My Husband is My Professor and Boss

CH-179- Same Food

CH-179- Same Food

Back to Alex's Mansion...     

It was night time. Avery was sitting at the dining table. Her meal was served in front of her. But looking at all the food on the plate, she was making disgusting faces. It was clear from her expression that she did not like any of the dishes in her plate.     

On the other hand, when she was busy in the testing of dishes Alex came from his study room. He stood in the doorway of the dining room and began to catch a glimpse of her every action. Then he stepped forward and stood behind her. He put his hand on her shoulder and bent down. He then placed his chin on the shoulder and encircled his other free arm around her belly. "What happened my little wifey? Why are you making a disgusting face?" Did he ask her in strongly yet lovely?     

"Alex ", she whispered only to hearable for him and turned her face to look at him. She turned her face so that their faces came so close that they could feel each other's breath. Which made her feel a little nervous.     

He didn't take a second to realized what was going on in her heart. He lifted his hand from her shoulder and placed it on her head. He patted her head and said, "don't worry. I'm not going to kiss you in front of everyone. I just want to know why are you looking toward food this way."     

She felt relieved to hear him and opened her mouth.     

"Because it is tasteless." His expression changed when he heard that all the food served to his wife was tasteless. And in an instant the atmosphere in the dining room became tense. He lifted his eyes and looked at Mrs. Kim. He had personally handed over the responsibility of Avery's food to Mrs. Kim. And yet it happened today.     

On the other side seeing Alex's sharp gaze, Mrs. Kim began to tremble in her place. But before the situation could get out of hand, she decided to speak up. "Young Master I have prepared the meal according to the instructions given by you. If you don't believe, you can test."     

Without saying a word to Mrs. Kim, he lowered his eyes. He then stretched his hand and lifted the spoon from Avery's plate. He started testing all the dishes with that spoon.     

Seeing that he was testing all the dishes with her spoon, beautiful and adorable smile curved on her lips. Her stomach began to tickle.     

After testing all the dishes Alex stopped for a moment and then, "Leave", in his authoritative voice he ordered all the maids present there to go.     

Now they were alone in the dining room. He put the spoon back to the plate and said to her, "It's all really good my love. Still, why don't you like it?"     

"I do not know." She muttered and turned to him. "Alex", She shifted her eyes and looked at him. "Can you order the same food that you ordered for both of us in college?"     

Hearing her he pulled his brows together, "Did you like that meal?"     

"Yes. So can you please?"     

"Sure. But before that, I want you to come to the kitchen with me." He stood at his full height and stretched out his hand for her and opened his palm, "Come." She placed her palm in his and stood up from her chair. He took her to the kitchen and sat her on the island.     

He took some ingredients and put them on the island. He also took out the vegetables from the refrigerator. After putting all the ingredients he needed on the island, he started chopping vegetables. Avery was shocked to see him chopping vegetables effortlessly. Just like he was master in chopping.     

She wanted to ask, 'what you are doing', but she decided to keep quiet. After done with chopping he started cooking.     

Within thirty minutes, the kitchen was filled with a delicious mouth-watering aroma. And he stood in front of her with a plate of food in his hand. Avery surprised to see the dishes because it was same that Alex had ordered.     

And the biggest surprise was when she tasted the food. She lifted her eyes and asked him. "Not only the dishes but also the taste is the same."     

"Really?" He said, raising both his eyebrows. And in an instant, a mischievous smile appeared on his lips. Seeing his smile, she gasped and put her hand on her mouth in surprise. "Please don't say that you made that meal." Hearing this, the smile on his lips became even wider. He kept looking at her without saying anything, which gave her the answer to her question automatically.     

She was so surprised that she didn't understand how to react. She never thought that her husband would be good at cooking.     

Seeing her like that, he put the plate in his hand aside and pulled her into his arms. He started stroking her hair. "Don't be so surprised. From the day I decided to marry you, I started to perfect myself." There was silence in the kitchen for a while and then the two of them had their dinner.     

Alex decided in his mind that he would make everything for his wife from breakfast to dinner. Although it was difficult for him to do all this because of his workloads, he decided to adjust it.     


It was midnight. Avery was in Alex's arms. She was trying hard to sleep but she could not. She poked her head out of Alex's chest and looked at him. Alex's eyes were close and he was sleeping peacefully. She gently removed his heavy hand from her waist so as not to disturb him. She leaned against the headrest. Then her eyes fell on Alex's mobile which was placed on his side on the nightstand. She extended her hand sideways and reached for the mobile.     

She was afraid that the Devil would get up because of her little voice. She gently grabbed his mobile in her hand and sat down in her place again. She was about to open his mobile, "What are you doing?" She heard a rough voice that made her tremble on the place.     


Author's Note:- Hello dear readers. It's been almost a month since I did not upload a new chapter. And for that, I am very guilty. But things happened this month that prevented me from uploading a new chapter. First I got dengue and then that dengue caused weakness. It wasn't long before I got sick again. Whether or not I recover from that illness, I met the accident. That was a horrible day. After spending many days in the hospital, I have finally come home.     

I also tried to upload while I was in the hospital but it was not possible due to fracture. Sorry for all these days. This time I am not promising you to upload the novel every day but I will try my best. I'm sorry I couldn't wish you a Merry Christmas. I am uploading this note in two chapters. The first for the Simply Locked Chapter and the second for the Privilege Chapter.     

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