My Husband is My Professor and Boss



" What. " The old man gasped in surprise. "Who are you calling old man? Don't forget that you proposed to this old man 48 years ago in front of everyone in the market."     

"I was stupid and blind at that time," she said as she walked into the kitchen. Her old husband also immediately followed her and the two began to quarrel like everyday     

As the two of them stepped out the front door, Avery let the sight before her fill her eyes for a moment. It was almost eight o'clock in the morning, so the labourers had come to work in the fields and they were all busy with their work.     

Some were harvesting fruits and some were busy pruning trees. The morning sun was accompanied by a cold wind which made the atmosphere more pleasant. Putting her lips into a big smile, she ran to the berries section.     

"Stop Running." Alex took long strides and approached her. Taking her arm he turned her around. "Don't forget you are pregnant. So stop running like that." His voice was low but there was a warning in his tone. Her eyes were looking into his eyes and immediately her hand went to her stomach.     

"I am sorry," she said in a thin voice. His heart melted when he saw the sad expression on her face. He sighed and placed his hand on her cheek. Leaning down, he planted a kiss on her head and told her in a gentle voice, "Go and have fun. Just don't jump around."     

She nodded her head and headed towards her favourite strawberry farm. The first thing she did was to sit on her knee and slowly pluck the strawberries. It was her first time to pick up fresh strawberries from the plant so she was so careful as if strawberries were the most fragile thing in the world and if she touched them even the slightest bit harshly the strawberries would hurt. Her touch was so gentle with strawberries.     

The shine in her eyes was very alluring. The smile on her pink lips was very innocent. He couldn't help but take out his iPhone from his jeans pocket and snap some pictures of her.     

"My lord," someone called to him while he was busy looking at her, and when he turned, there was a woman in her early forties standing in front of him. There were three more ladies with her. This lady was the eldest daughter-in-law of the caretaker couple of the farmhouse.     

The fruits of this farm were in high demand both in the local market and also in the outside markets because here instead of machines, manpower was more responsible for the fruits farming. Today was the day to ship out strawberries to the market and because of that the three ladies were with her for harvesting strawberries. But when that lady saw Alexander in the strawberry field, she could not ignore him and just do her work because it would have been disrespectful to him.     

Without saying anything, she stood in front of Alex with her head down. "You don't have to bother about me, you can do your job," he said without taking his eyes off Avery.     

The four of them were about to leave when Avery happily came with a fresh strawberry in her hand. Opening her hands she stood in front of Alex, "Look Alex, how beautiful and fresh these are. They are not like Market at all." Taking one of the strawberries in her hand lifted it to Alex, "Try it, I'm sure it will be very sweet and juicy."     

In front of her small figure, Alex stood in his dominant form with his arms folded in front of his chest. He bent his body a little and took the strawberry from her hand in his mouth.     

While he munching on strawberries, Avery kept looking at hoping that he would like the strawberries she had picked. "It is sweet, isn't it."     

"Yes, it's really sweet." A smile appeared on his lips, but it was not a normal smile, it was a devilish smile. He bent down and brought his lips to her ear. "It is sweet but not more than your plump and juicy lips. My little sweet. And I would prefer your strawberry over this strawberries. Your little strawberry or you can say your little flower gives me more satisfaction."     

His erotic and dirty talk made her legs tremble on the spot. Her eyes widened and her cheeks flushed pink. Her hands clenched tightly causing the strawberry to crush her hands which released its sweet juice and painted her hands red-pink. Before she was about to snap out of her shock state, she heard someone giggling. When she turned her face towards the sound, in front of her were women about her mother's age who were looking at her with bright eyes.     

She was so busy showing Alex the strawberry that she didn't notice the four of them beforehand. Her cheeks started to burn with the shyness and she put her hand on Alex's stomach and pulled herself away from him. But she had forgotten that her hands were full of strawberry jam. Which was now on his shirt.     

"ha," she sucked as her eyes fell on her red hand that was on his stomach. She immediately pulled her hand back but it was already too late. His white shirt already had a red mark on her hand. She lifted her eyelids and looked at Alex, who was already staring at her blankly Then she looked at the women who were trying hard to suppress their laugh. Her expression was prize-less this time and if Alex hadn't been there, the women would have laughed out loud. Avery felt at that moment that the ground beneath her feet should have absorbed to escape this embarrassing situation.     

"I'm sorry," she looked at her husband again. The expression on her face said that she might cry at any moment now. Her expression was not hidden from anyone, so the four women left immediately and started their work, but still, they kept sneaking glances at the two of them from the corner of their eyes.     

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