Otherworldly Evil Monarch

I Already Have a Husband...

I Already Have a Husband...

The old man was an exceptional assassin himself. But all the orphans he had trained, including Jun Moxie himself, the manner, method, and means he employed… was he really training assassins?     

Maybe he was, maybe he wasn't. But Jun Moxie would never have the opportunity to get the answer to this question anymore…     

But he was ultimately firm on one thing: even if they were sick of being an assassin, one day, all those who had gone through the old man's training would be able to live well, no matter which profession they turned into!     

That freakish strictness of the old man, that abusive manner of supervision had made all of them learn too many things! And all knowledge was accompanied by unforgettable pain, so even if they wished to forget it, they couldn't. These were all things that had been branded deep into the soul…     

When they go out there for real, they'll realize that there were so many things that they are capable of doing, capable of accomplishing well…     

In fact, before Jun Xie, there were some seniors who had mentioned to the old man that they didn't want to be an assassin anymore. They wanted to settle down peacefully and lead a normal life. Jun Moxie had never found out how the old man settled that bunch of people. And the old man had never brought it up before. But the old man had worn an odd expression back then…     

But after a period of time, under Jun Xie's intentional investigation, he realized that all the information on those people, their profile, the missions they had carried out, everything related to their past as an assassin, had all vanished without a trace…     

What did this mean? What did it ultimately mean? Was it all completely erased, or were they thoroughly destroyed? But there was one thing for sure—as long as those things no longer existed, there was no one else who would be able to dig out any evidence of their past crimes!     

At the very least, they no longer had to live on the edge for their lives!     

Jun Moxie let out a long sigh. Old man, you, what kind of person are you exactly?…     

Then, Jun Moxie opened his eyes only to realize the gaze of the seven women were all fixated on him. Even Miao Xiaomiao and Qiao Ying as well… In all their beautiful eyes, were looks of surprise, disbelief, and great admiration…     

"Brother Moxie…" Dugu Xiaoyi's voice was still quivering as she spoke. "This song is really good… I cried from listening to it…"     

"That's right, ah…" All the women began to discuss it enthusiastically. Only Guan Qinghan and Miao Xiaomiao picked up a piece of paper, as if they were trying to record something down. Obviously, they were recording down this 'Transformation into Butterflies'. It was a regrettable matter if a meaningful and beautiful song like this was lost…     

"This Liang Shan Bo is really pitiful. It's a pity he doesn't know Mystic cultivation; otherwise, this sort of family like Zhu Ying Tai's would be trying to curry favor him by offering their daughter…"     

"He is also really foolish… to not discover that Zhu Ying Tai is a girl when they spent three years together…"     

"The most despicable person is still that Ma Wen Cai! Brother Moxie, since you knew of this matter, why didn't you kill that Ma Wen Cai? Why should that sort of scum be kept around!"     

"That's right! This sort of person truly deserves to die!"     

"All in all, Liang Shan Bo and Zhu Ying Tai, this pair of unfortunate couple is the most pitiful. Thankfully they ultimately got to be together. I hope that the Heavens will have pity and let them be husband and wife in all their future lives…"     

Even Mei Xueyan was moved as she let out a long sigh. "Moxie, where did you hear this story from? It is really moving."     

"Um… I also heard of this story by chance; not many people know of it… It should be something that happened in a very remote place, so it did not spread far…" Jun Moxie stammered a reply.     

Guan Qinghan added. "As it should be. We may be extremely upset hearing this story. But if this story reached the ears of the influential families, they would definitely criticize the Butterfly Lovers. In their eyes, the ones who are truly disgraceful are the Butterfly Lovers! It is a rarity for this story to have circulated…"     

Jun Moxie was surprised. He had not expected Guan Qinghan to have this sort of cognition! However, what she said was the truth.     

"Manor Lord Jun… is truly impressive!" Miao Xiaomiao looked at Jun Moxie, completely convinced. "Your talent is comparable to my husband. You may be slightly inferior, but you've already surpassed plenty of others already…"     

Jun Moxie did know whether to laugh or cry. This lass truly had high regards of Mo Junye. He had already brought 'The Butterfly Lovers' out, and it was only 'comparable' and 'slightly inferior'… This was too depressing and awkward…     

This lass is still being stubborn! Dugu Xiaoyi discreetly clicked her tongue. All the other women had a contented look on their faces. Clearly they had all taken this song 'Transformation into Butterflies' as their victory!     

It was obvious. This song was more moving than the Song of the Burial of Flowers, and more touching as well. The only slight imperfection was that it's lyrics were a little inferior… but it was not that far off.     

Dugu Xiaoyi was obviously satisfied.     

"Sister Qinghan, have you recorded it already? From now on, we can only count on you to play it to hear it already." Dugu Xiaoyi called out.     

"Why go through the trouble? Why not just have Manor Lord Jun sing it for you?" Miao Xiaomiao tried to dug Jun Moxie's grave deeper.     

"Him? Tch! This fellow is so lazy. Aside from when he is chasing skirts of those that he has yet to charm, or occasionally when he is forced into a corner like this today, trying to get him to do anything is even more difficult than trying to ascend to the heavens! I wouldn't dare to have that sort of luxurious hope!" Dugu Xiaoyi grumbled.     

