Otherworldly Evil Monarch

Jun Moxie's Real Strategy

Jun Moxie's Real Strategy

Mei Xue stepped a few more steps forward and suddenly silently stood on a snow-covered rock, looking far ahead and recited, "Plum blossoms dull the snow, yet the snow lacks its scent. What a great poem! How difficult it must have been for that man to write such a good poem. Perhaps this was written for me?"     

From where she was, she could see a branch of plum blossom in bloom within all the snow, exceptionally eye-catching!     

The bearded man beside Xiao Weicheng was initially raging with anger but there, his mood fluctuated so much. His veins on his forehead started popping out, his stomach started growling… he almost puked blood. After reviewing his insides, he saw that he had an internal injury! How suffering… how painful…     

I beg you, the missing Young Master Jun Moxie, please come quickly!     

Looking at the circumstances, if you do not appear, your woman would rather die than come in…     


Jun Moxie had already adjusted himself to be in his best form. His eyes remained closed from the beginning, tightly shut! This was because even if he opened his eyes, the spiritual energy he emitted would alert experts of Above Supreme level and higher!     

He kept his eyes closed and slowly spun around ten feet of soil, quietly arriving right below that expert who was an Above Supreme…     

He could feel a gentle pulse movement after a long while from above. Jun Moxie gritted his teeth, used the blood of Yan Huang to charge upwards at the speed of lightning!     

Soil aside!     

Snow aside!     

Brush aside!     

The blood of Yan Huang easily pierced through this person's heart without any obstacles!     

Deep in the heart!     

His Opening the Sky powers was unblockable as it entered to shatter the internal organs. The Dan Tian was also broken and his internal strength shot up to his throat! It controlled the sound of his movements!     

Jun Moxie only felt a slight vibration and a sharp and clear spiritual energy counter-attacked as it flowed down the sword!     

Jun Moxie yelled silently as the close call!     

If he was slightly careless, the sword could definitely kill him but he definitely had the remaining strength to struggle for survival, scream and rebound at the brink of death!     

However, the sword has successfully controlled his entire body but his remaining scraps of spiritual energy could still put out a significant counterattack!     

Although this last counterattack was formidable, the Above Supreme expert had already lost the will to love. This last spiritual counterattack could at most, bring some small trouble to Jun Moxie and that would be all.     

Swiftly, the sword retracted!     

Jun Moxie let out a long breath!     

He had smoothly killed three people in a row… However, although all three of them died instantly, the other two Above Supreme experts did not have any counterattacks, why was it that only the last one could execute a last counterattack at the last moment of his life?     

Even though it was a spiritual energy counterattack, it could not be belittled!     

What did this say? What did this mean?     

Jun Moxie silently executed the Opening the Sky and entered the body of this Above Supreme expert, reached his Dan Tian; he shockingly realised that in his Dan Tian, there was no Gold pill. In its place instead, was an extremely blurry Nebula… It was obviously left in this odd shape after being destroyed by his sword energy.     

Jun Moxie tried to help them recover but he finally confirmed that these little bit of Nebula was the product of the original material that was in a pill shape.     

Seems like he was very different. The immortal entry book stated that a Gold pill was the foundation for a pill to evolve into a nascent soul but in this case, it became a blurry Nebula… Why did this happen?     

Jun Moxie's thoughts changed and immediately left his position, moving non-stop… towards the next burial location, the next triangular formation! This was not the time to analyse cultivation techniques. It was only right to quickly settle this battle!     

In total silence, more than thirty people await to ambush Mei Xueyan while Jun Moxie quietly killed to stop them from underground…     

After three successful assassinations, Killer Jun had gained some experience and reached some conclusions. So what if they were Above Supreme expert. So long the method was right, they would be dead too!     


The entire plan was perfect. Mei Xueyan first appeared, created extensive pressure and limited progress at the front, discouraging the enemy from being aggressive; Jun Moxie was then responsible for silently assassination! This was the battle plan crafted by Jun Moxie!     

This proves that this battle plan was extremely useful and the battle results were also somewhat glorious!     

Mei Xueyan only stood quietly several tens of feet away and managed to attract Supreme Gold City's Above Supreme experts to rush over with double their energy. To them, Venerable Mei was their greatest threat; they were not even the slightest concerned about Jun Moxie. They believed that any one of them could easily defeat Jun Moxie in various ways…     

So they did not even consider as to where Jun Moxie had went!     

Even those who considered, they only thought of why this lad was not heading towards them as if he was there, Venerable Mei would go over too! They never ever thought that someone could so flawlessly immerse himself into the earth and killed people from there! This was unthinkable!     

However, such an odd situation was silently happening continuously… The person they belittled the most was causing the most harm to them, an unretrievable sense of regret!     

