wisdom was much more fearful than combat forces.     

A few kilometers away, Ye Shisan used the infrared high-powered telescope to observe the furious Zhenlei Duomo. He was just joking with Xue Sha, saying that she would stamp her feet in fury when she came to the place where her men were killed. But the result was that she punched and blew up such a towering old tree.     

"She shouldn't be an Elementalist!"     

"She shouldn't be a vampire!"     

Ye Shisan and Zidan, who was also holding binoculars, commented at the same time and similarly fell silent in unison. After a long time and until Zhenlei Duomo's figure disappeared in the distance, only then did Yi Shisan said, "We gotta report this situation to the Boss! That woman has a very powerful strength and is not someone we can contend with. It will be very troublesome if something goes wrong with our plan."     

Zidan himself was someone who did things confidently but also cautiously, so he nodded and said, "Yeah, we might not know much about Miao Hengfu's strength as of yet, but he won't be able to fight Zhenlei Duomo as long as he's an ordinary man. Such a powerhouse can utterly decimate a lot of ordinary people."     

"Boss doesn't have the intention to use the hands of the Reston syndicate to tear up Miao Hengfu's power. Hence you gotta report about this woman to the Boss and we'll then move to carry out the next plan immediately."     

"Got it."     

Wolfpack City.     

The Qingyuan Group was located in the center of the city and covered an enormously vast area. The five four-storied buildings formed a circular shape and enclosed the three-storied building in the middle. The five buildings were connected to an air corridor with the three buildings in the middle. It was shaped like the five dragons holding the beads.     

The top floor of the three-storied building was a private restricted area for Miao Hengfu, the chairman of Qingyuan Group; even the top management of the company was not allowed to there. Here was the place where Miao Hengfu relaxed and entertained himself. The interior decoration here was extravagantly luxurious and complete with all sorts of entertainment facilities. The top management of the Qingyuan group knew something else, however. The third floor was arranged by him to house at least ten beautiful women.     

"Do enjoy life to the fullest while in prime you run high, and never let your goblet to lie idle in the moonlight…"     

It was this line of a poem that Miao Hengfu highly praised, even he especially made the words "enjoy to the fullest" to be incisively showcased vividly. He now cozily nested himself on a soft sofa, enjoying the massage of a beautiful woman and tasted the grapes handed by another beautiful woman with an indescribable leisure manner.     

Ring, ring, ring…     

The rapid ringtone of a mobile phone suddenly rang.     

Miao Hengfu did not move. He did not even lift his eyelids, but the beautiful woman beside him took the phone carefully and then said after seeing the unfamiliar number displayed on the screen, "It's an unfamiliar number."     

"Accept it." Miao Hengfu finally lifted his eyelids and watched as the beauty answered the phone. As she was about to speak, there was a quick roar transmitted from the mobile.     


No voice was heard coming out from the phone after the shrill scream.     

Miao Hengfu's expression greatly changed and he suddenly leaped up from the sofa. With a grim expression, he took his mobile phone and went downstairs to the office on the second floor, where two company executives then immediately followed him.     

"Check out this cell number for me!"     


One of the executives memorized the number and quickly left the office. After a minute or so, however, he rushed back and reported, "Boss, I've already checked it out. It's a private number of a security guard of our company security team. He was assigned to the Flame Team by you."     

"Where's he now?" asked Miao Hengfu in a deep voice.     

The top executive said, "I just inquired about it. The new is… he went out with your son last night and has not returned yet."     

Miao Hengfu's face looked dull and his pupils violently contracted; there were horror and panic in his expression. He immediately took his mobile out to dial his son, Miao Wenlei's number, but nobody answered.     

Something happened!     

Miao Hengfu's heart thumped hard and a bad premonition aroused spontaneously.     

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