Otherworldly Evil Monarch

Xiao Family’s Plans and Arrangements

Xiao Family’s Plans and Arrangements

Six Spirit Mystic experts, seven Heaven Mystic peak experts, and two Heaven Mystic mid-level experts! This was a very frightful force from the Heavenly Scent City's standards!     

Why did Silver Blizzard City send so many experts?     

Jun Moxie's butt could think of an answer to this question… This force had been assembled to deal with the Jun Family; who else could it be for? They had mobilized this force since one of the 'Eight Great Masters'—The Solitary Eagle—had taken residence with the Jun Family.     

If such power was coordinated properly—it could be used to defeat the Solitary Eagle!     

Jun Moxie carefully controlled his Yin Yang Escape and entered the building. Then, he silently hid himself in the ground.     

He couldn't focus on his main target at this time since it was of paramount importance to understand the true objectives of those experts from the Silver Blizzard City. He would learn their true objectives, and then quickly devise some countermeasures to neutralize the enemy's strength.     

Otherwise, the consequences of this situation would be very troublesome…     

He hadn't expected that his 'moment of greed' would reward him with such important information. Jun Moxie sighed from his underground location. Man, my greed is very rewarding. Would I have stumbled upon this information if I hadn't followed after my greed? Didn't I just stumble upon the proverbial 'Pie in the Sky'?     

The heavens favor the good. This Young Master's good actions substitute for heaven's justice. I punish the wicked, and so my good deeds pave a bridge to my success… Would the heavens strongly favor this Young Master if I hadn't done noble deeds? Humph? Humph…     

"What for…? Don't tell me that wretched cripple is acting up again? I think it's best to take this opportunity and destroy the very roots of this disease! Otherwise we'll have to deal with a prolonged problem!" Not much could be determined from the voice. However, it seemed to be full of resentment and defiance. Therefore, the speaker must've been Xiao Han.     

"Such impudence…! We're from the upper echelons of the Silver Blizzard City. Yet, you dare to question our word? It seems that you can't distinguish between our ranks!"     

A somewhat gentle voice scolded, "Would we be in such a mess if it weren't for a 'devil' like who willfully started a fire and fanned the flames? The Silver Blizzard City's situation had been tumbled by your actions. If the Dongfang Family hadn't acted-out, killed our members, and diverted the public anger—I'm afraid that the Supreme Alliance itself would've tried to meddle in that affair! And your willful actions would've been the root cause of that chaos! And, you're still resigned to the destruction of the Silver Blizzard City?"     

"Can the insignificant Jun Family ever destroy the Silver Blizzard City? Why are you blaming me for this, Grandfather? How did it start any trouble? He tried to steal my wife! He started this animosity between us! Please tell me, which man on earth could ever stand this insult?" Xiao Han asked somewhat emotionally.     

Grandfather? Xiao Han's grandfather? Isn't he the top-most individual in the Silver Blizzard City's Xiao Family?     

However, he didn't know whether that person was Xiao Xingyun or Xiao Buyu. Young Master Jun held his breath and stayed calm. He remained motionless as he continued to eavesdrop. Hit-man Jun carefully listened to all sorts of voices… whether loud or faint… without any exception or negligence.     

"But you've already destroyed the four important members of the Jun Family, and the backbone of their power! And Jun Wuyi was crippled because of a 'devil' like you! What more do you want? Do you intend to show no kindness to the dogs and the chicken in their family?" The gentle voice scolded with some resentment and disappointment, "And what of the present circumstances? The Xue Hun Manor and Shi Changxiao have issued a joint summon; is that trivial to you? We should be hurrying towards the south. And, now you 'little devil' are delaying us with your quarrel over a nonsensical grudge…?"     

I have to admit… This person's way of dealing with matters is impressive. At least Xiao Han can't stand up to it.     

"Now that you mentioned that matter— I remember another one. These two matters are somewhat related. I request Grandfather to pay heed." Xiao Han's spirits seemed to rise, "We received a small scroll when we were at the Imperial Palace today. There was very little content on it. It said that Jun Wuyi would lead the army which would go south to confront the Mystic Beast uprising. Grandfather, it would be better if we…"     

"Employing common soldiers to deal with the Mystic Beast uprising?" The gentle voice suddenly paused… as if in contemplation. Then it spoke again, "Ah! Good… if this is the case… then this is truly an opportunity… perhaps…"     

"Second Brother… that scroll does present us with an opportunity, but we must remember the summon! They've called all the Great Masters to arms! This means that the Solitary Eagle may go south! And in all probability… he would be accompanying Jun Wuyi throughout the journey. The Solitary Eagle won't be easy to deal with even if we can handle Jun Wuyi with ease. Then, the problem will continue to go around in circles. Therefore, I beseech the Second Brother to focus only on Solitary Eagle. He's the core of our problems!"     

Second Brother? It seems like it's the Xiao Family's second in hierarchy—Xiao Buyu!     

"You're right! That old Solitary Eagle deserves a corresponding reply since he has decided to stick his head out! How could we back away from avenging the Sixth Brother?!"     

Xiao Buyu's gentle voice was brimming with killing intent, "We'll wait for an ideal opportunity when we get to the south. First—the six of us and the Seven Swords—we thirteen will coordinate and kill the Solitary Eagle. Then, we can decide whether we'd need to tidy-up Jun Wuyi or not. In any case, everything will become clear to us once we get rid of the Solitary Eagle. In fact, we can easily finish this matter—given that area's natural threat—once we've suppressed the Mystic Beasts' uprising."     

