The Great Ruler




The melodious ring of the ancient bell resounded between heaven and earth. The mighty Northern Heaven Spiritual Academy fell into silence. However, the silence only lasted for a short while before being broken by the world-shaking exclamations.     

The final match of the Academy Competition, for which they had been waiting for half a year, was finally commencing.     

The whole Northern Heaven Spiritual Academy was inflamed by this hot atmosphere. Consumed by expectation and anxiety, numerous students were looking with great intensity in the direction where the ancient bell was located.     

They wondered very much about the recent developments of the two teams fighting in the competition that were representing their academy.     


Air-rending sounds were resounding between heaven and earth. A dense mass of people was gathering in the sky. At the entrance of the Lightning Territory, the students who planned to cultivate in the Lightning Territory turned back simultaneously and dashed excitedly towards the ancient bell.     

News was spreading quickly, even into the Lightning Territory and the Spirit Convergence Array. People who were in seclusion for their painstaking cultivation were awakened. When they heard the news that the final match of the Academy Competition had commenced, all the them stood up excitedly and dashed to the Northern Heaven Academy without thinking about their cultivation.     

The atmosphere in the academy climaxed at this moment.     

While this boiling atmosphere was permeating the academy, on a distant mountain, a gate which was always closed was opened. A graceful and beautiful figure walked quickly out of the yard.     

The beautiful figure was wearing a white dress. Her black hair was cascading to her tiny waist. She was holding an ancient scroll imprinted with complicated spiritual array patterns in her jade-like hands. Normally her face was filled with apathy as if nothing in this world could attract her attention. Now her face was extraordinarily elegant and pretty.     

Her always-apathetic face was uncommonly vivid. A glint of rejoicing was seen in her beautiful eyes.     

Standing outside the yard, she raised her head and looked with her beautiful eyes in the direction of that ancient bell. Her red lips formed a charming smile, making her incredibly beautiful.     

"Sister Ling Xi, can Brother Mu Chen enter the final match?" Behind Ling Xi, Sun'Er wore a black ponytail and was blinking her big eyes. Her pretty face was also filled with excitement. After half a year's waiting, finally they got news of Mu Chen.     

"Of course!" Ling Xi replied without any hesitation. As the son of Aunt Jing, how difficult could it be for Mu Chen to enter the final match of the Academy Competition?     

Although Ling Xi was clear about how fierce the competition was, she had transferred some of her excessive admiration and reverence of Aunt Jing to Mu Chen. Therefore, she didn't believe Mu Chen was inferior to any of his peers.     

Sun'Er giggled, covering her mouth with her hands. "It seems Sister Ling Xi is most confident about Brother Mu Chen. Previously, even the Chief and other Elders of our academy worried about Brother Mu Chen because one of his opponents was really powerful.     

"In addition, Sister Ling Xi never laughed since the departure of Brother Mu Chen. Now you are so delightful as soon as you hear news about him."     

Ling Xi's pretty face flushed a bit. Then she squinted her beautiful eyes slightly and tossed an ill-disposed glare at Sun'Er. "It seems the time you spent in the Spiritual Array House last time was too short. Next time I will double the time for you."     

"Ah? No, I was wrong, Sister Ling Xi!" Sun'Er said pitifully, immediately turning pale.     

Ling Xi tapped her slender finger lightly on Sun'Er's smooth forehead before letting her go. Her beautiful eyes, which were fixed on the ancient bell, became more solemn. After restoring calm, she had also realized Mu Chen's hardship in this competition.     

After all, the one whose name was Ji Xuan was really a tough opponent. Now he might be as strong as some elders of the Northern Heaven Spiritual Academy.     

Ling Xi had no doubt that Mu Chen would lead his team to enter the final match. However, if he encountered Ji Xuan, a fierce fight would be inevitable.     

Ji Xuan was so gifted that he could even be considered a pretty good genius in some time-honored clans.     


When the atmosphere in the Northern Heaven Spiritual Academy climaxed, several figures flew out from a vast hall of the academy and stood in the air. The one standing in the front was Chief Tai Cang.     

At this moment, Chief Tai Cang was also nervously looking at the ancient bell. The two teams representing the Northern Heaven Spiritual Academy were powerful and strong. However, Chief Tai Cang and some of the other Elders also knew this Academy Competition could be considered the most contested competition with the most powerful contestants in the past dozen years.     

Hence, it was not an easy task to achieve accomplishments in this Academy Competition.     

Nevertheless, no matter how difficult it was, Mu Chen and his teammates had to fight, for the result of this Academy Competition was directly related to whether the Northern Heaven Spiritual Academy could maintain their title as one of the Five Great Academies.     

If they lost this honorary title, it would be a serious blow for all the students in the Northern Heaven Spiritual Academy. Chief Tai Cang and other elders couldn't imagine how low the morale in the academy would be then.     

It would strike a fatal blow to the Northern Heaven Spiritual Academy.     

Chief Tai Cang made eye contact with Hall Master Mo You and the other elders. All of them could sense solemnity in each other's eyes.     

