Otherworldly Evil Monarch

Destroy the Silver City When the Flowers Blossom in Spring!

Destroy the Silver City When the Flowers Blossom in Spring!

But the kings soon understood what Mei Xueyan meant. They couldn't cheer.     

"Although the strength of Heavenly Punishment will see a great leap after this and reach an unprecedented height, we will owe too much to Jun Moxie." Mei Xueyan sighed softly. When she mentioned his name, she suddenly felt warmth.     

"What are you saying, sis? You are family—husband and wife; how is there such thing as owing?" Earth Cracker flattered and said with a laugh, "We are a bunch of brothers-in-law; of course, we're going to accept his gifts, right?"     

"Ya. How do we call ourselves brothers-in-law if we don't take what he gave? But we are really a big bunch of brothers-in-law…" The beast kings laughed joyously.     

"Shut up! Do you want to get beaten again?" Mei Xueyan was embarrassed and furious.     

The kings were taken aback and quickly shut up.     

"Big Bear. Did you say… he said he would rather… live in the Heavenly Punishment Forest?" Mei Xueyan sat there furious for a moment before suddenly stammering as if she had suddenly recalled something. "Did… he really say that?"     

"Sis, what are you talking about… Who is he?" Big Bear looked simple and honest as he rubbed his head in confusion, as if he really didn't know.     

"Big Bear!" Mei Xueyan yelled at him. "Get here and I will help you loosen your bones! When you feel comfortable, I am sure you will understand!"     

"Oh, no thanks, boss. Aren't you referring to your husband? I know, I know." It was as if the thought suddenly struck him. "Yes, brother-in-law said exactly that. Hehe, Tiger King can attest to this. We are honest people; we won't boast around."     

Earth Cracker quickly nodded and said, "Yes, I can attest! Sis, your husband really cares for you! We are so honest, we never boast!"     

The other beast kings were contemptuous. Honest? Never boasted? So shameless!     

Mei Xueyan blushed even more. She adjusted her breath, and her eyes flashed for a while. She said, "Let's get back to the serious matters. Jun Moxie is going to advance to the Blizzard Silver City! His action is to warn the world, and to seek revenge. The three Holy Lands will likely intervene in this matter! Now that we have received so many favors from Jun Moxie, this time, we must do our best to help him achieve this goal!"     

"Sister, you can be rest assured! We will give our full support to brother-in-law's action and go through fire and water without hesitation! When it's time, all the Mystic beasts of the Heavenly Punishment Forest will leave and flatten the snowy mountains!" The kings made solemn promises. They beat their own chest to intensify the atmosphere!     

They began speaking about "brother-in-law" in a disorderly manner. Mei Xueyan did not stop them nor refute them. She seemed to have accepted them calling Jun Moxie "brother-in-law."     

"So for this period of time, we must improve our strength more!" Mei Xueyan's eyes became as cold as ice and snow. "From this afternoon onward, we will be in a heightened state of security for seven days to ensure that all the beasts will successfully transform! Then we will form an army with six thousand flying beasts and five thousand walking beasts! Arrange the army so we will have all our best beasts! Even if the three Holy Lands send all their men, we of Heavenly Punishment will not hesitate to face them head-on! We will shock the world and make history!"     

Mei Xueyan was truculent as she commanded!     

"Yes!" The kings bowed to their orders with a serious face and a fanatical look! Ten thousand years and Heavenly Punishment will be great again!     

Mei Xueyan was standing upright on the top of an ancient tree, facing the wind. Gazing afar with a leisurely face, she sort of missed Jun Moxie.     

It's only been a few days, and I'm missing him so badly? I really miss those few days together. We were fighting side by side. The snowy hotel, the intimate interactions, and the romantic conversations… Everything about him emerged before her eyes…     

Standing there stunned, Mei Xueyan could suddenly picture Jun Moxie's attractive face, and also recalled what Jun Moxie said before she left. Destroy the Silver City when the Flowers Blossom in Spring!     

Destroy the Silver City when the Flowers Blossom in Spring!     

That was the time to launch the attack! It was only two months away!     

He scheduled it on the second of February!     

It was a tight schedule!     

So, Mei Xueyan was trying everything within her means to build the strongest Mystic Beast army possible to assist in Jun Moxie's brave conquest!     

And during this period of time, Jun Moxie also spread the news in Heavenly Scent City. The whole world was shocked upon its release!     

Everyone could foresee that as the spring flowers blossomed, the Jun Family would lead an army to the Silver City and seek revenge!     

