My Husband is My Professor and Boss



She was a sacred flower without a single stain in this cruel and vicious world of Alexander.     

When he felt her body tense against his bid form body, he started rubbing her back relaxing her. And she immediately loosened in his arms because of his tender touch.     

After ending the call, he slid his mobile into his pocket. Avery didn't ask him who he was talking about on the phone call because she somehow guessed who he was talking about. And it is clear to her that he has now come from his under base after torturing Raghav.     

He must have tortured Raghav and he must have given instructions about him on the call now. She was not a typical female lead character who would tell her husband not to punish a person like Raghav. She was not giving to say just late him go after giving warning. Because what happened to her today can happen to any girl. And even this time, if Raghav was warned again and then released, what was the guarantee that he would not do the same things again? He was such a cunning Fox. And she knew that her suggestion was not needed in this matter because her husband was more than acceptable for these kind of situation and persons like Raghav.     

He broke their embrace but did not remove his arms from Avery's waist. Placing his free hand on her cheek, he lowered his face.     

His face was close to hers and his breath fanned her face. She closed her eyes and leaned into his touch. The pad of his thumb began to stroke her lower lip. He had not touched these rose petal lips since last fifteen days. He had missed the test of her lips very much. He was going to kiss her in this morning when they were outside the mansion but after what she told him about the whole incident, his only thought was to torture Raghav.     

After torturing Raghav, now the raging bull inside him has calmed down. He ran his tongue over his lips thinking that within a moment he would now have her luscious lips in his. And the next moment he sealed both her lips. Both his lips covered her delicate lips and started kissing her.     

This kiss was not soft or full of love. The kiss was very aggressive and hard as if he was marking his territory. He took her lower lip in his mouth and started nibbling it. Like he was literally eating her lower lip. he didn't release her lower lip from his teeth until her lip was swollen and start bleeding. The metallic test of blood went into his mouth.     

After releasing the lower lip, he took her upper lip in his mouth and did the same thing with that lip as well. Even after doing this he did not stop there. He took her lips in his and started kissing her very hard again. He parted her mouth with his tongue and pushed his tongue into her mouth to test every corner of her mouth. Till date Avery had shared many kisses with Alex, from sweet kisses to hard ones but this kiss was something different. Aggressive, possessive, and hard along with this kiss was very dark. dark like hell And he was king of hell.     

She was his queen but she was not dark like him. She was like light in the darkness.     

The delicate nails of her hands, which were placed on his waist, were dug into his flesh because of tough kiss.     

It was unbearable for her. She felt like she hadn't breathed from ages. She felt that she was in the bottomless sea and that her body was sinking deep and deep due to lack of breath. Her eyes widened. Her system lacked the oxygen she needed. She tried to use her remaining strength to free her body from his grip but it was almost impossible. He kept kissing her in such a way like he was planning to kill her with just a kiss. (Oh, sorry It was just a joke.)     

He knew what Avery was going through in the current situation but still he wasn't ready to leave her. He had to complete his stock of kisses which had been pending since fifteen days ago.     

He was not going to leave her until his desire was fulfilled but It was a different that he was always hungry for her lips. And it was never ending game for him.     

Soon her knee could not support the weight of her body and her body fell limp in his arms. He tightened his grip on her waist as her body limped and placed his hand on her head to steady her face but he didn't break the kiss.     

A few moments later when a small part of his heart was satisfied, he broke the kiss and looked at the art he had made on her lips. Her lips were completely swollen and there were very small cuts on it. Her eyelids were closed and there were small drops of tears on her cheeks but this time his heart did not hurt to see it. He did not feel bad. Infact he felt proud.     

He lifted her limp body in his arms in a bridal style and walked into the dining room where Mrs. Kim was already present, as it was dinner time. He went to the head chair which the butler Kim had already pulled out as soon as he saw the two of them. After sitting in the head chair, he adjusted Avery comfortably on his lap and placed her head on his chest.     

As usual, Mrs. Kim served one plate for both of them and filled a glass of water and then stood in the corner.     

Alexander began patting his little wife's cheek to bring her back to her senses.     

And when she opened her eyes fully, she took a long breath as she had been holding her breath in her unconscious state.     

"Water," she said in a small voice, and Alex immediately held Glass to her lips. She hissed as she placed her lips on the rim of the glass and glanced at Alex angrily as he told her to drink the water slowly.     

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