Then, Dugu Xiaoyi said mischievously, "Sister Xiaomiao, let me tell you, all men are the same. That husband of yours may have written poems and composed songs for you, hehe, now that you've caved in, I doubt he will compose any songs for you anymore… Only those that have yet to fall into their grasp are worth treasuring…"     

"No! Junye is not that sort of person!" Miao Xiaomiao replied confidently with a smile. Did you all think that he is the same as your unfaithful Evil Monarch? My Junye is loving, devoted, and loyal…     

"Hahaha…" Upon hearing this, Dugu Xiaoyi, Ke'er and everyone else burst into giggles.     

Even Mei Xueyan and Guan Qinghan couldn't help but break out into a smile.     

Seeing that Guan Qinghan was almost down recording things down, Mei Xueyan said. "Alright, let us go outside while you guys stay here. Moxie, didn't you have something to speak to Miss Miao about? We shan't bother your discussion!"     

Then all the women got up and left, Mei Xueyan remembered to bring Qiao Ying along with them. So instantly, only Jun Moxie and Miao Xiaomiao were left alone in the entire room.     

The women all had an odd look in their eyes when they were leaving, as if they were waiting for a joke to happen. The way Jun Moxie looked at Miao Xiaomiao was even more ambiguous…     

This sort of look had really left Miao Xiaomiao flustered and panicking. As the saying goes, you can't judge a person by his appearance, this Jun Moxie may look handsome, but Miao Xiaomiao knew nothing about how he was on the inside. If this person was truly like how Mo Wudao described, then what should she do?     

And in this moment where Miao Xiaomiao was stunned, the entire room was emptied, making Miao Xiaomiao even more flustered.     

"Jun… Manor Lord Jun… Y-you, what do you want to speak to me about? Can't it be said before all the other Elder sisters?" Miao Xiaomiao's panic was written all over her face. It looked like this lass had already made preparations to just run off anytime.     

As long as Jun Moxie made any action that went beyond his boundaries, this lass would probably dash her way out. At the very least, she would scream 'Help me!'     

Miao Xiaomiao could not be blamed for being this scared. It was truly because someone's image was a little too notorious!     

"I only wish to have a chat, haha, no need to be so nervous." Jun Moxie was also thinking. How should I breach the topic?     

"Hm? I… I already have a husband! He loves me very much, and I also love him, I… I won't like anyone else! My husband has the legendary Free and Natural Physique and is very amazing! Y-you… don't you dare try anything!" Upon hearing that he wanted to 'chat', Miao Xiaomiao felt even more afraid. It's our first meaning and you want to 'chat'? What can I chat with you about?!     

"Cough cough, I know you already have a husband…" Jun Moxie thought internally. Your husband is right in front of you, but you can't even recognize him…     

"I say… Xiaomiao… You…" Jun Moxie shook his hands helplessly.     

"Shut up!" Miao Xiaomiao has already exploded. She yelled with a cold look on her face: "Manor Lord Jun, I respect you, but please don't go overboard! The Evil Monarch Manor is powerful, but the Misty Illusory Manor is definitely not to be messed with! Manor Lord Jun should be more careful when it comes to addressment! Addressing me as 'Xiaomiao' is not something any random person can use!"     

Her face was cold and stern. When facing this mighty Evil Monarch, she did not hold back and criticized him harshly!     

"Actually that Mo Junye is also not that good. Let's not talk about his looks, he is merely a Golden Mystic; is there a need to treat him like a treasure? Even if he has that legendary Free and Natural Physique, it'll still take another hundred years for him to reach my current level. Look at me, aren't I more powerful than him? If you don't believe, you can see for yourself…" Jun Moxie said shamelessly with a grin.     

"Manor Lord Jun, do you truly wish to trigger a war between the two sides?" Miao Xiaomiao looked at him icily. "Whether Mo Junye is good or not, what has that got to do with you? Why should my husband be sullied by you like this! I only feel that Manor Lord Jun is too confident. In my eyes, you're nowhere near my Junye!"     

Jun Moxie was completely speechless. It was too awkward. There was no way to continue this conversation! Then, an idea struck him. He looked at the stern Miao Xiaomiao and said softly, "After going through the Heavenly Tribulation, our bodies are so dirty. There is a small pond over there; why don't we wash each other's backs?"     

It was what Mo Junye had said after Miao Xiaomiao underwent the tribulations!     

"You lecher!… Ah! You?" Miao Xiaomiao subconsciously began to scold but she immediately noticed something was wrong. She widened her eyes and looked at Jun Moxie. This sentence of 'washing each others' backs' was something that she would never forget!     

Because after this sentence, her virginity was taken away by someone…     

"En. Heaven as the chessboard, stars as chess pieces. Who is able to play it? The land be the pipa, path be the string, who dares to play?" Jun Moxie looked at Miao Xiaomiao and gave a gentle smile. "Thunder as the battle drums, lightning as the flags, who dares to battle?"     

Miao Xiaomiao's body shook violently as she almost fell to the ground, letting out some incoherent noises as her eyes filled with confusion.     

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