Infinite Mana in the Apocalypse

Alexander King! IV

Alexander King! IV

As Aurelia did this, the person responsible for it all monitored everything occurring sharply as the transformation of an Apex Aeonic Lifeform was far faster than that of the Emperor Penguin during his initial Reconstruction.      

The leftover essence that was being broken down and refined was so potent that her Realm and Foundation would be built and fully saturated in the coming seconds, and she could undergo Apexification once more with an Extremity Foundation thereafter as when one put into account her Boundaries that Noah actually found the highest to be Fortune at the 14th Boundary Layer during the Reconstruction...he knew that her Apex Aeonic Soul Values were about to be utterly dreadful after her transformation!      

But this was her.      

Her choice here was not a singular one as in another enclosed domain, Orion- the True Emperor of Genesis, had made the same choice as her as he would experience a similar transformation.      

Many others would undoubtedly become unimaginable versions of themselves, but this was not where Noah directed the attention of his main body.      

Back in the domain holding his main body and his closest people, the emerald light shone brightly as another version of Noah had come to fruition.      

Dense waves of authority still sank into him every second, but his pristine face was clear to all as it was distinctively different from Noah.      

He seemed like an older version of the face of Alexander King in the past- with his face being more pristinely sculpted and carrying rugged devilish handsomeness.      

Lush dark hair flowed from his head as streaks of Vitalistic emerald green coursed through them, his eyes sharp and yet filled with regality as they shone with the quality that all Absolute Vitalistic Clones seemed to share- deeply emerald stellar pupils that seemed to be seeking infinity.      

"Oh my..." Off to the side, Barbatos whistled as she watched the new countenance that had stemmed from Noah be forged, her thoughts wild at such a moment!      

'This version of him seems like someone who would roughly devour me like a beast for days and not even cuddle afterwards...'      


His visage seemed unrealistic.      

Like the main character of some long lost story.      

Well proportioned, stunning, muscular yet toned, with fair skin having stellar seas of authority dancing atop it as his eyes opened brightly at this moment!      


An emerald circular wave of light pulsed out as his verdant eyes shone so bright that the pupils turned into radiant lemniscate symbols of light!      

Alexander King.      

He stared deeply into Noah's eyes as this main body stared back at him.      

They were one and the same, and yet he would take on the identity of another!      

"You will not play with the same Boundaries and Dynamis that I frequently play with."      

Noah's voice was resonant as he spoke out.      


"No..." Alexander's thick and smooth voice echoed out in acknowledgment as his hand rose before his eyes.      

"I will play with a more devilish side. Like the resurgence of the terrors of Cthulhu and the chthonian horrors."      


The recently expanded Boundary of Cthulhu blazed in Alexander's hands as he continued.      

"And the Seven Deadly Sins along with the devilishness they bring...along with the expansion of Necromancy!"      


The concept of Necromancy was taken towards Extremity.      

Horribly beautiful darkness erupted around the green stellar figure as illusory skulls rose along with it.      

Off in the distance, a deathly symphony seemed to play as the cackling of Arch Lich Ra'Zan could distinctly be heard!      

This symphony seemed dangerous as it shook off with a dazzling tempo, the visage of Alexander King becoming ever mightier as Noah's will transformed itself into this identity fully- to the extent that one would not be able to look at Alexander and think of Noah!      

Each identity would express grandeur and Quintessence.      

Just...their approach would defer.      

Behind Alexander King, abominations and Legions of horror would follow!      

And since the body of Alexander was entirely separate from Noah until the moment it was assimilated back into him as everything it accomplished would be reflected on Noah, there were no hesitations with it progressing forward even without pushing the Unrecorded Aeonic Quintessential Hyperversal Extremity Foundation to the utmost limit.      

So the moment that a bit over 10 more concepts of Boundaries were added to grant the total of 81 that would pristinely match with his 81 Hyperversal Extremity Meridian Seeds, the process of Apexification for Alexander King would begin.      

"And at such a time, the breadth of this soul will be much greater as it can handle another Absolute Seed of Extremity or two..."      


The deep voice of Alexander thundered out as he breathed in.      

The Quintessential Breath of Extremity Modus Operandi surged within his body as the Indefatigable, Aletheian, and Vitalistic Dynamis of Extremity were hidden deep within- other sources of Essences beginning to circulate within his as he began mixing dreadful and deathly authorities!      

He was already setting the stage for the birth of yet another Absolute Seed of Extremity after he completed Apexification as this one would contain the Boundaries of Necromancy, Summoning, Apocalypse, Death, Pride, Gluttony, Sloth, Envy, Greed, Lust, and Wrath!      

The myriad of authorities began to cycle across his very atoms as a devilish glint began to radiate from him.      


Noah nodded at this fantastical sight as his gaze then turned towards the rest of his people.      

Towards his son who shone with golden brilliance. Towards Athena, Kazuhiko, Barbatos, and the many others who gazed towards him with a profound light of eagerness.      

"The stage of Apex Aeonic Lifeforms is open to all as it is only a matter of who will go after the Emperor Penguin."      


Many were excited for it, but none moved forward as they would follow whichever sequence Noah chose to follow!      

A fortunate light shone as Noah smiled and looked around, his gaze being taken towards a figure with observant eyes in the back.      

Adorned in a stellar white labcoat,  golden strands of hair nearly reached his shoulders as it was none other than...      

"Dr. Hall, it seems you hold something fortunate to share."      


Many eyes and gazes landed on him as he didn't falter or buckle from them!      

His golden eyes hardened as he nodded and began to float towards Noah's visage.      

"Can we...expand the Boundary of Medicine? I seek to put this at the very center and lead forces that can heal our people endlessly and even stop the advancement of True Death."      


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