Otherworldly Evil Monarch

Jun Family’s Ancestral Teachings

Jun Family’s Ancestral Teachings

Doctor Jun Moxie took Ye Guhan's hand and quickly poured pure Mystic Qi into his body. Ye Guhan coughed feebly. It seemed as if he was being chocked. Thins wisps of blood started to drip from the corners of his mouth.     

"Not good!" Jun Moxie shook his head and frowned. He raised his head to look at Jun Wuyi, "This is a big problem. And the expenses incurred in saving him would be a lot! I'm afraid the expenses will be very huge… extremely huge!" He then looked at Dugu Xiaoyi and Sun Xiaomei, "You two, haven't you been through a lot already? Hurry up and go over there; rest for a while!"     

When he mentioned 'over there'… he obviously meant Guan Qinghan's court yard.     

Jun Wuyi heard this and realized that he'd need to lend a hand in mediating the situation, "Niece Xiaoyi, Niece Xiao Mei, try and find Sister Qinghan. Take some rest, ok? We both are here. So you needn't worry. This is not that serious. I have informed your families, and someone will soon come to take you home. Little Ye is from your older generation… but he is a 'man'. Your presence will pose a problem for Moxie's effort in healing him."     

Dugu Xiaoyi pouted since she didn't feel very pleased with this. She agreed that Third Uncle Jun was being very reasonable, but this made her feel like an 'outsider'. The little girl then turned her waist. She snorted to show her dissatisfaction and refused to leave. However, she was pulled away by Sun Xiaomei. The Sun Family's eldest daughter was quite perceptive. She had long-realized that the uncle-nephew-duo had a secret language for communication when there was an inconvenient entity present in their midst.     

"You really couldn't find the Princess?" Jun Wuyi snorted and smiled, "Would you have returned if you hadn't found her, young fellow? You think I don't know you boy? You either don't make a promise, or you complete the task if you make one!"     

"Why do you ask when you know?" Jun Moxie continued to pour Aura into Ye Guhan's body, and started to rectify the placement of his bones. He then let out a helpless sigh, "Third Uncle, the Princess hates me. But I can't blame her since I act like a degenerate. Ye Guhan may be cold, proud and aloof, but he's a good man."     

Jun Moxie's voice became serious as he continued, "Be that as it may… our decision to help them may not necessarily have been the correct one. In fact, we shouldn't have saved them! Third Uncle, you must be aware that our Jun Family is not very stable at the moment… yet, we have brought another layer of crisis upon ourselves! I've already made arrangements for this matter, and I'm convinced that no one will doubt my involvement. But I may have left a few tiny clues. Dugu Xiaoyi and Sun Xiaomei's presence can prove to be a huge risk as well; in fact, it can be a big giveaway! Secondly, you and I know that this man's 'position' is quite sensitive! That could cause a rebellion again us later… that could lead to more problems."     

Jun Moxie looked at Jun Wuyi sternly, "Third uncle, you didn't think this matter through. This matter could associate the Jun Family with this man; that may not be a good thing!"     

"I've already thought over the things you speak of!" Jun Wuyi returned Jun Moxie's gaze in a profound manner and spoke in a dignified voice, "You must be aware that your dad, your second uncle and I had grown-up and trained with several people. There used to be nineteen of us. However, there's just Ye Guhan, the three brothers of the Dugu Family, Murong Family's Murong Cheng Long and me; just the six of us remain!"     

Jun Wuyi sighed, "Now in regards to today's matter—I know that saving Ye Guhan will make His Majesty uncomfortable. However, he will only feel uncomfortable and nothing more! He has been uncomfortable with Ye Guhan for the past ten years. So it's not like this is the first time… but how will I face my thirteen brothers in the otherworld if I change my decision now? Even your great-grandfather wouldn't forgive me! And even if the unlikely happens and your great-grandfather forgives me—I won't be able to live with myself after self-introspection! Therefore, I will continue with my efforts to save him!"     

