My Husband is My Professor and Boss



They kept sneaking glances at the two of them from the corner of their eyes.     

They were such a strong couple that once you saw them together, you couldn't take your eyes off them. He was the dark devil in human form and she was a pure angel. The four of them had smiles on their lips that reached their eyes as they watched Alex cup Avery's small face in his large hands. Her face was almost completely covered by his hand.     

"Oh, it's no big deal." Cupping her face in his hands, he leaned down and whispered in his sexy voice.     

"How can you say that I ruined your shirt." She shook her head and placed her hand on his arm and immediately regretted it. "God, I'm such a messy person." She removed her hand from his arm and was about to pull her hand when he caught her hand and placed it on his chest.     

"Don't you dare remove your hand because it doesn't matter to me. All I care about is your smile, now give me a sweet smile quickly." She nodded her head and gave him a smile. She gave this smile forcefully but still her mood was light up than before. He took a handkerchief from the back pocket of his jeans and wiped both her hands. "you will Wait here until I get this shirt changed, or you want to come with me." He knew that his Ave got nervous around new people quickly, which made her feel uncomfortable. Because of that he asked.     

"You come, I'll stay here." He kissed her forehead before giving inside.     

"Auntie who is that fairy." When the caretaker's daughter-in-law was busy plucking strawberries, someone asked her. When she turned, the same morning boy was standing in front of her with his toy in his hand. She smiled at him and pulled him into a motherly hug.     

" Lord xander brought that fairy with him . " she answered smiling to that boy.     

" When did lord xander come . " he said , clutching his soft toy in his chubby hands .     

"Last night, when my little fighter was sleeping," she said kissing on his Chubby cheek.     

"Will she play with me."     

"You can ask her."     

"what if she shouts on me. " He pouted with his baby pink lips.     

" I don't know if she'll play with you but she won't yell at you. She is also innocent like you.     

Without further delay he started moving his chubby feet towards his fairy. When he reached her, he grabbed the hem of her dress and pulled it down. When Avery felt someone pulling her dress, Avery looked down and her lips pulled into a smile.     

In front of her was a very cute and chubby boy almost of her brother's age. She quickly recognized that this was the same little boy she had seen in the bird garden. She had seen him from a distance in the morning but now he was standing in front of her. And really he looked very cute up close. His innocent eyes, his small, pink lips and cheeks were all very captivating.     

She was looking at him when he directly asked her, "You will play with me."     

"Hun" she just kept looking at him. Seeing her not answering his question, he asked her again, "Will you play with me?" But this time his confidante was zero and his voice was low, and he kept looking down. Seeing him reminded Avery of her brother. They were almost the same age but Avery could tell that her brother was not as shy as this little boy.     

She crouched down on his level. And placing her hand on his chubby cheek, she lifted his face. "Am I a fool not to play with such a cute little boy but for that little boy should tell me his name." Avery's warm words and positive demeanor immediately made his eyes light up and he gave a toothy smile.     

"My name is Ben. I'm four years old and in a few days I'll be five but everyone calls me Little one. And what will you call me," he said, blinking his eyes at her.     

" Humm..." Avery started to tap her first finger on her lips with a serious fake serious expression on her face. "Let me think." He kept looking at her curiously, praying in his heart that she wouldn't just call him little because he didn't like the nickname little one at all. As he was the youngest in the family, he was irritated hearing the name Little One - Little One again and again.     

"what about cute Ben."     

"I like it, and what's your name."     

"I'm Avery." she told him with a smile.     

"Ave-Avelly..." He kept trying to pronounce her name but finally he couldn't say her name. "I will call you my fairy. I don't like your name. It's hald to call." he said making weird faces.     

She was like a fairy to him of whom he had only heard stories until now. "Okay. No problem."     


When Alex returned, Avery was not there. He looked her around and spotted her in the front line of the blueberries section. He saw a small boy with her. He knew that the little boy was the Caretaker's youngest Grand Son. Seeing them both engrossed in each other's company, Alex decided not to disturb them. And he sat on a bench from where he could see her clearly wherever she went.     

Seeing his dominant figure at that particular spot, no one dared to go near that spot. He placed one leg on the knee of the other leg. He pulled out a pack of cigarettes from his jeans pocket and placed one in the gap between his lips. He lit the cigar with a lighter and pushed back the lighter into his pocket. He rested his back on the bench and began to puff his cigarette in the air.     

He was now wearing a dark brown V-neck T-shirt with which he paired black jeans.     

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