My Husband is My Professor and Boss



"Feeling dizzy and weak during pregnancy is normal. But it is not normal to have a very low heart rate or highly fluctuations. And that's what happens in Avery's case and at the same time, her blood pressure is low.     

I am saying once again Low blood pressure is also normal but not in her case. If she is dizzy, it could also be due to low blood pressure. I am telling you this because her heart rate is very low which may create problems in future. You have to take care of all these things. Make sure she sleeps on her left side, which improves blood circulation. Another thing is if she is sitting or on the bed, do not let her stand up straight directly as this may cause her to suddenly feel dizzy.     

Sudden dizziness can also cause her to lose her balance which can cause her to fall down hard which can injure her badly.     

Pay special attention to these things and keep her happy. Don't let her take too much stress as her body is still not completely strong. She is still like a sixteen-year-old girl. I hope you will take care of her."     

She paused for a moment and continued again.     

"I'm saying all this because I know you are not a normal person. Think about her before making any decision.     

Being a doctor, cases like Avery always come to me, but I still can't forget Avery's condition." With that, she got up from her seat and handed the prescription to Alex before leaving.     

Alex picked up the paper and scanned it with his blue eyes. He folded the paper and got up from his chair. After closing the door of the study, he came back to the bedroom.     

Seeing that his wife was now sitting on the bed, his face lit up and he took long steps to reach her.     

Sarah was already sitting on one side of her, so Alex sat on the other side. And wrapped her arms around her waist.     

"How do you feeling now?" He leaned his head down until his lips brushed against her forehead.     

Avery felt awkward seeing Alex's intimacy in front of her mother. Not only that, but her brother was also present. Even though she felt awkward, she was a little used to all of this now because Alex never thought about where they are to show his affection and who their surroundings were until Avery was safe.     

"I'm fine now." She answered in a soft voice.     

"That's good." He rubbed her shoulder and kissed her on the forehead. Then he looked at Mrs. Miller and said, "It's already late. Let's have lunch first and then I'll drop you off."     

Hearing this Sarah answered right away, "You don't have to bother. I am well aware of this city and I know my cousin's home address very well. We can go there easily." Although Sarah had not been to the city many times or not visited her cousin's house many times, she was aware of everything.     

"I'm not bothering myself. I'm just doing my duty. I am married to your daughter so I must protect her and her safety is my first priority. And being my wife's mother, you are like my mother. And don't worry, no one will know that I dropped you."     

It was the sole reason why Sarah didn't want Alex to drop them off. Because if someone had seen and recognized him, the problem would have been created and some misunderstanding would have been developed.     

Alex very well knew her fears and that's why he reassured her in advance.     


Suddenly the car stopped in a deserted place and Avery's courier eyes moved throughout the area. There was already a car in the area and that was a cab. She turned her head, and before she could ask Alex anything, Alex opened the driver's seat door and he got out of the car. Avery felt his behaviour stranger.     

One of the bodyguards standing there opened the back door of the car at Alex's signal and Mrs. Miller got out of the car with her son.     

Mrs. Miller also wondered about the surroundings.     

Avery was still sitting in the car and was confused when Alex opened the door of her side and gently grabbing her arm pulled her out of the car. Before she could say anything, he closed the car door with freehand. Blocked Avery from everyone's eyes, he pinned her to the car door, without giving her any room for protest very quickly captured her lips in his.     

He quickly placed one hand on the back of her head and other rolled around her waist. Her sudden and unexpected action widened her eyeballs and made her body tremble. At that moment, the only thought that came to her mind was about her mother, which was immediately shut down in the small corner of her head by Alex's deep kiss.     

The people present there could only see Alex's back but they knew what he was doing. They didn't even dare look at Alex's back and they all lowered their heads. But there was a pair of big eyes that were still curiously looking at Alex and those were Liam's eyes. The question in his little head was why Alex was hiding his sister. And he asked his mother who was looking to the other direction, "Little Liam want to know why Alex covered Avery."     

His voice was more than enough to reach the bodyguards' ears and their straight lips curved into a smile.     

After tasting Avery's sweet mouth, Alex broke the kiss but Avery was still trembling like she was standing in the ice room. He removed his hand from her head and brought it closer to her face. After wiping her wet lips with his rough thumb, he cupped her face with the same hand and placed his forehead on her forehead.     

After staying in the same position for two long minutes, he pulled himself away from her. After removing his warm hand from her cheek, he placed the same hand on the nape of her neck and pulled her towards him and buried her head in his chest.     

He twisted his body tightening his grip on her waist causing his back to lean against the car. He placed his chin on her head and hugged her close to his heart. Holding her thin waist with one hand he started stroking his other hand on her small back.     

After some time when he felt that her breathing process had returned to normal and her body had stopped trembling, he let go of his grip on her delicate and small body and grabbed her shoulders and pulled her away from his mighty body. Even though Avery's body had stopped trembling, her heartbeat was at its highest point.     

"Are you ready to go?" He gently squeezed her shoulders and she replied, nodding her head up and down. Her response was positive. Alex took a deep breath looking up at the sky and pressed his lips to her forehead. He kissed her on the forehead and then cupped her face. He tilted her face upwards, "You will take care of yourself." He whispered in his muscular voice and looked at Mrs. Miller.     

"I hope you will take care of Avery."     

"I will, Mr. Hill. And you don't have to tell me that because Avery is not only your wife but also my daughter." She answered Alex in a sarcastic tone. She was grateful that Alex was very protective towards her daughter but she was irritated to see his over-protective nature. After all, Avery was her daughter and she knew very well how to take care of her children. And how can he tell a mother to take care of her own daughter?     

"But still...."     

"Alex," Before Alex could say anything more to Mrs. Miller, Avery put her hand on his chest and fisted his shirt.     

"She is a mature woman and my mother." This one sentence was enough to hit the main point in Alex's head.     

Avery had not seen her mother's facial expression but she had noticed from her mother's tone that her mother was not happy with Alex's comment.     

"Okay." He said and took her to the cab standing there. He motioned for his man to put the luggage in the cab.     

"He is my man Sebastian, not the cab driver. But he will take you to your cousin's house as a cab driver. He will be there anytime if you need any help. You just have to call him. And I have already saved his number on Avery's mobile." He said to Mrs. Miller and asked her to get in the car.     

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