Otherworldly Evil Monarch

Where is my true love?

Where is my true love?

"This deep emotions overwhelmed his logical mind and thus, caused his brother's entire life of sadness; it will also cause an entire life of sadness for him. This also contributed to the dramatic tragedy today. The saddest is probably not his brother as Ning Wuqing fulfilled his greatest wish at the last moment. The saddest should be Ning Wuqing!", Jun Moxie said heavily.     

"Because of the tragedy his love encountered, he single-handedly caused the tragedy for his sibling! At the last moment, his brother left the greatest regret for him! So, Ning Wuqing's own emotions caused his heartlessness and also caused a tragedy he can never remedy!"     

"But, didn't we cause Ning Wuqing's sorrow today?", Mei Xueyan sighed, showing signs of unbearableness.     

"You are wrong again. This sorrow will happen sooner or later or maybe it is an issue of who triggered it. Furthermore, we did not cause his tragedy as if it was not him crying over a corpse, it would have been me or you!"     

Jun Moxie looked at Mei Xueyan with his high-spirited eyes, "We only need to understand such sorrowful emotions; but definitely, we cannot let him off! It is exactly because we have seen such life and death separation of true love, all the more we need to cherish each other. Do you understand? Xueyan, if it was me who was slaughtered, what will you do?"     

Despite Mei Xueyan's calm disposure and unlimited composure, she could not help but shivered as though she saw Jun Moxie's corpse. Her heart clenched painfully, laughed painfully and said, "There there is no meaning left for me to live…"     

Jun Moxie sighed and said, "This is the logic. This world is formed by countless of tragedies; If we don't want to encounter tragedies, then we must use all means to cause our enemies' tragedies! This is… the martial arts world!"     

Jun Moxie turned around and looked at Ning Wuqing, and said softly, "Or perhaps this is life! Ning Wuqing's feelings became his heartlessness but it is exactly our feelings which make us heartless. This is true despite our differences with Ning Wuqing!"     

This is life!     

Life encompassed lots of sorrow, blood and tears! Countless of fights and hard work, tender sentiments and true love… Mei Xueyan was digesting Jun Moxie's words and suddenly felt unsettled.     

Looking at Ning Wuqing cry and broken, Mei Xueyan turned to look at Jun Moxie's handsome side profile. She suddenly weirdly satisfied: So long… it is not him… lying on the ground, it doesn't matter to me!     

At that moment, Jun Moxie was speaking from the bottom of his heart although his face was unprecedentedly serious, even somewhat lonely, fluttery… just like a frowning, depressed young master with somewhat pitiful eyes.     

Looking at all living things…     

Looking at time pass…     

His demeanour was that extraordinary, an apogee, so timeless!     

Just like a king in total control standing on the clouds looking down on the rest of the world…     

Mei Yan Xue was lost in her thoughts as she stared.     

At that moment, she suddenly realised that this unique charisma Jun Moxie gave off unintentionally was comparable to the demeanour of the Heavenly Punishment's leader and even more natural!     

This was innate in him, magnificent and impressive!     

Jun Moxie turned his head and looked at her weirdly, and asked, "What are you looking at? So much that you are lost in your thoughts?"     

Mei Xueyan barely came to her senses and infatuatedly said, "At you… You are so good-looking…"     

Jun Moxie was perplexed. He did not expect a proud and cold Mei Xueyan could say such words! Despite Jun Moxie's two centuries of shamelessness, at that moment under no defence, he could not help but blushed…     

For a man to be praised as good-looking… Indeed, that was somewhat awkward…     

Mei Xueyan finally regained her senses after speaking and instantly blushed, and lowered her head down.     

Although Jun Moxie blushed at this sudden attack, he immediately recovered once he saw how Mei Xueyan was so shy. He playfully said, "Since… its so good-looking, are you willing to get slightly injured tonight?"     

Mei Xueyan's face and ears immediately flushed, feeling shy and embarrassed, she pinched him hardly; suddenly she fiercely asked, "Right, I forgot to ask. Just now you were referring to the martial arts world, discussing about true love amongst human, saying how everyone only have one true love in a lifetime, then let me ask you. Since you have so many girls around you, where does your true love lie in?"     

Jun Moxie was instantly dumbfounded, stared in shock, not knowing how to reply at once.     

He was speaking from his heart and unwittingly, placed himself in a trap. How could he explain? He remained dumbfounded for a while before recovering but he still could not respond to Mei Xueyan's words as he really did not know how to. However, at the same time, Mei Xueyan's words finally prompted Jun Moxie to consider this on his own.     

Yes, I have several women around me. Those that have confirmed our relationship are Guan Qinghan, Dugu Xiaoyi and Mei Xueyan! Even if it is just the three of them, then, who is my true love?     

