My Husband is My Professor and Boss



Nobody recognized Alex here because this restaurant was far outside the city and in the ruler's area. But once this video of Alex had gone viral, it would not be good for his reputation, Avery thought. And with this thought she panicked. She didn't want unwanted attention.     

But one thing was very common no matter where people are from, whether it is in the city or in the ruler's area, if any such incidents or drama happen, instead of helping or settling the quarrel, they will first shoot the video and post it on social media. And while doing so, they never think about how this will affect that person in the future. All they need is some spicy entertainment.     

As soon as Avery's words fell on his ears, Alex's sharp eyes ran through the entire restaurant "If you don't want to get out of here alive, record it all." One of his warnings shook the ground and all the people began to tremble in place. They had forgotten about recording and only started to pray for their dear life.     

"What is happening here." This harsh voice drew everyone's attention. This voice belonged to the owner of the restaurant who was standing at the door behind the counter.     

"Come here motherfucker, I've been waiting for you." After hearing Alexander's dominant voice, the owner of the restaurant started shaking in his place.     

"Bo.... Boss." He said in a broken voice and immediately came fully inside. He was shaken like a dry leaf. "You chose such an outside place to run a brothel under the name of a restaurant. Am I right."     

"N... No... No.. Boss. Th... There is no such thing, bo... Boss, please believe me."     

Joining both hands he started begging in front of Alex in very scared voice. It was hard for Avery to see a old man in his sixties pleading in front of her husband. The man was about five feet ten inches tall and his physique was strong for his age. It was clear that he knew Alex very well because he was working under Alex. And this business was his side business.     

"You don't have to come to work from tomorrow, you are not needed any more" Alex put both his hands in the front pockets of his jeans and raised his chin.     

"No boss, please don't do that. You know my situation very well." He immediately dropped to his knees which made Avery's mouth drop open and she took a step back. Seeing this, her heart began to ache and at this moment she was most angry with the waitress. None of this would have happened if she hadn't given useless signals to her Alex, and her husband's anger was one of those things that, once triggered, never subsided.     

Her body started to flare up like a volcano from inside and she didn't even know where this courage came from but she picked up the wooden flower bass from the nearby table and before anyone would think about it, she hit the flower bass hard on the waiter's head. Due to which she fell down the waitress. "Now you're happy, you rotten tomato." She couldn't even curse properly.     

At this time Alex saw his wife as an angry kitchen who raised her claws to attack the opponent. If she wasn't pregnant, Alex would have enjoyed the scene even more, but it wasn't possible under the circumstances. He immediately wrapped one of his arms around her waist and turned her around with the other arm. He held her close to his chest and whispered in her ear, "Quiet my little kitten. Quiet. Doing such a things is not good for your health. " He started running his hands through her hair.     

"then please Don't fire this uncle. " she said rubbing her face into his chest like a kitten. He sighed. He knew he couldn't argue around with her anymore so he readily agreed. And ordered the owner of the restaurant to hire a whole new staff, taking Avery with him.     

As they approached his car, seeing wet skirt Avery's face fell. Because of that wet skirt, her feet were getting cold. She didn't want that feeling because she was a warm lover person not a cold lover. Seeing her downcast face, Alex immediately took a small bag from the back seat of the car in which he had already packed three to four pairs of clothes for her. Avery's face immediately lit up after seeing her. She didn't know that Alex had packed clothes for her and because of that she thought that she would have to travel further in this wet skirt. But her husband was very thoughtful. While she was wondering where she would change her skirt, the owner of the same restaurant called Alex. When they both turned around, the man was now accompanied by a olderly lady with a paper bag in her hand.     

The lady came forward and stood in front of Alex looking downword.      

"My Lord, please forgive me. My husband not in fault because I am the one who look after this restaurant not my husband."     

Seeing this, Avery couldn't help but cut into the conversation before Alex was about to say anything. "Don't worry. Alex has already forgiven your husband so don't worry." She couldn't hide her curiosity and…     

And she immediately asked, "What's in this paper bag."     

'Oh, this is a special dish of this restaurant. I brought it for you because you two have not eaten anything. " "How sweet you are. "Avery immediately took the bag from her hand and opened the mouth of the bag to take in the aroma of the food. "Hmm, it smells very good."     

Alex kept looking at Avery. Avery had never acted like this before. But what happened to her today? May be happy because they were going out or because of hormonal changes.     

"is this dish vegetarian?" Alex asked what Avery forgot to ask. To which he was met with a positive nod and asked the lady to take Avery to change her clothes.     

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