"So, the Second Brother is suggesting that we wait and deal with this matter after the Mystic Beasts' uprising is handled?" It was an old and familiar sound. Jun Moxie listened to it, and determined that it belonged to the Third Elder.     

"That's right! Every Great Master has been summoned this time. So, if we make a move and attack a Great Master before the matter in the south is taken care of… I fear the rest of the Great Masters would attack the Silver Blizzard City in return. Therefore, we'll handle him after this situation is taken care of." Xiao Buyu spoke with a dark mental-frame.     

"Besides, there's that matter of the origins and abilities of that black clothed 'masked man'." Xiao Buyu spoke in an even gentler manner, "He snatched our Xiao Family's Soul Replenishing Jade despite our status. He'll understand its importance soon. Then, he'll become aware of the jade being worn by Feng Wu. So, he'll come to snatch it as well. This will happen because Feng Wu will be alone. We'll make it as convenient for him as possible."     

He smiled darkly again, "There may be a chance of casualties if the Jade is in possession of an Elder. So, we can't risk it. However, Feng Wu will be an easy target, and he's unlikely to feel threatened. Therefore, he won't harm the boy. This Old Man has already mastered the Divine Inhibition. I can lock onto his soul's scent for 500kms. Xiang Sun will remain on stand-by at all times. Therefore, he won't be able to escape us once he has stolen the Jade. We'll find him even if he escapes to the ends of the earth! Then, we can concentrate our strength, catch-up with him, and resolve the matter in one fell swoop. We'll be able to retrieve both the Soul Replenishing Jades this manner!"     

"Good idea, Second Brother!" Everyone's spirit rose when they heard the plan. However, Jun Moxie was stunned. That's their plan? They've conceded so easily?     

It had to be said that this plan of Xiao Buyu's would've been very effective in dealing with anyone. Even Yun Biechen wouldn't be able to see through it. However, it was worthless in Jun Moxie's eyes…     

This plan seemed like a 'honey-trap', but it was being used on a castrated man. This analogy sounds vulgar… but the result of the matter would justify it.     

Suddenly, many elders cried in alarm, "Second Brother, you can use the Divine Inhibition?! Have you stepped into the fourth level of the Spirit Mystic realm!"     

"He he…" Xiao Buyu's voice clearly revealed his complacence. "I'm ashamed that it took nearly ten years to make this breakthrough. However, this is the reason why I'm confident that I'll be able to capture that mysterious 'masked man'."     

"Congratulations on the remarkable feat, Second Brother!" Everyone spoke in unison. However, Jun Moxie laughed in his heart.     

Confidence? You speak of confidence in front of this Young Master? How can you behave like that? Your Divine Inhibition is limited to five hundred kilometers. That's worth a fart to this Young Master.     

"Ahem… no one is to allow any information out if we're able to deal with the Jun Family successfully… understood?" Power radiated from Xiao Buyu's eyes as he looked around.     

"That's obvious! Otherwise, the Lord of the City will blame everyone, and the consequences will be very unpleasant. Besides, the Jun Family has the Dongfang Family behind them. So, everyone will carry out their tasks stealthily." Everybody chuckled as they discussed this.     

This made Jun Moxie very angry.     

This Xiao Family is very malevolent! This Young Master will see who exterminates whose roots when we're all in the south.     

"Second Brother, about this matter with the Mystic Beasts… It's apparently a very unusual occurrence. Is it possible that the Kings of the Heavenly Punishment forest have decided to meddle in this matter? How can there be such a huge commotion otherwise? Every Great Masters has been summoned. Second Brother, which 'Eight Great Masters' do you reckon will answer to this summon?" This was the voice of the Ninth Elder.     

"That isn't very difficult to judge. No one has seen tracks of Yun Biechen for many years. I'm afraid it'll be the same this time around. And then, the Great Blue Master Meng Hongchen lives too far from the Heavenly Punishment forest. He most probably won't be able to go even if he receives the news on time. However, the Cold Blooded Master—Lei Wubei—and the Solitary Eagle will go for sure. After all, they're right here in Heavenly Scent City. They won't be able to turn their backs even if they wanted to. Also, the one who gave these supreme summonses—Shi Changxiao—is already at the Xue Hun Manner. Li Juetian will probably return to his Manor since this threatens his family the most. I roughly estimate that four out of the Eight Great Masters will go. As for the Silver Blizzard City… we will go and represent our lord. And perhaps, we'll be the most powerful in the terms of comprehensive strength. And as for Great Master Wen Tian—I cannot say. He may go, or he may not go. But I think the strength of this tyrannical gathering will be enough to deal with the Mystic Beast uprising even without Master Wen Tian's addition," Xiao Buyu's smile exhibited great confidence.     

"It's just that this Mystic Beast uprising is very strange. Some say that they are directly attacking the Xue Hun Manner. Second Brother, I don't recall the Heavenly Punishment Forest and the Xue Hun Manner having any cause for quarrel." The Third Elder frowned.     

"There must be a reason behind the Mystic Beasts' decision to leave Heavenly Punishment and attack the Xue Hun Manner. We'll get to know this once we arrive," Xiao Buyu spoke faintly. The look in his eyes showed that he didn't desire to discuss it further.     

Everyone was silent.     

Everyone was confused about the reason behind the Mystic Beasts' uprising. However, stationed underground, Jun Moxie had a rough idea as to why…     

Young Master Jun smiled bitterly.     

If I've guessed it right… I may have a lot to do with this Mystic Beasts' uprising.     

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