"Etch this into your heart, Moxie—a 'Jun' never describes himself as a man with a noble character! We're forever in gratitude! Men are born to act when something is not right; men set such matters straight! Our Jun Family's descendants have persevered for a long time with this pride! And this has always been the case. Your great-great grandfather, that is, your grandfather's grandfather was just a common blacksmith. However, he imparted a very important lesson to my grandfather when he was about to die…"     

Jun Wuyi's voice became solemn.     

"What did my great-great grandfather teach?" Jun Moxie was somewhat inquisitive.     

"Having balls does not make you a man! It is the incomparably indomitable spirit which does!" Jun Wuyi slowly declared these fifteen words.     

He had no choice but to relay these teachings even though the wording was quite vulgar and didn't embellish the teachings in any way.     

"… Having balls does not make you a man! It is the incomparably indomitable spirit which does…" Jun Moxie muttered these lines for a while. Initially, he wanted to laugh. But then he realized that these words were turning more and more to his liking.     

"The great-great grandfather taught well!" Jun Moxie cheered loudly and became somewhat excited. He then said, "It seems that this ancestor wasn't even lacking at the death's door! He was still a 'real man'!"     

"Correct! Innumerable people have p*nises under their crot*hes on this earth, but 'real' men are very few! 'Man'? What is a 'man'?" Jun Wuyi looked at his nephew with a hawk like expression.     

"A 'man' is someone who stands tall! He has a will of iron and a loyal heart! He is a man of character with an incomparably indomitable spirit!" Jun Moxie laughed loud as he spoke this in a carefree manner. The sentence he had spoken had actually broadened his mind. It relieved him of any worry.     

"Correct! If a man is a coward, is overcautious and is too fond of life… and if he fears death… he cannot be considered a 'real' man—not even if he takes a hundred wives and fathers eight hundred children!" Jun Wuyi laughed heartily, "A will of iron, and a loyal heart; a man of character with an incomparably indomitable spirit! Well-said!"     

"I merely admire the last eight words of this ancestor's teachings!" Jun Moxie laughed in a carefree manner, "This line is very much to my liking. It feels like a 'God' has penned it to my liking! I can use these eight words in my conduct, and be worthy of my ancestor's name!"     

Jun Wuyi smiled, "Correct! His words may seem vulgar and uncultured, but they have a magnanimous and open-minded message inside. His words are truly great!"     

"To continue in one's own way and do what the heart desires—it is truly a great way to live!" Jun Moxie felt very happy inside. [These teachings seem like they were custom made for me!]     

"You prefer to interpret those words in that manner, but I do it differently. Perhaps this is the major difference between our natures. And that is probably why we conduct ourselves very differently in public!"     

Jun Wuyi smiled slowly, "An incomparably indomitable spirit! I comprehend those four words thus—it is important to live in an upright manner; regardless of the anything. We first need to harbor a clear conscience, and only then can we have an indomitable spirit!"     

"Death isn't worth fearing; simply wishing for wealth and prosperity isn't enough! Wealth must be attained in a wise and just manner while maintaining a clear conscience!" Jun Wuyi declared in a decisive and resolute manner. "Your great-great grandfather's wishes were in this order: first—do good and become a good man; then—have a clear conscience. These two pre-requisites must be adhered to. Only then will a man be able to speak in a bold manner with justice on his side in every situation!"     

Jun Wuyi smiled in a profound manner after he finished describing the teachings, "Did you understand our ancestor's teachings clearly, Moxie? Do you understand the reason behind my decision to help them?"     

"Yes Third Uncle, I understand." Jun Moxie replied respectfully, "First, you choose the correct path. Then you utilized your capabilities to do what your heart desires!"     

"Good!" Jun Wuyi felt very pleased. However, he hadn't listened properly. His understanding and Jun Moxie's understanding weren't the same; in fact, they were completely different.     

Jun Moxie had said—Find a correct path, and then live according to one's own wishes. Whereas, Jun Wuyi had referred to the 'correct way of living', and having a clear conscience… These two things were entirely different. In fact, these two ideologies clashed with each other, and weren't alluding to the same meaning in any way.     

