My Husband is My Professor and Boss

CH-206:-Mr Alexander Hill will be married to Miss Violet White

CH-206:-Mr Alexander Hill will be married to Miss Violet White

She hurried to Alex's office. She opened the office door without knocking and stepped inside. "Alex..on " She called her husband who was sitting on the chair another side of the table. His face was worried and he had a mobile in his hand, which he was holding near his ear. Avery also had a mobile in her hand on which the page of trending news was opened.     

He cut off the phone call just as he saw Avery coming through the door.     

He immediately stretched out his hand and ordered Avery in his strong voice. "Come here."     

Avery approached him with a heavy heart. She was still thinking whether the news was true or not. Will, he really going to do that? But how is this possible. He can't do that with her.Whether the news was true or not, the news reached to her heart.     

As she reached to Alex's chair, he grabbed her wrist. Pulling her he sat her on his lap. He wrapped his arms securely around her waist so that she would not be afraid to fall and he would be able to hold her closer to his body.     

"What happened?" He asked.     

"Look at this." She held her mobile in front of his eyes.     

The following news was flashing on her mobile screen.     

"Last Sunday, a serious collision took place in the famous Lord Krishna temple in the city."     

An article with such a headline clearly stated that a couple was attacked by a rebel in the temple of Lord Krishna last Sunday. The thing is that all the rebels were killed on the spot in that attack and the couple was safe. And the special fact was that the couple was in a very tight security shield. Just like they were very valuable personality.     

CCTV footage of that incident has already been Disappeared in thin air, leaving no one aware of the couple's face.     

But there were two photos related to the incident in the article in which Alex was holding Avery in his arms like his life depend on her. Those photos were taken by someone from a distance which made them a bit blurry. The article also mentioned that the Higher Officer speculated that the attack was on the Underworld King. And the man in the photo who was holding the woman in his arms was the Underworld King.     

But everyone also wondered who was that woman. And all of them started digging for the woman in the green sari.     

Because of this news, Avery became very worried. But the other news was more shocking for her. Which gave her shock from the bottom of her heart.     

And that was:-     

"Two well-known personalities and CEOs of the country's well-known company will come together for a very big project. And those persons are Mr. Alexander Hill and Mr. John White. For this project, Young master of Hill family Mr Alexander Hill will be married to Miss Violet White, daughter of Mr John White."     

"Alex, Are you really going to do this?" She asked with pleading eyes. She was looking into Alex's eyes for her answer. There was both fear and faith in her eyes. Fear for his answer and faith in his love.     

"Refresh your mobile's search engine." He said without any emotion. Avery pulled her lower lip between her white teeth and followed his command. As soon as she refreshed the search engine, that two pieces of news disappeared from the main page.     

She turned her head and looked at Alex who was now looking at her and smiling.     

"Alex how this happened."     

"I stopped broadcasting that news."     

"Hmm." She did not understand what he was talking about. She was confused and looked at him like a lost puppy. Seeing her innocent face, Alex placed one of his hands on her cheek and rested his forehead on hers.     

"I don't know how the story of Sunday's attack reached the media. My man is deeply investigating for this because I don't want any danger to come to you. And the other news is a half-truth. I am joining my hand with Mr. White for a new project but he was the one who came to me for this project. Not me. But...." He halted suddenly.     

"But what Alex...." Avery wanted an explanation as soon as possible. Her heart rate had already increased.     

He swallowed his saliva. "...But the news about marriage is completely false. I was talking to Mr. White about this before you came."     

"What he said."     

"He said he knew nothing about it." He separated himself from her and grabbed her face with both hands. "And you don't have to worry about that."     

"But by now the news must have reached to a lot of people."     

"No! It's only been one and half hour since the news published. And what if anyone knew. It's not like I'm going to marry her. I am already a married man and I'm very happy with my little wife." He said playfully.     

"Yes, you are..." Avery laughed as she spoke. Now she had a bright smile on her face. Her heart became light now. She wrapped both hands around Alex and buried her face in his crook. "I knew the news was not completely true, but still, I was scared." Yes, it was true. Because if she had believed the news, she would have been crying now. Like as usual.     

"Yes, my love." Saying this, he tightened his grip on her waist. Even though the news was false, still he not known who was behind all this scandal. And that's the question Avery asked him.     

"But who is behind all this?"     

" I don't know darling but I will unveil this soon. And I've started it, too. I already called Mr. White. He can come here at any moment."     

"Violet's father." She asked unwrapping both her hands and looked into his eyes.     

"Yes dear", He pulled one hand from her waist and brought it close to her cheek. Pushing some loose strands of her hair behind her ears he said, " he can come here at any moment."     

"Oh! So I have to go now." She got up from his lap that he tightened his grip on her waist and put his hand on her cheek.     

"No need to go now." He started rubbing her cheek.     

Avery became like a drug for him that he had become addicted to. It was very difficult for him to stay without her for a moment. If it was in his hands, he would not have taken her away from himself for a moment.     

"But what if he...."     

"Shuu....." He put his slender finger on her parted lips, "we will see when he comes. Now tell me, did you have your lunch?"     

"Yes." She nodded her head. "And you..."     

"I did not. I was dealing with that matter."     

"Then why don't you eat now?"     

" I'm thinking the same thing. And that with....." Just as he was about to speak anymore his cell phone rang. When he picked up his mobile, Ethan's name appeared on the screen.     

When he answered the call, Ethan told him that Mr. White had arrived.     

He asked Ethan to send Mr. White to the office.     

He placed his mobile on the table and looked at Avery. Seeing the stern expression on his face, Avery was about to ask him if everything was okay or not. But suddenly out of blue he put his one hand under her knees. And with another one on her back, Alex took her in his arms and got up from his seat. His sudden stunt caused a gasp to come out of her mouth and she immediately wrapped her arms around his neck.     

"Alex what happened."     


He looked at her smiling. He led her to the closed door in his office. He kicked the door open and took her inside. Avery rolled her eyes and looked around her. She was now in a luxurious bedroom with a small kitchen attached. She had already noticed the door when she first time stepped into his office through which Alex had brought her inside, but she never dared to ask about it.     

Without stopping, he went to the king-size bed which was placed in one part of the large bedroom. He gently placed her on the bed and leaned over her.     

He put his lips on her forehead and kissed her. He then cupped her small face in his big palm and tilted it upwards. "Love, Mr. White has arrived. I have to talk to him. You stay here until our meeting is over and don't have to come out until I come back. Ok." He explained it to her as if he were telling a little kid.     

" Hmm." She also nodded her head. After giving the last kiss on her cheek, he walked away.     

After Alex left, her eyes automatically turned to the kitchen. She got up and went to the kitchen. That little kitchen had almost everything. She went to the refrigerator and opened it.     

And when she saw the white egg in the refrigerator, she unknowingly smiled. She searched all the cans. She found some spices in the kitchen. According to the ingredients she found she decided to make fried rice and egg curry.     

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