Otherworldly Evil Monarch

Driving Out All Mystic Beasts from Heavenly Punishment!

Driving Out All Mystic Beasts from Heavenly Punishment!

Mo Wudao said seriously, "If we can win the battle, it will be very beneficial to us! There would be ample Mystic Cores produced by the level nine top rank beasts! There might even be Mystic Cores from higher level beast kings… All of them will beef up our strength!"     

Huyan Aobo rolled his eyes. "If the situation is not positive, we should join in ourselves!"     

"Join in the battle ourselves?" Xi Ruochen looked at him with contempt. "Are you really becoming an idiot by pretending to be an idiot all day long? Do you know the consequences if we join in? It will ignite the Heavenly Punishment Forest! If we don't join, there can still be a retreat. Do you understand?"     

Huyan Aobo was maddened. "Stop speaking in such a tone! Or I will not hesitate to be unfriendly to you!"     

Xi Ruochen held up his cup as he snorted. He took a sip and said, "Unfriendly? Were you ever friendly to me?"     

"We will each send two Venerables and at least fifty Superior Supremes for the battle of Blizzard Silver City." Mo Wudao was tired of their arguments, so he made the final decision for them.     

"Sure. Sigh, the two members from the Xiao Family in the Supreme Golden City come to me everyday to ask for our support! So annoying! Now I can finally shoo them off and they won't say that the Supreme Golden City is inhumane!" Xi Ruochen sounded relieved.     

"It seems that the Xiao Family and the Han Family of the Blizzard Silver City are not getting along well. The Han Protector from our Elusive World of Immortals has tried very hard to stop us from supporting the them in battle." Mo Wudao smiled faintly as he looked north in the direction of the Blizzard Silver City.     

They had finally finished their meeting. As they were leaving, Huyan Aobo suddenly asked, "Mo Wudao, how strong do you think Venerable Mei is compared to you?"     

Mo Wudao's eyes flashed and answered the barbaric looking master of the Illusory Blood Sea with a low voice. "During our last encounter, we were on par with each other. But I'm sure that if we use our complete strength, she would be no match for me. She was hurt afterward and kept a low profile for a hundred years…"     

What Huyan Aobo asked revealed his hidden shrewdness.     

Upon hearing Mo Wudao's answer, Huyan Aobo laughed. "Then, I will return and start preparing immediately! I believe the coming battle will be beneficial to all of us!" He didn't say goodbye before his muscular body drifted out into the clouds. His laughter still echoed but he was long gone.     

Xi Ruochen smiled. "He's always like this. He won't leave without getting some benefits. Brother Mo, do you have anything else to say?"     

"We must be careful with our operation in Heavenly Scent city. We must be very certain of the enemies' true power before we do anything! Saints are different; we can't afford to lose a single one of them!" Mo Wudao looked at Xi Ruochen with a serious face.     

"Ha! Of course! We can't afford as well!" Xi Ruochen laughed gloomily. He then sighed and said, "But we can't wait either. With the pace at which Jun Moxie is progressing, he may become a Venerable or even a Saint this year. We can't allow him to become a threat to the ten thousand years of establishment of the three Holy Lands! We can't let the three Holy Lands face its demise in our hands!"     

Mo Wudao was more gloomy now. He didn't say anything and his body began drifting into the clouds. His slender figure was slowly disappearing as he turned back and waved his sleeves. Meters aways, a tea cup jumped up as he said, "Old man Xi, one more cup, and farewell!"     

"Farewell!" Xi Ruochen grabbed the cup and laughed before drinking it up. Mo Wudao was gone by then.     

Xi Ruochen stood silently on the cloudy summit by himself. He couldn't help sigh. The clouds suddenly poured over the platform, veiling Xi Ruochen's disappearance but not the sound of his sigh. If not for the echo, it would appear that no one was there.     

The only thing left on the summit was a huge coffee table and three delicate armchairs. An exquisite tea pot and three tea cups that formed an isosceles triangle stood on the table silently until eternity…     

The same night, men from the three Holy Lands were divided into two groups and headed north.     

