The Great Ruler

Northern Heaven Spiritual Academy after Half a Year

Northern Heaven Spiritual Academy after Half a Year

The Northern Heaven Spiritual Academy     

Compared to the Spiritual Academy Competition, which was full of cruel fights, the atmosphere was quite peaceful here. It seemed even the spiritual energy was flowing indolently. The breeze coming from afar made the whole academy quite vibrant and energetic.     

Half a year had passed since the commencement of the Academy Competition.     

When Mu Chen and his teammates had just left for the competition, almost all the students from the academy were eagerly looking forward to hearing good news from them. As time slowly went by, they heard nothing from the Academy Competition, so they had to calm down and resume their daily cultivation. From time to time, they would look up habitually at the ancient bell which was placed at the center of the Northern Heaven Spiritual Academy.     

Once news of the Academy Competition was sent to the academy, the ancient bell would ring.     

However, it was quite disappointing that the ancient bell had been silent for half a year.     

The Northern Heaven Spiritual Academy was full of vigor and vitality. No one, even Mu Chen and his teammates, who were fighting in the Academy Competition, could stop the academy's pace of progress.     

Therefore, after their departure, life in the gigantic academy was still colorful. Countless budding talents kept emerging and making waves in this mighty academy.     

However, no matter how marvelous these new talents and dark horses were, nobody could replace the one who ranked first in the Heaven Rank. Even though he had been absent for half a year.     

It seemed that name had become an insurmountable mountain in front of all the talents of the Northern Heaven Spiritual Academy.     

Even so, these talents didn't give up. The sense of pressure caused by that name had been turned into the impetus of their painstaking cultivation. They kept challenging themselves. Even when they failed, they got up excitedly and told themselves that they were a little bit closer to that name.     

As a result of this zealous atmosphere, more and more people were cultivating in the Spirit Convergence Arrays and the Lightning Territory of the academy. Everyone got more and more crazed in cultivation. The tutors and elders of the Northern Heaven Spiritual Academy were quite gratified to see this proactive situation in the academy.     


Goddess Luo Association, the Northern Heaven Spiritual Academy     

The Goddess Luo Association was headquartered in the central area of the academy where the spiritual energy was much denser than that of the peripheral areas. Student societies that enjoyed such a privilege were quite rare in the academy.     

Outside the headquarters of the Goddess Luo Association, there was still a vast cultivation platform, which stretched into a huge and limpid lake. Faint spiritual clouds formed by dense spiritual energy were drifting above the lake. The whole area was just like a wonderland.     

At this moment, around a thousand people were cultivating on the cultivation platform. The air-rending sounds generated from their practice sessions constantly resounded.     

Within half a year, the Goddess Luo Association had experienced remarkable expansion. After finishing their green-hand period, the newbies who joined this society at the very beginning started to reveal their talents and become radiant in their own way in the Northern Heaven Spiritual Academy.     

Currently, the Goddess Luo Association fully deserved the title as the strongest student society in the Northern Heaven Spiritual Academy.     

The cultivation platform was crowded with members of the Goddess Luo Association, among whom many people kept setting their sights on the central area of the platform during their cultivation. The two beautiful figures at the center of the crowd were naturally the focus of these people.     

One of the two beautiful figures, Su Ling'Er, younger sister of Su Xuan, was quite familiar to everyone. This girl, who used to be difficult, had matured a lot within half a year. Wearing a brilliant red dress, she was still very eye-catching. Her graceful and curvy body, as well as her proud posture, were extraordinarily tempting.     

Su Ling'Er joined the Goddess Luo Association shortly after Mu Chen and his teammates left for the Academy Competition. Her joining was widely welcomed in the Goddess Luo Association. After all, Su Ling'Er could be regarded as a celebrity in the Northern Heaven Academy. Many people adored her, so her joining could further strengthen the Goddess Luo Association.     

Another beautiful figure was Yu Xi, a young girl also from the Northern Spiritual Academy, who greeted Mu Chen before he left for the Academy Competition.     

She was quite young, maybe about the same age as Sun'Er. However, Yu Xi had become the most renowned person in the Goddess Luo Association. After entering the Northern Heaven Spiritual Academy, Yu Xi started to reveal her extraordinary talents. Within half a year, she had catapulted from nobody to second place in the Spirit Ranking.     

The first place was the record created by Mu Chen at that time.     

Her pace of progress, which might be a little bit slower than Mu Chen's, was amazing enough. If Mu Chen could be regarded as the representation of his contemporaries, it was highly possible that Yu Xi would stand at the top spot among all new students.     

Maybe Mu Chen's position could be replaced by Yu Xi in two years. Of course, Mu Chen would have long left the Northern Heaven Spiritual Academy by then.     

At this moment, Yu Xi was sitting on a huge rock on the cultivation platform. She rested her slim arms on the rock. Her green dress made her slender and graceful body slimmer. Her pretty face was so striking that many people were looking at her.     