The great war was inevitable!     

For ten years, a loyal spirit could not rest in peace,     

Three thousand bloody days and nights.     

The dragon would raise its head on the second of February,     

and a great army would flatten the Silver City!     

Apparently, Jun Moxie wrote this poem after he had some wine. He then smashed a wine cup before shouting with belligerence and smell of wine, "Second of February, crush the Silver City! Kill the evil Xiaos; seek revenge we will!"     

Others might not understand why Jun Moxie scheduled it on the second of February. But he had his reasons. "Second of February, the dragon raises its head!" This was a Chinese idiom!     

On the second of February, I will represent the Chinese dragon and raise up my head in this other world. From then on, I will look down over the world and roam the skies!     

"I, Jun Moxie, now announce that anyone who has a good relationship with the Silver City should not try to stop me, or I will kill without mercy immediately!     

"Obey me and you prosper; defy me and you die! All over the world, who dares not to comply?!"     

Jun Moxie's poem and words spread so fast and so shockingly like thunder. In a few days, the whole Mystic Mystic Continent heard about it!     

The new year was coming, but the continent was in turmoil everywhere!     

It wouldn't be a peaceful new year!     

Some people were so worried that they would lose appetite on New Year's Eve.     

On the twenty-ninth of December, Jun Moxie received a letter from Li Youran. On it were only a few short sentences. I'm leaving for the Supreme Golden City! It's New Year's Eve tomorrow, but I don't want to celebrate in Heavenly Scent City. With you here, I'd feel distressed.     

Perhaps I will return one day! And we will fight again. That time, I lost before having a proper fight, but the next time, I will put on a good one.     

P.S. Be careful that the Blood Sword Hall has changed their attire!     

The signature was "the Li Youran who is leisurely leaving."     

Jun Moxie slowly clutched the piece of paper, letting it get crushed as he smiled faintly. He sighed softly.     

Li Youran chose to leave on the twenty-ninth of December!     

Thousand miles away from home on New Year's Eve. Even a wanderer like Jun Mo Xie had never experienced it. It was difficult to guess how Li Youran felt at the moment. Nevertheless, Jun Moxie felt desolate for him.     

Presumably at this moment, he was beginning a long journey—no matter how ruthless or cold-blooded he was—and must have felt a trace of desolation. Although he was born into a wealthy family and had no worries about food and clothing since childhood, he did not necessarily enjoy his life; to the contrary, from childhood to adulthood, all he saw was cruelty, bloodshed, inhumane acts, and power struggles!     

His life may not be any more peaceful than mine!     

A son of a well-respected family who had wealth and care eventually chose to leave at a time of reunion! Jun Mo Xie knew that Li Youran was showing his determination to stay away from power struggles with this resolute action.     

At the same time, Li Youran also secretly disclosed a message to Jun Moxie. Be careful of the Blood Sword Hall who has changed their attire. Indeed, when they changed their clothes, they would no longer be the Blood Sword Hall. They could be ordinary people, honest businessmen, officers, soldiers, or even… Royal Guards?     

Nevertheless, this piece of intelligence made Jun Moxie owe Li Youran a favor. Although Jun Mo Xie was no longer afraid of any other force's raids, the news from Li Youran hinted to him a possibility he had never thought of.     

Perhaps, Li Youran's hidden agenda was still to put in some final efforts for his family. Twice, he forced Jun Moxie to owe him a favor as he quietly left the scene of political struggle. The Li Family was now a decadent tiger with no teeth.     

They were no longer threatening, and this was exactly what Li Youran wanted to convey. He wanted Jun Moxie to show mercy.     

This was his true agenda!     

Although he was cold-blooded, profit-minded, and ruthless, within him, there was still a speck of warmth and kinship.     

Jun Moxie sighed and shook his head. Without saying a word, he waved his hand and the piece of paper was shredded. He levitated with the wind, and with a burst of air, he was completely gone.     

In the hall of the inner courtyard, bursts of laughter were audible. The whole Jun Family was gathered here and Jun Zhantian was very relieved!     

Dongfang Wenxin, Jun Moxie, Jun Wuyi, and Guan Qinghan sat in a circle. Dugu Xiaoyi was also staying at the Jun Family and refused to leave no matter what. She made it very clear. What if they don't recognize me as Jun Moxie's woman if I left? I will go home for New Year's Eve, but I will come back at midnight on the new year! I won't let cooked duck fly away again this time!     

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