Otherworldly Evil Monarch

Heaven as Chessboard, Stars as Chess Pieces

Heaven as Chessboard, Stars as Chess Pieces

If he did not say this sentence, although Qi Wanjie was cautious, he wouldn't help but suspect the authenticity of this. But Jun Moxie had said so frankly, causing Qi Wanjie's suspicions to be reduced greatly, and the caution in his heart to increase nine folds!     

An ordinary chess player would not dare to casually speak of the name of the Grandmaster of the art of Chess, just like how a top expert in Mystic cultivation did not dare to blaspheme the Nine Nether First Young Master. But Jun Moxie was mentioning Hua Wucuo so casually right now, so there could only be one reason: that is Jun Moxie was really not bothered by Hua Wucuo, or at the very least, he didn't view Hua Wucuo as an existence that he could not surpass!     

If that were truly the case, what did this suggest! Could it be that Mo Junye's skills at chess were at such a terrifying standard?!     

"I believe Brother Mo is not someone that nonsensical!" Qi Wanjie's tone instantly weakened by three folds.     

"Brother Qi doesn't have to be concerned; I'm ashamed to be saying this. Back then, I had played three rounds against Hua Wucuo… Hahaha, without a choice, losing with a difference of a single piece… Hua Wucuo's chess skills are truly worthy of being number one across all times! Truly, no one can compare ah! I am fascinated in the path of chess and rarely get defeated, but when met with true experts, I still can't avoid defeat! Today, I am fortunate enough to meet the chess champion of the Misty Illusory Manor, so I hope that Brother Qi can defeat me, just like Brother Hua did!" Jun Moxie said slowly, in a tone as if he were recalling the past.     

Qi Wanjie was speechless. But the look of caution in his eyes got heavier and heavier!     

He, against Hua Wucuo, managed to determine a victor after three rounds! In other words, amongst the three games, he had won once! I may not have met Hua Wucuo, and never played against him, but I studied all the chess records of matches that Hua Wucuo had played before. Although it isn't all of it, at the very least, there are about eighty or ninety percent of it…     

Hua Wucuo's skills are indeed a profound mystery, and his manner of playing chess is majestic and upright. He is definitely not one who avoids dangers and demands for a fluke, and he has great foresight; in his magnanimity, there is no lack of meticulousness. If not for this, how could he create the legendary record of never being defeated. I may be conceited, but I do admit that I am not as good as this person!     

And this Mo Junye is actually capable of playing against Hua Wucuo for three rounds, only losing the long match with a difference of a single piece… That meant that his chess skills are rather close to Hua Wucuo's. Even though there is a difference, it shouldn't be big… Then doesn't mean that me playing with an expert like this has no chance of victory?     

"Back then, when the game ended, Brother Wu Cuo deeply moved, said…" Jun Moxie maintained his mile, addressing that Chess Saint he had never met before as 'Brother Wu Cuo'. "The thousand years history is often empty; the world from ancient times to now is merely a game of chess!"     

"The thousand years history is often empty; the world from ancient times to now is merely a game of chess!" Qi Wanjie silently repeated, suddenly feeling sweat trickle down. His gaze began to look flustered. Because he could tell from this simple poetic line, the magnanimity of this Chess Saint Hua Wucuo!     

The art of chess had an inseparable relationship with the breadth of mind of the person himself. If one's breadth of mind was not wide enough, then he would only be focused on the gains and losses in that moment. He would forever be unable to achieve great achievements in the path of chess. But if you only focused on the greater picture and forgot about the momentarily gains and losses, you would forever be unable to obtain victory…     

Only when both of these were combined perfectly, could the person be a top chess player in name and meaning!     

Qi Wanjie knew that he was still far from reaching this level!     

The world from ancient times to now is merely a game of chess! What sort of open mindedness is this!     

"I admit that I'm nowhere near Senior Hua's breadth of mind…" Qi Wanjie sighed, feeling his iron fortress of confidence unconsciously developing an opening… Through the recount by the other party, it was slowly breaking down…     

"After Brother Wu Cuo exclaimed, he suddenly burst out in laughter and said, Little Mo, this old man suddenly thought of a first line of a couplet. I've met you today, so I shall test you: how's that?" Jun Moxie noticed the falter in Qi Wanjie's mental state, secretly rejoicing internally. But he did not show it on his face and calmly continued to chase after this cornered enemy.     

"May I ask what is that first line of the couplet?" Qi Wanjie couldn't help but ask. He was not the only one curious; everyone present perked up their ears. Jun Moxie was one who knew how to tell stories; this story that had never happened before, through his performance, had become one that was vividly realistic, causing everyone who was present to feel the urge to continue listening.     

Anyone who heard of this would feel that this was something that had truly happened before! Everyone's feeling was the same as Qi Wanjie, not believing it at first, then skeptical, then suspicious, then to the state of believing it completely…     

"En, I had also asked Brother Wu Cuo this same question. 'What is the first line of the couplet?" Jun Moxie revealed a look of admiration. "Brother Wu Cuo said: Heaven as the chessboard, stars as chess pieces. Who is able to play it?"     

"This is the first line of the couplet!" After Jun Moxie had said this, the entire place was silent. Everyone had a frown as they dwelled in deep thoughts.     

