My Husband is My Professor and Boss



Max, on the other hand, was talking on the phone but he had full attention on the car. When he saw Emily running towards Noah, he wondered what had happened to her. He went to Raina, who had just gotten out of the car. He put his hand on her shoulder, pulled her towards him and asked. "Princess, What happened to Emily. Why did she run like that?"     

"She missed Noah brother so much. She couldn't control herself after seeing him."     

"And what about you. Don't you missed me?" He put his hand on her cheek and started rubbing her cheek with his thumb.     

For a moment she stared at him without saying a word. She then wrapped both her hands around his waist and pressed her face to his chest.     

"I think you've got your answer now." Her words caused Max's lips to curl upwards. He wrapped his arms around her and tightened his grip.     

He tilted his head down and kissed her temple. He pulled his hand from her waist and placed it on her head and started rubbing her scalp. The two stayed in the same position for a long time in each other's arms.     

Raina was still in Max's arms when Noah took Emily towards them. "Ahem..." Noah cleared his throat to get their attention. As soon as Raina heard the sound, she pulled herself out of Max's arms.     

"I think we should leave now."     

"Hmph." Max nodded his head and at the same time, they took Raina and Emily with them to different cars. After putting Raina on the passenger seat, Max sat on the diver's seat and left.     

A few moments later Max stopped the car on the side of the road. At that moment Raina asked him why the car stopped in the middle.      

"Just a minute." He pulled a black stripe out of his pocket and tied over her eyes. She was confused when and asked him "why."     

He replied very boldly that, "there is a surprise for you." When she heard that, her thoughts went to her brother. She thought somewhere that Max was taking her to visit her brother. Because today was the day her brother was going to have a checkup. Max started his car again and stopped after about two hours.     

By the time they reached their destination, the sun had set and darkness had fallen all over.     

Max slipped off the driver's seat and came to the passenger seat. He opened the car door. "Did we arrive?" She asked when she heard the sound of the car door opening and felt Max presence near to her. She started waving her hand in the air to reach him.     

He quickly held her small and soft hand in his. He took her hand close to his lips and kissed her sweetly on the palm. "Yes, princesses. We have reached our destination. Come." He said and helped her get out of the car by placing one hand on her back and the other hand on hers.     

When she landed on the ground, he told her to take off her flat sandals. She did as he was told, and she was surprised. "What is this under my feet. It is very soft." Max wrapped both his arms around her waist and hugged her from behind. He buried his face in her crook and sniffed the sweet smell of her body. "I already told you that there is a surprise for you." She tilted her head back and rested the back of her head on his shoulder.     

" I'm in a hurry to see." As she tilted her head back, her slender neck caught his eye and the devil inside his woke up.     

He immediately turned her around and grabbed her hair with his fists. He pulled her hair down and brought her neck before his eyes. His eyes narrowed at the sight of her slender neck. Raina had no idea what had happened to him. And before she could ask anything, Max attacked her neck with his lips. He started kissing her neck.     

"Max..." She moaned and immediately clinched his shirt in her fist. Max kissed very deep on her neck and literally he bit her neck and she hisses in pain. "Ahhh Max it's hurt. Please stop." As soon as he heard this, he stopped kissing her and licked the place where he had bitten once before moving his face away from her neck.     

He held her close to his chest and hugged her tight. "I'm sorry. I had lost my control."     

After hugging her, he led her to the same soft path. After a while, he stopped her and walked away from her.     

"Remove the blindfold from your eyes and open your eyes slowly." He commanded her from a short distance. She did as he was told. And when she opened her eyes, there was only darkness around her. She didn't see Max's traces there. She panicked. "Max where are...." And with that came the sound of fireworks in the black sky before her question was completed. When she looked up, there were fireworks all over the sky.     

Before she could think of anything, the fireworks displayed in the black sky, "Marry me. Be my woman for this and upcoming lives."     

Her eyes widened at the sight in front of her. She put her hands on her mouth open in surprise. She didn't know exactly what was going on. Her brain stopped working for a moment.     

'Is what I'm looking at really true?' The thought came to her head. She rubbed her eyes. She blinked her eyes many times. But still, it was the same in front of her.     

Now she knew that what she was seeing was true. But she did not know how to react. She just kept looking at that fireworks.     

The heavy sound of fireworks brought her out of her daze.     

"Max." She called his name and looked around. But she did not see him anywhere in the darkness.     

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