My Husband is My Professor and Boss

CH-292 From the beginning.

CH-292 From the beginning.

But in a corner of her heart, she was wondering why didn't he feel her love her. "Why are you so heartless Ranveer." Yes. The person she was thinking about was Ranvir. The father of her child.     

It was so uncomfortable for her to tell the doctor that she had hard sex the night before and that is why she is here to check the health of her baby. But thank God from starting she took her treated from ladies doctor. She breathed a sigh of relief after knowing that her baby was good in condition. The doctor also told her that there are no complications in her pregnancy so there is no harm in having sex for her. "You just have to be careful that the sex is not too intense." The doctor told her.     


She looked last time to see if there was anything left. She had done her packing and her flight was in two hours. Finally she was going to leave this country today and she did not tell her parents about it. She knew that if she had told her parents, they would not have let her go and would have arranged her contract marriage with someone. Which would have been a purely business deal like her sister's marriage. But Natasha had no problem with her marriage because money was more important than love for her. It had been six days since the incident with Ranveer and there was no contact between them during these six days.     

She opened the door of her apartment to go out but was shocked to see Ranveer at the door step. He was the last person she expected at this time.     

"where are you going?" he asked narrowing his eyes.     

"Yes. I mean I'm going on a business trip."     

"Hmm...." he entered inside gently pushing her aside. He looked at number off bags and looked at her suspiciously. He felt that something was not right. His sudden visit made her nervous.     

"I have something very important to talk with you." he sat on her couch as if he owned it.     

"But I don't have time. My flight is in two hours."     

"This is more important than your flight and I don't think you can go anywhere after listening to me." Hearing this her heart beat increased.     

"Speak quickly what you want to say" she held her mobile in a tight grip.     

" Marry me . "     

" Say, what again . "     

" You heard me right . I want you to marry me . " Her jaw dropped to the ground and her eyes widened . It was a very big bomb fell on her. She still did not believe in her ears. She came out of shock and composed herself. "You are joking."     

Hearing this he laughed a little, "Do you see I am in the mood for a joke." Now she became speechless and her lips dried up. She kept staring at him. He looked at the expression on her face and sighed. He got up and approached her.     

He took the backpack from her shoulder and put it down. Then he took her hand in his and made her sit on the nearby couch and he sat himself in front of her. He placed his hand on her lap and took her hand in his, "Look I know this is sudden and unbelievable. I also know I'm not the ideal person for you."     

"then why are you here. "     

" Because I want to get rid of this frustration and only you can do that. "     

" What frustration . "     

"I can't tell you that right now but I will tell you when the right time comes." Ranveer's words made her laugh and she pulled her hand from his hand.     

"So you're using me to take out your frustration and you don't even think it's fair to tell me. Why? " She felt a lump in her throat but swallowed it.     

"I'm not a thing Ranveer. I also have feelings. Can't you see that I lov... ..." she cut off her sentence. "I'm late. I have to go now." She got up from the couch and headed for the door. Before she open the door, Ranveer grabbed her arm and pulled her back. Her back touched his chest and he hugged her from back side.     

"Please listen to me."     

"There's nothing to listen, Ranveer." He tightened his grip on her and rested his chin on her shoulder. "I know I am a manwhore. Girls are just a means of pleasure for me. But you are different. I don't say I love you but I respect you. I am a person who attracts towords girls beauty but you attracted me by your soul. And it took me a while to understand. Just like I am your virginity keeper, you are my first kiss keeper. I know these two things are very different but before you I never wanted to kiss anyone. And this is the first time, It happened after spending the last night with you, I didn't want to touch any other girl. It's not that I didn't try. I even tried to kiss another girl but every time it was your face who stopped me. Every time your face came in front of my eyes. I started to fell disgust about myself. I started to feel a sense of peace when I was with you, which I had neglected until now."     

"What if you cheat on me in the future." she closed her eyes.     

"Rina, I'm a man whore but I'm a man of my word. I was afraid of making a commitment till now but not after this. I promise I'll not even look at any girl except you."     

"No..... " She took a deep breath and asked, "I mean give me a genuine reason other than this."     

"Someone told me that sometimes we should give change to a person who loves us very much."     

These words brought tears to her eyes. "You know." she asked with a trembling voice.     

"From the beginning."     

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