Furthermore it was under total ignorance and total silence!     

They had wholeheartedly been wary of only one person but yet, she never took action. In fact, she did not even intended to take action. All she did was walk over, walked back, making them seem like they were waiting to be slaughtered… This, undeniably, was a huge irony!     

Invisible murder was Jun Moxie's real tactic!     

Mei Xueyan relaxingly walked about but actually, her palms had already broke out in cold sweat…     

This was because Mei Xueyan was also unaware of what Young Master Jun was doing. It had been almost two hours but why has Jun Moxie not appeared? There was also no movement from within the canyonand should not all preparations had been long completed?     

Could it be too difficult? Or an accident happened? Mei Xueyan decided and turned around to head towards the canyon… Just at that moment, suddenly! —     

A sudden weak blowing sound emerged from within the canyon…     

Everyone was stunned!     

Everyone present was a master at killing. Who had not killed at least several hundreds? Such dying cries were naturally not a stranger to them: this sound was made by dying people who were in extreme pain and yet could not make a louder noise as their airway had been completely blocked and they had to use all their remaining strength to let out this airy sound…     

Those who made this sound was definitely dead! Definitely could not be resuscitated…     

What was going on?     

What exactly was happening?!     

Xiao Weicheng's face changed as he suddenly realised something was amiss. He disregarded the need to hide, hit the ground and leaped into the air. Then, from where he originally was, a pitch-black sword head pointed out then retracted and disappeared while the ground recovered to be as per normal…     

However, the sword was retracted so quickly that Xiao Weicheng totally did not see it. Even the rest only suddenly felt discomfort in their hearts as though an extremely powerful sword energy pierced through it, damaging their heart and arteries!     

If he saw it, he would definitely have realised that the black sword head appeared on the ground, below his left chest…     

A moment determined life and death!     

It was such a close call!     

Mei Xueyan's pretty face was surprised and coldly laughed while looking at Xiao Weicheng who was in mid-air, and calmly said, "So it's you! Supreme Gold City's Xiao Weicheng, you all must have been hiding for long, right? You guys from the Three Holy Lands are really eager to kill me…"     

Xiao Weicheng just want to speak but for no apparent reason, felt a clenching pain in his heart and suddenly lifted his head in mid-air, and spurt out blood across the entire sky. Only then did he release the pressure in his heart and slowly floated down.     

Xiao Weicheng did not reply Mei Xueyan but instead, felt something was not right from the bottom of his heart, the clenching pain in his heart just was obviously caused by someone injuring his heart and arteries! However, how was he injured? Was anyone else injured too? What did that death cry meant?     

Mei Xueyan had still not entered the canyon. Perhaps that was something sneaky?     

After thinking for a while, he was finally relieved of any suspicion. He looked back at the canyon and suddenly roared, "There is no more point to ambush. Everyone, welcome Venerable Mei's presence!"     

Indeed, there was no more point to continue the ambush!     

The rest naturally did not understand as to why Xiao Weicheng, this three-star throne bearer, suddenly flew into the sky and exposed their actions. They were even more clueless why he spurted blood in mid-air. All of them were full of questions but when they heard Xiao Cheng Wei's calls, they gradually walked over.     

The accumulated snow started rolling and a man in white silently appeared, stood in the snow ground, faced Mei Xueyan and stared with an uncoverable murderous look!     

However, Xiao Weicheng's face drastically changed!     

His face turned as white as snow at that moment and his lips started to shiver!     

The charisma of this Above Supreme expert was no longer present!     

He was counting, one, two… five… eight… twelve… fourteen… When he counted to fourteen, he did not count on!     

No one else stood up!     

He knew he could not have counted wrongly but could not help and counted again. Still, there was fourteen people!     

There was fourteen people and including himself, only fifteen were there. Where were the other fifteen people?     

Where were they?     

Xiao Weicheng shrieked, "Where are they? Everyone come out! Appear!" When he was yelling, he already felt chills all over his body… Even the lowest rank was a Supreme expert. There was no reason they would not listen to him; so long they heard him, they would definitely appear!     

However, why have they not!     

Xiao Weicheng hoped that the rest chose to stay in ambush for future purposed although he knew that this hope was extremely unlikely!     

Following Xiao Weicheng thunderous roar, the snow on the mountain peak rolled down and the ground shook a bit; but still no one stood out…     

Xiao Weicheng's face looked worse. Originally it was already pale white but by then, it was dead grey. He suddenly flew across hundreds of feet at the speed of lightning and with a clap, the snow on the ground flew up, blocking everyone's vision. In the flying snow, three straight bodies were thrown into the air by the great strength!     

Then they toughly fell back down!     

Xiao Weicheng felt as though cold water was poured down his head as his body froze…     

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