Jun Moxie hadn't ceased pouring pure Aura into Ye Guhan, and was still operating the Art of Unlocking Heaven's fortune. However, there wasn't enough Aura in the mortal world to imbue Ye Guhan with. He was still unconscious even though his breathing had become somewhat stable. But this was the most Jun Moxie could do for now. He could at most make Ye Guhan persist in the world of the living. However, Jun Moxie was powerless when it came to reviving Ye Guhan completely… or even making the situation better than it was…     

Then, someone informed that General Dugu had arrived with his bodyguard; Minister Sun had also accompanied them. Jun Wuyi hastily left to make the preparations to welcome his visitors. Dugu Wudi and Minister Sun were about to enter the Jun residence when they heard the announcement that declared Princess Ling Meng's arrival…     

Mr. Wen had taken Princess Ling Meng back to the Imperial Palace. However, she had then created a ruckus, and had demanded that she gets to see Ye Guhan. Her demands to see her Uncle Ye were so fierce that the Emperor himself had to go and console her. But she became even more defiant when the Emperor tried to calm her down. Moreover, her attitude turned cold and distant towards him…     

This continued for a while, but then the Emperor was forced to meet her demands.     

The Princess made several inquiries regarding Ye Guhan's whereabouts after she left the Imperial Palace. She was eventually informed that the Third Master of the Jun Family, Jun Wuyi, had rescued Ye Guhan. Princess Ling Meng was overjoyed to hear this news, and immediately made way for the Jun Residence…     

Behind Princess Ling Meng were three 'panting' old men. Their chief was recognized as the foremost medical expert in the city—Fang Huisheng! They were followed by the Imperial Bodyguards who were energetically carrying the three experts' medical equipment.     

"Uncle Ye…" Princess Ling Meng charged into the Jun Family's residence. In fact, she ran inside as if no one else existed in her eyes. She made her way to Jun Wuyi and asked, "Third Uncle Jun, what about my Uncle Ye? Where is he?"     

She was unaware that she was practically shouting, and her mannerism would be considered as unreasonable by most people.     

Jun Wuyi forced a smile and shook his head. The Princess nearly fell down. It seemed as if she had stumbled upon a hole in the ground. Then, she asked in a trembling voice, "Is he already…"     

"The Princess shouldn't make such guesses. His condition isn't good, but Ye Guhan is still somehow alive. You needn't worry. I've found him a place in Moxie's courtyard. Uh… I don't intend to conceal Ye Guhan's health from the Princess. He is stable for now, but his condition is not good," Jun Wuyi told her this in advance since he believed that she would need to be mentally prepared when she saw him.     

The Third Master Jun only acted in this manner since she was the Emperor's daughter, and it was necessary for her to act gracefully since she was the Princess of an Empire. It wouldn't suit her to reveal her true emotions of care and nervousness towards Ye Guhan; and certainly not in such a desperate manner.     

[This fiery little girl is very emotional and righteous.] He had seen the manner in which the three Princes had fought amongst themselves. However, he now saw the contrasting manner in which this Princess treated Ye Guhan. Jun Wuyi couldn't help but think of her to be a good person.     

They reached Ye Guhan's bed.     

The three old men carefully examined the injured man. Then, Fang Huisheng stood up and helplessly shook his head as he stammered, "Princess, Mr. Ye has received serious injuries on his body in this battle. He has also suffered many internal injuries. And these injuries are in his fatal regions. We could've dealt this with some difficulty, but his circumstances have been made worse due to extreme blood loss. The human body can recuperate if half of its blood has been lost. However, it is extremely difficult to heal someone who has lost over one-third of their blood. No medicinal Dan can save him. In fact, he should've been dead by now. Mr. Ye Guhan has only survived this long because his body was imbued with pure Mystic Qi by two very powerful people. But this extremely pure Mystic Qi won't be able to sustain his body for very long. Things will start to get worse after some time passes. We advise the Princess to make preparations for the funeral ceremony in advance."     

It turned out that their formidable reputation as doctors hadn't been without reason. They had already deduced Ye Guhan's present situation, and the inevitability of his fate. In fact, they had even figured that his body was being supported by Mystic Qi from two very powerful experts. It was a pity that these three distinguished individuals weren't capable of saving his life.     

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