All three of them are out-of-the-worldly gorgeous but who did he love most?     

Jun Moxie felt unsettled, wondering if he was too much of a playboy. If he had to choose amongst the three of them, who would he choose?     

Mei Xueyan? She seemed like the one he was most loyal to!     

However, Guan Qinghan was coldly pretty and have given her all for the Jun family. She willingly gave up her innocence to save him and have sacrificed for the Jun family all these years with no complaints… Jun Moxie naturally felt that he owed her a lot and also had irreplacable feelings for her. How could he bear to give her up? If he gave her up, Guan Qinghan would probably lose all support and courage to live on, and might choose to end her life… This guilty conscience would naturally haunt him for the rest of his life!     

Could he give up Dugu Xiaoyi? Dugu Xiaoyi was innocent and cute, and was faithful and true to him; when he was in his worst, she already unregretfully fell in love with him. For him, she even went to Tiannan. In fear that he did not want her anymore, she even chose to use aphrodisiac for things to happen; although she did not succeed due to her ignorance, the fact that she was willing to give her all to him was undeniable!     

She even walked into Tianxiang City pregnant even though she was unmarried despite the fact that the city was extremely conservative. She did not leave any escape route for herself! Who could bear to and really give up such true love? Could even the most heartless person bear to?     

There was also Mei Xueyan who he could not give up even more! Mei Xueyan was an Extreme Supreme of the Heavenly Punishment. They got to know each other through fate, she had been staying by his side, they worked together in-sync, and both their hearts have long beat for each other; himself, he had also changed from the initial jokes and flirting to the present inseparable feelings! Mei Xueyan remained a virgin her entire life and this was her first time in love. Furthermore, she considered him in every aspect. How could he bear to leave her?     

If he really did so, Jun Moxie would belittle himself!     

Not mentioning how Mei Xueyan single-handedly prevented two Supremes from the Fantasy Blood Sea, defeated the Yellow Sun and even swore to live or die with the Jun family when the three holy cities attacked them… Which of these did him any wrong?     

If he really gave her up, Mei Xueyan would probably not collapse nor commit suicide but she would definitely lose hope, leave the Heavenly Punishment Forest and never return to the martial arts world again! This was for sure!     

Jun Moxie thought hard but he could not give up any one of them, in fact, he could not bear to give up any one of them!     

To Guan Qinghan, he felt love in the respect he had for her. In front of her, he was always warm and comfortable; he always seemed as though he needed someone to care for him, desired for someone to protect him. This feeling became even more obvious after they slept together in Tiannan. Although Jun Moxie was not willing to admit it, deep inside he knew that he had such a desire.     

To Dugu Xiaoyi, he felt familiar and wanted to pamper her. More importantly, he felt she was a soulmate…     

After all, he hated himself so much back then, upset with himself but yet, only Dugu Xiaoyi gave him the consolation he needed!     

Although he could have pulled through on his own, that sincerity was like an oasis in a desert! It was the only pillar of support he had other than his family!     

To Mei Xueyan, Jun Moxie felt extraordinary. It was the feeling of his heart beating faster, having telepathy with her and a sense of mutual support!     

Such feeling was endless yet warm; satisfying yet joyful! If he had to seek love amongst the three of them, it would be Mei Xueyan! However, how could he bear to give up the other two? Did he really not have love for Guan Qinghan and Dugu Xiaoyi?     

There was!     

It was just that it was not as obvious as his feelings for Mei Xueyan.     

Was I really so unfaithful? Jun Moxie questioned himself and forgot to reply Mei Xueyan! It was the first time he really thought hard… Who exactly do I love?     

Just as he was considering this tough and awkward question, Ning Wuqing who was mourning over his brother's death, stood up. He carried one-half of his brother's mutilated corpse and stood up as his white hair flew messily in the wind. His stature was as usual, straight and upright, but he lost his charisma!     

He slowly turned around and lifted his head. The remaining experts from the Xunshi Immortal Palace suddenly yelled - shocking both Jun Moxie and Mei Xueyan!     

They saw Ning Wuqing's originally blushed face turned pale and layers of wrinkles appeared. Ning Wuqing's Mystic cultivation was extremely impressive and he had always his looks. Although he was almost 200 years old, he looked like a middle-age man, around forty to fifty years old but at that moment, he aged so much, looking as though he never practised Mystic cultivation and was an old farmer who have sloughed his entire life, with a full face of wrinkles, so frail as though a passing wind could blow him away!     

Extremely frail and weak!     

Ning Wuqing's eyes looked as though they came from the burning fire in hell, glistening with black rays. It was a representation of the extreme hatred. He stared at Jun Moxie, gritted his teeth but yet, his words sounded out of the ordinarily calm as he enunciated every word clearly, "Nice to see you, Jun Moxie!"     

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