"Heaven as the chessboard, stars as chess pieces. Who is able to play it?! How magnanimous is this line of a couplet ah…" Qi Wanjie let out a long sigh as he focused in his thoughts. He had always thought highly of himself, and his goal in life was to overtake Senior Hua Wucuo. Now Hua Wucuo had come up with a first line of a couplet, he naturally would have to work out the next line that matched it. If he couldn't come up with it, then didn't that mean that he had no hopes of catching up to Hua Wucuo in this entire life?     

Right now, although he was sitting before the chessboard, there was no longer any desire to win or lose in his heart. Or perhaps to say, he had completely forgotten about this match. All his mind was preoccupied about this first line of the couplet!     

Qi Wanjie was not like Lin Qing Yin. He had his position as the chess champion of the Misty Illusory Manor. Even the powerful Zhan Family could not threaten and force him. But he had his weaknesses. Zhan Yushu had given him many things and promised him more, as long as he helped the Zhan Family win the Free and Natural Physique. Then, he could gain countless benefits, and that was what he had always dreamt of obtaining.     

Power, position, beauty, money… As long as he won today, Zhan Yushu would absolutely give it to him!     

These were things that people could not get even if they worked hard for the entire life! Naturally, Qi Wanjie desired it!     

But the thing he desired the most was still the highest honor and repute from the art of chess—to challenge Hua Wucuo and defeat Hua Wucuo! This was the highest ambition and ideal he had been chasing after since young!     

Between these two things, there was no place for them to be compared together!     

Everyone present was a talent, some in literature and poetry. Even those judges were all furrowing their brows and mumbling to themselves. This was a first line of a couplet that had come from the Chess Saint! And the open heartedness hidden in the meaning of this line made those who were listening feel deeply moved!     

Heaven as the chessboard, stars as chess pieces. Who is able to play it?     

The first line of a couplet like this, so absolute in its words. Who could be capable of matching it?     

Qi Wanjie's mind began to wander, completely engrossed in his thoughts. Unknowingly, a thin layer of sweat had formed on his forehead and his complexion began to turn pale. Amongst all those present here, there was no doubt that he was the one most bothered by this!     

Because this half of a couplet had come from Hua Wucuo!     

Just at this moment, he only heard Mo Junye sighly regrettably. "It's a pity… Brother Wu Cuo has come up with this first line for me, but even until now, I still haven't been able to think of the next line that follows… Ai…" This sigh sounded full of disappointment.     

Qi Wanjie jolted to his senses. He couldn't suppress a smirk that was appearing on his face. If you're capable of matching it, then will I still be able to shine? If only you can't come up with it, yet I just managed to, then it'll prove that I'm stronger than you! It'll prove that I'm on the same level as Hua Wucuo and stand above you…     

Hua Wucuo, the Chess Saint—how the rest of the world knows him as. I refuse to accept it! The absolute line that you've come up with, I will match it no matter what! Just like your reputation of the supreme Chess Saint! One day, sooner or later, it will become mine! It'll belong to I, Qi Wanjie!     

Qi Wanjie was squeezing all his brain juice thinking of how to come up with a line that matched this first line of the couplet…     

Just when his brain was about to turn into knots from his thinking, he suddenly heard a pa sound from in front of him. Mo Junye asked. "Brother Qi, when are you planning to make me wait until? When will this game of chess begin?"     

Qi Wanjie opened his eyes in a daze, only realizing that he was sitting before a chessboard, and the prodigy with the Free and Natural Physique was seated opposite him, looking at him with a sharp look in his eyes.     

He was holding onto a bunch of chess pieces in his hands, clearly waiting for Qi Wanjie to start…     

"Do what?" Qi Wanjie asked in a daze. He had not completely snapped out of the thoughts of the couplet yet.     

"Determine who to go first ah… Don't tell me you don't even know this?" Jun Moxie was cackling away inwardly. Looks like this fellow's mind has wandered off already…     

"Who goes first?… Oh, yes yes, who gets to go first." Qi Wanjie subconsciously picked up a chess piece from the container and placed it on the chessboard.     

Jun Moxie opened up his hand, and the chess pieces scattered onto the chessboard. "One pair, two pairs, three pairs… Just nice; there are six, looks like I've set up the game. Brother Qi, I've gone easy already…"     

"Oh…" Qi Wanjie was still deep in his thoughts. Heaven as the chessboard, stars as chess pieces. Who is able to play it? Who is able to play it? A line that was impossible to be matched, so how could a correct second line be produced? And what sort of item would be able to match the beauty of the heavens and stars? The stars are the chess pieces; the heaven is the board. How was it to be rhymed?     

Another pa sound rang out, and when he looked over, there was one more black piece on the chessboard, landing on the top right star point.     

The opponent had struck!     

Qi Wanjie suddenly regained a moment of clarity in his mind, and without any hesitation, he matched a piece at the bottom left corner.     

Pa! Another black chess piece landed on the top left star point!     

"What sort of beginning is this?" Qi Wanjie had become famous through chess, but he had never met with such an odd way of opening a game. This position was a little far to be said to be keeping to the corner… calling it surrounding the center, it's not quite… if it's occupying the sides… it still doesn't make sense…     

In the art of chess, there was a saying of 'the corners are gold, the sides are silver, and the center is grass; yet the opponent's current tactics at placing his pieces was beyond all of Qi Wanjie's prior knowledge and comprehension.     

What he didn't know was that it was the one thing he had never seen before. But placing the pieces at the star points was the best method that had been invented after hundreds of years of watching from the corners, aiming for the sides and dominating the center!     

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