In the Goddess Luo Association, a busybody fabricated a so-called title of, "Three Fairies of the Goddess Luo Association." Naturally Su Ling'Er and Yu Xi were part of this title, and the last position was given to Sun'Er.     

Most of the time, Sun'Er was learning spiritual arrays from Ling Xi. Although the progress of her spiritual energy cultivation was not very prominent, thanks to her extraordinary talent in the spiritual array, she had progressed tremendously in the cultivation of spiritual arrays in half a year. Recently, during a random practice session, she even made a sensation in the academy by defeating a senior who ranked tenth in the Heaven Rank.     

Therefore, the most famous people in the Goddess Luo Association were not those seniors but these three girls who were as beautiful as flowers.     

Yu Xi was sitting on a cold rock. She had just finished her cultivation. Now she was carefully bending her slender, jade-like legs. She rested her cute and round chin on her knees. Her big, ebony eyes drifted to the ancient bell which was on a mountain in the center of the academy. The adorable sights around her didn't draw any of her attention.     

Beside Yu Xi, Su Ling'Er was also raising her head, looking at that ancient bell with her beautiful eyes. Her always-lively expression was now very calm as if she were thinking about something.     

"Hehe, you two are missing Mu Chen again, right?" Suddenly tender laughter came through. Yu Xi and Su Ling'Er raised their heads hurriedly and saw Ye Qingling standing aside and smiling at them.     

"No one misses that guy!" Su Ling'Er said, pouting her lips. "I was wondering how my elder sister and her teammates are at this moment…"     

"No, no…"     

Yu Xi's pretty face was flushed. She waved her hands hurriedly and her big eyes were avoiding eye contact, which made her statements less persuasive. To be exact, she had only met Mu Chen once. However, Mu Chen's name couldn't be more familiar to her. Since she entered the Northern Spiritual Academy, she heard the legendary stories of Mu Chen constantly. Even now that she had entered the Northern Heaven Spiritual Academy, what she saw and heard were still the dazzling achievements of this young man. Of course, she had to admit that she was totally shocked by the breathtaking fight through which Mu Chen grabbed the first place of the Heaven Rank from Shen Cangsheng.     

At that time, she was greatly impressed by that slender figure, which was full of high-spirited fighting will. Of course, that day Mu Chen was really in good shape. It might be assumed that his figure was imprinted in the hearts of many girls of the Northern Heaven Spiritual Academy that day.     

"Sister Ye, do you think Brother Mu Chen and his teammates could enter the final match?" Yu Xi hesitated a bit but couldn't help finally asking with a blush.     

Ye Qingling also sat down beside them. With eyes fixed on that quiet ancient bell, she was silent for a while. Then she said, "I've heard that the Academy Competition of this time is the most hotly contested one compared to the competitions held in the past decade."     

With their expressions changed a bit, Yu Xi and Su Ling'Er were biting their lips slightly. They certainly knew Mu Chen's strength, but they also knew Mu Chen's opponents during this Academy Competition were all the most gifted students from other academies. It was not a simple task to stand out from the fierce competition.     

"Brother Mu Chen and his teammates will certainly enter the final match!" Yu Xi said firmly, clenching her little fists. She couldn't believe in her heart that invincible figure could be defeated by others.     

"We all hope so!" Ye Qingling rubbed Yu Xi's head. Several days ago, Sun'Er told Ye Qingling that an extremely gifted guy emerged in the Saint Spiritual Academy whose name was Ji Xuan. This guy had a long-standing feud with Mu Chen. The elders of the Northern Heaven Spiritual Academy even talked about this Ji Xuan with dignified expressions, which could well illustrate his formidable strength. An opponent of Mu Chen's like Ji Xuan really made them uneasy.     

Although Mu Chen was also quite powerful, could he defeat that fearsome guy who could even worry the elders of the academy?     

Ye Qingling sighed slightly in her heart and felt a little bit uneasy.     

It seemed Yu Xi and Su Ling'Er had sensed Ye Qingling's anxiety, so they fell into silence after making eye contact.     


When they stayed silent, suddenly an ancient and distant bell's ring resounded between heaven and earth.     

The ring of the bell boomed across the whole Northern Heaven Spiritual Academy. The academy, which was quite noisy and vibrant before, quieted down immediately. Countless students stared at each other vacantly. After a short while, they came to themselves and realized the meaning of the bell's ring.     

On that rock, Ye Qingling, Yu Xi and Su Ling'Er were also frozen for a while. Then they raised their heads and fixed their beautiful eyes on that giant ancient bell in surprise. Excitement and strained expectation showed on their pretty faces.     

Whoosh! Whoosh!     

Above the academy, ubiquitous air-rending sounds were echoing suddenly. The whole academy was crazy about the ring of the bell.     

Everyone knew what the ring of that bell stood for…     

The final match of the Academy Competition had begun!     

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