"Chief, it's about time to activate the passage to the arena," Hall Master Mo You said in a low voice. It was useless to worry at this moment. They had to activate the passage to the arena and then they could know whether Mu Chen and his teammates had achieved good results.     

Chief Tai Cang nodded slightly. He then changed the spiritual seals and a beam of spiritual light shot out from his fingertip like a shooting star flying in the sky. Finally, the spiritual light hit the ancient bell heavily.     


The bell's melodious ring resounded again.     

Hum! Hum!     

As the bell was rung again, suddenly golden light gushed out from the ancient bell like tidewater. It seemed the sky and earth were inundated with the golden light.     

The golden light was gathering slowly in the sky and finally formed a golden passage by twisting the space.     

"This passage leads to the Arena, which is a small space where the final match of the Academy Competition will be held. All students, except for freshmen, can enter the Arena. Disorderly behaviors are not allowed in the Arena. Offenders will be punished according to the discipline of the academy." Chief Tai Cang looked around the whole academy. His vigorous and firm voice was echoing in everyone's ears.     


Upon hearing his words, numerous students nodded excitedly in agreement, except for the new students who were whining sadly. They knew they could also watch the match through the light screen projection in the academy. However, the light screen projection could never compare to watching the match in person.     

Chief Tai Cang ignored their whines. He took the lead and turned himself into a light beam and then dashed into the golden passage. Behind him, Hall Master Mo You followed him closely.     

Whoosh! Whoosh!     

The area was filled with the ubiquitous air-rending sound. In the mighty Northern Heaven Spiritual Academy, crowds of people jumped into the sky and dashed into the golden passage like a swarm of locusts.     

On that mountain, Ling Xi hesitated a little bit when she saw that golden passage.     

"Sister Ling Xi, let's also go! I really want to know how Brother Mu Chen is now." Blinking her big eyes, Sun'Er pulled Ling Xi's sleeve.     

Upon hearing her words, Ling Xi instantly raised her pretty brows and then said as if nothing had happened, "Fine. Since you want to have a look, I will take you there."     

When she was speaking, she noticed Sun'Er was covering her mouth, giggling. Ling Xi's face was a bit flushed before glowering at Sun'Er. Even this little girl had started to make fun of her.     

Holding Sun'Er's little hand, Ling Xi waved her hand and dashed out by turning into a beam of light.     

"Let's also go!"     

In the headquarters of the Goddess Luo Association, Ye Qingling also said excitedly.     

"But I am a new student!" Pouting her little lips, Yu Xi almost burst into tears.     

"Don't worry. You could sneak your way in. The guys from the Punishment Hall are watching. However, they will show due respect to people from the Goddess Luo Association. The three seniors of the Punishment Hall have all been defeated by Mu Chen before, so they will not stop you," Su Ling'Er said with a charming smile.     

"Alright." After hesitating a bit, Yu Xi nodded, clenching her teeth, for her emotion had prevailed over reason.     

"Let' s go!" Waving her hand, Ye Qingling took the lead and dashed out, closely followed by Yu Xi and Su Ling'Er. The three of them merged into the tremendous group of light beams and dashed into the golden passage.     

When they were entering the golden passage, Ye Qingling, Yu Xi and Su Ling'Er could clearly sense the violent space fluctuation. Their eyes were filled with golden light, which made them a little bit dizzy.     

Luckily, the dizziness only lasted a short while. The golden light in their eyes gradually receded. The landscape ahead started to change and they also started to open their mouths wide.     

In front of them, there was a vast area between heaven and earth, which was inundated with the earth-shattering noise.     

Looking around, the immense crowd of people seemed to be boundless.     

In the distant sky, there were also golden, spiral passages, through which numerous people gushed out. Apparently, according to their garments, they were students of other spiritual academies.     

Almost all large spiritual academies could activate the passage to the Arena, so that their students could enter and enjoy the final match.     

The huge crowds of people were quite distinct from each other. Students of each spiritual academy gathered in one area and stood in the air in formidable arrays, which were quite spectacular.     

Ye Qingling, Yu Xi and Su Ling'Er were also dumbfounded by this grand scene. After a while, they came to themselves and started to look ahead. A gigantic golden stone platform was floating between heaven and earth. Around the stone platform, a golden light cover completely separated the inside area of the stone platform from the outside.     

Whoosh! Whoosh!     

When the area between heaven and earth was occupied by huge crowds of people, golden light suddenly fell from the sky outside the golden stone platform. When the golden light dissipated, many teams in different garments appeared.     

These were all the teams participating in the Academy Competition.     

Numerous people full of admiration fixed their eyes on these teams. These teams participated in the competition by representing their academies. They deserved the respect of everyone in the audience, whether these teams were from their academies or not.     


The ancient bell was rung again.     

This time, almost everyone cast their burning gazes on the most central area of that gigantic battle stage where golden light started to blossom.     

The noisy crowds of people calmed down abruptly. Everyone was opening their eyes wide because they knew the strongest top eight teams, which had entered the final match, would appear next.     

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