Strongest Abandoned Son

Pill King Tournament First Question

Pill King Tournament First Question

Yue Qichao amplified his voice with cultivation essence and said, "That cultivator's name is Ye Mo. No matter what sort of a person he is, his name and contribution to the cultivation realm will be forever remembered by the future cultivators and pill masters of Luo Yue Continent."     

With Yue Qichao's reputation and respect, saying the name Ye Mo so seriously brought everyone to discuss this name.     

Even Ye Mo felt his blood boil. He even felt like immediately telling the secrets of the spirit weaving pill to everyone. At the same time he sighed. If he had known that Pill City would take the spirit weaving pill so seriously, he would've gone to the City Lord for help. He wouldn't have needed to take this roundabout way of participating in the tournament.     

But since he had come, he wanted to prove his capability.     

Ji Ling, who sat on the judges panel, almost stood up in shock. He knew Ye Mo. It was that guy's formation in Mo Yue that he couldn't stop thinking about. He didn't expect Ye Mo to be a pill concoction prodigy and a formation prodigy at the same time. This guy was insane!     

When the Clear Dream Mosque heard the name 'Ye Mo', they guessed that this might be the same Ye Mo as their disciple Ling Xiaoshuang had spoken of. But she had gone to a mortal city, and so they couldn't ask her.     


"Ye Mo?" Fang Zhongshi suddenly got up and looked at Ning Qingxue, saying with a shaky tone, "That Ye Mo, Ye Mo…"     

He wanted to ask Ning Qingxue if it was that Ye Mo, but he didn't know how to ask. If it really was that Ye Mo, then before the man had even made an appearance, he had utterly crushed him.     

If everything that had been said about him was true, then even though he was a prodigy, how could he compare with someone whose name would be remembered by the entire Luo Yue Continent?     

Ning Qingxue was excited too, but she wasn't sure if it was her husband as there were too many people with the same name in the world.     

Just as Ning Qingxue's head was in a mess, Fang Zhongshi asked her if it was that Ye Mo. She replied without hesitation, "Yes, it's him."     

Fang Zhongshi sat down dejectedly. He felt his body become powerless.     

Ning Qingxue's master looked at Ning Qingxue and Fang Zhongshi in confusion before asking Ning Qingxue, "Who is 'him'?"     

Ning Qingxue looked down. She could speak without certainty to Fang Zhongshi, but she didn't dare to speak nonsense to her master. If Ning Qingxue hadn't seen that Ye Mo was already a level seven spirit pill master, she would be almost certain that it wasn't the same Ye Mo.     

She didn't care if Ye Mo had created the spirit weaving pill or not, she just wanted to be with him, but if he really had created that pill then there would be no resistance for her to be with Ye Mo.     


When the voices quietened down again, Yue Qichao's tone grew deep. "Contestants, it's no bluff to say that you all represent the peak of the entire Luo Yue Continent's pill concoction level. Some dao friends are on par with me, some are even better than me. Since we are all fighting for the same pill dao, if a foundation establishment state cultivator from the North Far State can create the spirit weaving pill, why can't we? In the past, our tournament was decided using the 12 pill king steps to decide the top 50. This time, we will do things like the North Far State and use three rounds to determine the final result."     

Yue Qichao's tone grew more serious. "This time, Pill City takes the pill king tournament more seriously than ever before. I'm sure many cultivator friends have seen this, and you're right. Although the cultivation realm seems stable right now, that's just on the surface. In the near future, not only our South Peace State, but the entire Luo Yue Continent cultivation realm might be in danger. Some big sect members might know a little already. This is the pill king tournament, so I won't say much, but we pill kingd and pill masterd must contribute more to the Luo Yue Continent and concoct more useful pills for the South Peace State cultivators."     

Yue Qichao continued. "In the ancient cultivation realm, there were many powerful pills that could speed up cultivation speed without affecting a cultivator's foundation. But now these pill recipes are lost. 60 years ago, I went with a qianbei to search through an ancient ruin. There, we found a few of these pills. There are about 600 of these pills."     

Even Ye Mo was beginning to get curious now.     

Yue Qichao said, "Among those pills, there is for example the Hua Sang pill. The spirit herb it uses isn't high level, but it can remove pill poison. If this pill recipe is recovered, it would be a great joy to all cultivators."     

This made the square burst into noise. Aside from spirit chi, cultivators mainly relied on pills to break through. But all cultivators knew that taking too many pills resulted in pill poison accumulating in your body. So anything that could remove pill poison would be treated as a great treasure.     

Even Ye Mo could feel the value of the Hua Sang pill. Although he had the stalagmite benefit pill, who could afford it other than him? And he didn't even have that much 10,000 year stalagmite marrow left himself.     

Yue Qichao said again, "Then there is the heaven glory pill. Any talented golden core state cultivator just needs one such pill and will be able to break through one level without fail, no bottleneck or foundation problems. But what a pity, this pill recipe has also been lost."     

This pill didn't create as much commotion as the Hua Sang pill, but it still got the golden core state cultivators amazed.     

Ye Mo was shaken. He had relied on the heaven glory pill to get through the golden core state quickly. So that pill was really an ancient pill recipe! It seemed that the spirit confined in there was no simple being.     

"Next, the disaster defense pill. This one can increase the chances of any cultivator below the hollow spirit state at passing divine damnation. As for the mist spirit pill, we don't know the precise effects of this pill yet, but it probably had some important effects for dealing with the heart demon tribulation."     

Yue Qichao just spoke of four lost recipes, and everyone present was shocked. There was not a single one that cultivators didn't need. They were all very precious pills. How could the recipes have been lost?     

Yue Qichao sighed. "The pity is that we've lost all of these precious pill recipes. A few pill kings and I have studied them for decades but still couldn't create any of them. We could at most figure out their components. The current cultivation realm isn't stable, After I discussed it with a few pill dao qianbei, we have decided to give the pills we have to the pill king and pill master contestants. More people, more ideas. Perhaps there really might be someone like North Far State's Ye Mo who can create or replicate a pill."     

Ye Mo realized that Yue Qichao would be giving these pills to everyone to see who could find out what the pill recipe was.     

If this was the test question, then Ye Mo felt he was too lucky. He had already found out the heaven glory pill recipe and had even concocted the pill. If he got a heaven glory pill then he wouldn't even need to do anything.     

But from the tone of his words, Ye Mo knew that there was far more precious pills they had found.     

Yue Qichao continued, "There are about 600 pills, so for the first question, every contestant can get one pill. I hope you can find out its contents and recover the pill recipe. These pills are all level nine spirit pills so whichever pill you get, it will be very fair."     

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