One for Blizzard Silver City, and the other for Heavenly Scent City!     

In the Heavenly Punishment Forest on the second morning, Mei Xueyan, who was wearing clothes whiter than snow, strolled back and forth along the precession of flying beasts with her beautiful face covered with seriousness. She looked more authoritative than ever as she said with a low voice, "Are you ready?"     

The nine Beast Kings at the front answered simultaneously, "Everyone's ready! A thousand five hundred flying beasts and 459 transformed beasts! We are ready to move at any time!"     

"Good!" Mei Xueyan slowly breathed out. She looked at the skies with a mixed feeling. She briefed, "We will definitely encounter the three Holy Lands in Blizzard Silver City and they have many top experts! They have been unfriendly to us for very long and will take any opportunity to get rid of us, so it will be an unprecedentedly difficult battle! There may be a lot of casualties, so be prepared!"     

"The three Holy Lands are trash!" Big Bear raised his arms and bellowed!     

"We're not afraid!" Long Crane seemed to be anticipating the battle.     

"Yes! We aren't afraid! They're trash!" All the transformed beasts hollered, creating a very bloodthirsty atmosphere!     

All of these beasts were the survivors of the cruel natural selection of Heavenly Punishment Forest. All of them were experienced warriors!     

So what if the enemy was tough?     

They just needed to kill and to fight with their life!     

It had always been the only understanding of combat the beasts had! Especially when they had received so many buffs lately, they were very confident of their prowess. None of them would even be hesitant to face the three Holy Lands alone…     

"Very well! Together with the ant king, the wolf king, the wasp king, and the rat king, let's head for Heavenly Scent City immediately by forming ten groups in a formation of trapeziums!" Mei Xueyan's eyes flashed with coldness as she waved her slender arm forward!     

Long Crane hollered and jumped out. He turned into a gigantic, snowy white crane in midair with a pop. The stretched length of his two wings was twenty meters! He soared up into the sky, creating a huge shadow beneath!     

Mei Xueyan's white figure flickered. It appeared that she remained still, but her body was drifting up. She landed on Long Crane's shoulders. Long Crane flapped his wings and headed straight into the clouds!     

Mei Xueyan's white clothes and her hair were blown back by the strong gust. Her stunningly beautiful face was as cold as ever. Only her eyes showed a tint of warmth and yearning!     

A wave of dense killing intent leaked out from Heavenly Punishment Forest and shot up into the sky as hundreds of giant cranes followed.     

Then, it was a batch of Peng. Big Bear straddled on the back of the leading Peng! Behind him was an army of savage men wearing all red, painting the skies with the color of blood!     

The third and fourth batch were cranes and the fifth batch Pengs again!     

The sixth and the seventh were falcons led by the Falcon King, who looked like a flash of black lightning.     

The ninth and tenth were of the condor tribe. The Eagle King soared into the sky with his comrades, following the groups before them closely!     

An unprecedented hurricane emerged above the Mystic Mystic Continent!     

A total of a thousands of beasts left Heavenly Punishment, creating a groundbreaking scene never seen before in history!     

On the way to Heavenly Scent City, Mei Xueyan did not conserve her authority and majesty as the master of the beasts. It left a freezing sensation across the lands and seas mixed with the unique brutality and pride of Heavenly Punishment!     

Looking down at everything from high up with an indisputable dignity!     

Deliberate or not, all the animals in their paths were frightened!     

The first to experience it was Tian Nan City. Mystic Beasts, domestic animals or war horses, all of them fell onto the ground weakly as their bodies twitched.     

The pressure of thousands of superior beasts came crashing down. How could normal beasts withstand it? It was uneasy to even survive such pressure. The weaker chickens and ducks were immediately killed…     

The residing General of Tian Nan City Wan Wu Yan did have a considerable Mystic cultivation. Just as he got out of bed and before he had even dressed, the unstoppable pressure came down on him. He almost fell onto the ground as the horses in the stable went nuts. The whole city was going haywire.     

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